Mrs A - Good luck with the GTT test. Not sure about the SPD but I suffered with my back and hips early on in the pregnancy. Im sure it was down to the Osteopath but I also think baby moved position and took the pressure off.
Happy Squash week!!! Although I think this is another one that we get stuck on for a few weeks!
Leelouclaire - I feel your pain with the tiredness... I found week 30 such a struggle. I hope its just a blip and we get some energy.... AND sleep soon x
Febbride - Sorry hun will send you that list! Keep forgetting xxx
Duckytwins - Hope you have managed to have a good nights sleep
Bgd - Hi and welcome! What team are you on and I'll add you on xx Im breaking up the week beforehand but starting to wonder if I can last that long!
Mrs B - YAYYY great news on your section date!!! Do you want me to change you on the front page! First one out of our little/big group to have their baby so far as we know!!! Exciting!!
KatM - Fab news on the growth scan hun!!
I dont think everyone in the UK has a GTT test.
Joygirl - No worries. Hope youre feeling better today xxx
AFM - Ive taken the day off work as yesterday I broke down and cried again under the pressure. I feel so embarassed but Im struggling with the lack of sleep, extra workload and going in at 6am in the morning. Im going in on Sunday to catch up, but the office will be quiet as there wont be anyone in. Hoping this will make me feel better on Monday. Week 30 certainly has been hard going, I thought I'd be struggling at the end... say 36 weeks or so? Please tell me this is a blip! xxx
Hope everyone else is doing OK.
Lots of love xxxx