Early January Mum's

Hey ladies! So I had Caden 12/27 @ 10:10 pm weighting 7lbs 12ounces and 19 1/2 inches long. I got induced after my doctors appt. Blood pressure was high and amniotic fluid was low. It got iffy for awhile after my epidural was given and my blood pressure dropped dramatically and they couldn't get it stabilized. So they had to back off on the epidural which means when it came time to push I felt everything!!!! Anywho, we are both doing great. And I am more in love with him every minute!! ♥♥♥♥
Woohoo Rockell!! Looks like you're getting your full moon baby afterall!! So pleased for you and wishing you an easy, straightforward labour and birth.

Pepsi - any news yet? Can't wait to hear your announcement :D. Have everything crossed that everything is progressing well.

Ready4Babe - congratulations huni! He's absolutely beautiful!

AFM - a suspiciously quiet night for me last night - no contractions for the first evening this week. Just as well as it was my daughters 18th yesterday and nice that she didn't have to share her birthday!. We lost my aunty on Boxing Day - she had a massive stroke on Xmas eve an never fully regained consciousness - we have her funeral on Monday morning :(. It's a weird irony that whenever I reach the late stages of pregnancy, we lose an older member of the family (this is the fourth time). Very sad.

Thinking of you all!!!
Congrats Ready4babe! X

Hope you're ok Chatty, very sorry to hear your news x
Thanks huni, I'm fine, I feel awful for my cousins, mum and aunties/uncles tho' ... Aunty Ann was my mothers aunty (my great aunty). I'm not looking forwards to Monday tho', I'm an emotional wreck watching sad adverts on the TV! I'm SO sensitive and emotional right now as it is due to hormones! Think I'll just sit at the back of the church and quietly pop outside if it all gets too much :(.

I'm waiting for someone in the family to start pleading with me NOT to get pregnant again!!
Good luck Rockell! Very exciting :)
Congratulations Ready4Babe he is gorgeous! Glad that you and baby are well after an eventful beginning to life.
Sorry to hear your news Chatty :hugs: Hope all goes as well as it can on Monday.
Oh Chatty ... So sorry for your loss. When one of my siblings gets married we lose a family member. For you it's just so odd, the circl of life. Such a tough time to lose someone.

Congrats Ready4Babe!!!!

Pepsi ... Thinkin of you!!!
Just to update I'm in latent labour. Contractions have gone from 3mins to 5mins but more intense. Iv progressed from 1cm dilated, thick and posterior cervix last night to 3-4cm dilated very anterior and 1cm thick. However baby keeps floating back up between contractions so not apply enough pressure on my cervix to keep momentum up. Baby has howeve moved from completely back to back to right anterior. Midwife has left for now having a continuous bloody show and feeling fed up. Normally they would break my waters to encourage it along but to dangerous with baby floating away
Woohoooo Rockell!! I HATE the phrase "latent phase" ... It makes you feel like someone's telling you that your uterus isn't up for the job :(. You ARE in labour - and these contractions are concentrated on getting baby into the optimal position (from posterior to anterior). The best thing to do just now is to go have a long bath and read a book/watch a film .... pay absolutely no attention to contractions (hard I know). Have a bit of "fun" with hubby, massage? Glass of wine??, anything you can do to relax and chill out will reduce adrenaline (produced when you concentrate on contractions) and increase oxytocin.

Thinking of you huni, please don't get too discouraged! You're doing great!
sorry for your loss Chatty x

Rockell good luck hunny!

Im still plodding along, contractions still kind of irregular so i havent bothered timing them, as we are planning a natural birth i dont start heading to the hospital till im contracting 3-4 minutes apart, this allows me to labour at home for the majority and spend as little time in hospital.

pissed off my MIL who unexpectedly showed up, she wanted to take my son out in the snow, me and OH already had plans, my OH has a bunch of stuff to do out with LO while I actually did a day of work as ive been off 3 days now. OH was just sticking him in the car when MIL asked for him, well too late im sorry but im an hour late for work, and I dont have time to go digging up LOs snowsuit hat and gloves PLUs we take him over to hers tomorrow anyway.

so i had a quick look and told them that, unknown to me my husband had gone and taken LOs car seat out our truck! so he got pissed off with me at having to put it back...well um sorry but im having contractions, pretty sure im in latent labour at this point, and an hour late for work. im not just dropping eveyrthing to run around after my MILs plans.

ARGH stress stress stress
Hi ladies!

Congrats to all those who have had their babies recently!

I know I don't post here often, just thought I might pop in see how you all are and give a lil update. AFM: I am now 38+1 today! 13 days left on theticker!Don't know how many of you ladies stalk my journal at all, but started having some pain and tightenings around 2:30 pm on Thursday, they were pretty intense, brought tears to my eyes, but calmed down enough for me to sleep some, but tossed and turned all night. Went into town yesterday, had some more pains and my belly wasconsistantly tight the whole day, but seemed to lessen when we got home... My bump seems super low now, so wondering if maybe it was all baby just dropping more and fully engaging? Hubby and I dtd this morning and have been having cramps and lower back ache since we got out of bed. Haven't seen hide nor hair of my plug or any type of bloody show. Never saw it with my daughter either, so who knows?
Congratulations Ready4Babe!

Good luck Rockell8788!!!

Nothing has changed with me, I'm super emotional at the moment, I cry at anything and I think I lost a bit of my plug today. I've also had acid reflux from hell and I'm as tired as anything too. Meh.
Well it all kicked off again got to 5cm then it all stopped again being transferred in to hospital for failure to progress. Going to have an epidural waters broken and onto a drip. Baby has gone back to back again
Well it all kicked off again got to 5cm then it all stopped again being transferred in to hospital for failure to progress. Going to have an epidural waters broken and onto a drip. Baby has gone back to back again

sorry to hear your being transferred, are they doing that because the baby is in distress? Im a little surprised they'd transfer you at 5cm when your waters havent broken.

fingers crossed for you
Ah rockell that baby is a little monkey! Well done so far and hope you can get some rest with the epi.
I've just come back from the hospital, my bp was high at my midwife appt last week but no protein in urine. Today I've been having visual disturbances and headaches. Turns out my urine is clear and my bp is normal, so very reassuring!
lost some more plug, dtd, lost even more...now having contractions that are slightly more intense then yesterday but still not worth timing IMO.

feeling completely wiped out, this is very different compared to my first sons labour, basically nothing happened with him, then at 5 days past due date, 11:45pm I started having contractions, at 5am I arrived at the hospital, plug and waters went at the same time, he was born at 6:38am.

this whole labour going on for a week thing...yeah not so much fun.
Thinking of you Rockell :hugs:

I'm a right hormonal b1tch tonight - I hate these mood swings! Doesn't help that hubby's ex wife (psycho witch) is insisting that we have his 15 and 18yr old to stay from Monday afternoon. I love the kids but really pee'd off that the one time I just want to bunker down in my nest and hibernate with hubby for the last few days before baby arrives, I'm forced to "babysit" while she buggers off with her new boyfriend for a "child free break". I think I might either spend my time sleeping in my bedroom or take off to mums for a few days. I'm now praying I don't go into labour until the kids go home and normal life resumes :(
Sorry Chatty thats a pita! how long will they be staying for?

took a much needed nap while Barry was napping. woke up surrounded by my 3 cats all snuggled agaisnt me, was lovely. <3

baby seems to have hiccups, contractions have slowed down again, beginning to think i need to start doing star jumps or something to get him moving! lol
Well ladies my little bumpy is here.
Aiden James born 0:53am. I arrived at the hospital at 10:45pm given an epi as contractions has gone very irregular and I had been sat at 5cm for a good 5/6hrs. At about 0:25 they check me and break my waters I went instantly from 5cm to 7cm there was gallons and gallons of waters and the reason I wasn't progressing. The epidural at this point wasn't working yet felt the head and breathed him down. Told midwife it was time 3 pushes and head almost out went back up. Next contraction one push lots of panting and head out. Sat waiting around for one of my irregular contractions sod it on big push and he was born onto bed chest.
Well ladies my little bumpy is here.
Aiden James born 0:53am. I arrived at the hospital at 10:45pm given an epi as contractions has gone very irregular and I had been sat at 5cm for a good 5/6hrs. At about 0:25 they check me and break my waters I went instantly from 5cm to 7cm there was gallons and gallons of waters and the reason I wasn't progressing. The epidural at this point wasn't working yet felt the head and breathed him down. Told midwife it was time 3 pushes and head almost out went back up. Next contraction one push lots of panting and head out. Sat waiting around for one of my irregular contractions sod it on big push and he was born onto bed chest.
congrats on your little mans birth! glad everything went well in the end. xxxxxx

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