Due towards end of January 2009

i got the black one Elm thought it'd go with anything then, its lovely cosy but light as well and folds down to nothing, melbo gave me the idea, just need me sling now, one with no buckles pref and esay to put on as well, so will have a shop about.

BABYD: i've got a child and they letting me go i'd put my foot down what a load of crap, its not just about you its your oh aswell like you say, i'd be writing letters and spitting feathers at them on the phone too i've never heard anything so absurd. nhs is nhs regardless of area so wy let us in the west midlands and not in other places. it makes life easier as well for them if we are more equipped as to whats going to happen. grrrrr give me their phone number lol i'll tell em. what with work etc. i got no fuse let alone a short one lol
i got the black one Elm thought it'd go with anything then, its lovely cosy but light as well and folds down to nothing, melbo gave me the idea, just need me sling now, one with no buckles pref and esay to put on as well, so will have a shop about.

BABYD: i've got a child and they letting me go i'd put my foot down what a load of crap, its not just about you its your oh aswell like you say, i'd be writing letters and spitting feathers at them on the phone too i've never heard anything so absurd. nhs is nhs regardless of area so wy let us in the west midlands and not in other places. it makes life easier as well for them if we are more equipped as to whats going to happen. grrrrr give me their phone number lol i'll tell em. what with work etc. i got no fuse let alone a short one lol

HAHA! Thanks hun - i really am tempted to let you lose on them.....grr.... i really do want to go...no fair! Might mention it to midwife again tomorrow....
rosie found some baby photo's lol, i cant believe how much they change month to month.
i know i'm going to take so many photo's of this one.
rosie had hardly any hair when she were little can't believe its so thick and curly but like me has the need to straighten it out lol


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and now lol such a poser lol


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She is very pretty.

TMI but i have constipiation and it hurts :( and nothing to help it as the OJ off the milk man will make me gassy and kill Darren and all the pets in the house with smell.
Rosie is a very pretty girl Helen, who can blame her for posing with a face like that.

Can't believe some of you guys are being refused antenatal classes! That's awful! I would really kick up stink about that.

We have had an absolutely glorious weekend weather wise. Sunny blue skies, perfect temperature and everything smells all summery. Spoke to my mum and dad on Saturday night and the poor things have had their first taste of snow for the season already! I do miss the snow, we get a winter over here but not the kind that makes you want to curl up on the sofa with a hot chocolate and Christmas is just not the same.

I am sooooo tired. Had a very relaxing weekend really but having a lot of trouble sleeping recently and tend to wake up more tired than I was when I went to bed. Getting really fed up of working and feeling busy all the time. I feel like the baby is going to arrive before I have had any spare time to think about it. Wish I could stop work sooner but we need the money so I have to keep going until Christmas.

Baby seems to be getting a lot stronger these days. When she moves now it makes my whole belly jiggle! Very cool to watch and feel. She must be getting big as I can feel her poking me right under my ribs.

Anyway, I am at work so I had better get back to it. Hope you are all sleeping soundly.
Rosie is gorgeous Helen! That's quite a collar in that first photo.... :rofl:!!!

Hope everyone survived your constipation Dragonfly and it's better now :hugs:.

I'm going to stop Mouserat watch in the hope that if I'm not reporting there will be something to report.

Had a right emotional weekend, everything has been getting to me and I've been feeling really down and teary and horrible. My DP has been lovely (he's cleared loads of stuff out today and done some cleaning and been generally lovely). Got really stressed about my car and needing a car seat and it all being hugely complicated and expensive and not being able to get my head around anything. xLaurax has been hugely lovely though (which also made me cry!!!).

Hope this hormonal stage passes really soon. I need some sanity!

Hope you're all doing well :hugs: xxx
Hello biscuit, I was posting when you were! I'm glad it's not really hot here as I'd find that worse that the cold at this size but I keep worrying about slipping over and hurting Chicken when it's icy.

He's been kicking loads today and I've started noticing my stomach move through clothing - it's strange!!

do not mention loos i just ate ice cream with a flake on it, yes a whole one and I am nervous it may want back out the back door as i have no udea where i am storing it all as its not shifting and i am sore. Totally TMI sorry but I am open like that lol

Baby has been making me wobble again today and OH hasnt a chance on seeing it! really peeing me off trying to get him to look at the right time and baby to move for him.

Stomach is stretched to the limit and i look like my belly has changed shape? hope it aint dropped! looks more sticky out for some reason. Like it grew over night.

totally boring day today! have to again annoy oh to get his mate with the van so i can get the junk out of this spare room and the new floor down i am going spare with noting to do. Ok i aint doing the floor but needs done so i can go and look at the room.

My parents got that scum bag in the paper the rapist pedo that beat a women and her dad up all on cam, deserved it! sunday world if you get it there. Showed the cam stills they caught of him and his women battering this other women while they held their child the rapists kid! who does that??? arseholes. They are not nice poeple at all and no one wants them around there as all the do is intimadate people.
They wont look at me however, i tried to stare them out one day to start something but both looked at the ground. so they know if they start on my fam there will be trouble.
Helen - those pictures of Rosie or gorgeous! Is she getting all excited about the baby now? How is your friend who had the baby last week?
Elm - hope your little visitor (I won't mention his name incase I tempt fate!) gets his comeuppence (sp????) soon! Hope you're feeling better about the money situation, it's been freaking me out completely the past few weeks
Biscuit - I'm so so jealous, I want to see some sunshine!
Hope you're feeling better Dragonfly

I had the most lovely weekend. The Museum that I work at (The Herbert in Coventry - was on the news if u live in the Midlands) re-opened this week and I have spent the past 3 years working on it. I couldn't get to the official opening, but Matt took me on Saturday to have a look round. All my team were there and my boss was so lovely, I just had a really nice day.

I did make the mistake of drinking half a pint of lager on Saturday evening though! After seeing all the reports in the news this week Matt convinced me that half a pint wouldn't hurt. I felt like I'd gone out drinking first thing in the morning - it gave me such a headache and made me feel really icky. I don't think Pip likes alcohol!
I wont feel good for a while unfortunatly i havent done from the beginning of being pregnant. I am never doing this again!

woke up with a headache this morning and all sore. I am looking at the amount of weeks left and sick of moaning for that floor to be lifted in nursary as i need somehere to put the baby stuff.

no other news. :(

it's quite ugly but it'll do and it was only £25 yipee. Also got 10 bibs for £3 O.O and some qt vests and a little baby grow. Primark is so cheap.

Oh and I went to 'PastaHut' yday and was so unimpressed :( I got a carbonara tagliateli and wished i'd of just got a pizza :'( Never again! My garlic bread was yummy though.

Baby is being naughty recently and kicking me really low down and it hurts. Oh well, atleast she's moving about :)
Hello Girlies!!!

Well what a weekend i've had lol... it went from bad to bloody brilliant lol, wierd how things can change over the space of an hour!

Anyway my organisational side kicked in yet again this weekend and i can now confirm i have absolutly everything i need to baby!! woooooo!!!!

Sainsburys had a 1/3 off all baby things, clothes, nappies etc etc so i took advantage of that offer! I think we must of spent about £120 in there but are well stocked up! I also got everything i need for my hospital bag too!! I'll take some pics of everything later on, i just need to show my OH what i bought today and then put it away! Also went to babies'r'us this weekend and got all the healthcare bits and pieces i wanted aswell as a few choice items. Ofcourse i have bought more clothes for my wee little man. OH is fuming at the fact baby has more clothes than both of us put together lol!!

I bought a large jumer for me this weekend as none of mine cover my belly anymore, and this on is so nice and snuggly! Bargain of £5 in Makro!

Oooooo also, i may be starting my maternity leave in 2 weeks, i'll find out wednesday - work owe me loads of holiday and if they can't give me a lump sum of what i'm owed i'm going to be starting it in 2 weeks... feels so early to stop but tbh i will be glad of it.

I went for my 28 week midwife appt last week, had my bloods done and i'm still measuring really big, shes going to see what i am in a couple of weeks and if i'm still big then shes sending me for a growth scan. And baby is now engaging... no wonder my pelvis and hips hurt so much! James is fascinated with watching my belly at night... baby goes so mad and my belly wobbles all over the show lol!

Dragonfly - Sorry to hear your still not feeling any better....

Mandy - I've got a few bits from primark, absolute bargains some of the things, my dads been sending me things once a month and now i have something for every size up to 18 months lol! I've just gotta find somewhere to put all his older stuff now.

Helen - Rosie is a stunner, good on her for posing like that! I love that poncho, i would buy one but i know i would go off wearing something like that very quickly.... i'm hoping if we go out and i need to feed i can express for these times.

Lulu - Glad you got to the museum and sorry to hear you didn't feel too good after having half a lager!

Elm - Didn't mean to upset you lol, i'll pm you this evening when my oh gets home from work with all the info hes managed to find out. Hope someway we can sort it out!! :) I've been so hormonal since about week 20, i burst into tears at the smallest thing, it puzzles my oh sometimes!!

Biscuit - Glad you have nice weather, around here it is bloody freezing.... I just wanna stay in bed lol.

Hope everyone else is well too!! :)

How are you so organised Laura? I wish I could be!

Here's some pictures of our nursery so far, are just waiting for the furniture to be delivered now.


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Pass - Not too sure how i am so organised tbh lol! Until i became pregnant i was the most unorganised person going but now you can't stop me!

The nursery looks gorgeous hun... bet you can't wait to get the furniture in :) xxx
omg i love that lime green theme :) rly unusual too.

+ you guys are far too organised >.< I've still loads to get! not even ordered pram yet. I'd be screwed if she arrived early. don't even have a carseat to take her home in!
love the nursery lulu, we did the first step in clearing the spare room threw 3 bin bags in the skip, just tools and tumble dryer to go, we're getting rid of those into the shed this wknd, then having the room plastered wknd after, and plumber out the radiator on, only got stairs and landing to plaster ad we're all done, apart from the odd bit in the kitchen.

rosies really shy she takes photo's on her phone and puts them on her bebo thing, she's ate pasta and tomato sauce for her tea and craig n i had roast chicken roast potatoes, mash, and veg. i give up lol teens grrrrr worse than toddlers. she actually turned round and said yesterday 'i don't like bread anymore' one of those phases. i'm lucky i get words and not grunts like some of my friends.
babies are great they come ome with a book sayig what to do. i want to know where the teen manual went lol.

my boss werent in today and i got signatures saying i've never been seen using my moby at work before lol, not one person has stood in his defence. i cant wait to see his face when he finds out the horrid little man. i have my grievance about my office door wednesday and my appeal hearing with the big boss on friday.

had my 28 wk appt today i'm measuring two weeks ahead too laura, i'm not worried though i got big with rosie about now and then she went breech till 36 wks and then turned and engaged by 37 wks.
its says on my notes ceph free think that head down and not engaged. had full blood count done as well but they don't usually do those till 34wks at our surgery but cos i'm prone to anameia anyway.
Elm - Didn't mean to upset you lol, i'll pm you this evening when my oh gets home from work with all the info hes managed to find out. Hope someway we can sort it out!! :) I've been so hormonal since about week 20, i burst into tears at the smallest thing, it puzzles my oh sometimes!!

I was being overwhelmed by your loveliness and it made me all teary! Really appreciate you checking the info for me. I found a second hand one on a Smart car forum so I've messaged the man for a price. If you can let me know your findings when you can that'd be great - there's no rush at all for it :hugs: x

Really don't know what to do about my car though - I don't want to spend loads of money on it then not want to drive LO anywhere because I'm scared of crashing and hurting him. My car feels a bit unstable sometimes, it gets blown around when it's windy and I feel like it's going to tip over sometimes when I got round corners too fast.... Then there's my whole scared of fast roads thing.... :dohh:

I'm also really impressed with your level of organisation! Chicken's stuff is all over the place - I've had to leave a load of stuff at my parents that I need to sort in to ages, haven't got a clue how much we've got for newborn / 0-3 months (or anything else come to that....:rofl:)

Mandy - I've got some great Primark deals too, they're great for huge tops and granny pants!!! Think I'll be getting more of them instead of disposable ones after Helen compared them to wearing a shower cap :rofl: Think their scratch mits are really cheap (50p / £1?) we got some a while ago and I'm thinking that they're the sort of thing that disappear quite easily.

Love your nursery LuluBee, especially the giraffes on the curtains - they're lovely! Glad everything went well at your museum and you had a good time. Think you've put me off having the small glass of wine I was debating with myself about having when we go away! Might leave it til Christmas...

Hope everything goes really well with your hearings Helen. Are Rosie's results due back at the end of this week or is it next week? I'm having my bloods done at my 28 week appointment to (for aneamia and anti things) - is that a full blood count or is that something different? Will be interesting what I'm measuring at - so glad they're not measuring my thighs and bottom :rofl:

Hope you're feeling better Dragonfly.

:hug: xxx

(I'm going on holiday in 4 sleeps!!! :happydance:)
Hello ladies x

I had my 28 week check today too, but LO is measring a week and a bit behind! Midwife said it was normal and not to worry but she has always measred on the dot untill today - so i am a little worried? Why would she suddenly stop/slow down her growth? Also asked again about antenatal classes...made my case in a slight rant style! But, still the answer was sorry, i understand your frustration, but NO!!!!

lULU, the nursery really is looking lovely x

Sorry to hear you're still suffering dragonfly x

oh ffs I am such a climbsy bitch now! i go and make cereal, drop the bag of sugar on the floor, bang my bump off the fridge door when opening it and then.....

sit down and throw half the bowl around myself and have to go and get changed and clean up the sofa for it was covered in milk and lucky its leather! come back and its definatly all soggy and it was the last of the box to. :( I am so sick of throwing food around myself! how is that a pregnancy thing though??? i never wa slikethat before no i cant have a top on for more than an hour before there is food down it.

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