Early January Mum's

Hi Ladies :hi:

Mommy M - Good luck with the growth scan on Friday got my fingers crossed :hugs: Awwww DD sounds like such a cutie xxx I would just get a few things to tide you over for a couple of days x

Pepsi - Awww that is so cute too! :cloud9: Good luck with your 34 week appointment xxx

Jess - Lovely bumpage! xxx

Jch - I thought you were on my side.... cant believe your mentioning how close we are :haha:

Chatty - Hope youre wrong and baby hasnt flipped the wrong way. I was told to make sure you dont cross your legs and to try and sit with your pelvis tilted forward. Have you got a ball to bounce on?

Ducky - Hope that the heartburn eases up soon.

AFM - House still is going pretty shit so looking like Im going to be spending be here at my stepdads when baby arrives. We're going to look at another house tomorrow and fingers crossed this could be plan b for us xxx Otherwise all good.... cant believe that my next appointment is 36 WEEKS!!! :argh:
I'm not happy sometimes about getting so far but I'd really like to sleep with less discomfort, be able to roll over and stop huffing and puffing from walking up a few stairs... I'm excited for Dec 14th - last day of work.... I'd like to ignore that baby will be coming shortly after.... It's kinda sneaking up...
Jch - Yes Maternity Leave is perfectly acceptable :haha: Anything after then :ignore: :ignore: I think we should be allowed a couple of non pregnant days :haha:
I agree Sambatiki we should defo be allowed non pregnant days lol!

I really really hope you get somewhere with this other house! Got everything crossed for you!

So today marks 24 days left, still not packed my bag, bought my essentials or got organised for Christmas. (considering I will be discharged Christmas eve I need to pull a finger out and sort Christmas out or it wont be happening lol!) I guess eventually I will get round to it but money is always an issues along with mobility but I have noticed the doubled dose of morphine making things a little easier. Along with that I'm feeling a million times better mentally. Just got my fingers crossed baby don't come early lol!!

Do we know who the first lady to go is going to be yet?
Were gonna need to start predictions soon haha
Mrs B - Good to hear that youre in a better place mentally :hugs: I need to put your C-Section date on the front page. Yes we do need to start predictions soon.....
I'm very excited to see who pops first and also to see what colours the yellow bumps turn into! x
Good luck with the house Sambatiki - I hope you find the perfect house very soon! x
Hi girls :hi:

Sam I hope house hunting goes well, it must be so frusturating :(

Yes I'm excited too ! Can't wait to see who pops first!
Who has the earliest due date ??

I feel like I should be prepaired by now, but I'm totally not.
DH and I started child birth classes last night, it's 4 weeks long. So the next 3 Mondays I'm booked. Plus drs appointments and Christmas.
I was going to wait until after Christmas to start packing bags for everyone (baby, me, and DH) amd also start washing baby cloths and blankets.
Does anyone think it's cutting it too close?? Is anyone else waiting too???
I keep thinking.... What if something happens and I'm not prepared !
Hi girls :hi:

Sam I hope house hunting goes well, it must be so frusturating :(

Yes I'm excited too ! Can't wait to see who pops first!
Who has the earliest due date ??

I feel like I should be prepaired by now, but I'm totally not.
DH and I started child birth classes last night, it's 4 weeks long. So the next 3 Mondays I'm booked. Plus drs appointments and Christmas.
I was going to wait until after Christmas to start packing bags for everyone (baby, me, and DH) amd also start washing baby cloths and blankets.
Does anyone think it's cutting it too close?? Is anyone else waiting too???
I keep thinking.... What if something happens and I'm not prepared !

I'm starting to do bits and pieces gradually, over the next few weeks.

I have a few essentials in my hosptial bag which I'll keep adding to between now and Jan and I've done one wash load of baby clothes and blankets. I'll do the rest in the next few weeks too.

I know it's unlikely, but I do have a little niggling feeling that baby might come early and I think I'd like it all done by 38 weeks really :) Just in case! x
Do any of the "yellow bump ladies" have any sense of what they think the gender will be? Maybe we can compare to when we find out?

Also plan to have my bag mostly packed after this weekend - we are staying downtown for my Xmas party - so I will be partially packed from that anyway.

Nursery is coming along.... Not sure where the Xmas gifts for baby will go!
Do any of the "yellow bump ladies" have any sense of what they think the gender will be? Maybe we can compare to when we find out?

Also plan to have my bag mostly packed after this weekend - we are staying downtown for my Xmas party - so I will be partially packed from that anyway.

Nursery is coming along.... Not sure where the Xmas gifts for baby will go!

That's a great idea! Maybe have a bit of a sub list of yellow bumps and predictions so we can see who's right? x
Hiya ladies,

Im a yellow bump and have no idea what Im having but all of my family and friends are saying its going to be a girl. Only 1 person has said a boy so it will be good to see if their right!
Hey Ladies.

I just wanted to give a quick update and see if maybe anyone else is going through this. I went yesterday for my 34 week check up. I am measuring 40 weeks!!! Crazy big. My doctor wants me to have a growth scan at 38 weeks to see how big he looks...that way we can prepare for a c section if needed. I really don't want one, but in the end, of course, will do whatever I need for the baby. I really wanted to be induced at about 38 1/2 weeks (right after Christmas and right before New Years) but the Doctor said he won't intervene before 39 weeks unless medically needed. :cry: I am not sure exactly when my 38 week ultrasound will be since that falls on Christmas Eve and I am sure they are closed...but maybe it will be the end of the week before that and I can talk him into inducing me on the next Friday (28th) since I will be 38 weeks and 5 days. *Wishful thinking* I really want to have him before the 1st of the year. I don't want to pay me insurance deductible all over again for just 3 days into the year! ugh! Maybe he will come just a little early on his own and all this worry will be for nothing?!

Other than that I feel like I am missing all the "little stuff" for the baby. I have all the big stuff...but am getting worried about not having everything ready yet. My baby shower is on Dec 8th...so hopefully I will get what I need there. Anyways I guess that's it. I hope everyone is doing well.
so picked up the convertible car seat that I spent AGES picking out because its measurments, safety ratings and its ERF...Its the Safety 1st Air 65 Complete.....

and ARGH, the Idea was to put it behind the drivers seat as my sons ERF Graco Myride 65 is behind my seat...

When the Air 65 is in rear facing and upright..its great...but for an infant it has to be reclined...and OMG seriously it has to be pretty laying FLAT, we have a large pick up truck with an extrended car and reclining that far back behind MY seat i couldnt get my legs in the car.

STUPID! we tried swopping them around and have got the Graco back behind my seat reclined for the baby, and the Safety 1st in the middle, because even upright it still reclines too far to be behind the drivers seat, and the Graco doesnt fit behind the drivers seat.

POO! talk about stress
I feel your pain, these baby things are a bloody nightmare to work out! I was (playing) getting aquainted with my new pram yesterday afternoon and couldn't for the life of me work out how to remove the car seat/pram adapters from the bottom of my car seat ... I got so frustrated I started crying :embarrassing: turns out it was a simple case of pressing wrong button. Oooppps!

Life in the circus household was pretty quiet yesterday - no builders on as they miscalculated the amount of mosaic tiles we needed for the bathroom. The mosaics take 2-3 days on order and the guys can't proceed until they're here. The bathroom saga is now running around 4 days late and should have been finished by now HENSE we have the decorators arriving this morning to decorate the kitchen and hall, stairs and landings :-s. it's all getting a bit too much now!

I had a rebellious moment last night .... I was tired and achy, my hubby is away to Poland on business. I'd cooked the kiddies dinner, sorted homework, tidied around as much as possible in this builders dust infested hole then thought "what the hell" .... filled up the new whirlpool bath in our half tiled bathroom and sat there for over an hour. INSTANT MOOD CHANGE!! It's awesome! Even in its current half finished state. I cannot wait til it's all done and I can get on with sorting out bedrooms and clothes in time for baby.
Chatty - I havent even had my pushchair out of the box! Its still in storage at our lock up 10 miles away :dohh: Along with the car seat too :haha: Glad you had a lovely relax in the bath.... sounds FAB! Hope that the builders can finish off soon x

Pepsi - Sounds like a right FAFF! Making me think we ought to think about having a play with ours. DH is desperate to put it in the car, but Ive said no. Makes me scared :haha:

Ready - Im so sorry youre going through this :hugs: I really hope that someone has cocked up somewhere and your next appointment youre measuring back on target :hugs: Hope you manage to sort out a date :hugs:

Mrs Crad - Most people think boy for us. But I swing from boy to girl everyday. How are you feeling generally?

Jess - I think they say you should pack your bag around 35 weeks :blush: But I havent, Im doing next week at 36 weeks.

AFM - Big meeting about the house tomorrow and Im feeling rather nervous that its all going to fall through and we're going to be stuck at my step dads. Im so paranoid about going into labour there, I wanted it to be just me and DH in our own home with a nursery :cry: We tried for so long to get this baby, I just want everything to be perfect, I feel like Im letting my baby down already and its not even born.
Howdy girlies...I always forget to post here! Actually I read posts all the time but dont write a lot as with 3 kids and a puppy I seem to get half way through and then someone wants something!! lol!

Anyway...its fab to see so many early january mums! I had my 34wk mw appt on monday and baby is head down and 2/5 engaged! MW told me to get my bag packed....NOW! haha! I still havent done it though! :haha: Carseat has arrived but havent even attempted to put it in the car! Really should have a go!

I am feeling done now...have for a while! MW said if baby was to come now she wouldnt be concerned but if my waters break at home before 36wks I'm to ring an ambulance, especially with my history of quick labours!

Have started the RLT and EPO! It has definitely increased the intensity of the BH, so I'm sure they are doing what they say they do! :)

My Christmas shopping is all done...just need to wrap it now! Tree will go up this weekend and we have friends for festive drinks next Friday! I love Christmas! :happydance:

I hope everyone else is feeling super!

Elle xx
Sambatiki I just want to give you a massive hug.
I really hope it gets sorted soon, and I know you feel down about the situation as it's not what you imagen but you are in no way letting you baby down. All that baby needs is you and your family and baby will have that (more than most)

elle1981 I know what you mean midwife said to pack my soon as baby is almost fully engaged and measuring 2 weeks ahead but I don't think baby will come earlier than my c-section date so i'm chilled about it.

As for being unprepared yesterday after moaning about it all hubby took me out and we got all the remaining Christmas presents and all the stuff we still needed for baby. So we are now all set. Bag is now packed, all we need to do is have a big spring clean get the Christmas decorations up and then wrap the presents. Feel like a million weights have been lifted off my shoulders :D!

ChattyB I hope the house is finished soon for you so you can get settled.

Ready4Babe I am measuring 2 weeks ahead and midwife isn't too concerned, she said a lot can be down to BMI and position of baby so hopefully the scan will show everything is normal, have my fingers crossed. As for the insurance it is rubbish but if a section is needed they really don't like doing them before 39 weeks due to fluid in babys lungs which is expelled by a natural delivery but not by section.. I don't see why they couldn't induce you a few days/ a week earlier if baby is big and looks mature enough?

Oh wow - I'd better start thinking about hospital bags soon. Planning on getting some RLT and EPO tablets this weekend :)

Sam - I have everything crossed that the house goes through and you get some good news at the meeting hun x
Sam - Hope the meeting goes okay and something finally gets sorted about the house x
I've posted then ran from this thread! Hope everyone doesn't mind me posting again!

I've not fit my car seat yet either, I'm hoping it has the right iso fix doofers in it for the base we bought, otherwise I'll have to take it to the garage! Our Travel system is still all boxed up in the garage!

I had my 34w mw appointment today, it was a different one than normal. Bubba is still head down which is good but she didn't say if I was engaged or not. I'll have to wait and see at the 36 week one!

I'm convinced that I'm going to give birth early (knowing my luck now I'll be 41 weeks and complaining about still being pregnant!!!) I'm not sure why I just feel like I'll get on maternity (7 days until that ... woohoo!) and then the baby will come, giving me no time to chill out beforehand!

We're going on a hospital tour on Sunday and I'm looking forward to that, I've been to the hospital once but that was to go to the emergency gyno bit so it'll be cool to see where we'll actually be on the day!

Has anyone else sorted a birth plan yet? I'm in two minds about doing one or not but the mw said to write some things down as it helps them. The only things I really want is the Vit K injection after birth and the one they give you to help the delivery of the placenta. I'd like a water birth but I'm not getting my hopes up in case they are all in use!

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