Due towards end of January 2009

am i offically third trimester today? I dont feel right going in unless i am official :) lol

them slippers are cool helen! i got a robe and some cute slippers off ebay a while ago for baby to, speaking of which baby has been kicking me like mental for 2 days now.
Hi Girls. Just popping quickly to say hello. Seems all the talk is about disposable undies and spooky houses.

If you are all officially in 3rd trimester now I guess that means I am too, now that is scary! I am starting to feel pretty big and having a hard time sleeping at night. I must get around to sending my family some pictures and video, they still haven't even seen me pregnant.

Not much to report here, still just getting the new house sorted out and trying to find some spare time to enjoy it.

Hope you all are well and hopefully I will get back online more often once I am more settled.
OH has morning sickness again lol thats all thats happened so far haha
Hiya, Hope you've all had a good weekend. Glad you're getting your house sorted Biscuit. I'm still a couple of days short of officially joining third trimester :(

But am excited we got our Parentcraft Class appointment through today, it's on the 15th November. My sister will be on the same one so it will be a family affair - although we have horrid images of our husbands behaving like naughty teenagers at the back of the class! Might have to separate them! Have also been booked on a breastfeeding course on 27th November - has anyone had their classes yet / know what to expect from these?
I had a lovely suprise this morning I got a book delivered from Amazon "The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding" a girl I knew at school and haven't seen for years heard through one of our friends that I was having a tough time and sent me it. It really made my day :)
I wont be able to go to them as i have no tranport to them but they offered to come to my house! thought that was a bit weird but i would fee more comfortable at home. You only have today and tomorrow you are in 3rd trimester : )It is official when you hit 26 weeks, i cant wait till my box moves up so i can be properly official. Wont feel it till then.
Thanks honey, you should get them come to your house, you'll have a class all to yourself then as well so can make sure you get all your questions in! I've just left a message with my midwife to try and arrange for my appointment next week to be a home visit, I'm resenting having to fork out £10 in taxi fayre everytime I want to go to the doctors and £30 when I have a hospital appointment - especially as there are so many of them!
oh god! thats loads. I dont do taxis but its about the same fairs nearly to get to mine. would cost me £20 to get there and back and i dont do buses as i throw up sometimes in cars and buses. I change mine about so my dad can take me but dont want him waiting about for me to finish in a class. Appointments he will wait for. Will get them to the house. They made a late one for me next time 6.30 so i could get there, suits me !

i got the paint for the nursary! and about to get the gloss as the doors look terrible! used to be my sisters room as she has dirty all over it, so all needs re done. I tried my best to get some off but i cant get down with my bump in the way.

i have a sore stomach i think i have trapped wind :( I hope its that anyway :( been farting alot recently and its like a gas chember around me lol
hi everyone.
had a poop day today in fact i rang mw for her to see me as i feel totally shattered. could of killed craig sat nite he said he'd be home just after midnight, then 1:30am i thought ring him, said he wouldnt be long, 2:30am rang again was at his mates had taxi on the way.. i said hurry up cos i was waiting for the front door to go all the time. 6:05 am i was still awake. he comes tumbling in i went mad cos he stunk of lager and was trying to get in the bed pulling the covers everywhere, i was not in a good mood as you can imagine. so told him to kip somewhere else. then he fell out of bed, and i was sooooo angry i hit him with the pillow lol we had a huge row, but he was so bladdered he couldnt even see straight. he got in rosies bed cos she werent here.
i got him up at 11am made him plumb in the washer, go shopping and get kitchen blinds lol. felt bit bad as i scratched his face with the pillow zip lol.
the first ime he goes out since we had a row the last time bout going out on extreme nite outs and he goes over the top grrrr, he won't be doing that in a longtime.

so not surprised i'm tired mw said lack of sleep and the stress at work isnt affecting baby blood pressure fine and i'm measuring spot on so that good at least.
rosie had a routine hosp appt today she has them 6 months now her epilepsy is drying up. but she keeps seeing stars and getting migraines 1-2 times a week and as to lie in the dark. its been going on about 3 months, i assumed it was because she sit nose to the lap top too much, but the doc checked her over and she says there's something at the back of her left eye thats not right. so she wants to do a mri to be on the safe side. great thats all i need now. not going to dwell on it. she said not to worry its not urgent and could just be a vessel. bloody kids eh who'd have em lol
told her to lay off cheese and chocolate lol, that'll be worse than getting er homework in on time haha.
also got her the last pair of ghd hair straightners in the shop, the limited edition pink ones, it was the top of her xmas list so she'll be chuffed crimbo day...

we start parentcraft 27th nov lol, craig will be at the back white as a sheet quiet as a mouse he hates hospitals has a proper phobia. hope it will loosen him up a bit.
Hey all - helen, hope Rosie's eye is soon sorted out - do you now when the MRI scan is?

I am sooooo stressed - our school has OFSTED on Thursday and Friday this week, and as a result have been snowed under with things that 'must be done' at work...prob is, by the time i get in and get my sonn sorted...dinner, bath, homework, play and bed....i am exhauted! Really going to struggle o have everything perfect for Thurs!!!!
helen I would have killed him! I oh done that once on me and he dosnt even drink but left me all xmas and was out drinking and pissing me about last year and I threw him out. I went mental. Hasnt done it again since! I cant deal with drunk poeple at all it does my nut in. One of my exs was an alcholic and the very smell of it makes me ill. I do fancy a drink after all this though!

well i found out that "virtually odour free" paint is bloody not as my house smells of a mixture of feet,old pants and cheese! YUK! am i hell doing the rest of the doors in that gloss. god knows how i will last with the normal paint as my asthma dosnt like paint at all! hopefully someone will come rescue me before I choke to daeth! if thats what odourless paint done to me earlier i wouldnt like the proper stuff.

i just ate a big greasy bacon sarnie! oh the heartburn!
i was up 5am flipping heartburn grrrrr...
cheesy pants errrrr thats minging lol

havent got an appt for rosies scan yet, will come through the post. she's had one before but that was a routine one, this one's a bit more serious, i play it down alot so not to worry her but i am worried masses in the back of the eye can mean tumours and unthinkable horrid things so i dont think about that side, she's been getting alot of headaches and migraines so i'm, hoping it is just a blood vessel. feel a bit bad cos i keep telling her to stop moaning.

i can't be doing with drunk people either, and stale lager breath reeks he won't be doing it again the thing is we don't go out drinking like that nevwer have we go for meals or stay in and have a few. i told him he cant keep up with his mates that do it alot, so i said just don't even ask if you can so it again, you don't need to go on 12 hr benders to have a good time. it was a one off but a selfish one off in my opinion.

i text elm last nite make sure she was ok not seen her for a few days, her charger has broke to her lap top and she'll be back shortly.
I was awake loads with heartburn before I threw up without effort this moring because of it.
its cool when I wake and go back to bed as baby kicks the crap out of OH when I have my belly against him. Love to know what it felt from his end but so glad he can feel it.
wooo hooo i moved up a box wahey fart baby boxes,
omg thats so scary eeeek
hhah i re-read that a few times wondering why you said fart! pmsl!

then reminded myself that I must maybe see a doc as i am very very smelly and cant stop farting at night, so much so i have to go outside the room fart and come back in. Ithink something crawled up my bum and died! :O OH is choking to death at night and not impressed lol

had a bad start to today!
neighbours burgeler alarm for t he second day in a row went off for over an hour while i was snoring away so my hormones where raging this morning and i was ready to kill as i cant escape the noise! if i find out which house it is here i am marching out in night robe screaming in the morning i dont care if i have to stop half way throw up and go on again.
then the dog ate my breakfast! my dogs dont normally do this they would stare at a plate until you give it to them but oh no! bruce the stupid one ate all my toast when i was in the loo! cheeky bugger!
then i loked at my account to pay rent and BT had hacked loads of money out for the second time in a month so i flipped as my rent is now gone! i changed to talk talk instead they charge nothig compaired to what BT where charging me for nothig! i will phone bt in friday as i am sure i have been over charged after they give me my tranfer code. I dont need to look at my account when baby is born and find i have no money for food over B fecking T!

ok nothing else bad better happen today! well i could get kicked out as my rent is a few weeks late and i did have it if it where not for bloody BT!
I'm Surrounded by ill people! Ewan has a cold, Chest infection and also hand foot and mouth virus. so he is spotty and snotty!
OH has a cold too.. so what with Ewan coughing, OH Coughing and snoring... didnt get much sleep.. then every time i got up to sort ewan i needed the loo!!
OH away on work tonight so might get a better sleep....
Oh no! Hope everyone feels better soon. Dragonfly I know what you mean about money, I lie awake at night wondering how the hell we are going to manage once I go down to my maternity pay. Matt's a financial consultant and used to get big bonuses which we had planned to use to cover everything, but with the economy the way it is they've all dried up and we'll be lucky to manage to pay the bills :hissy:
Helen hope everythings ok with Rosie, my cousin had a build up of pressure behind her eye that gave her headaches and funny vision, they had to drain some liquid from her spne - it wasn't very pleasant for her but she was right as rain afterwards :hugs: know it must be a huge worry for you xx
wouldnt be so bad if people didnt think my bank account was their own piggie bank like BT but have cancelled all direct debits with them now hey aint getting anymore. I can cope on what I have believe it or not even though I dont work and will do with a baby to but cant with bank account dippers. they should not be allowed to take what they want they should warn you first! its like trusting them with my details and them riping me off. pissed about the rent though as thats the most important thing! dont care about anyting else its the roof over my head i need.

have calmed down and now have a sore back and am raelly tired after the rude awakeing i had this morning. Feel like bed is calling again. And its lashing here. I would love a massage! I oubt OH will do me one.
:wave: hello everyone :hugs: sorry I've not been around for ages, missed you all xxx

Just read pages and pages on here! Hope you're all ok xxx

Won't be back on properly til my charger arrives from Hong Kong (!) will probably be ages! Will try and keep popping in when I can though.

Hope Rosie is ok Helen and it doesn't take to long to get the MRI scan date through :hugs: thanks again for the text. I want to see the '£10' boots :) I don't think it's too late to start a journal at all :hugs:

Hope everyone keeps their hands off your money dragonfly - you need some mouse traps in there!

Oh, mouse rat returned the little git! Thought he'd gone off to live somewhere else! We're going to get the boatyard manager on the case. SCARY!!! Just pressed some random buttons in error and the computer started singing what I'd typed.....

Got lots of lovely wool to keep me amused while I can't get my b&b nightly fix. Will have loads of knitted pics to post soon!!! xxx

Good to see you back Elm was worried about you.

i ran out of free calls and texts on my mobile and i have paniced i cant get to a shop to top up! eeek! have ahouse phone but you know i hate being without mobile even if i only use it to annoy my mum lol

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