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End of April Testers / Support System!!! Xmas/NYE Babies

I took clomid this cycle and last cycle. I had cramping and slight bloating, but not as bad as what I got with Mirena (I looked 5 months pregnant on that.. with clomid I look maybe 3 months)

That is exactly what I was thinking when I looked in the mirror
...lol makes me feel a little bit better that it is somewhat normal!! Thanks so much!!!!
Yeah. Every body reacts differently. I still sleep fine, no night sweats, no nausea, just the slight bloating and some cramping.

It did make my endo a little worse so now :sex: is a little painful (like it was before I had surgery to remove some endo).
I took clomid this cycle and last cycle. I had cramping and slight bloating, but not as bad as what I got with Mirena (I looked 5 months pregnant on that.. with clomid I look maybe 3 months)

That is exactly what I was thinking when I looked in the mirror
...lol makes me feel a little bit better that it is somewhat normal!! Thanks so much!!!!

I wish you the best. Myself on the other hand is moving on to round 5 of clomid but with a higher dose (I am so very scared to do this because of my horrible side effects) and I am going to see my doc today at 2 pm and talk about what dose, & FLArmywife, she is more than likely going to force me to do the trigger shot. We are also going to schedule me the dye test, not sure when since ill be taking clomid; you would like it the dye could mess up the drugs.

But like FLArmywife states everyone is different.

1st month - I felt horrible side cramps to the point where I needed a heating pad, bloating, raging BIT*H

2nd & 3rd month - raging BIT*H, hot flashes, hot flashes and more hot flashes, I mean to the point where my forehead had beads of sweat. I remember I went to target and a stupid heat wave came with 3 inches of snow outside, I pealed my jacket off, had to bend over because I thought I was going to black out, this check out lady looked at me like I was stupid. Keep in mind I am only 27 :haha: so I can kind of see why I was getting dirty looks!!!

4th month (this month) - Extremely bloated, hot flashes are back, raging BIT*H X10, cry at the drop of a dime, no energy, extreme head aches, i struggle to stay awake, waking up all hours of the night, sometimes I see flashing lights and blurred vision, and now I have been experiencing extreme night terrors. :coffee: that is what I look like on a daily basis, I have found myself lying to my boss so I can take the day off and stay in bed.
Faith, I think the trigger shot might do you well IF she can get you to not have such horrible side effects of the meds. I really hope it all gets worked out. I'll be anxious to hear how it goes
Faith, I think the trigger shot might do you well IF she can get you to not have such horrible side effects of the meds. I really hope it all gets worked out. I'll be anxious to hear how it goes

I am so anxious to see also!!! I will let you ladies know
:coffee: wish I could sit at home just waiting alas I have to go mold the minds of 1st graders today
I took clomid this cycle and last cycle. I had cramping and slight bloating, but not as bad as what I got with Mirena (I looked 5 months pregnant on that.. with clomid I look maybe 3 months)

That is exactly what I was thinking when I looked in the mirror
...lol makes me feel a little bit better that it is somewhat normal!! Thanks so much!!!!

I wish you the best. Myself on the other hand is moving on to round 5 of clomid but with a higher dose (I am so very scared to do this because of my horrible side effects) and I am going to see my doc today at 2 pm and talk about what dose, & FLArmywife, she is more than likely going to force me to do the trigger shot. We are also going to schedule me the dye test, not sure when since ill be taking clomid; you would like it the dye could mess up the drugs.

But like FLArmywife states everyone is different.

1st month - I felt horrible side cramps to the point where I needed a heating pad, bloating, raging BIT*H

2nd & 3rd month - raging BIT*H, hot flashes, hot flashes and more hot flashes, I mean to the point where my forehead had beads of sweat. I remember I went to target and a stupid heat wave came with 3 inches of snow outside, I pealed my jacket off, had to bend over because I thought I was going to black out, this check out lady looked at me like I was stupid. Keep in mind I am only 27 :haha: so I can kind of see why I was getting dirty looks!!!

4th month (this month) - Extremely bloated, hot flashes are back, raging BIT*H X10, cry at the drop of a dime, no energy, extreme head aches, i struggle to stay awake, waking up all hours of the night, sometimes I see flashing lights and blurred vision, and now I have been experiencing extreme night terrors. :coffee: that is what I look like on a daily basis, I have found myself lying to my boss so I can take the day off and stay in bed.

I'm anxious to see what she says. Good luck at your appt hun.
Oh I'm sorry I must have misread.. I feel like an idiot.. well I guess my last post goes to anyone that can give a little insight..

No no don't feel like an idiot! Sounds like what you're experiencing is normal.
So my appointment was a little weird. She told me she doesn't believe i pcos, she just thinks i had a crazy cycle or the test just didn't catch the surge. This is the first time i have seen her since my DH SA. So then she told me that they rate the sperm kinda like grades 14+ is great 5-13 is just okay and below 5 is bad. She rated DH a 9 which is okay she said and i could get pregnant off it. So I'm really not 100% sure what the nurse was reading me when i called. She isn't going to give me clomid anymore because she didn't like a few of my side effects i was dealing with! Thank goodness! ! She did give me the number to call Monday and schedule a HSG test for CD7-CD12 of next cycle. She told me that in 2 months if I'm not pregnant she is referring me to a fertility specialist for a IUI because of DH sperm. When i left she hugged me and said that since I'm bloated it's a great sign i O'd and her fx'd that it's my month and i don't have to do anything. Way to get my hopes up right lol optimistic but highly doubtful
So my appointment was a little weird. She told me she doesn't believe i pcos, she just thinks i had a crazy cycle or the test just didn't catch the surge. This is the first time i have seen her since my DH SA. So then she told me that they rate the sperm kinda like grades 14+ is great 5-13 is just okay and below 5 is bad. She rated DH a 9 which is okay she said and i could get pregnant off it. So I'm really not 100% sure what the nurse was reading me when i called. She isn't going to give me clomid anymore because she didn't like a few of my side effects i was dealing with! Thank goodness! ! She did give me the number to call Monday and schedule a HSG test for CD7-CD12 of next cycle. She told me that in 2 months if I'm not pregnant she is referring me to a fertility specialist for a IUI because of DH sperm. When i left she hugged me and said that since I'm bloated it's a great sign i O'd and her fx'd that it's my month and i don't have to do anything. Way to get my hopes up right lol optimistic but highly doubtful

omgness such a crazy appointment.
I'm glad she doesn't think it's pcos. It is possible you had 1 crazy cycle.
At least DH's :spermy: is on the higher end of the 'good' range.. maybe he had an off day and they're actually Great ;)
Glad she isn't putting you on any more clomid. Your body needs a break from all the BS. as far as the in 2 months sending you to a fertility specialist, I mean I guess it's good because a specialist might have better insight but I find it so rude that she said it'd be because of the :spermy: there are so many other things that could be going on.
I didn't know bloat was a sign of Oing.. :shrug: I guess that's good?
I do hope she is right though and that this month could be your month. You deserve a :BFP:
Well that sounds both promising and confusing all at the same time... :hugs: smile!
So my appointment was a little weird. She told me she doesn't believe i pcos, she just thinks i had a crazy cycle or the test just didn't catch the surge. This is the first time i have seen her since my DH SA. So then she told me that they rate the sperm kinda like grades 14+ is great 5-13 is just okay and below 5 is bad. She rated DH a 9 which is okay she said and i could get pregnant off it. So I'm really not 100% sure what the nurse was reading me when i called. She isn't going to give me clomid anymore because she didn't like a few of my side effects i was dealing with! Thank goodness! ! She did give me the number to call Monday and schedule a HSG test for CD7-CD12 of next cycle. She told me that in 2 months if I'm not pregnant she is referring me to a fertility specialist for a IUI because of DH sperm. When i left she hugged me and said that since I'm bloated it's a great sign i O'd and her fx'd that it's my month and i don't have to do anything. Way to get my hopes up right lol optimistic but highly doubtful

What a crazy appointment. I wouldn't know what to make of it. 1 minute your dh has super sperm now it's average. I'm so happy you won't be on clomid anymore, it sounds awful. Maybe this is your month and you wont have to deal with any of this bs anymore. How is your dh dealing with all of this?
Omg it was a weird one. I just don't understand why they allow nurses to give info out to us. DH has been saying it was him from the beginning, due to being a smoker and using so much pre work out mix in his younger years. I keep trying to tell him not to beat himself up like that. It's really no ones fault! She told me there is only just so much stuff she can do and a fertility specialist can do way more, so i can understand why she would refer me.

I was jumping up and down about no more clomid
Omg it was a weird one. I just don't understand why they allow nurses to give info out to us. DH has been saying it was him from the beginning, due to being a smoker and using so much pre work out mix in his younger years. I keep trying to tell him not to beat himself up like that. It's really no ones fault! She told me there is only just so much stuff she can do and a fertility specialist can do way more, so i can understand why she would refer me.

I was jumping up and down about no more clomid

She should have a talk with her staff about giving faulty results. My dh would beat himself up too. I know you'll get help if you need it but try to remain positive until then. Omg I bet you are relieved about no more clomid.
Omg it was a weird one. I just don't understand why they allow nurses to give info out to us. DH has been saying it was him from the beginning, due to being a smoker and using so much pre work out mix in his younger years. I keep trying to tell him not to beat himself up like that. It's really no ones fault! She told me there is only just so much stuff she can do and a fertility specialist can do way more, so i can understand why she would refer me.

I was jumping up and down about no more clomid

She should have a talk with her staff about giving faulty results. My dh would beat himself up too. I know you'll get help if you need it but try to remain positive until then. Omg I bet you are relieved about no more clomid.

So excited!!!
I used an opk yesterday afternoon and it was a couple of shades lighter so I think within the next couple of days I should see a positive. I had a little ewcm last night but dh passed out due to working long hrs and traveling so I let it go. Definitely going to bd tonight.
I used an opk yesterday afternoon and it was a couple of shades lighter so I think within the next couple of days I should see a positive. I had a little ewcm last night but dh passed out due to working long hrs and traveling so I let it go. Definitely going to bd tonight.

Yayayay so exciting! !!!!
No clue if i o'd if i did no clue what DPO i am.

Very watery CM, my nips have changed ewww still very bloated! I finally was able to sleep last night
No clue if i o'd if i did no clue what DPO i am.

Very watery CM, my nips have changed ewww still very bloated! I finally was able to sleep last night

Any chance you can bd just in case? Especially if you have watery cm . I'm glad you are finally sleeping good.

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