Eat your way to baby!

ha, just remembered this.... :haha:

shameless bump.....

UPDATE: this fertility eating plan totally made me start ovulating and regulated my cycle quite a bit, and we did get preggo not too long after starting it...
My fertility diet includes LOTS of red raspberry leaf tea! We make two big pitchers of it and put it in the fridge, add some mint and my husband LOVES IT! He is actually the one who requests it.

I got mine from an online herb store. BIG bag lasts a long time, I think the little tea bags are silly. One blog I read recommends using 1/4 c loose leaves to 1 qt water and leaving it to steep overnight.

I am also doing home made pudding for the calcium.
Oh! I also just remembered. There is a home made herbal multivitamin tincture recipe floating around on the internet too. I may start using some some of those herbs too. Don't know if thats too crunchy for this forum?! :blush:
Haha! I love your granola recipe! Haven't made it in ages, keep meaning too.
Bean: hey there girlie!!!!:hi: how have u been??? its been a long time! congratulations on the new baby! girl or boy???? hope you are doing well! missed ya! im getting ready to make some granola soon too, i am looking for some good local honey for it now... have some cranberries, raisins, almonds, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds for it waiting :thumbup:

familylove: never too crunchy =):flower: do u know what herbs are in the multi tincture? i have been using the yogi moon cycle tea which has red rasberry and dong quia and parsley and chasteberry and a few other things too, my cycles are post partum crazyness.. i wanna try vitex but i havent had AF yet and ive heard u should wait till after u get it to start... what a good idea ordering rasberry leaf online do u know the site addy? maybe ill start making my own fertili-tea blends... my husband likes the yogi tea too, but i dont share too much cause its expensive...
thanks mrstomommy, you have any good recipe ideas or diet suggestions? always good to hear new ideas...:)
I get the red raspberry from Mountain Rose Herb, the shipping is awful, but I bought a whole pound of the leaves and we drink it all the time and I use it to make my Kombucha and we have not made a dent in it! So its still WAY cheaper than the little bags.

I got the herbal multi from a VERY crunchy blog I follow; Modern Alternative Mama. She puts alfalfa, dandelion, catnip, nettle, and spearmint in her multi, but also suggest you could use oatstraw. She says it contains:

B-vitamin complex (B-1 through B-9, including folic acid)
Vitamin C
Vitamin K

All pretty important for regulating a cycle and conceiving.

I pray that you get your BFP so soon. My house mate just lost her beautiful Shemyah under almost identical circumstances and it just changes everything. I hope you get so much healing in this time. I cannot imagine what its like, my house mate isn't really sharing much with me so I have been reading stories to help me help her and help me deal with the loss too. We were all excited to have the new baby around. I wish I knew how to help her and you more!
:hugs:you are so sweet thanks so much. i think reading stories and looking at what other ladies are feeling is the best way to (kinda) get what she is going through.. were u close to her before this happened? you could ask her if its ok with her if u ask/ talk to her about the baby/her birth... i know i really wanted to be able to talk about my birth and not feel like i was a bummer. maybe that doesnt make sense, but i didnt want to feel like a burden... i also really appreciate it when people use ligias name and dont just say "the baby" there was a quote i saw somewhere that said "the sound of my sons name may bring tears to my eyes, but its always music to my ears":cry: dont be afraid that talking about her experience will hurt her more... NOTHING you can do or say can hurt more than saying goodbye to your child. there are certainly ways to talk about it and things to say that can be better for her healing though. i really think silence can do the most harm though. i just think its really nice that you care enough to do some research to be able to be the best friend you can be. you could probably look into some locations of grief/baby loss support groups in your area, they could be helpful for her and the father to go to.

that herbal multi idea makes a lot of sense, i know that vitamins(pills) arent usually even well used or absorbed by the body, so by using a food based formula in theory it should be more effective... i used a great liquid juice/herb based iron supplement called "iron and herbs"(from whole foods...lil pricey...) at the end of my pregnancy, and it worked so quickly to get my iron up, i use it still when i get AF if i am feeling wiped out.. its got loads of b complex vitamins too so it really lifts my mood up too. ive also been using passionflower and lemon balm for anxiety, and panic attacks... works great...also a nice sleep aid especially with valarian root...:thumbup:

hope you are all doing well out there! got some awesome honey last night so im off to make some of that granola!!!!!:wohoo::headspin::dance::yipee::loopy::fool:

hehehe later!
Hi all

After being diagnosed with fibriods nothing too worrying but read I could eat them away.

So green smoothies every other day for breakfast and after dinner.

Two yellow and red smoofhies a week.

Circulation excerises each day to improve blood flow to the vital areas.

Working out 3 times a week and trying to reduce stress
Bordeaux: smoothies are always a good thing, ive been swimming this summer trying to excercise more....
do you make your own smoothies? or whats in em?
have you ever looked into fertility massages? its pretty much technique to increase blood flow to uterus and ovaries by a certain kinda rubbing... you can do them on yourself just only do them in the early part of your cycle. there is some good information about them online
good luck and lots of :dust: to everybody :thumbup:
Hey ilmh, I so my smoothies from scratch:

Green spinch, celery banana apple and lemon juice

Red,: berries banana

Yellow: pineapple mango and banana.

Would love to know more about fertility massages any links.

My dh is doing smoothies too with wheat grass and macca.
link to self fertility massage info:

mmm smoothies sound good... do u use juice base or yogurt, milk? i also love wheat grass shots... so sweet and yum..
p.s. where are u from..... bordeaux?

are you ladies taking any vitamins to boost your system? i am on a prenatal, calcium and magnesium, and ester c 1000mg....
What should I eat and do week before high ovulation point? Heard pineapple juice and brasil nuts are good?????
Hmmm, I have not read anything beyond what you probably know. Folic Acid, avoid alcohol and tobacco. So sorry. I know that calcium is also a good one and many people tout JuicePlus as a wonderful supplement.
Hi ladies! Great thread :)
I am a vegan since April 2012 and started TTC just this month. So my suggestion will be plant-based foods only, but from what I am reading, deli meats and undercooked animal products are not ideal anyway.

I have discovered that buckwheat is packed in nutrients and has all 9 protein aminoacids that the body cannot synthesize. So I have invented a recipe including lentils, olive oil, buckwheat, parsley, tomatoes.
You can find this one here:
Also, when it comes to smoothies, here is another invention of mine, packed with nutrients:

Lemon water, as already discussed, is a great detox and a nice alternative for coffee, when you want something warm to sip.

Broccoli is also full of calcium and so is bok choy and almonds.

When it comes to folic acid, you can get it by eating beans, lentils and dark leafy greens.

I have been taking the Solgar Prenatal since February 2013 and my blood tests came back excellent in July. I am not sure if it is the multivitamin, the diet or both, but it works.

Plus, I suggest that you google vegan diet and PCOS. I have no personal experience, but many women claim that they got rid of their PCOS via a plant based diet :)
Oh also, we started to juice more in our house. Greens, carrots, apples, cucumbers. Its good. Definitely takes some getting used to the taste, but its suppose to be SO SO good for you.

I get really overwhelmed if I start researching all the health stuff, basically its what we already intuitively know. Eat whole foods that you cook at home.

Lentils are SUPER good for you, my suggestions: Buy red lentils, a little more expensive but you can mix them with your pasta sauce and EVERYONE will love it, even the meat eaters. Green lentils are good with Indian spices. I use turmeric, garam masala, ginger, garlic and cilantro. YUM
Been eating well and smoothies every day working out a lot. Now I have had brownish discharge for the last couple of days and I am day 9 of my cycle. I am 80% sure o passed what looked like a small fibroid could this be them depleting.

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