Early Third Trimester Thread!

Oh don't get me wrong, I've sorted all the clothes up to 12 month, washed the cloth diapers and put all the disposable diapers in their little bins already. I've just felt it was too early to wash the clothes because if I do it now, the dresser will make them all gross before she arrives. Plus I want something to do when the last few weeks are really dragging by!
Welcome, everyone! Poco, I'm jealous! I have a scan next Tuesday and I'm really excited for that (but terrified they're going to tell me she's now a boy :wacko: ).
How's everyone feeling? I have sciatica, sore hips, and sore pelvis already! I feel about 36 weeks pregnant, and I'm not even close! Lol. Running around after a toddler doesn't help!
I have no more scans but wish I did so I can find out she is still a she :wacko:

I feel like I am full term and ache and do not sleep well but damn still another 5 weeks until full term and 7 until due date :dohh:
Twag, we've all had strong :pink: feelings about your bump from the beginning! I'm sure yours is a girl. And we've both been much sicker this time around... All signs point to girls for us both!

Sorry about the achy-ness. I'm with you on that. 7 weeks to go is not bad at all! That must be so exciting! I bet it simultaneously feels like forever and waaaay too soon. At least, that's how I feel and I have 12 weeks left. I'm terrified to have two LO's. It's starting to feel more real...
I also hit 29 weeks today :) While it feels like it's gone pretty quick so far, the end still seems a long way off.
Hi everyone!
I'm 29w2d today and still feel in limbo land here.
Twag, we've all had strong :pink: feelings about your bump from the beginning! I'm sure yours is a girl. And we've both been much sicker this time around... All signs point to girls for us both!

Sorry about the achy-ness. I'm with you on that. 7 weeks to go is not bad at all! That must be so exciting! I bet it simultaneously feels like forever and waaaay too soon. At least, that's how I feel and I have 12 weeks left. I'm terrified to have two LO's. It's starting to feel more real...

Yeah I have always felt she was a girl and I always felt that DS was a boy so I am pretty sure she is :thumbup: just the stories you hear make you doubt :wacko:

It is true it seems like a lifetime away but at the same time I am in a panic about how much I still need to sort before then and OMG how am I going to deal with 2 :wacko: but it will all work itself out :thumbup:

Happy 28 Weeks :happydance:

Happy 29 weeks ladies :thumbup:
Hi ladies can I join you? I'm 27 weeks today and I'm in limbo too! That I between stage is hard you don't know where you belong lol! I'm having a suprise package (not by choice, baby kept legs firmly closed at my scan lol) and I haven't really done anything yet! Only bought a few things :/ should start soon I suppose but still feel I have loads of time
Sorry to hear everyone is feeling achy and uncomfortable, I have a bit of that going on too. I just don't have a lot of stamina these days. I can only really tolerate being out and about for 4 - 5 hours at a time, then my back starts hurting, my hands and feet swell up to three times their normal size and I just have to go lie down. I do try to still go out and do things on the weekends, I just need more breaks! Sleeping has become an issue too. It takes me 30 minutes to an hour to drift off now, even when I'm dead on my feet exhausted. I think I have a bit of restless leg syndrome, because I often feel very twitchy and have a hard time calming my body down entirely to sleep. Snacking at night used to work very well for me, but now it seems to be less effective. I suppose this is all normal!!

I had my scan yesterday and everything looks beautiful! We saw him already taking breaths of amniotic fluid, which was cool. The sonographer said that they don't usually do that until 28 weeks or later, so my little guy is advanced :) She said I had perfect levels of everything and that baby was 2.2 pounds and in the 45 percentile. I didn't get any good pics, they were really really busy so I assume she just didn't want to take the time to do it, which was fine. He was moving a ton too, which is always fun to watch :)

I also had my one hour glucose test, so hoping I get those results today and that everything is ok. I assume it is, I don't seem to have a major issue with sugar. The drink did make me feel kind of strange, but I assume that is normal for everyone. We shall see!

Hope everyone else is having a great day xx
Welcome, Charlie! And welcome everyone else!
I don't really think we have much to get ready. My son is only a year old, so I'm pretty sure we still have pretty much everything set up for a baby. I kind of doubt we'll bother with getting her bedroom ready before she's here because she won't be in it for awhile anyway. But it's going to be chaos around here for awhile! I'm starting to get nervous...
Twag, 33 weeks for you tomorrow! I can't believe you're due Halloween. We just bought my sons costume and it feels like its coming really soon!
Poco, sounds like a great scan! Practice breathing already, like a champ! My little girl has definitely had the hiccups several times in the last week, I'm hoping that means she's doing the same thing in there.
FX you pass your glucose test. Mine is next Thursday. I know I'll fail because I had GD with my son and only passed my early test this time by one point... So I'm enjoying my last days of being able to eat the things I want. I would be on the GD diet already, but my doctor was concerned about my lack of weight gain and advised me not to.
Hope everyone's having a good Friday!!
I'm 27 weeks today! Still trying to hold off doing my hospital bag but now everything's pretty much been bought, I realllllllly want to start planning and packing it. Keep having to remind myself that it's the last thing to do and then I'll be so super bored for the last stretch.
I have my second GD screening on the 18th. I had borderline GD with both previous pregnancies, so I was shocked when I passed the first test this time, but I was only around 20 weeks at the time. So, I've been self monitoring at home and my fasting numbers are good, but I've had some spikes if I overdo it on carbs (160 at the 2 hour mark!) Yikes, so I've been more careful and my numbers have been ok.
bumpy_j, that's pretty much where I am too. We had almost everything from my son and we've bought anything we didn't already, so really the only things I have left to do are wash her clothes and pack the hospital bag. Both of which I'll probably do around 35 weeks. It sucks though, because my nesting instincts are kicking in and I really want to get everything ready but there's nothing to do! I do need to get some cute girly crib sheets and cloth diapers, but I'll wait until after my scan next week when I'll hopefully get confirmation she's a girl.
Kwynia, good luck on your gd test! I plan on eating a lot of protein and exercising the day before my test to see if that will help me pass!
Mind if I join?

I feel like I'm 198 months pregnant :haha: But I still have SO LONG until the end. I'm completely out of energy... even showering feels like a chore. :cry: Although today I've cleaned the bathroom AND the kitchen so far... only the living room, play room, and the kids' bedrooms left to go! :wacko: Need more coffee...:haha:

Is it just me, or is anybody else not set on a baby name yet? We had a boys name picked out, but turns out this is a girl for sure. We were thinking Zoey, but now DH has hinted several times that he's not sure he likes Zoey anymore, but he hasn't offered up anything else. Its starting to stress me out!:wacko:

Besides the name - I also need to do the nursery. Get the bassinet from my mom. Set up the swing. Buy a car seat. Wash baby clothes. Pack hospital bag. :wacko:
Can I also join? 27 weeks with B/G twins and really feeling like I'm falling apart. I've got count down markers but it's just dragging 😞 I will be having my csection 37-38 week so 11 weeks and counting...
Oh my we are having trouble with names too. I have loads of names for a boy but that's not much help as this is a girl. Dh likes very dated 80s names so we are clashing. My friend suggested when the babies here I should just cry and then I'll get my way ha ha
:rofl: I don't even mind if he doesn't like Zoey, I just need for him to straight up and say it instead of hinting at it or making noncommittal noises so that we can have a real discussion about it. Hopping around the subject is not helping, and I'm far too volatile to bring it up pointedly right now, I'm cranky and constantly feel like I'm going to explode! I don't want to force him into a name he doesn't like by being too emotional or too scary :rofl: I just want him to participate in the naming a bit more, or at least give me SOMETHING to work with!!
Get about 2/3 bouts of hiccups a day and with her being head down it feels so odd :-\

Went to the shops with my mum today got Elliot his Halloween costume and saw all the Halloween stuff in the shops makes it feel closer and exciting 🎃 :)
Aley, welcome! I find myself so tired as well. Just taking care of my toddler is really wearing me out. Right now, I'm trying to fold some laundry and I have to pause to rest after every article of clothing :dohh:.

My last pregnancy, we took forever to come up with a boys name we both liked so this time we wanted to be sure we had a boy and girl name ready for our gender scan. Our little girl will be called Zoella Rue (Zoe for short, probably). So I'm partial to the name Zoe! No good if hubby isn't 100% on board, though.

Shezza, of course, welcome! Boy/girl twins are so perfect. You must be soooo excited/nervous!

Lau, lol about the 80's names! My OH has to be talked out of the WEIRDEST names. I mean, I know Kaillem and Zoella sound weird, but they're normal comparatively.

Twag, Halloween definitely feels just around the corner!

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