Early Third Trimester Thread!

lol, i forgot about our cat and dog! My list is getting longer and longer :)
I took a class of breastfeeding today and I'm happy just because my DH came with me and the class was beneficial for him. :haha:(I took a class of breastfeeding online months ago and was much better than these but my husband didn't take it with me)

Also, today I bought my second pajama for the hospital bag (the only thing that I have bought and have ready) Lol
And my little project (the headband holder) is almost done. I thought it was going to take me more time but doesn't. :dohh:

I'm a control freak so I'm thinking in start doing the hospital back at 32w-35w just to have the things set up. My sister couldn't have her baby in term and when the doctor took her to a emergency c-section my sister hasn't anything ready. (that totally freak me out) so I want to start early.
Well I had my 3D scan tonight. It was kinda disappointing, unfortunately. When we had one at 28 weeks with my son, the woman explained a lot about his position, what he looked like, etc. The sonographer we had tonight... Well I'll just say I don't think he was actually a professional sonographer. He said its too late to tell the sex of the baby (which I know isn't true) and he couldn't really get her face clearly in any shots. I know it could partially be that she wasn't in a good position, but I dunno... It was just a bit disappointing.
I have my GD test Thursday. Then when I get my official results, I'm planning on talking with my doctor about the plan this time. I'm wondering if things will proceed basically like my last pregnancy: growth scans at 32 and 36 weeks, biophysical profiles every other week starting from 34 weeks and NST's weekly after 35-36 weeks. Ah the life of a medicated gestational diabetic!
Gahhh that's right, I forgot I'll have to pick a bag for my son, too. He'll probably be going to stay with grandparents. I've never been away from him and honestly, it just makes me too sad to think about leaving him right now :(
I have one hour glucose on Thursday, along with a growth scan. (My ob has an insanely busy office, so I'm 10 days late for everything) Terrified that they'll tell me that she is now a he. Especially as my mother is throwing a shower on Saturday so it's a little late to tell people no girl stuff. :/
Sorry your scan was a disappointment justplay... I'm assuming it was private and you paid for it? If so, I would be writing a letter or email of complaint - you may get a free repeat scan with someone else! :)

As for hospital bag, mine would be ready now if I had my way, lol!
I have a history of preterm delivery (27 weeks) so I wanted to have it done before that, but finances wouldn't allow me to buy everything I need for it in one go just yet (because like many of you, I also need to do a bag for OH, and a bag for my twin boys to takes to OH's mothers).
I'm obviously past 27 weeks now but I still want to have it done asap as I like to be organised. I'm aiming to have it done by 34 weeks at the latest!

Those of you who work, when are you finishing/how long have you got left..? :)
Well I had my 3D scan tonight. It was kinda disappointing, unfortunately. When we had one at 28 weeks with my son, the woman explained a lot about his position, what he looked like, etc. The sonographer we had tonight... Well I'll just say I don't think he was actually a professional sonographer. He said its too late to tell the sex of the baby (which I know isn't true) and he couldn't really get her face clearly in any shots. I know it could partially be that she wasn't in a good position, but I dunno... It was just a bit disappointing.
I have my GD test Thursday. Then when I get my official results, I'm planning on talking with my doctor about the plan this time. I'm wondering if things will proceed basically like my last pregnancy: growth scans at 32 and 36 weeks, biophysical profiles every other week starting from 34 weeks and NST's weekly after 35-36 weeks. Ah the life of a medicated gestational diabetic!

Sorry your scan wasn't great hun :hugs: I was told by a private gender scan place (I contacted them last week) that after 32 weeks they struggle to tell you the sex mainly because baby is so big and harder to get to move into a good position but I would have thought at 28 weeks would be okay :shrug:

I would make a complaint :thumbup:

Good luck with your GD test :flower:

Gahhh that's right, I forgot I'll have to pick a bag for my son, too. He'll probably be going to stay with grandparents. I've never been away from him and honestly, it just makes me too sad to think about leaving him right now :(

Yeah my son & dogs will be going to my parents - I have only left him once over night and that was there and tbh I am still not sure I would leave him anywhere else :nope:
It makes me sad too hun HUGE :hugs: maybe have a trial overnight stay before your due so that it isn't too traumatic for you and him when the time comes

One of my main worries is baby coming in the night and me having to get him to my parents in the night and then him waking and me not being there :(

I have one hour glucose on Thursday, along with a growth scan. (My ob has an insanely busy office, so I'm 10 days late for everything) Terrified that they'll tell me that she is now a he. Especially as my mother is throwing a shower on Saturday so it's a little late to tell people no girl stuff. :/

I have no scans coming up and after some of the stories lately I have had nightmares that my baby girl comes out a boy - I would love him to bits but OMG I would be devastated BUT deep down I know she is a girl :thumbup:
:hugs: try not to worry hun it is super rare these things happen and if it wasn't for BnB etc we would be none the wiser about these things good or bad :hugs:

Sorry your scan was a disappointment justplay... I'm assuming it was private and you paid for it? If so, I would be writing a letter or email of complaint - you may get a free repeat scan with someone else! :)

As for hospital bag, mine would be ready now if I had my way, lol!
I have a history of preterm delivery (27 weeks) so I wanted to have it done before that, but finances wouldn't allow me to buy everything I need for it in one go just yet (because like many of you, I also need to do a bag for OH, and a bag for my twin boys to takes to OH's mothers).
I'm obviously past 27 weeks now but I still want to have it done asap as I like to be organised. I'm aiming to have it done by 34 weeks at the latest!

Those of you who work, when are you finishing/how long have you got left..? :)

I am working full time and I am knackered I have 3.3 weeks left at work now (I will be full term when I finish in the office) and then working from home for a week before my maternity leave starts and tbh I cannot wait
I have GD this time around too justplay1, I've never had it before, yay for all the increased risks when you're over 30 haha. Anyhow, I refused any extra scans which my first midwife wanted me to have, she was being ridiculous though because I was diagnosed pretty early (14 weeks) and she wanted to do scans solely based on that, she wasn't taking in to consideration that my numbers were completely fine (and still are, I'm on a very low carb diet) or that I hadn't and still haven't gained a pound, in fact I've still been very slowly losing weight (not purposely) needless to say I switched midwives and absolutely love the one I'm with now, she has nothing but good things to say about how well I'm managing it and doesn't see the need to do any extra scans whatsoever!
Hello :) I definitely fit into this thread. Just getting big enough to notice there is a bump in my way, but not big enough to feed completely restricted. still not along enough to start washing baby clothes etc, etc. We are team blue and due 17th December
I was going to leave my bag until 37 weeks last time but I went into labour at 36 weeks though it didn't progress hospital kept me in and induced me anyway as I was due for induction 5 days later. What a nightmare trying to get my partner to pack my bag. He forgot a lot and didn't know where anything I was.

As I lived across the rd from the hospital, midwife allowed me to nip home after the pessary was put in to get my bags. I'm not leaving it this time haha. I'm going to pack at 35 weeks. I'm being induced at 37 :)
Mrs_Sasquatch, I worry about the same thing. I definitely wanted the 3d scan to verify that she was a girl, but oh well! Good luck on your glucose test! I have mine today as well.

Thanks, Twag. It's going to be so hard for us. That's a good idea about doing a trial run (or two) beforehand. I think we'll plan one of those soon. And I probably will make a complaint with the private scan place, even though I know a crummy 3d scan doesn't rank high on the list of pregnancy problems. I'm very, very thankful she's healthy. I just wanted a few good pictures! And it was $100 dollars. I would have thought if they really couldn't get any, they would offer for me to come back another time. Oh well, such is life! I hope Elliot is doing great! I haven't been on your journal in awhile, did you ever get a growth scan of Issy? I'm a little concerned because my bump is definitely smaller this time around then it was with Kai. I'll ask my doc said at my appointment today if I will need a growth scan as well.

jlw617, isn't GD just great? Lol. I had none of the risk factors, and still got it! Normal weight, 24 years old, no family history. It worries me about type II diabetes in the future :/. Last time, I went along with whatever the doctor wanted, but this time I might protest some of the extra stuff. It started making me really nervous last time, and it was all for nothing. He was super healthy, normal blood sugars and great placental condition. So I think I do just fine managing it by myself! Are you medicated, or just diet controlled?

Welcome, diz! I feel the same way. Although I definitely feel restricted picking up my poor son. I just can't hold him for long periods anymore.
Thanks, Twag. It's going to be so hard for us. That's a good idea about doing a trial run (or two) beforehand. I think we'll plan one of those soon. And I probably will make a complaint with the private scan place, even though I know a crummy 3d scan doesn't rank high on the list of pregnancy problems. I'm very, very thankful she's healthy. I just wanted a few good pictures! And it was $100 dollars. I would have thought if they really couldn't get any, they would offer for me to come back another time. Oh well, such is life! I hope Elliot is doing great! I haven't been on your journal in awhile, did you ever get a growth scan of Issy? I'm a little concerned because my bump is definitely smaller this time around then it was with Kai. I'll ask my doc said at my appointment today if I will need a growth scan as well.

Hey :hi: I had my midwife appointment on Tuesday and madam has had a growth spurt and so has caught up 3 weeks in 2 weeks :thumbup: so sadly no growth scan I would have liked to see her again and to check she was still a she :wacko: but never mind

I agree it wasn't cheap and to get no good pictures (kind of the point!) is not on :nope:

My bump is still smaller this time around I think maybe girls just are :shrug: but hope she measures okay for you at your next appointment :hugs:

The trial runs may be good for you put you more at ease for when the time comes :hugs: although you will still worry at least you will know he will be okay if you know what I mean :hugs:

Don't worry about the journal - I did find yours tho and so now I am stalking back :thumbup:

I feel you on the not being able to hold your little boy for long Elliot is wanting me to get on the floor with him and play etc but it is just so hard :wacko: and also he is getting so heavy and bump is getting in the way :haha:
I completely get what you're talking about regarding not being able to comfortably pick up your little one (s). Is anyone else suffering from leg/foot cramps in the middle of the night?
Ahhh got to love the cramps :(
Mrs_Sasquatch, I worry about the same thing. I definitely wanted the 3d scan to verify that she was a girl, but oh well! Good luck on your glucose test! I have mine today as well.

Thanks, Twag. It's going to be so hard for us. That's a good idea about doing a trial run (or two) beforehand. I think we'll plan one of those soon. And I probably will make a complaint with the private scan place, even though I know a crummy 3d scan doesn't rank high on the list of pregnancy problems. I'm very, very thankful she's healthy. I just wanted a few good pictures! And it was $100 dollars. I would have thought if they really couldn't get any, they would offer for me to come back another time. Oh well, such is life! I hope Elliot is doing great! I haven't been on your journal in awhile, did you ever get a growth scan of Issy? I'm a little concerned because my bump is definitely smaller this time around then it was with Kai. I'll ask my doc said at my appointment today if I will need a growth scan as well.

jlw617, isn't GD just great? Lol. I had none of the risk factors, and still got it! Normal weight, 24 years old, no family history. It worries me about type II diabetes in the future :/. Last time, I went along with whatever the doctor wanted, but this time I might protest some of the extra stuff. It started making me really nervous last time, and it was all for nothing. He was super healthy, normal blood sugars and great placental condition. So I think I do just fine managing it by myself! Are you medicated, or just diet controlled?

Welcome, diz! I feel the same way. Although I definitely feel restricted picking up my poor son. I just can't hold him for long periods anymore.

Yes GD is wonderful...not! I am totally diet controlled, if I ate the reccomended carbs I would be though :wacko: I've had moms on baby and bump ostracize me for eating a low carb diet but it works for me and the baby is healthy!
Leg/foot cramps and pain!!! :hissy: I hate it! The only thing that seems to work with me is "Valtrúm" is like a Bengay. The active ingredient is menthol. The only thing is that I don't like to use it everyday even if it's for topical uses. I've been very careful with all the meds and chemicals. So other thing that can help is a massage.
Twag, glad your little girl has had a growth spurt! My doc measured me at my appointment and I'm measuring fine as well. Our girls must just be more petite than our boys! I'll navigate myself over to your journal and catch up. It seems like when one has been off bnb for a couple of days, one tends to miss a lot!
diz, yes the nortorious leg cramps! I find a heating pad helps settle mine, oddly.
jlw617, nothing wrong with a low carb diet if that's what's good for you and baby. It's much better than high blood sugar! I think people tend to hear the word "diet" and worry that you're trying to lose weight or not eating enough while pregnant. It's not that way at all!
My last pregnancy the cramps were horrible. They say it can be a vitamin deficiency or from dehydration. I eat a banana a day now and drink massive amounts of water and (knock on wood) haven't had a single one yet. It could also be though that I'm on modified bed rest and spend a lot of time off my feet resting.

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