Due towards end of January 2009

Happy Birthday Beltane!! :)

Dragonfly - My bump is bigger than yours is, but i'm measuring 28 weeks, so off for a growth scan to see whats going on, because at my 20 week scan i was measuring further ahead.

Helen - Deffo mention to the midwife about the fainting etc, i dont think its normal... maybe your getting anemic?

Michelle - Glad your blood pressure has gone down, i wish mine would play nice and go down, no such luck so far :(

Biscuit - Bargain with the fridge, that was a fab price :) Looking forward to hearing all about the orgasmic birth.

Ok, so now the nursery is fully kitted out with furniture :) Its so exciting, i've put everything away and hung up all lil boo's outfits too :) Just need to get the last few bits for the room and we shall be all done with it :)

It went from....



Mid way - excuse my penguin pj's there just so comfy lol and my SIL helping too :)








Then with the furniture :)




With the crib and moses basket in there too, aswell as the pram :)



Hope you all like :)
Is anyone else as big as me??

i'm about the same siz as you hun.
you look great very cute ump there.
sorry your having shitty time of it, it won't last i promise, hormones make everything feel worse than they actually are.

my mil has been contradicting everything i say lately, she's just bought me some baby towels and they are really cheap rubbish lol so i said oooo thanks, and she said i don't like your towels i like thin ones you'll drop the baby if you use you thick ones lol.
i nearly bit my lip in two lol, i'm just not going to let her get ot me and i blow my top, i just think oh well
:rofl::rofl: what ever minger :rofl::rofl:xxx
i'm just not going to let her get ot me and i blow my top, i just think oh well
:rofl::rofl: what ever minger :rofl::rofl:xxx

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: love it!!! I felt a bit funny yesterday when we were out - think it's because it was quite hot yesterday. Didn't feel like I was going to faint but felt a bit weak. Could be to do with blood sugar levels if it's not bp maybe? Hope your appointment goes well.

biscuit - don't know how much of a bargain your fridge / freezer was but it sounds great. I can't wait to get buying things!!! x

Where's Jaylene disappeared off to? Come back Jaylene!

Dragonfly, hope you make it to your scan on Tuesday :hugs: you've got a fantastic reward waiting there for you if you can make it xxx My bump is about the same size as yours I think but I've got more fat on me!!!

Laura, your nursery is amazing. Has your LO got 3 beds? So glad Chicken can't see what everyone else has go :rofl: He's probably not getting one for at least a year or so.

I've exchanged mobile numbers with LuluBee so I'll text her tomorrow and see how she is (if she's not been on in the meantime) so let me know if you want me to pass on any messages.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Laura: your room is fab, you made a great job of it,
bubbas room has a bag of cement a circular saw thing and oxes of tools drills and a tumble dryer, so i'm way off finishing haha.
where you get the furniture from? its gorgeous.

Elm: tell lulu we all thinking of her and pip.
Laura - the nursery looks great. Can't believe you have 3 different beds for your bub, we don't even have one yet.

So, the Orgasmic Birth film was really good! Well worth seeing if you get the chance. It was basically about giving birth naturally in a calm and comfortable environment with as little intervention as possible. They presented quite a few different birth stories, mostly natural home births and a few hospital for contrast. It highlighted the dangers of the medicalization of birth and the overuse of intervention and medication. One woman was persuaded very quickly to have an epidural, which in itself looked horrific, and then because she couldn't feel anything her hormones stopped working properly and her body couldn't give birth properly so they had to use the vacum and it didn't work the first time! It all looked so scary and exactly like I don't want my birth to be. The ladies at home or in birth centres did everything in their own time, they were up and about for most of the labour and even the midwife did very little to interfere. It was so amazing an beautiful and left me feeling like I am so able to do this thing. My body was designed to do it and I just need to stay calm and let it happen. The film also talked a lot about the sexuality and spirituality of birth. The hormones we produce during labour and birth when we are not scared are the same as the hormones we produce during sex but in much higher levels! One woman actually did have and orgasm while in labour but I reckon that is pretty rare.

Anyway, must get to work now so I'll maybe write more about it later.
ORGASMS in labour oh wow wippy do daaaa

how fab lol, how on earth can that happen, i don't feel like rudeys now let alone giving birth.

natural calm birth is what i want and i think when i gave birth to rosie i was so tired and out of it it was nothing but calm, 10 mins after giving birth i was snoring apparently lol

i suppose its like thhat hypnobirthing experience.

i have been thinking bout getting me one of those ipods and playing soothing music, i play piano so might get some piano music]
Thanks Girlies, we both love it, oh keeps going in there and just getting used to the fact there is babys stuff everywhere lo... he keeps coming in and saying isn't little boo's room so cute.

He has got 3 beds, there is a amethod behind my madness lol. I'm having the moses basket downstairs to start off with, that way i can have him downstairs all the time aswell as changing things etc. The crib will be going into our room, we were just going to have the moses basket but it bubs outgrows that then we'd have to move the cot in which we didn't really want to do.

Helen - I got the furniture from ebay... was a local auction which i messaged for a buy it now price and he said £160.... bargain so that was that, i went for that one as i prefered it and thought it really complimented the room. Its by the east coast nursery company and is so heavy and solid, we know its going to last... plus with the cot going to a bed aswell its a absolute bonus for us. The crib was another bargain off ebay, paid £10 for that and went and collected it on saturday too... it had never been used either so that was ideal :)

We've added up what everything furniture wise in the nursery cost (all of the co-ordinating things aswell) and it came to just over £230. Not bad really :)

Hope everyone else is keeping well... and pass on my best wishes to lulu aswell and tell her i'm thinking of her :)

Laura your nursery looks gorgeous and I can't believe the bargains you've got from ebay, the furniture looks pretty much exactly the same as the sets we like and we've been looking at paying well over £1000 for a set!
Hope you're all good ladies, I'm sorry i feel like I'm playing very bad catch up at the moment. I'm only allowed to spend a certain amount of time sitting up so my reading and messaging has to be quick or I get told off! I spent most of the day yesterday back in hospital as I was worried I'd got an infection, I was all tender and itchy down below. The hospital were great, they gave me a private room while I waited to see the doctor and kpet topping me up with food and hot drinks during the day. Everyone there has been so nice I'm actually quite looking forward to the birth now. But anyways back to the reason I was there, they took some swabs and did some rather icky examinations and said that everything looked fine but that I've got a mild urine infection so have been dosed up with antibiotics, and given a pessary and some cream just in case I've got a mild dose of thrush. Good news was the stitches all seemed to be holding well and healing nicely. :happydance: I have my consultant appointment on wednesday so will know more then.

Thanks again for all your kind thoughts, I hope I'll soon be able to be back chatting again properly :hugs: :hugs: xxxxxxxx
Hey ladies,

Sorry :blush: I have been a bad buddy and did not come onto this thread all weekend. :blush:

However, having caught up a little I must say that Laura has a pretty fantastic nursery!!!

Biscuit - I second helen's thoughts :rofl:

What is everyones birthing plan/thoughts? As some of you know we hired a Doula to guide us through the experience and help me cope in a natural way....so far still on the All Natural train. I am going to try and stay at home as long as possible, as our hospitals send us home if we are not "ready". I am also working until I burst, so I may just pop here :rofl:

How was everyones weekend? Now that I have made it to viable I am an emotional wreck.

Hope all is well.
No need to feel bad Lulu, we know you care and cannot wait until you are back on your feet!!

my love to all of you!
Thanks lulu and Jaylene :)

Had a few more bits turn up today, and i've been buying a few more outfits for him too lol.... oh will go mad when he comes home lol.

Jaylene - When it comes to the birth i want to go as natural as possible, my reason being is i would rather be out of hospital and back at home as soon as i can... dont like hospitals at the best of times but i also think i will be more relaxed too. The hospital i'm going to send you home after 4 hours aslong as everything is fine with both mum and baby.

Glad your ok lulu, keep rsting and i hope everything goes well with your next consultant appointment :)

Went to pizza hut for lunch with james, for anyone who likes it get the voucher out of the voucher section on here, we both ate for £7 lol. Then i dropped him back off at work and went shopping lol, big mistake... i will get round to taking pics of all his clothes, i have a massive list of what i have in each age etc, but i can't help but feel he needs more lol. Noe feeling a bit sicky, keep getting migraines and the only way i can get rid of them and feelng ill is to sleep, james will be home in an hour form work so i'm gonna try get a quick nap in soon lol.

How has everyone elses day been?

hiya's all.
glad your doing fine lulu, keep doing what the docs tell you i'm sure your going to be fine.

good news had letter of apology from mothercare and £15 vouchers, so they'll go towards my rocking chair.

had my 24 week midwife appt, not too sure if i like this one, my other midwife has left to goto another practice. she had a cold so it felt like she was hurrying me along, i had ketones in my water she said you prob didnt drink enough today, but with me fainting and feling faint thought she might of inspected it deeper with more blood test dunno.. other wise everything was fine heard his heartbeat etc. so she basically did the basics, didn't ask me if i had any questions, but i asked her what breast feeding groups they do. she said we'll chat about that later. i nearly said if i've not changed my mind by 5 wks time lol. walked round to the childrens centre next door though and had a good chat with the receptionist there, she were better than my midwife hmmmm we'll see.

i love bargains from ebay laura, i've had brand new mama's papa's curtains and cot valance saved best part of £100 already yay.... i want matching cot, drawers and wardrobe seen a set in argos i like.
Helen - If i was you i would of got really sarcy with the midwife... i'm lucky that mine is so lovely :)

Get looking on ebay, i know the set your on about and one is on a buy it now near me for £125.... i just typed in nursery furniture and then set the distance to 50 miles.

I have been reading about your ebay bargains, i got my curtains on there brand new in packaging for only £3.... it is amazing what you can get tbh.
Laura - I am the exact same way as you...I am not a fan of hospitals and definitely not a fan of medication! I think we get to stay over night, but then they boot us out real fast....it is not by choice, moreso because they do not have the time or room.

Helen - Sorry about your stupid midwife!!

My day is going. So preoccupied with everything baby that i am not to focused at work.

hope all is well!!
whoa....and i just noticed that i am 11 days away form being in double digits!!!!!!
the next time i see my midwife if she's acting as though she's bored i'm swapping to the other one that works there, i suppose there's only so much she can talk to me about at this stage but the other one i had was asking me bout my family and all sorts, we at talking about persian cats for half hour. she just wasnt very chatty maybe it was because he was bunged up with a cold dunno
Came one to see if LuluBee's been on and she has - lovely to hear from you. So glad your stitches are healing nicely, sounds like you're well protected against infection now xxx Hope it goes well with your consultant on Wednesday. You need a laptop in bed so we can entertain you!

Laura - we've got that voucher too - hoping to go this week, my DP has IBS and his stomach is bad at the moment so once he can eat properly we'll be off to Pizza Hut! Can see why you'll be needing 3 beds. I'm thinking of getting something to put LO in if it's absolutely necessary - not sure what though, it'd only be for a few minutes. Will seek inspiration on ebay after all your bargains!

Jaylene - you're forgiven for abandoning us :rofl: but not for being 11 days from double figures, can you make it a couple of weeks at least?!

Helen, don't you get ketones if you don't eat - think they indicate low blood sugar which has got nothing to do with how much you drink. I had them at the appointment before my last one and the mw knew that I hadn't had any lunch because I'd got them, I'd drunk loads - had to ask her if it mattered if my urine sample wasn't very strong because it looked like water!!! I'd make an appointment with your dr if you feel faint again. Glad you got your apology from Mothercare, £15 is a bit pathetic when you could have sued them for thousands if you'd been hurt but it's good they apologised!

I think my bump is growing. Haven't taken a photo this week, will get it sorted. I'm sleeping so much better now I'm not worried about sleeping on my back. We got a couple of Huggies Mum & Baby Bundles over the weekend, if you've got a Nectar card you can print off a voucher and get it free from Sainsburys when you buy a pack of nappies, it's got a changing mat, some bootees, shower gel etc in and it's FREE!!! We both got a card so we could get one each! We also did the Boots Advantage card one and got a free changing bag when we bought some nappies so we've got a few nappies now too.

:hugs: xxx
Laura, your nursery is absoloutely gorgeous! Well done to you and OH!

Your midwife sounds like my first one , helen. I have a lovely one now, thankfully.

Glad to see you more chirpy and rested, Lulubeexx

I know what you mean about work, Jaylene. I'm exactly the same - cannot keep focussed xx
can't remember if i posted on here or not!! i'm due 28th jan or beginning of feb if i run late like i did with Ewan!
hiya hyponorm not sure if you posted or not but more the merrier, hope your pregnancy is going well.

i thought £15 was a tad weak lol but never mind lol better than a kick in the teeth and if you hadnt prompt me to write i'd had naff all lol.

i have to get my necter card out see what i can get free i like freebies i signed up to hipp online and got a free spoon lol and cow n gate sent me a cuddly cow through the post lol that was cute.

my midwife'sgot one last chance, i read up on ketones,i'll have to eat more often as soon as i got my kitchen back i'm going to make some snacks up to keep my sugar levels up. i had organis tomato soup and whole meal cob for dinner so don't know why it came up cos i had 2 helpings lol
Hi hypnorm - just added you to the front page, welcome! How's everything going? What team are you on?

https://www.babyandbump.com/freebies/ the Nectar card one is there somewhere Helen, you just have to print the voucher off and take it to Sainsburys. There's an Actimel one too where you get a free polar bear (I registered my mum too so we've got two!).

That's strange that you had ketones after eating those Helen, maybe the food didn't get to your urine quickly enough?!


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