Hi all mind if I join in?!
1. What day did you get your BFP? How many DPO were you?
16th Jan - think I was around 19 dpo but we had given up TTC this cycle and were waiting for our first appointment with the fertility clinic! So wasn't really tracking ovulation...
2. Are you hoping for boy or girl? Or maybe you're really ambitious and you hope it's twins??
Eeek twins would be scary. Kinda hoping for a girl but chances are slim - it's boys all the way on DH's side! Just a healthy baby of either sex is good for me
3. Will you be learning baby's sex early, or staying team ?
Will find out I think - too impatient!
4. How old are you? What # is this for you?
I am 31, and this is my #1.
5. Have you had any pregnancy symptoms so far?
Lots of cramping / pinching - I've had endo for years and it's like my normal endo pains. First got suspicious when I thought AF had arrived - but the pink spotting turned to brown and then stopped. Got more suspicious when DH started to comment on the size of my bbs then tested when they got so sore I struggled to put a seatbelt on! Tiredness seems to have kicked in last couple of days and I have a constant mild background nausea and not able to eat as much as normal
6. Have you announced your pregnancy to friends and family yet? If not, when do you plan on telling?
We've told immediate family (parents and bros/sis) and a few close friends. We're not planning on keeping it secret until 12 weeks - most of our friends know we're TTC so they're bound to ask. Plus DH and I figure we share the highs and lows with our friends. We'll share our happy news now and if for some horrible reason the pregnancy doesn't progress they'll be around to support us. Also my kind of job means that a few people around me at work need to know.
7. Do you have baby names picked out yet, and if so, do you want to share?
Nothing fixed - lots of different ideas for a boy. Our favourite girls name at the moment is Evelyn Beatrice (call her Evie Bea) but we're not making definite plans until later on
8. How do you feel about this pregnancy?
Still in shock as we had completely given up hope! Very very happy and excited but also nervous. Something in the back of my head keeps telling me I've made it all up and the tests are lying to me!
Hoping we all have a H&H 9 months!