Early January Mum's

Has anyone else sorted a birth plan yet? I'm in two minds about doing one or not but the mw said to write some things down as it helps them. The only things I really want is the Vit K injection after birth and the one they give you to help the delivery of the placenta. I'd like a water birth but I'm not getting my hopes up in case they are all in use!

I'm the same i'm in two minds about a birth plan and wouldn't know what to do for it anyway as i'm having a section but there are a few things I would like to happen.. I want the screen to come down so I can see them take baby out and I want my fella to trim the cord, I want him to tell me what baby measures and weighs and if all goes according to plan and baby is healthy I want my partner to hold baby for the reminder of the surgery until i'm in recover then I want skin to skin and to breast feed before hubby dresses baby. Do I need a birth plan to say that? xx
So jealous of anyone done Xmas shopping, I'm desperate to get it done ASAP! I HATE shopping once it's busy..... Hope I can at least get almost everything completed - here's to hoping.... This weekend is a write-off since we have my work Xmas party downtown and there won't be enough time probably.... Might just have to stop during this week.... Hrmmmm
JCh have you thought of online shopping? That's what we did for the majority of are gifts and then bobbed into town to get the last few bits
Hope you have fun at your Christmas party xx
MummyBaron - My MW said that if you write it down and put it in your notes, they can just read it without having to bother you if you are in pain. I suppose it can't harm any to write it down? I'll probably end up writing some stuff but really, I just want a healthy baby at the end of it, if they need to deviate from what I'd like then that's what they need to do!

JCh - I've just done most of mine online! I hate Christmas shopping at the best of times nevermind with a 34 week bump!
Bdg great idea i'll write something up and put it in notes..
I did one from my little boy but didn't follow it at all lol when your in labour you really do tend to just go with the flow lol
I don't have my Christmas shopping done yet - some, but not all. I don't feel very Christmasy this year with my sister gone, the one year angelversary of Tess looming in a few weeks, and being so sick. I am trying to be festive for the boys, but I'm just miserable all around. I will probably do the rest of my shopping online so I don't have to haul my sorry self outside.

RE a birth plan, I am not going to make a formal one this time around. I had such high hopes for when the boys were born and it all went out the window. All I want them to know is that I desparately want to breastfeed, so whatever the best thing to do to help that happen, is what I want.
Aww Ducky I hope you feel better soon :( I know the anniversaries of losses are always hard but I pray that you and your family make it through.
As for Christmas shopping online is so much easier isn't it!!
They say that having skin to skin contact as soon as possible is best for helping to establish breast feeding and obviously getting them on the breast asap. Good luck! I can't wait to start breast feeding again it's amazing
Thanks MummyB. I wanted to breastfeed the boys, but then had an emergency c and wasn't allowed to have them until the next day. Then, despite pumping like a crazy person, watched my milk go from barely there to non-existant. I was devastated. I really wish there was a way to guarantee I can do it this time.

My mom just came over to drop off some lunch for me and we started talking about Christmas and my sister and she started to cry. It's so hard to enjoy the season when there are so many emotions still so fresh. I guess even DS mentioned something to his teacher about my sister at school the other day... He never talks about it.

I think it might be nap time for me. This pneumonia is a killer!
I'm considering online shopping.... I've gotten a few gifts completed... Not sure what to buy for some people on the list - or they have something specific they want... Not always something to get online... Thinking maybe I'll just plan to run into a Walmart and get it all done... Maybe an early morning excursion?
Feeling SO scatter-brained lately! And SUPER mental/ physical exhaustion... :(

Awwww, ducky - Can't imagine how hard this year will be, just know that tess and ur sis will be looking down on u proud of ur big bump and precious new life to come. :hugs: The holiday season can really be a downer after any loss. Stay strong and make it through.

MommyBaron - I would say best to have a few notes written for a birth plan - that way they at least know ur wishes and can try to ensure those go as planned, despite the c-sec.
Reminds me that I need to get mine done too.... Ahhh - so much to do right now....
Hi ladies,

How is everyone?
I have done a birth plan and its quite detailed, but I'm hopefully having the baby in a MLU, where I suppose there's more choices as to what you do or don't want, plus always the possibility I'll need to be transferred.
I've managed to pack my hospital bag, but it looks like I'm about to go on holiday for 3 weeks so might have to cut it down a little.
Struggling to keep motivated now I'm on mat leave and hoping this baby comes a bit earlier than 40 weeks! My husband and I aren't going home with our families as he feel its just too close to the baby coming and they live a few hours away, so I think christmas will be soo boring this year. I've had to do all the shopping early as next weekend is the last weekend I'll be going home before the baby comes, so I'll be taking all the presents home then. I'm a first time mom so it just feels like the calm before the storm at the moment. Can't imagine having a baby in the house, I'm sure ill know soon enough though!
I've got a midwife appointment next week when I'll be 35 and a half weeks. At my last appt (33 weeks) the mw said baby's head wasn't engaged at all, all you ladies seem to be having things happening so I'm hoping the next appointment things will get going! Terrified of being induced!
Afternoon Ladies
Ducky-cant imagine what you are going through :hugs:

Had a pretty hard nite last nite. Was up all nite last nite with a painfull toothache. was hoping i could make it through the last bit of the pregnancy with no more visits but i guess not.
Made an appt to have my dentist take a look and need to go back next week to have a couple cavitites fixed.
I have to say though i love the dentisit office, they didnt make me pay for todays visit which would have cost me $125. and have agreed to let me do a payment plan for the actual dental work i will need to have done next week. Thank god since i dont have much money in december
Ducky ... So sorry for your loses and hoping you find co fort this season. My father up and left my mother about a month ago (weeks shy of their 40th wedding anniversary) and has cut off all contact with all of his children. In a way I am feeling a loss too, just not asmharsh as your, but will be thinking of you!

Ugh ... Christmas shopping is no where near done and DD is of the age now where I can't take her with me because she remembers everything and will know if a present is for her! Will have to figure something out soon.

Had my 33/34 week appointment yesterday. Still measuring big. Have gained 35lbs already ...yikes. But am happy because with DD had gained 50 by this time. Seems LO is sitting on a nerve and that's been causing lots of back pain and making walking difficult. Lovely.

RE a birth plan, only had two directions with DD and will likely keep it the same. I DO NOT want a c section (unless absolutely necessary) and I want LO cleaned prior to LO being given to me. I know that sou DS horrible but I just don't want LO cleaned on me or anything like that. with DD she had eaten too much fluid so they whisked her away anyway. Just want a safe delivery with a healthy baby ready to breastfeed!
I guess I have a birth plan, I just write down how Id like it to go and give it to my obgyn and another to the nuse to pin to the board in my room.

Natural birth so:
No Epi
No pitocin shot to deliver placenta
Husband to cut cord
No circumsion of the baby
Yes to breastfeeding
Allowed to birth in whatever positon I feel comfortable
Not hooked to monitors
Able to move around freely

In emergency: (back up plan)
Gas to knock me out
Do whats necessary to get baby out as quickly and safely as possible!
Oh and we had our cat xrayed recently because she has been having problems toileting...

needs surgery costing $3000

blah...luckily we have some time to get money together for it because shes not in pain, though we have been given some meds to give her to make it easier for her to go.

Its a lot of money but if we left it eventually it would get to the point that treatment wouldnt be available. Shes only 2 and otherwise perfectly healthy and normal and active...so dont feel like leaving it, nor having hr put to sleep is an option.

still..was hoping itd be something easier then a $3000 surgery!
PepsiChic it's horrible when our fur babies are poorly, glad it's something fixable and you'll be able to treat eventually. Hope she's finding it easier on the meds.
Monday evening while sitting on the couch I got very dizzy. I run to the bathroom...have diarrhea (sorry tmi) my brother brings me juice (maybe low blood sugar?) I immediately throw that up. Finally when I think everything is done, I stand up and start bleeding (gushing). I immediately get carried to the car and go to labor & delivery. Started having contractions on the way. By the time the two hour mark had passed doc said I had lost too much blood and we were doing an emergency c section. I have never felt so sick. I was so bad off my husband said "goodbye" just in case. But thanks to someone somewhere looking out for us we are both fine! I have had 3 blood transfusions....and countless other things done, but I am finally up and around again. Baby aiden is doing great! Breathing and eating on his own even though I was only 34+1. He's doing so well He may get to go home soon! Sorry if this sounds a tad confused (lol on percocet for the pain) but here's a pic! I will update when I'm a little more clear minded. (Crud it won't let me upload pics from my phone will as soon as I can) p.s. he was 18 1/2 inches long and 4lbs 14.7 oz. :)
Monday evening while sitting on the couch I got very dizzy. I run to the bathroom...have diarrhea (sorry tmi) my brother brings me juice (maybe low blood sugar?) I immediately throw that up. Finally when I think everything is done, I stand up and start bleeding (gushing). I immediately get carried to the car and go to labor & delivery. Started having contractions on the way. By the time the two hour mark had passed doc said I had lost too much blood and we were doing an emergency c section. I have never felt so sick. I was so bad off my husband said "goodbye" just in case. But thanks to someone somewhere looking out for us we are both fine! I have had 3 blood transfusions....and countless other things done, but I am finally up and around again. Baby aiden is doing great! Breathing and eating on his own even though I was only 34+1. He's doing so well He may get to go home soon! Sorry if this sounds a tad confused (lol on percocet for the pain) but here's a pic! I will update when I'm a little more clear minded. (Crud it won't let me upload pics from my phone will as soon as I can) p.s. he was 18 1/2 inches long and 4lbs 14.7 oz. :)

wow so scary! Im glad both you and baby are doing well :hugs: congrats!
Oh my goodness!!! How scary! I'm so glad someone was there with you! Glad to hear you and baby are both okay! Congrats mama!! Take care of yourself!
OMG Felicity!! So sorry you had such a scary time but I'm so glad that you and baby Aiden are doing well. Congratulations on the birth of your baby boy!

Ducky :hugs: anniversarys are very hard. I'm thinking of you. Every day that passes is a day closer to meeting your baby ... You're nearly there huni.

I've done 75% of my Xmas shopping online and have been wrapping and labelling it as it arrives .... I underestimated how difficult it is to sit on the floor and cut gift paper lol - I've now decided the "granny way" of sitting at the diningroom table to wrap gifts is the way to go lol. I'll be making my birth plan this weekend - I know exactly what I want (and don't want), its all in my head. Just need to get organised and put it in writing now :)
Goodness Felicity, that sounds so scary. But congratulations, I'm so pleased you and your little one are doing ok :)

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