hope you feel a bit better afterwards hun
awwwwwwww bless him
I've got mega achey boobs today, keeps switching between a dull throb and then sharp twinges![]()
I dont think Im preg though, nothing's showing up on the tests properly so don't think its anything to get excited about
won't be getting my feb conception now![]()
I've got no sign of af yet, ov would have prob been about day 30 if at all, so if it happens the same next cycle hun then ov won't even happen in feb![]()
it's not the end of the world if it doesn't happen in feb, kinda feels like it though![]()
I know, but it feels like it ...
just shows how much hope I'd put in those readings lol![]()
if it had been 3 people telling me different things I don't think I'd have been bothered, but 3 separate readings saying conceiving a baby girl in feb, I couldn't help getting excited![]()
fingers, toes and everything possible crossed![]()
I'm trying so hard not to get my hopes up, I can see it hitting me like a ton of bricks if it doesn't happen
I think I'd be ok if af turned up today or tomorrow, I just kinda need to believe that if she does arrive then I'll still have a chance at going for it