Endo Sufferers!

I'll know Monday what today's results were, but as of right now, my progesterone is 15.5 and my HcG is 1418. Hopefully that doubles just right...

Is this thread still going if anyone reading come back to me. I am having my endo removed and could do with some knowledge please xx
Is this thread still going if anyone reading come back to me. I am having my endo removed and could do with some knowledge please xx


How's things going? I was going to post my own story on this thread, hoping that people are still using it but I saw yours and I hope you're doing ok. It's a bit of a pain in neck having endo removed. When are you having it done? Is it being lasered via lap?

Let me know, I've had it done twice and I'm happy to talk about it with you if you want to .:hugs:

Best of luck, take it easy and try not to worry too much! :flower:

Is this thread still going if anyone reading come back to me. I am having my endo removed and could do with some knowledge please xx


How's things going? I was going to post my own story on this thread, hoping that people are still using it but I saw yours and I hope you're doing ok. It's a bit of a pain in neck having endo removed. When are you having it done? Is it being lasered via lap?

Let me know, I've had it done twice and I'm happy to talk about it with you if you want to .:hugs:

Best of luck, take it easy and try not to worry too much! :flower:

Hi There

Lovely to hear from you I am having it lasered via lap on the 7th, I have booked a week of work and hope it helps some, we have been TTC since 0ct 09 when had recevsal done, and thats when our consultant found th endo, only got one tube so amything to keep it free. What is your story and why twice, take it that it comes back, do you know how quickly? how long you been TTC? does having endo removed help? sorry so many questions the flood backs are open hahaha
Zoe xxx

Thanks for the message. So, to the questions... (all welcome of course - Im happy to answer any that you want to fire my way although I'm sure there are people who know more about it than i do!)

Some little about me... I had my endo diagnosed when I was 21/22 although I've never had an easy time with periods and I therefore found out why! erm... I've been TTC since December 09 so not really that long - I think it's only when you're actively trying that time seems to drag!

Erm... not sure how much you know about it and I don't want to come across all teachery so ignore this if you're already up with it all!

Endo is normal endometrium that is for one reason or another outside where is should be and when it is affected by the normal hormones to do with periods it bleeds into your body cavity. The problem occurs because a. this hurts! and b. the blood in your body cavity then sits on the internal bits of you and causes adhesions which basically stick your insides together. Yuk!

Anyway, in my case it was the adhesions that were causing me the problems and had affected my bowel and one of my phallopian tubes and the lasering was used to separate me out again and burn off the endo pieces that were causing the problem in the first place.

Yes, it does come back but not in everyone and sometimes it goes away after pregnancy! But there are some people who say this is rubbish so I don't know. I guess the most important thing is that everyone is different!

erm... As for the lasering thing. You will be out of it so nothing to worry about until you wake up and even then you'll be fine. I found I was uncomfortable not through what they had done but the gas they use to fill you with when they are working. Get yourself some peppermint tea or peppermint capsules from the chemist as they really help!

Last time I had it done I was off work for a week although I was ok after a couple of days and used the rest of the time for some general pampering and feeling better time!

Having endo removed does help because at least it's not going to be causing any more adhesions and therefore should raise your chances by not affecting your bits!

Anyway, sorry for the essay but I hope it helps a bit. If you want to talk about anything, just message me and I'll try and help.

:hugs: :hugs:

hi ladies, can i join....I am about to have a lap done to possibly diagnose my endo. I have a small fibroid within my uterus that my old ob was saying was causing all the pain. Well, my ob has said that she thinks it is endo which is also why i am not getting pg. She says while the fibroid will cause some problems with a pregnancy is shouldnt compeletely prevent me from getting prego...so here I am...scared as hell..nice to have some support. I started reading the beginning of this thread and it looks liek most of the women that were on it have gotten prego so that makes me feel good about getting down to business.
hi ladies, can i join....I am about to have a lap done to possibly diagnose my endo. I have a small fibroid within my uterus that my old ob was saying was causing all the pain. Well, my ob has said that she thinks it is endo which is also why i am not getting pg. She says while the fibroid will cause some problems with a pregnancy is shouldnt compeletely prevent me from getting prego...so here I am...scared as hell..nice to have some support. I started reading the beginning of this thread and it looks liek most of the women that were on it have gotten prego so that makes me feel good about getting down to business.


The thread does seam to have died of, I only joined it to recently, but I think the reason is because like you say most have got pregnant!!

I am in on the 7th June for my removal of endo, following discovery after reversal, only one tube was able to be saved, but one is better than none.

When are you in? I know what you mean about scared, but try and think of it as a step in the right direction and something to be excited about. I have just started a journal and that has given me loads of support from some really good ladies, who have had simlar opps, might be worth it for you as well.

Wishing you lots of luck
love Zoe
thanks Zoe - well I am just being reffered for possible endo...they arent sure but I have been trying for 11 months now and nothing....i am oving on my own and I have one small fibroid in my uterus, which my dr seems to think might cause a mc but not me NOT getting pg at all. So he wants me to have a lap done to check it out. I have to go over to the states to have it done b/c no one here does lap. So I am waiting for my dr in the states to call back with an appt to see me first and then schedule the lap....this is all really new to me and I dont even know if I have endo, but it does make me feel better to see that mostly everyone on this thread has gotten pg. G/L on june 7th....and please let me know how you aer doing...>I will check out your journal also.
btw, do you know when in your cycle you have to have the lap done? should you not ttc that month?
your link only takes me to the main page of ttc journals....what is your journal called?
Hi there

Cheers for the heads up I have sorted my journal link out!

I see you live in a lovely place but maybe not the best for all the tests and stuff you will need hey. I don't think you have to be at anytime in the cycle as I know it's not something they asked me. They will do a pg test before they do the lap so I wouldn't worry about holding of on trying.

Best of luck to you I hope you get your date soon and then you'll know where you are up to with your body.

Love Zoe
thanks for the info zoom....yeah I almost wish I could just get it over with now and not wait another month. but patience is a virtue and boy am I being taught that lesson.
ok so I got my appt for June 21 and that is just a consult. My dr over there will take a look at my hsg cuz she never say it (I had it done here), and she will decide what course of action she wants to take. That is if I dont get pregnant this month...that would be great wouldnt it...but I dont think it will happen.

Laura- when was the last time you had the lap? Did it help you with your period flow and pain?

Really pleased you have got a date sorted out for an appointment at least, yes I agree get all the test you can when in states, and if you can a sperm test for OH just so you know everything and can work from there! Good luck
Zoe x

I just wanted to add a quick post to the thread to say hi and welcome. I think this was a pretty old thread with lots of pregnant ladies in it, but there are lots of others in the same boat as you (like me) and I just wanted to let you know that we are all here to help you and talk stuff through with you if you want/need.

You really don't need to be scared! As you can see from the other posts here, I know where you're coming from and how horrid it can be to be diagnosed with endo, particularly in the early stages...

If you want to talk or anything or have questions or whatever just drop me a message or stick here (I'll visit and we'll start this thread again!) and I'll try and help!

I have a journal too which you are welcome to read.

Here's some :flower: for you and a :hugs: from someone the UK who knows some of what you are going through.

zoom -yeah we had an SA done on DH about 4 months ago and all is well in fact dr said...."his swimmers are in wonderful shape"...makes it harder to know that it is me that is holdign this up but dh is a wonderful man and is very patient.

Thanks Laura...I sure will lean on you guys for support.
Oh hun its not you, most of us are in the same boat, we have men with swimmers who could compete in 2012!

Also as you said you only have to read through this thread and you see how many people got there :bfp:

I am going for some reiki today and will update my jounal later to say how it went, it is meant to help with the healing process. i hope it does as want to use it after my lap to hurry things along. I will let you know how it went. Plus read Lauralili journal for some inspiration, you may like what you see.

Hello Ladies,

I just found out last summer 2009 that I have Endo. It is stage three with lots of adhesions and scar tissue. I have never had surgery before in my life and my DR is concerned as to why I have all these adhesions and scar tissue...to tell you the truth, I have no idea either. LOL Had a Lap last summer and then was put on lupron for 9months. Its been 3 months sense my last injection and im on my second AF sense I stopped.

I just started TTC in April 2010. I am also on my second round of Clomid, was 50mg and started second dose today of 100mg.

I have read EVERYTHING about charting, BBTs, and CM. I dont drink, smoke, or do drugs. I am taking ALL the supplements to help with uterine lining and follicle growth...etc.
Anyone have any ideas on what I should be expecting with this higher dose and what is the success rate when your on a higher dose? :winkwink:

Me (27) DP (25) Donor (25)
TTC #1
Round one Clomid 4-14-10
Round 2 Clomid 5-15-10
Hi. I'm new to this group and TTC.
My doctor believes that I have endo but said to try a few times for a baby before the surgery so I'll be having my first IUI in June if all goes well.

Good luck to you ladies!
Hi all,

I was just wondering how everyone's TTC journey has been going over the past few weeks/months/etc.

I don't come down this way very often anymore but it's always great catching up with people in a similar boat to me and being able to have a natter.

:dust: to everyone needing it... Sometimes I think we endo ladies need a bit more dust and PMA so here's some more...

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:


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