So I'm sitting on my couch balling my eyes out because my favorite sister-in-law sent me a picture of my neice holding a positive pregnancy test
God this hurts!!!
EDIT: I should specify that it's not my niece's test. Lol
I feel like O day will never get here![]()
I know how you feel MnG, that's how I feel right now too! I keep thinking "it is time yet?!?" and then realizing I'm STILL only on CD5. Still have a ways to go! Not that I'm not dtd some in the meantime as well, just seems to take forever to get to the time where it actually counts. I think we're always kind of in a TWW one way or another...first waiting to O, then waiting to POAS!![]()
So I'm sitting on my couch balling my eyes out because my favorite sister-in-law sent me a picture of my neice holding a positive pregnancy test
God this hurts!!!
EDIT: I should specify that it's not my niece's test. Lol
Hi everyone! I am new to this site and I'm looking for some feedback. I ovulated and did the baby dance on august 12th. I am now 7DPO and having some major symptoms already, or at least I feel like it. I started having continuous cramps at about 5DPO and I'm really really bloated as well as tired all the time. As far as CM Goes, the first few days after ovulation I had either cloudy thick cm or watery clear cm. CP has been high, hard and closed since ovulation. I am due for my period on the 26th and I'm dying to start testing even though I know it's too early. But I will say I am DEFINATELY feeling pregnant![]()
Ladies I need your help
can any of you explain to me what a fallback rise is ?