Expecting #1 and over 30

breezy - it´s great to hear that everything is working out for you :)

I hear ya on not fitting into any clothes. I can only fit into a skirt my mom lent me now. My work uniform doesn´t fit (I wear a stretch belt over the pants), but my shirt is about a quarter inch from not fitting around me anymore.
Hey ladies how you all feeling? Hopefully there is a photo attached to this of my lil peanut at 8 weeks.

sportysgirl- glad to hear you have some support I don't think we've ever needed it more!! Good Luck with your midwife appointment let us know what to expect.

MD1223- your photo is adorable!! You must be overjoyed.
I was pretty shocked about my sister guessing too, she made her first comment the day after I tested. We've always been close but this just blew me away.

Breezy- Excellent news on the cyct what a great relief for you.

preg_pilot- when did your ms subside?

I've been so up and down the past few days, yesterday I couldn't even keep down dry toast today I'm starving and can't eat enough but am scared to overdo it, my mum laughs at me cause I made her really sick when she was pregnant with me :haha:
I just keep telling myself it's what peanut needs to grow strong, I'm growing my child inside me can life get any better? I honestly think I'd go crazy without any "symptoms" it's my way of knowing everything is ok. Maybe I'm crazy!!

Only a couple more weeks and I can start sharing the news, anyone else finding it harder and harder to keep quiet???

Hope everyone is well, take care


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Hey ladies how you all feeling? Hopefully there is a photo attached to this of my lil peanut at 8 weeks.

sportysgirl- glad to hear you have some support I don't think we've ever needed it more!! Good Luck with your midwife appointment let us know what to expect.

MD1223- your photo is adorable!! You must be overjoyed.
I was pretty shocked about my sister guessing too, she made her first comment the day after I tested. We've always been close but this just blew me away.

Breezy- Excellent news on the cyct what a great relief for you.

preg_pilot- when did your ms subside?

I've been so up and down the past few days, yesterday I couldn't even keep down dry toast today I'm starving and can't eat enough but am scared to overdo it, my mum laughs at me cause I made her really sick when she was pregnant with me :haha:
I just keep telling myself it's what peanut needs to grow strong, I'm growing my child inside me can life get any better? I honestly think I'd go crazy without any "symptoms" it's my way of knowing everything is ok. Maybe I'm crazy!!

Only a couple more weeks and I can start sharing the news, anyone else finding it harder and harder to keep quiet???

Hope everyone is well, take care

Oh, it hasn´t :) I have some every day, but it has been getting less and less for the last 10 days or so.
And I´ve started telling everybody, so I can´t relate to keeping quiet. :hugs:
I am computer illiterate even worse than I thought. Can someone please tell me how to post me pic? I think it's pregnancy brain, I can not think!!!! :wacko:

They started framing our house yesterday and it should look like a house in a few days (if I don't ever figure out how to post a pic I can't share) It's starting to get overly exciting! Some many changes going on and so much to keep my brain busy, even though I can't seem to remember anything.

I'm strongly hoping I'm going to be the lucky one with no ms. As funny as it sounds it kind of bums me out. Besides the bbs hurting and me having a belly I've never had before I don't feel very pregnant at all. If I didn't know better I would think we were having twins, I broke down and bought a pair of maternity jeans already :dohh: I went to a birthday party last night and everyone noticed, so much for hiding it anymore :nope:

We are telling my sd this weekend. Can't wait :happydance:

How is everyone else doing?
Hello Ladies!!

Glad to hear you are all doing ok! I had my first midwife appt today. I was a bit worried as didn't know what to expect but it went really well! She was lovely and I felt totally comfortable with her. She went through lots of stuff such as what food to eat etc, where I want to have the baby, what kind of care I want, discussed downs testing and took some blood. My next appt is booked for 6 weeks time!

I still have no symptoms - except today I nearly passed out at work, very unlike me!!!! So maybe more symptoms than I thought!!

Hey guys.
Last workday today until the 19th of august :)
Going to Copenhagen tomorrow to meet up with my OH, looking forward to that.
I have to do some convincing, as he thinks a home birth is a very stupid thing to do...
I´ve been trying to send him some articles online to read, but as he isn´t doing that, I'm going to have to talk him into it.
I´ve found a wonderful midwife, who´s prepared to take me on. She has her own pool, is knowledgeable about hypnobirthing techniques and is prepared to do a lotus birth for me. She´ll just change her tactic a little bit, and draw blood from the placenta instead :D

My belly is getting kinda big (looks like I might be 4-5 months pregnant, instead of just over 3...
My work uniform has been undergoing some changes by my mom (she´s let out the seams in the back, and moved the clips on the front).
It just barely fit today, so I´m really sceptical that I´ll fit into it when I get back. But then I´ll have to go one more flight before I can replace it.
This should be interesting... hehe.
ttc1st - look at your little bean! How cute :hugs: I'm sorry you're struggling with the ms but I love your attitude about it. Strong bean is a good sign indeed! My doc said that after 9 weeks, the chance of M/C is very low (something like 3% I believe) so he said to go ahead and tell folks. We decided to tell only immediate family and close friends for now and when we head to visit our old friends and neighbors in Cali end of month, we're going to tell everyone else. That will be about 12 weeks :thumbup: Can't wait!

Breezy - how super exciting!!! I hope you do post pics…I'm not sure how you post replies but at the bottom of this thread is a big white box with two buttons at the bottom - one says "Post Quick Reply" and the other "Go Advanced". If you click the go advanced, it takes you to another page where below the box where you type your text, one of the options is to 'manage attachments'. If you click on that, a window will pop up where you can select the file on your computer and upload it. Let me know if you need more in-depth directions! I want to see your bean :winkwink: I'd love to trade your belly for my nausea if you'd like :haha: I have NOTHING showing but feel terrible…I'm all about the trade. Just name the place! :winkwink:

Joey - yay for first appointment! Glad it went well :hugs: Are you drinking enough? I got dizzy and blurry vision from dehydration a couple weeks ago. But the doc said fainting is a big sign of pregnancy - it's how a lot of people find out they're preggers!!!

preg_pilot - yay for seeing OH! Have a safe trip :hugs: And GL on the convincing…I'm sure if he understands more about it and sees how important it is to you, he'll come around.

AFM, today was a better day than the last three so I'm happy with that. I'm just super tired. I ran some errands today without getting dizzy or blurry vision so that was another major success in my book :dohh: I'm eating better and I feel good about that but I've been (TMI) constipated the last few days (all that bread with cheese!!!!) and not sleeping well. Still not able to drink water but I've been able to put down a decent amount of light tea with lemon so I'll take it. I sure hope this stuff gets better in the next few weeks. I miss eating well and exercising. I am starting to feel gross. Oh and my acne came back with a vengeance the last 3 days too! Just in time for my friend's wedding this Friday…I'm going to look like a nice little teenager at puberty :haha: Alas…I don't plan on hiding the pregnancy though I'm not going to announce it…but if someone asks, I'll just admit to it. I am not up to the whole pretending to drink and everything is great shenanigans…too tired these days!
Great photo MD and ttc! It is so wonderful to see a healthy little bub developing in there.

Joey - like you I haven't had any m/s. So I'm just hoping that I'm one of the lucky ones. I feel it is my payoff for having some many difficulties getting to this point. I've just been really tired and had quite bad acne. I've also has a couple of times that if I've been standing too long talking to someone (particularly in the afternoon) I've started to feel rather faint and had to sit down for a little while.

preg_pilot - Enjoy your time with your OH. I'm sure you will be able to get him to agree to having a home birth when he understands why it is so important to you.

MrsC - sorry to hear you are still getting ms. Hopefully it will start to subside over the next couple of weeks.

Breezy - I'm so glad to hear that the cyst has gone. That must be such a relief for you.

AFM I'm trying to get over a head cold at the moment that I have picked up from one of my students. So I'm feeling even more tired then ever. I had an appoint with my OB recently and was able to hear my babies heartbeat using a doppler which was really exciting as it was the first time I had heard it. I can see that I'm starting to get a bit of a bump but most other people hardly even notice.

Hope everyone else is doing well.
How is everyone?

I've been SOOOO tired...it's crazy. I just want to lie down and sleep and when I do nap, I can barely get out of bed. When I make myself get up, I am just tired. I can't sleep all day!!! That's ridiculous :dohh: Otherwise, the nausea hasn't been too bad so I'm so glad for that. I still have little appetite but find myself hungry more - which of course sucks cause when I'm hungry, NOTHING sounds appealing :shrug: My poor DH is being so patient with me...I'm so grateful! :kiss:

I went to a wedding on Friday and that was a loooooong day. We left the house at 1pm as we had to stop by my parents house to drop off our dog for the night. The ceremony was at 3:30 - Catholic mass so it lasted an hour or so. Then, we went to check into our hotel so I got to rest for about 30 minutes. Then, I had to change and head to the reception which started at 6:30pm. I stayed out until 2am!!!! I was SHOCKED that I felt fine...I was tired but not nauseated or anything so I kept going with everyone else. I totally paid for it on Saturday though - I felt like I got hit by a Mack truck :dohh: Everything hurt and I was super tired and just didn't feel well at all. It was a very very long day. Today, I feel better. Actually went on a bike ride with DH which was very nice. Mostly, I'm just still really tired...I can't get myself to do anything. I feel like a lazy little brat. But I'll take that over all day nausea ANY DAY!

Hope you all had a great weekend! :hug: to all of you! :flower:
chezek - I hope the tiredness goes away soon, and that MS stays away too :)

I just realized today, that my MS has been behaving extraordinarily well these last few days.
A little retching 1-2x per day, but nothing serious.

Hopefully it´ll go away completely soon.

My bump is popping, and it´s hilarious to see the difference from when I wake up in the morning, versus evenings when I´ve bloated out from food.
Looks like I´m 5 months pregnant in the evenings, versus 3 in the mornings.
Hi ladies! Hope everyone is doing well. And, really hope the ms goes away very soon for all of you still dealing with it! I can't imagine. The short time I had it was more than long enough.

I had the Nuchal Translucency scan on Friday and all looks good. They have the follow up test around 16 weeks. I didn't realize there was a follow-up test. MrsC - it was an ultrasound and bloods. I did the bloods at home so that we could get immediate results. I had to prick myself! I just kept telling myself about how many kids with diabetes have to do that all the time. It was still scary for me.

Clothes - I can only wear dresses to work now. All of my pants feel way too tight. I am overdue for some maternity pants, but just havent bit the bullet. Well, I actually tried one weekend (a couple of weeks ago) and the sales lady told me I should try to wait until at least 16 weeks b/c that's when everything else stops growing and you can just worry about the stomach expanding. I don't know if I can wait that long. She did sell me a bella band, but honestly it is not comfortable enough for me. I like to be comfortable. I think I need that expanding waistband asap.

Im going to be in and out a little less frequently as things are gearing up with the new business and haven't slowed down at work. Im not leaving my current job until mid-Sept. So, I apologize now for my future absence, but I will definitely continue to read and keep up - just dont know if I'll be replying as much.

Who has scans coming up soon? How is everyone feeling? Hope you all had a great weekend! :hugs:
Hi Ladies!
Glad your scan went well MD1223! My clothes are starting to get a little tight and I am only 8 weeks! I tend to feel bloated all the time and like I am too full! I seem to never be hungry - but I wd rather that than ms!

MrsC - I know what you mean about being tired, I just can't be bothered to do anything! We are going out for dinner tonight and I would prefer just to stay home!!

Very excited about my first scan on Saturday!!

MD -
They usually only have follow up tests when something shows up on the scan... did they tell you something was abnormal?

I´ve been having to wear a bella band for the last 10 days (or skirts... starting to "love" skirts)... my work uniform is way to small, but I'm going next tuesday (in a week) to try to get larger pants from the supplier...

Joey -
Good luck with your first scan :)
preg_pilot - I totally look 5 months preggers in the evenings too!!!! It's awful. At that wedding I went to I wore a fitted dress and by the end of the night I actually looked the part of a pregnant woman :haha: My friends who are in the know were like your bump is SO cute! I didn't have the heart to tell them it's not there in the mornings and that it's just bloat so I went with it. It's horrible how much gas we seem to retain!! I'm glad your ms is pretty much gone!

MD - they let you take your own blood? Gosh that's impressive!!! I'd probably faint :dohh: Mine is in two weeks from tomorrow. I hope it all looks well on my end too! Congrats on the thumbs up on your end :hugs: Awww good luck with your biz stuff! You'll be missed around here :kiss: I had a scan today but it was very quick just to make sure everything was looking normal and heartbeat was good, which it was. Mainly, the appointment was to take cultures as the state of NJ requires you to be tested for STDs in your first and third trimester!!!! INSANE.

Joey - just a few more days until your scan! I can't wait :hugs: My 'skinny' clothes are pretty snug now too but I have a pretty good stash of "fat" clothes that are fitting just fine still so that's good. I want to try to hold off on buying maternity stuff for summer and wait it out until Fall hits. FX!

AFM, my nausea hasn't been too bad and I feel mostly functional each day. Still NO appetite to be found and I lost the 1/2 pound I gained last week but I'm sure I'll gain my fair share sooner than later! Trying to catch up on our blog as I haven't posted since May and I want to be able to update our family on things as my pg progresses so I need the blog to be up to date! I just didn't have the energy to post anything the last 2 months! I'm also super behind on photos…I owe people pics from May still! So I got to get on that…which is why I've been pretty quiet on here as whatever energy I have to be on the computer, I'm trying to get through that stuff. I'm glad everyone is doing better though! I hope ill fitting clothes remain the best of our worries the whole ride!!!!!!
Hehe, chezek, I know what you mean with the clothes.
I highly doubt that my work uniform will fit at all when I go back to work next sunday, but I do have my bella band to use them for a little while longer.
Next tuesday, I hope to be able to whine out larger uniform pants, and possibly even a jacket and shirt (I had trouble with the shirt last week, and left the jacket unbuttoned...)

Little one is having him/herself another growth spurt.
The breaks in between are getting shorter, and the spurts are getting longer.
I feel bigger by the day now.
preg_pilot - how do you know when the lil one is having a growth spurt? Is it that your belly grows? Or is your doc measuring it somehow?

I have a question for all of you ladies who've had a scan already. Was it vaginal or abdominal? And if it was abdominal did you have to drink a ton of water beforehand in order to get a better picture? My best friend's doc makes her drink like 16oz of water before her scans but mine doesn't and when I googled the subject, I'm not seeing any recent conversations about it. Wondering what your experiences were!
preg_pilot - how do you know when the lil one is having a growth spurt? Is it that your belly grows? Or is your doc measuring it somehow?

I have a question for all of you ladies who've had a scan already. Was it vaginal or abdominal? And if it was abdominal did you have to drink a ton of water beforehand in order to get a better picture? My best friend's doc makes her drink like 16oz of water before her scans but mine doesn't and when I googled the subject, I'm not seeing any recent conversations about it. Wondering what your experiences were!

My first scan @ 6wks with my fs was internal. My 2nd scan was with my OB and it was abdominal but I didn't have to drink any water. My NT scan was my 3rd scan and I did have to drink 500ml of water b4 that one. However, they did a few pictures with a full bladder but because the person scanning me saw that my bladder was so full she let me go and wee. It didn't seem to make any difference to the quality of the picture having a full bladder vs an empty one. Hope that helps.
MD - So glad to hear that everything went well at your NT scan. It is such a relief to find out that everything is going well with the baby.

preg_pilot - I'm due about the same time as you and and definitely have a bump now. My dh and I went away the weekend and I was asked for the 1st time by a stranger when I was due. I'm loving my expanding belly. Although, I barely fit into any of my clothes anymore.
preg_pilot - how do you know when the lil one is having a growth spurt? Is it that your belly grows? Or is your doc measuring it somehow?

I have a question for all of you ladies who've had a scan already. Was it vaginal or abdominal? And if it was abdominal did you have to drink a ton of water beforehand in order to get a better picture? My best friend's doc makes her drink like 16oz of water before her scans but mine doesn't and when I googled the subject, I'm not seeing any recent conversations about it. Wondering what your experiences were!

I just feel it when my uterus is expanding, everything around it is kinda sore, and feels like it´s "stretching". :)

MD - So glad to hear that everything went well at your NT scan. It is such a relief to find out that everything is going well with the baby.

preg_pilot - I'm due about the same time as you and and definitely have a bump now. My dh and I went away the weekend and I was asked for the 1st time by a stranger when I was due. I'm loving my expanding belly. Although, I barely fit into any of my clothes anymore.

Hehe, yea. I have that problem too.
I have 1 skirt I still fit into, and another skirt I´m borrowing from my mom.
Other clothes are all way too small for me now.
I´m going to talk to my sister next week, she has a bunch of maternity dresses and such from when she was pregnant (and we´re about the same height, so... :D)
I'm a lime! How exciting :happydance:

preg_pilot - I think I'm going through a growth spurt as well then...yesterday I was all sore and achy in my lower abs and my nausea went up a big knotch. I didn't feel great at all! Yay for growth though :thumbup:

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