Epidural- why are people so against it?

I decided to keep an open mind for my labor. I wanted to do as much as I could to avoid the epidural or delay it, and that's what I did. My water started to leak in the middle of the night, and when I went to L&D the next morning, I had no contractions. And because I tested positive for GBS, I needed antibiotics. They started the oxytocin, and I knew it would likely make my labor more painful. They started the oxytocin at 1:30pm and I was only 1cm dilated. At 9pm, I was only 4 cm dilated, with 100% back labor. It was so painful. I just felt like someone was stabbing me in the kidneys all the way down to my legs. I was not enjoying it at all, and DH felt so helpless. So I asked for the epidural. They did an AMAZING job. I could still move and feel my legs, but the pain was all gone. I was still able to feel the urge to push, and most of all, it actually SPED UP my labor. i got the epidural around 9:30-10 pm and by midnight, I was fully dilated and ready to push. 30 minutes later DD was in my arms :) Yep, I went from 4 cm to 10 cm in 2 1/2 hours with only 30 minutes of pushing! Less than an hour after birth, I was walking again, enjoying a very much deserved hot shower:winkwink: I am so glad I took the epidural. I enjoyed my labor so much more!!!
I'm trying not to be irate right now but I think unless you've HAD an epidural. A friend of a friend of a friend 20 years ago stories are completely irrelevant today. These fear mongoring stories are SO inane I really have to believe the epidural received in Canada is nothing like what you guys are referring to! Omg. Like I'm seriously in shock...3 week headaches....not being able to breast feed? In Canada there is actually studies that epidurals speed up labour because the mom is so relaxed. I've never in my entire life heard such crazy stories and I had many midwife conversations........

How about I tell you MY story, instead of a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend (like everyone had a friend who had laser eye surgery and went blind.......that surgery isn't even the same from 5 years ago. Science changes. It becomes more advanced folks.) crazy thought. So. For me. I had an epidural to help with the pain.....It slowly wore off near the end (like its suppose to) so I could feel enough to push. Start to finish 6 hour labour. My baby and I successfully nursed after. I had zero headaches....I was actually up and walking around within hours of my labour. I get people saying its a personal choice but I'm sorry I had to say something. Especially when you've never had one but seem to think something you heard 15 years ago is going to somehow make this woman make the best choice for her!!!!!!!!! Anyways. I'm clearly gonna get crucified because not one other person agreed but considering this is baby and bump CANADA I felt the need to step in And honestly just be like.........WOW!!!!! I am so glad I live in Canada right now!!! Hahahhaaa

My story happened 2.5 years ago.... in Canada :shrug: Most birthing centres will provide pamphlets/citations indicating statistics on pain relief. Educate yourself.
Ouch!!! Educate yourself....so mean.....Ok but seriously can we not agree that saying epidurals prevent breast feeding is insane???? I think that's what tipped me over the edge. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but think of how many women give birth every single day.....of course there is an occasional time things are going to go wrong..just as many epidural births as regular births. It's going to happen!! We can find pamphlets for whatever we want to find. So I don't believe in that because I could research and gear it towards the outcome I want........not to mention birthing centres are focused on natural birth so aren't they going to try and motivate you to do it natural. That's like going into church and expecting to find a booklet on why you shouldn't believe in god.
I'm saying educate if you think Canada is any sort of different or special .... or if these 'crazy' stories are from 3rd hand sources decades ago. It happens NOW, to normal Canadian women like me. I'm all for people's choice, who am I to judge if I had one too, but once it happens to you, you start doing research and realize you aren't quite so rare ...
in all fairness i've noticed a fair few differences in countries too,,,

eg... i noticed (what seemed to be) a lot more horror stories from c sections from uk and us then over here generally...
and found out that heaps use staples and over here we don't (well none of the hospitals i know of anyway)

i think what shes trying to say is that maybe its administered different or managed differently .... different countries have different ways... eg the gas and air thing in UK and no in US
I'm trying not to be irate right now but I think unless you've HAD an epidural. A friend of a friend of a friend 20 years ago stories are completely irrelevant today. These fear mongoring stories are SO inane I really have to believe the epidural received in Canada is nothing like what you guys are referring to! Omg. Like I'm seriously in shock...3 week headaches....not being able to breast feed? In Canada there is actually studies that epidurals speed up labour because the mom is so relaxed. I've never in my entire life heard such crazy stories and I had many midwife conversations........

How about I tell you MY story, instead of a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend (like everyone had a friend who had laser eye surgery and went blind.......that surgery isn't even the same from 5 years ago. Science changes. It becomes more advanced folks.) crazy thought. So. For me. I had an epidural to help with the pain.....It slowly wore off near the end (like its suppose to) so I could feel enough to push. Start to finish 6 hour labour. My baby and I successfully nursed after. I had zero headaches....I was actually up and walking around within hours of my labour. I get people saying its a personal choice but I'm sorry I had to say something. Especially when you've never had one but seem to think something you heard 15 years ago is going to somehow make this woman make the best choice for her!!!!!!!!! Anyways. I'm clearly gonna get crucified because not one other person agreed but considering this is baby and bump CANADA I felt the need to step in And honestly just be like.........WOW!!!!! I am so glad I live in Canada right now!!! Hahahhaaa

My story happened 2.5 years ago.... in Canada :shrug: Most birthing centres will provide pamphlets/citations indicating statistics on pain relief. Educate yourself.
Ouch!!! Educate yourself....so mean.....Ok but seriously can we not agree that saying epidurals prevent breast feeding is insane???? I think that's what tipped me over the edge. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but think of how many women give birth every single day.....of course there is an occasional time things are going to go wrong..just as many epidural births as regular births. It's going to happen!! We can find pamphlets for whatever we want to find. So I don't believe in that because I could research and gear it towards the outcome I want........not to mention birthing centres are focused on natural birth so aren't they going to try and motivate you to do it natural. That's like going into church and expecting to find a booklet on why you shouldn't believe in god.

No, studies have found the issues with breastfeeding to exist

This summarization from BabyCenter Canada talks about the fact that epidurals can make the baby drowsy:

This specifically says: "Though research is somewhat ambiguous, most studies suggest that some babies will have trouble “latching on” causing breastfeeding difficulties. Other studies suggest that a baby might experience respiratory depression, fetal malpositioning, and an increase in fetal heart rate variability, thus increasing the need for forceps, vacuum, cesarean deliveries and episiotomies."
I'm saying educate if you think Canada is any sort of different or special .... or if these 'crazy' stories are from 3rd hand sources decades ago. It happens NOW, to normal Canadian women like me. I'm all for people's choice, who am I to judge if I had one too, but once it happens to you, you start doing research and realize you aren't quite so rare ...
Ok I totally get that. And I'm so sorry that happened to you..I think all moms deserve a beautiful easy birth they can brag about..... My point is just this woman asked why people are so against it and the fact is yes there are risks but no matter which way you go there are risks. My best friend had forecepts and she had a natural no epidural labour. So when it was SO one sided I just had to be clear not everyone thinks that way!! Some women go into labour just knowing things are going to happen and it could have been due to so many factors.
As I said. We can always find the right studies


And this even sites a UK study....
As I said. We can always find the right studies


And this even sites a UK study....

That link even notes that studies are conflicting:

Opioids in local anesthetic mixture used for labor epidural are absorbed from the epidural stream into the bloodstream and eventually enter the fetus. Potentially it can lead to sedation of the newborn baby and interference with its attempts at breastfeeding. The results of earlier observational studies are conflicting. Based on the latest properly conducted randomized studies there is no evidence that labor epidural negatively affects breastfeeding."

May there be no link? Absolutely, but I don't think it's "insane" to think there might be a link.
As I said. We can always find the right studies


And this even sites a UK study....

That link even notes that studies are conflicting:

Opioids in local anesthetic mixture used for labor epidural are absorbed from the epidural stream into the bloodstream and eventually enter the fetus. Potentially it can lead to sedation of the newborn baby and interference with its attempts at breastfeeding. The results of earlier observational studies are conflicting. Based on the latest properly conducted randomized studies there is no evidence that labor epidural negatively affects breastfeeding."

May there be no link? Absolutely, but I don't think it's "insane" to think there might be a link.
Ok now SEE this is what I'm talking About. That statement right there...maybe there is no link but we aren't sure...now THAT is helpful to her.

All I'm trying to say ladies is we need to be helpful. Black and white statements that this will happen or there is proof of this or that I just get so frustrated because they don't help anyone. I completely respect your ladies opinion but I just wished we could all be a little more cAreful with how we word things when there isn't solid proof one way or the other ya know???? Like..we know jumping off a building hurts. Hahahahaa. But the world is changing....science is changing...all I'm asking is we just be more respectful that things aren't black and white....because you could do everything "by the book" and still have something go horribly wrong. That's labour and birth unfortunately. It's a risk we take and I think we can state our opinions with scaring the bejesus out of someone. Some poor girl who pops in here because she has no choice to have an epidural and goes off hysterical because she thinks now she'll never breast feed.
As I said. We can always find the right studies


And this even sites a UK study....

That link even notes that studies are conflicting:

Opioids in local anesthetic mixture used for labor epidural are absorbed from the epidural stream into the bloodstream and eventually enter the fetus. Potentially it can lead to sedation of the newborn baby and interference with its attempts at breastfeeding. The results of earlier observational studies are conflicting. Based on the latest properly conducted randomized studies there is no evidence that labor epidural negatively affects breastfeeding."

May there be no link? Absolutely, but I don't think it's "insane" to think there might be a link.
Ok now SEE this is what I'm talking About. That statement right there...maybe there is no link but we aren't sure...now THAT is helpful to her.

All I'm trying to say ladies is we need to be helpful. Black and white statements that this will happen or there is proof of this or that I just get so frustrated because they don't help anyone. I completely respect your ladies opinion but I just wished we could all be a little more cAreful with how we word things when there isn't solid proof one way or the other ya know???? Like..we know jumping off a building hurts. Hahahahaa. But the world is changing....science is changing...all I'm asking is we just be more respectful that things aren't black and white....

I don't think that flying in here and getting "irate" and calling people's views "insane" really contributes to the conversation. I'm much more likely to take someone who comes in level headed and speaks rationally more seriously. There are definitely risks to an epidural, are most of them very low likelihood? Yes, but it's also an unnecessary intervention in most instances. My plan is to go into labor with the desire not to have an epidural but if for some reason it becomes the better option I'm open to it. I think every woman should come to that decision independently and decide what's best for her based on the pros and cons.
As I said. We can always find the right studies


And this even sites a UK study....

That link even notes that studies are conflicting:

Opioids in local anesthetic mixture used for labor epidural are absorbed from the epidural stream into the bloodstream and eventually enter the fetus. Potentially it can lead to sedation of the newborn baby and interference with its attempts at breastfeeding. The results of earlier observational studies are conflicting. Based on the latest properly conducted randomized studies there is no evidence that labor epidural negatively affects breastfeeding."

May there be no link? Absolutely, but I don't think it's "insane" to think there might be a link.
Ok now SEE this is what I'm talking About. That statement right there...maybe there is no link but we aren't sure...now THAT is helpful to her.

All I'm trying to say ladies is we need to be helpful. Black and white statements that this will happen or there is proof of this or that I just get so frustrated because they don't help anyone. I completely respect your ladies opinion but I just wished we could all be a little more cAreful with how we word things when there isn't solid proof one way or the other ya know???? Like..we know jumping off a building hurts. Hahahahaa. But the world is changing....science is changing...all I'm asking is we just be more respectful that things aren't black and white....

I don't think that flying in here and getting "irate" and calling people's views "insane" really contributes to the conversation. I'm much more likely to take someone who comes in level headed and speaks rationally more seriously. There are definitely risks to an epidural, are most of them very low likelihood? Yes, but it's also an unnecessary intervention in most instances. My plan is to go into labor with the desire not to have an epidural but if for some reason it becomes the better option I'm open to it. I think every woman should come to that decision independently and decide what's best for her based on the pros and cons.

Excellent point. Like I Said. The breastfeed point shocked me and I replied from the gut. (I almost did delete it but i thought no...ill just move forward and be better from it)I mean..... I had an epidural and I succesfully breastfeed. So clearly that isn't true. I actually hoped I have redeemed myself and was adding to the conversation. Other than my initial post I was hoping I was. But clearly you feel different so I'll head off now. Good luck with whatever you ladies decide.
I BF twice and had an epi both times :D to be fair though my second did not work the epi that is just numbed one leg haha.
I've always thought I'd have an epidural! I thought why not- if I'd a headache od take a tablet so why not take the best pain relief available for the most painful experience in my life! Yet a lot of people don't want to have one. I know it can slow labour but to be honest I think I'd rather have longer labour than no pain relief and a short one!

I know there's also some risks- but they are minute- right?

So why is everyone so against it?? I don't get it!

im not against it if other people make an informed decision about it and want it. I am against the use when the mother is lied to about how her birth is going and guilt tripped into it. Or made to feel as if she can't handle it and its pushed on her. Or if the mother isn't given the true risks and benefits. I am a firm believer in an informed decision. I am pro natural birth, but more than that i believe if a mom knows all the benefits AND all of the risks, if she wants an epi-go her! If she wants a c-section, go for it, but i will never okay with an uninformed decision. But that has less to do with an epi and more to do with how women can be treated.

But personally, for me, i didn't/dont want it, bc i want to have the experience of an empowering childbirth. There is some deep roots for me, like "if i can do that, then i can do anything." I really feel that it shaped me as a mother, gave me confidence, attached me to intuitive parenting, and it changed me entire life perspective. AGain, not against it for others, but outside of the cascade of intervention that comes along with it (and there is more than listed in the OP), i just want to accomplish a natural birth. Plus i think my child deserves that. Not to mention, i think how you view it has a lot to do with how birth culture impacts you. In my immediate family a natural birth was always viewed as normal and not something that a woman cant handle and not something that was deadly painful (Ive had UTIs that hurt far worse). There was no fear factor invovled. So to me it wasn't much a decision do i want the epi or not, it was more, i can do this and i will do this because my body was made to do so, who do i want there to support me in my life altering journey?. I didn't have that fear that most have because birth was a normal and relevant part of my immediate culture. and really as a person who feels that way, 90 some percent of American Women get epidurals, so really there arn't "that many people against epidurals" its actually the other way around, at least as it pertains to Americans. Plus, im especially glad that i didn't have it with my first. It's hard enough birthing a face up. Most ladies end up in csections with a face up baby and epidural bc they cant get the baby to come down right bc face up requires lots of movements, which for obvious reasons cant happen with an epi. (some get lucky though!Im not saying that always happens, but im just pointing out i was headed in the c-section route with my first and i know for sure that would have happened if i had an epi bc i wouldn't have been able to move around to get him out). That and i wanted to experience a water birth...there is no way to do such a thing with an epidural in.

I guess at the end of the day you can only truly understand why some dont want epis if that is what you want for yourself. for me, though, my primal convictions keep hinder me from wanting an epidural. There is just something deep in me that says i was made to do this. I can do this. And i did, and honestly i dont think ive ever achieved anything as great. Call it machismo, call it pride, call it what you want, but it was the most empowering thing of my life and i am confident that nothing will ever surpass that feeling.

Also to point this out again, there is FAR more to birth than just the pain factor. It really can be a transforming time. Pain isn't what birth is all about. It's about creating mothers (and the more obvious, life) ...perspective changes everything.
Never heard of epidural interfering with breastfeeding...and it certainly wasn't the case for me. DD latched on perfectly:shrug: And I didn't end up a c-section! If anything it actually sped up the labor process.
Studies have shown that epidural and other opoid medications can interfere with successful BF initiation and impact on longer term BF success. Doesn't mean it will be the case in every case but that it is potentially a risk. Same with introducing bottles and dummies too soon, in many cases you can get away with it but in others it causes serious problems that lead to BF ending prematurely xx
I'm trying not to be irate right now but I think unless you've HAD an epidural. A friend of a friend of a friend 20 years ago stories are completely irrelevant today. These fear mongoring stories are SO inane I really have to believe the epidural received in Canada is nothing like what you guys are referring to! Omg. Like I'm seriously in shock...3 week headaches....not being able to breast feed? In Canada there is actually studies that epidurals speed up labour because the mom is so relaxed. I've never in my entire life heard such crazy stories and I had many midwife conversations........

How about I tell you MY story, instead of a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend (like everyone had a friend who had laser eye surgery and went blind.......that surgery isn't even the same from 5 years ago. Science changes. It becomes more advanced folks.) crazy thought. So. For me. I had an epidural to help with the pain.....It slowly wore off near the end (like its suppose to) so I could feel enough to push. Start to finish 6 hour labour. My baby and I successfully nursed after. I had zero headaches....I was actually up and walking around within hours of my labour. I get people saying its a personal choice but I'm sorry I had to say something. Especially when you've never had one but seem to think something you heard 15 years ago is going to somehow make this woman make the best choice for her!!!!!!!!! Anyways. I'm clearly gonna get crucified because not one other person agreed but considering this is baby and bump CANADA I felt the need to step in And honestly just be like.........WOW!!!!! I am so glad I live in Canada right now!!! Hahahhaaa

Here they go over ALL those side effects and more and make you sign that you are aware of the risks. Just because you didn't have them doesn't mean they don't happen NOW. I've been told I have a higher chance of paralysis because of some of the meds I'm on and will NOT take that chance (even though they are willing to give me one if I am off them for 24 hours).
I decided to keep an open mind for my labor. I wanted to do as much as I could to avoid the epidural or delay it, and that's what I did. My water started to leak in the middle of the night, and when I went to L&D the next morning, I had no contractions. And because I tested positive for GBS, I needed antibiotics. They started the oxytocin, and I knew it would likely make my labor more painful. They started the oxytocin at 1:30pm and I was only 1cm dilated. At 9pm, I was only 4 cm dilated, with 100% back labor. It was so painful. I just felt like someone was stabbing me in the kidneys all the way down to my legs. I was not enjoying it at all, and DH felt so helpless. So I asked for the epidural. They did an AMAZING job. I could still move and feel my legs, but the pain was all gone. I was still able to feel the urge to push, and most of all, it actually SPED UP my labor. i got the epidural around 9:30-10 pm and by midnight, I was fully dilated and ready to push. 30 minutes later DD was in my arms :) Yep, I went from 4 cm to 10 cm in 2 1/2 hours with only 30 minutes of pushing! Less than an hour after birth, I was walking again, enjoying a very much deserved hot shower:winkwink: I am so glad I took the epidural. I enjoyed my labor so much more!!!

How do you know it was the epidural that sped it up? I went from 2cm to delivery in under 2 hours and had no epidural, so it had nothing to do with getting one. You would have likely gone that fast (or faster) without one. It took me 4 days to get to the 2cm, then BAM here she comes. The nurses certainly did not expect me to even deliver that same day.
I'm trying not to be irate right now but I think unless you've HAD an epidural. A friend of a friend of a friend 20 years ago stories are completely irrelevant today. These fear mongoring stories are SO inane I really have to believe the epidural received in Canada is nothing like what you guys are referring to! Omg. Like I'm seriously in shock...3 week headaches....not being able to breast feed? In Canada there is actually studies that epidurals speed up labour because the mom is so relaxed. I've never in my entire life heard such crazy stories and I had many midwife conversations........

How about I tell you MY story, instead of a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend (like everyone had a friend who had laser eye surgery and went blind.......that surgery isn't even the same from 5 years ago. Science changes. It becomes more advanced folks.) crazy thought. So. For me. I had an epidural to help with the pain.....It slowly wore off near the end (like its suppose to) so I could feel enough to push. Start to finish 6 hour labour. My baby and I successfully nursed after. I had zero headaches....I was actually up and walking around within hours of my labour. I get people saying its a personal choice but I'm sorry I had to say something. Especially when you've never had one but seem to think something you heard 15 years ago is going to somehow make this woman make the best choice for her!!!!!!!!! Anyways. I'm clearly gonna get crucified because not one other person agreed but considering this is baby and bump CANADA I felt the need to step in And honestly just be like.........WOW!!!!! I am so glad I live in Canada right now!!! Hahahhaaa

Whoa. Okay first of all, I'm in Canada and when I gave birth a year ago (that's ONE year, not 20) I was told the risks of the epidural included spinal headaches, prolonged back pain, labour stalling, increased likelihood of interventions and c-section and yes...potential issues with baby's sucking reflex which could complicate breastfeeding!

Where did anyone say "if you get an epidural you won't be able to breastfeed"? There is a minor risk that it could affect your breastfeeding relationship negatively. That is just a cold, hard fact as explained to me by my OB/GYN, hospital nurse, and prenatal instructor. Just because you, and most people I'm sure, had no issues doesn't mean they don't exist. That's like saying "My mom fed me chocolate bars when I was 2 weeks old and I'm okay so those pesky weaning guidelines must be bullshit!"
If I ever have anymore children, I will never be getting an epidural again. I have had 2 bad epidural experiences. I am unfortunately one that has had one of the many negative side affects of an epidural.
My birth story is below-

I live in the US, and at my hospital if you refuse induction after 40 weeks then you have to have baby monitored every 3 days.

I really wanted a natural labor so I refused induction. On Tues April 3rd at 40+5 I went to the hospital to have baby monitored for an hour so that I could continue with the pregnancy. They did an ultrasound and found that my aminotic fluid level was dangerously low, and told me I had to have an induction that day. My heart was broken that I wouldn't get my natural labor, I cried for an hour before I finally consented to the induction. I knew it was best for my baby even if it was not what I wanted.

They checked me into hospital and started an IV and put me on a monitor. I then had to wait till my doctor arrived so that we could discuss my induction options. About 30 minutes later the nurse came in, looked at the monitor and said that I was having contractions every 3 minutes, and that it looked like I was already in labor. My doctor arrived at noon, and did an internal check. Then he gave me the best news ever. He said I was already 3 cm dilated and 80% effaced, and that he could break my water and let me progress naturally without induction.

After my water was broken I finally began to feel my contractions and by 3pm they were becoming very painful. They checked me again and I was only 4 cm dilated and very disappointed. They nurse told me to expect a long labor and asked if I wanted an epidural. I declined at that time. By 4:30 my contractions were coming every 2 minutes and were incrediby painful. I asked to be checked again was happy to hear that I was almost 6 cm dilated. By 5:30pm the contractions were coming so quick and hard that the pain was making me sick. I began to doubt I could do it on my own and asked for an epidural. I caved because the nurse kept telling me that I still had many hours to go.

They showed up to start my epidural just before 6 pm. They had lots of trouble getting the needle in. They had to restart several times, all the while my contractions were getting worse and worse. After 20 minutes they finally got the needle in, and asked me to lay down so the he could inject the medication. As soon as I laid down, I screamed that I needed to push. So the nurse checked me again and said omg this baby is coming now, start pushing. After 3 minutes of pushing at 6:20 pm my beautiful baby girl was born.
Rowan May weighed 7lb 13oz and was absolutely perfect. They never did inject the medication so the 20 minutes of having a needle jabbed into my back were unnecessary.

I wish I could say that is where my birth story ended, but instead it is where all my problems began. I was discharged from the hospital 2 days later. That night I had a horrible headache but didn't think much of it. When I layed down it felt better. The next day as soon as I sat up in bed my headache returned and lasted all day. By the end of the day the pain was so bad all I wanted to do was lay down and sleep. On Saturday the pain was so bad I couldn't see straight. All I wanted to do was stay in bed. I couldn't take care of children. So on Saturday night I went to the emergency room. I found out that when trying to do my epidural they went too far and poked a hole in my spine, and that I was leaking spinal fluid. That was what was causing the headaches. On Sunday morning I returned to the hospital to have a blood patch done. They took my own blood and injected it into my back to clot in hole to stop the leaking spinal fluid. It worked for 2 days. Then my headaches returned. I was not laying down and resting like I was suppose to (kinda hard to do with 2 children) and the clot dislodged itself. I returned to the hospital on Wed. morning to have the procedure done again. This time I am taking the 72 hours of bed rest seriously.
So Rowan and I have been in bed together for the last 24 hours and I really hoping this time I will heal properly so I can be a mom to my children again. Unfortunately this means being away from Connor for 72 hours, because it is impossible to rest with a toddler. I really wish I had more faith in myself and never asked for the epidural.
Update: My daughter will be one year tomorrow, and even though the blood patches repaired one problem, they caused another. I have constant pain in my back at the injection sight. Apparently spines don't take well to having blood injected into them.
My baby was face up, I had an epi and he turned during though it did not work well I felt every bit of burning, tearing, and turning. I am not picking btw because I know you said it does not happen all the time. I was actually told face up makes it much, much harder to push but never told the epi causes an issue with it? I want to ask now at my next appointment haha! I am opting to not epi this time because last time showed me I can do it and don't need help that I need to trust my body. :D

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