EDD Sept 20th bump buddies wanted!

Had my first appt. today! It's starting to feel so real. Going for my fasting bloodwork in the morning and first scan at 9 weeks!:happydance:
I had a spinal tap epidural last time that really just took the edge off. It allowed me to rest a little bit during the labor (I spent the night before in the hospital so they could soften my cervix and prepare for induction, so needless to say I did not sleep well at all). I'm very glad that I got and don't regret it one bit. I have quite a high pain tolerance, but I decided that I wanted something to help me out a little bit.
I plan on going that route again this time.

Oh! I'm starting to get really anxious to at least get my first appt scheduled!! :wacko: :haha:
I have now added all of the new women to the list. Welcome to you all, and consider visiting that post and completing our Q&A so that we can get to know you better! Nice to read the answers submitted so far.

Hope everything turns well with you thyroid, let us know how you vo sith the treatment.
Yesterday the gp called me with the blood results and everything was fine and normal hcg levels for 4 weeks. She told me I was in 104 (that was at 4 week exact) do you know yours?
Our phone conversation was brief and we had a lot to talk about, so I don't remember the exact number. I *think* he said 139 or 159. When my lab results get posted to my online hospital account, I'll be able to check for sure. I know that the range for "normal" is huge and that all that really matters is that your levels are doubling every 2-3 days.

UPDATE: Got the results tonight. My HCG is 138. Test was drawn at 15 dpo.

What sort of birth do all you ladies want and are you going to have a birth plan?

I'm not on for pain so we want a hospital birth with gas & air and an epidural. And defo doing a birth plan even though it may not go to plan lol x
When I gave birth to DD, I had just about every intervention in the book: magnesium for high blood pressure, Pitocin to induce labor, water broken to induce labor, epidural, forceps, and a loathsome episiotomy that gave me dyspareunia for three years afterward (!). I really hated the sensation of being stuck in a bed with a zillion wires and monitors and IVs coming out of me and people having to tell me when to push because I couldn't feel my own contractions.

So, this time I'd like to try for a natural childbirth in the hospital, not because I think all natural childbirths are better or safer, but because I need to do something different, and I think it might be the right choice for me. As I've already mentioned, my doctor is a family practice resident and I have a very good relationship with him. Us on the phone today:

Him: Thank you for the card, that was very sweet.
Me: It was sweet that I called you a "slacker"??
Him: My colleague said that if the patient feels comfortable calling you things like "slacker," it just shows that you have a good relationship.

I got a little ahead of myself last year while I was WTT and drafted a sample birth plan. Here's what I came up with:


My name is [Proserpina], and I would like to welcome you to the birth of my second child! Please take a moment to review my birth plan. Stop groaning! I promise it is not boring like all those other birth plans out there.

Early & Active Labor at Home

  • Persons who will be present throughout labor and delivery include my groin buddy [DH's name], my δουλα [doula name], and the Holy Spirit.
  • I prefer to labor at home for as long as possible, encompassing early labor and a good deal of active labor. My minions will be in touch with the appropriate medical personnel on the progress of my labor and when to head to the hospital.
Active Labor in the Hospital

  • Handsy medical personnel are a no-no. You may conduct a vaginal exam in triage, but I otherwise wish for vaginal exams to be kept to a minimum, and reserve the right to refuse them.
  • Atmosphere is important to me. I prefer to labor and deliver in my own clothing and keep the lights dimmed. I recognize and accept that my clothing may be destroyed if I must be prepped for an emergency C-section.
  • Bondage is for making babies, not having babies. This means “no” to continuous fetal monitoring (whether internal or external), IVs, epidurals, Pitocin drips, catheters, and anything else that may severely limit my mobility. You may install a Hep-Lock if you so desire.
  • I prefer to utilize natural pain management options: massage, water, relaxation, visualization, counter-pressure, changing positions, and gazing longingly at pictures of actor Jason Statham. I am aware of the pain management options available via the miracles of modern medicine, and will ask for them if I change my mind about having a natural childbirth experience.
Delivery in the Hospital

  • I wish to deliver in the position that feels most natural and comfortable to me.
  • I do NOT want an episiotomy. I hope to avoid tearing via massage, hot compresses, and allowing the baby's head time to stretch the perineum naturally. Regardless, I prefer taking my chances with tears over having an episiotomy. Did I mention that I do NOT want an episiotomy?
  • When I give birth to my baby, I wish to hold him or her immediately, and I do not wish to clamp the cord right away. Furthermore, please do not encroach on my sacred right to order my own husband around by railroading him into cutting the cord.
After Delivery

  • If our child is a boy, we wish to have him circumcised.
  • If my delivery was uncomplicated and our baby is healthy, I wish to go home ASAP. Please consider releasing us early.
  • I am a pescetarian. I will eat eggs, dairy products, and seafood, but not beef, pork, or chicken.
Please know that I consider this plan to be an expression of hopes and ideals, not a rigid list of demands from which there will be no variation. The most important thing is that you try to help me achieve these goals, whilst fully informing me of the pros and cons of any proposed medical interventions which deviate from the plan, and obtaining my fully informed consent before going through with them.


Obviously, I've had way too much time to think about this.
Proserpina OMG you are very detailed on your birth plan. I have never done something like this! the OB did with two of mine because of health issues of my monkey's but I never did one for myself. Good on you to take charge of it. :thumbup:
Wow, that is a wonderfully detailed birth plan! I love it :thumbup: All I want is my DH there in the room with me and an epidural (and everything that goes with that choice). Everything else I'll just take in stride. I tore only a little bit last time but it was really my own fault pushing too hard too fast, but only needed like 2 stitches. Not too bad.
hello everyone, i'll like to join all of you!

i think i am due on 19 Sept. I'm not sure because I wasn't tracking my ovulation date but know for sure ovulation was late, hence I cannot calculate my EDD based on last menstrual date.

1. What day did you get your BFP? How many DPO were you?
7th Jan, CD36. Not sure which DPO but I am guessing DPO 10 based on the faintness of the line.

2. Are you hoping for a girl or a boy? Or maybe you're really ambitious and you hope it's twins??
Hoping for a girl because my #1 is a boy.

3. Will you be learning baby's sex early, or staying team ?
Yes I will be learning baby's sex early. With #1 I knew he is a boy at week 12. With #2, I am hoping to know by week 16.

4. How old are you? What # is this for you?
32 years old, and #2.

5. Have you had any pregnancy symptoms so far?
Not much and it freaks me out so I POAS everyday to see the lines grow darker. The 2 lines are now the same darkness. I will continue to POAS until I see the doc in 2 weeks' time or when my symptoms kick in.

With #1 I had so many symptoms by DPO11: nausea, sore boobs, bloatedness, urge to pee often, zits, sensitive to smells etc.

With #2 I have nothing much. Boobs didnt even grow a milimeter. Just mood swings and vivid dreams.

This makes me think I am expecting a girl this time. Hahahaha

6. Have you announced your pregnancy to friends and family yet? If not, when do you plan on telling?
Nope. Will tell family after 1st appoint with doctor at week 6. Will tell very close friends maybe after week 8. Rest of world at week 12.

7. Do you have baby names picked out yet, and if so, do you want to share?
Yes, from a long time ago, for both girl and boy. Not sharing now except that it will begin with K.

8. How do you feel about this pregnancy?
Apprehensive. #1 was a roller coaster ride with a heart defect which required heart surgery. Worried about #2 getting the same but decided to go ahead anyway as we really want a sibling for #1. Praying for sticky and healthy #2!

Nice to know all of you and let us all have a smooth 9 months ahead with lovely healthy babies waiting for us!

I've kind of been hovering around the site for a couple months now. If it wasn't for everyone here I would have no idea what to expect and I'd probably be feeling much crazier than I already do!

My EDD is Sept. 23! I'm so excited, it's our first.

1. What day did you get your BFP? How many DPO were you?
I got mine (officially) Jan 13th with FRER, though I got an extremely faint line on the 12th with EPT, so I suspected/hoped!

2. Are you hoping for a girl or a boy? Or maybe you're really ambitious and you hope it's twins??
Boy :)

3. Will you be learning baby's sex early, or staying team ?
I think I'd go insane not knowing! I will be learning early, but totally admire those who are team ?

4. How old are you? What # is this for you?
26 and this will be #1

5. Have you had any pregnancy symptoms so far?
Yes!! Nausea, acid reflux, bloating, feverish, fatigue, sore boobs, gas, frequent peeing. I felt like I must be pregnant this month with my body giving me all these clues! Luckily I was right or I would be really confused.

6. Have you announced your pregnancy to friends and family yet? If not, when do you plan on telling?
Not yet, only 4 weeks and a couple days still. I'll be waiting a couple more weeks. I have to tell my in-laws on Jan. 26th because my husband's sister and brother will be visiting and I think it would be a good time to tell everyone there. I will tell my family right before that. I won't well coworkers or the world until after 12 weeks.

7. Do you have baby names picked out yet, and if so, do you want to share?
I have the girl's name picked out: Aria Noelle. The boy's names are harder for some reason. We like Flynn, Calvin, or Rowan the most...but who knows? Any ideas?

8. How do you feel about this pregnancy?
Jittery, excited, nervous....I'm nervous about it still being so early on. I really want to be into the safe(r) zone already. My husband and I waited for a while before TTC and now I feel it's the perfect time (emotionally) for us to have a baby. I really hope I have a sticky, healthy bean!
Got my first app booked for the 28th jan now so excited. I am still on mat leave from my first ( I had a year off, LO is 11&1/2 months) I go back on Monday. I'm not worried about telling my boss as she came back to wk 5 months pregnant with her second! But I'm sure a few of the others will moan so a bit nervous about that.
Any of ye ladies having crazy dreams?! Can't remember them properly but I know they are bizarre!
I am having the weirdest dreams. This morning I had a dream that all the little kids including mine had turned into these giant head zombies. They totally looked like little cartoon characters. Then switched over to me fishing?? In a river that we had to wait for the rods. Somehow moving across the water looking at all the fish in the water and then falling over the edge of a water fall only to land on the ledge on the wall, I guess I was in a building with a river in it, then I crossed the ledge to find a door that lead to a closet with no exit. Then I woke up. I know there were more than just those two, I must have like 10-20 crazy dreams a night. Some are even baby dreams!!
I am stuck at a children's hospital in Chicago today, waiting for my daughter to get out of cleft palate repair surgery. Hoping to do some blood work on my thyroid while I'm waiting.
I am stuck at a children's hospital in Chicago today, waiting for my daughter to get out of cleft palate repair surgery. Hoping to do some blood work on my thyroid while I'm waiting.

Proserpina I am praying that all goes well today! :hugs:
Proserpina I am praying that all goes well today! :hugs:
Thanks, WantaBelly. She's still in surgery. Can't wait for her to get out and get to her room so that we can take a nap together.

Was able to get my blood drawn for a Free T3 test on my thyroid while waiting, so that was good. Ironically, I actually hope it comes back low. Then we would know why my TSH is sky-high and which synthetic hormone to put me on.
DD is in recovery, about to be moved to a room. Surgery went well.
Hey can I join you ladies? found out sat and tested again sun. EDD is 20th Sept
I am stuck at a children's hospital in Chicago today, waiting for my daughter to get out of cleft palate repair surgery. Hoping to do some blood work on my thyroid while I'm waiting.

i hope your little girl is recovering well :flower:
Please can I join you? Tentatively expecting, and probably due September twentieth xx

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