Expecting #1 and over 30

Nothing much to report.
Have had 2 false starts, first for 2 hours (3-5 minute intervals), and then for 1.5 hours (3-4 minute intervals).
We´re betting on this weekend being the birthday of our baby boy, but of course that´s up to him, isn´t it?
In any case, he´s head down, facing my left side, and kicking around a bit.
He´s getting lower and lower every day, so it shouldn´t be that long now.


Good luck Pilot! Bet you're excited?


Excited and a bit scared to be honest.
I´ve never had much experience with newborns, but I think we´ll manage. :baby:
He´s popping in and out of my pelvis a bit these days. Might come tomorrow, might even wait for a couple more weeks as far as I know.
I´d be grateful to give birth tonight (tired of being so big and out of breath), but I also appreciate the extra days he´s giving me to finish doing everything that needs doing at home. (washing the last few loads, installing the dishwasher, knitting a few more diaper pants).

I have this image of you sipping tea and being totally zen pilot!!!! I'd be freaking out with excitement :dohh: Good luck and hope it's a quick exit. Can't wait to meet your LO :baby:

Zen is what I´m striving for these days. I´m doing hypno birthing exercises every day now, and meeting the midwife for the 3rd and last hypno appointment this Sunday (if LO hasn´t arrived by then).
Pool is just standing by, and all we need really is for LO to get moving. :happydance:

Hey ladies!

Thought I'd very cautiously have a little peek in here after several pushes now in the TTC thread! Nervous to leave but I feel I'm outstaying my welcome a bit there now.

It's so strange to see so many familiar names from TTC and see how far along your tickers are now! I'm even more behind than I thought! I'm still too scaredy cat to even have a ticker after an early loss last cycle. One step at a time, I've actually got past AF being due, past the date I had the loss last time, and if my calculations are correct I think I'm 5 weeks tomorrow, due September 14th. I actually called my GP this week and yesterday the midwife called and gave me my booking in appointment for 30th Jan, so who knows, maybe a ticker soon!
It still doesn't feel real at all, although I am feeling quite tired, nauseous and slightly crampy at the moment, taking comfort from those little signs that our bean is making itself at home this time!

Welcome bubbles :hugs:
Hi all, sorry I've been MIA for so long, between the holiday season madness and visiting my mother I've just been wiped out.

Pilot and Sam - so excited for you guys.

Bubbles - welcome. I was holding my breathe the first 3 months and it must be so much harder after a loss but the first good sign is that the huge majority of miscarriages happen before the missed period (most woman don't know it happened) and each week that goes by you're just a little safer.

Congrats on all the team blue posts I missed! Guess things are balancing out nicely.

Afm - next scan is 18 feb and we'll be finding the gender then. Feels like forever. I have my doula interview next Monday and looking into childbirth classes. I suddenly don't feel as calm and on top of things as I did in the first trimester. Is it too soon for nesting ?

I'll be catching up on past posts but for now hope everyone is doing great.
Hi all, sorry I've been MIA for so long, between the holiday season madness and visiting my mother I've just been wiped out.

Pilot and Sam - so excited for you guys.

Bubbles - welcome. I was holding my breathe the first 3 months and it must be so much harder after a loss but the first good sign is that the huge majority of miscarriages happen before the missed period (most woman don't know it happened) and each week that goes by you're just a little safer.

Congrats on all the team blue posts I missed! Guess things are balancing out nicely.

Afm - next scan is 18 feb and we'll be finding the gender then. Feels like forever. I have my doula interview next Monday and looking into childbirth classes. I suddenly don't feel as calm and on top of things as I did in the first trimester. Is it too soon for nesting ?

I'll be catching up on past posts but for now hope everyone is doing great.

I don´t know if I´m weird that way, but I didn´t really start nesting until 2-3 weeks ago.
Might be, because I didn´t really need to buy anything. Got everything from my brothers and sister. Just recently have I started knitting woolen diaper pants, and buying the cotton diapers to be able to change LO´s diapers.
Hi Ladies!

Hope everyone had a great weekend. It went by SO fast for me…today will be very busy as well which is good cause my scan is tomorrow and I cannot wait! Time will hopefully fly by faster :happydance:

bubbles - welcome back! :hi: I'm glad you've made your way here - keep us posted and let us know how the doc appointment goes on the 30th. I don't think I'd survive TTC in the UK as I couldn't wait that long from when I got my BFP until I saw someone! Here in the US, you go in right away so they can confirm your pregnancy via bloodwork. You've been so patient and calm - very admirable!! :hugs:

poppy - 11 days in hospital cause of headaches??? :wacko: That must have been terrible :hugs: I'm glad everything is under control now…

pilot - any news?? I've never dealt with a newborn myself nor has my DH so it will be interesting to see how we get by the first few days. I'm sure some kind of instinct will kick in and we'll all be fine! My best friend is considering hypnobirthing for a VBAC…so let me know how that all pans out for you :thumbup:

Zeez - good luck on your doula interview today! We decided to have a close friend be our "doula"…we get 2 people in the labor and delivery of our baby and we both agreed that our parents are not a good choice…so we entertained the idea of a doula and I still love that idea…but I think having someone I know better and longer at this point is a wiser choice for us. You are being good about interviewing nice and early!

Alright, time to get things started for the day…I've got lots to get done and I've been VERY slow to start today!
Hi Ladies!

Hope everyone had a great weekend. It went by SO fast for me…today will be very busy as well which is good cause my scan is tomorrow and I cannot wait! Time will hopefully fly by faster :happydance:

bubbles - welcome back! :hi: I'm glad you've made your way here - keep us posted and let us know how the doc appointment goes on the 30th. I don't think I'd survive TTC in the UK as I couldn't wait that long from when I got my BFP until I saw someone! Here in the US, you go in right away so they can confirm your pregnancy via bloodwork. You've been so patient and calm - very admirable!! :hugs:

poppy - 11 days in hospital cause of headaches??? :wacko: That must have been terrible :hugs: I'm glad everything is under control now…

pilot - any news?? I've never dealt with a newborn myself nor has my DH so it will be interesting to see how we get by the first few days. I'm sure some kind of instinct will kick in and we'll all be fine! My best friend is considering hypnobirthing for a VBAC…so let me know how that all pans out for you :thumbup:

Zeez - good luck on your doula interview today! We decided to have a close friend be our "doula"…we get 2 people in the labor and delivery of our baby and we both agreed that our parents are not a good choice…so we entertained the idea of a doula and I still love that idea…but I think having someone I know better and longer at this point is a wiser choice for us. You are being good about interviewing nice and early!

Alright, time to get things started for the day…I've got lots to get done and I've been VERY slow to start today!

Oh wow, you´re past 32 weeks already :) Congratulations :hugs:

I had a sonar this morning to check the position of the baby, as midwife was only 95% sure which way he was turned yesterday.
He´s got his head down alright, completely stuck down there.
I´ve been having a few mild contractions today.
I just started logging them an hour ago now, and have had 3 contractions so far. First spaced 30 minutes, then 20 minutes.
We´ll see how that goes tonight. In any case, LO is as ready as he´ll ever be.

I´m almost done knitting the smallest type of woolen diaper pants, just half of one to go, and then I need to wash them (5 pieces in total), and soak them in Lanolin to make them waterproof.
Then we´re completely good to go.
The way I figure it, if he arrives before they´re ready, I have some disposable newborn diapers standing by that my friend gave me (who gave birth in October).

I´ll definitely post on here the story about how everything went with the home-hypno-waterbirth :)
poppy - 11 days in hospital cause of headaches??? :wacko: That must have been terrible :hugs: I'm glad everything is under control now…

Yes it was horrible! They decided it was migraines caused by the medication they gave me for headaches. They thought I'd had meningitis so they did a lumbar puncture but I'm fine now and after 12 weeks off I'm now back at work. I'm a teacher so it's pretty full on here and I'm really feeling the tiredness. I've had my 20 week scan since then and our gorgeous little boy is absolutely fine even with all the drugs they pumped into me. He's obviously a tough cookie!

We have terrible weather over here at the moment, really heavy snow so it's a bit nerve-wracking walking around with a bump.

Soooo exciting that everyone is getting so close now!
Poppy- glad your headaches are better and that your little boy is doing great…

MrsChezek…good luck with your scan…it is always fun getting to see LO :cloud9:

Pilot you are sooooo close as well as you Sam…:happydance:

How is everyone else doing?

AFM…Had my anatomy scan today and got conformation that we are still team :blue:...Nickolas is doing great...it seemed like they have measured every inch of his little body and he is good according to all the measurements :happydance:...He was showing off and moving all around the place...She has told me that he weighs 15 ounces…they have also done viginal u/s to check on placenta and as it stands right now I have low lying placenta that is covering the birth canal (complete placenta previa)…so no more zumba, heavy lifting, intercourse or any ting that could aggravate and make me bleed…I am going back in 8 weeks (28 weeks) so that he can recheck it and see if placenta has moved any…if it does not then another u/s is going to be done around 36 weeks…at that point if it is still not moved I was told that I am more than likely having a c-section…Placenta is also anterior and that is why I cannot feel him kicking and moving right now…they said in few weeks I should start feeling more…
Hi Ladies!

Hope everyone had a great weekend. It went by SO fast for me…today will be very busy as well which is good cause my scan is tomorrow and I cannot wait! Time will hopefully fly by faster :happydance:

bubbles - welcome back! :hi: I'm glad you've made your way here - keep us posted and let us know how the doc appointment goes on the 30th. I don't think I'd survive TTC in the UK as I couldn't wait that long from when I got my BFP until I saw someone! Here in the US, you go in right away so they can confirm your pregnancy via bloodwork. You've been so patient and calm - very admirable!! :hugs:

poppy - 11 days in hospital cause of headaches??? :wacko: That must have been terrible :hugs: I'm glad everything is under control now…

pilot - any news?? I've never dealt with a newborn myself nor has my DH so it will be interesting to see how we get by the first few days. I'm sure some kind of instinct will kick in and we'll all be fine! My best friend is considering hypnobirthing for a VBAC…so let me know how that all pans out for you :thumbup:

Zeez - good luck on your doula interview today! We decided to have a close friend be our "doula"…we get 2 people in the labor and delivery of our baby and we both agreed that our parents are not a good choice…so we entertained the idea of a doula and I still love that idea…but I think having someone I know better and longer at this point is a wiser choice for us. You are being good about interviewing nice and early!

Alright, time to get things started for the day…I've got lots to get done and I've been VERY slow to start today!

Thanks MrsC! How are things with you? Can't believe you guys are all so close to meeting your babies now!

I think I'm only calm as I still don't believe it, and still not convinced it will stick around. Also have no choice but to be patient here, I thought someone may want to see me when I mentioned my loss last cycle, but they weren't interested, I still have to wait until 8 weeks to see the midwife then 12 weeks for a scan. It seems strange they wait right up until 12 weeks without actually having any evidence themselves that you're pregnant, I know it's unlikely people would turn up for the appointments unless they were sure, but still seems weird! And I can't believe we have to wait 12 weeks here for any kind of scan. I'm thinking of booking a private early scan maybe around 8 or 9 weeks, not sure yet as it's quite an expense when we have plenty of other important things we need to start buying, but then I hate the idea of turning up to the 12 week scan to find it had all gone wrong weeks earlier.
So hard to get excited or stay positive when you really don't know if everything is ok in there!
Bubbles- How r u doing? They won't even do blood work for you? I was seeing a fertility clinic as I had an iui so I had a scan at 8 weeks and 9.5 weeks as I had a bleed. At 8 weeks u did see the heartbeat but little one didn't move but the 9.5 week u/s he was moving a lot which may be better for you to have a scan 9 weeks so u see more. I would get the private scan too :hugs:

Sasha-ya team blue! I hope ur placenta moves up as u still have lots of time. :hugs:

Poppy- wow that must have been scary especially if they thought meningitis. Glad u r feeling better :hugs:

Zee- yay for gender scan! U may be the tie breaker!

Sam and pilot- I am waiting.... Lol. Hope it will be this week!

AFM, just taking it easy and happy to be heading to my 26 weeks.:happydance:
We don't really get bloodwork as standard in the UK. We don't really get anything until 12 weeks!
Hi bubbles I noticed you are from Yorkshire!! Congrats - I know what you mean about having to wait for the scan - it is rubbish in the uk but then we don't have to pay any anything towards our health care so can't complain too much!!!! I just wanted to say that I had an early scan done at This Is My in Leeds (cost about £80). They were really nice and I am glad I went and had it done so I could put my mind at rest that I was actually pregnant!!!!
Hi bubbles I noticed you are from Yorkshire!! Congrats - I know what you mean about having to wait for the scan - it is rubbish in the uk but then we don't have to pay any anything towards our health care so can't complain too much!!!! I just wanted to say that I had an early scan done at This Is My in Leeds (cost about £80). They were really nice and I am glad I went and had it done so I could put my mind at rest that I was actually pregnant!!!!

Ah thanks chick, that's one of the places I was looking at, and meet your baby. How many weeks were you when you went?
Ah thanks chick, that's one of the places I was looking at, and meet your baby. How many weeks were you when you went?[/QUOTE]

Hi - I was 8 weeks and 5 days the first time we went, we just wanted really to see a heart beat!! And then ended up getting the anatomy scan and downs test done there as they are more in depth than NHS (nephew was born with tethered spine so we wanted to check everything was looking good!) I can't recommend them enough - really good staff and the machines were amazing! They will also let you know if you would be going too early and they send a report to you GP and midwife. Where are you planning to have your baby?
Not sure really, I'd like to say Leeds but we live in Harrogate so will probably end up going for there, have just heard too many horror stories about the department there and my recent experience with the hospital for other matters isn't great!
Here are my 15, 20 and 25 week belly shots. Growing little by little:happydance:

Only 100 days to go!!!


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Zeez - Good luck with your scan and hope your doula interviews went well.

poppy - sorry to hear about the terrible headaches you were getting. It must of been terrifying when they thought you had meningitis. Glad to hear that you are doing better now and that your lo was unaffected by the antibiotics.

sasha - Congrats on the confirmation that you are team blue. Sorry to hear about the placenta previa. Fx'd that it will move out of the way soon.

clarkey - great bump pics!
pilot - I'm jealous of your wool diaper pants…really need to find a pattern (in english) and get it to my aunt! Any more big contraction spurts?

poppy - migraines are AWFUL :hugs: I used to suffer from them a lot so I know exactly how it feels…I'm glad they sorted it all out! And how terrible about the meningitis scare :nope: I'm so happy to hear it wasn't that!

sasha - yay for a good anatomy scan and that he is still a boy! :happydance: A couple people on the boards I'm on had placenta previa that moved out of the way in the later part of pregnancy so stay positive :hugs: And you'll catch up on feeling kicks until you've had enough! I was sad that I had an anterior placenta and didn't start feeling bean until late but now I'm asking her kindly to easy up on me :dohh:

bubbles - if you do an early scan, wait until 9 weeks…that is when my doc said the possibility of miscarriage drops dramatically (just most ppl don't find out until their 12 week scan). Good luck to you and lots of sticky dust!!! :hugs:

Joey - I can't believe you're past 30 weeks already! Feels like just yesterday you were in your teens…so exciting! :happydance:

clarkey - you have the cutest, most perfect bump! So round and pretty :flower:

How are you feeling sam? Can't believe you just have 10 days until your due date!!! How exciting yet scary :hugs: I still have SO much to do that I'm glad I have more time…I need every minute!!

So how is everyone feeling? My lower back and hips have been a mess since Friday :cry: I saw my chiropractor today so hopefully it will help! But I'm feeling a bit beat up. Please my innards are so sore from being elbowed and kneed!!! Otherwise, all is good. We had our scan yesterday and the tech said all looked good but we'll get the real results from my doc tomorrow morning so I'll post an update then. OK, back to writing our birth plan…fun fun fun :yipee:
pilot - I'm jealous of your wool diaper pants…really need to find a pattern (in english) and get it to my aunt! Any more big contraction spurts?

So how is everyone feeling? My lower back and hips have been a mess since Friday :cry: I saw my chiropractor today so hopefully it will help! But I'm feeling a bit beat up. Please my innards are so sore from being elbowed and kneed!!! Otherwise, all is good. We had our scan yesterday and the tech said all looked good but we'll get the real results from my doc tomorrow morning so I'll post an update then. OK, back to writing our birth plan…fun fun fun :yipee:

Hey. I washed my first batch of woolen diapers the day before yesterday, and something went wrong with those. They are now the proper size for a premie... no way they would fit my LO (let´s make that big), when he´s born.
I´m in the process of making larger ones, that I´m going to wash at a lower temperature, and hope those don´t shrink quite as much... ;)

I had some pretty intense contractions last night. Eased off a bit when I took a bath, but were getting closer and closer together by the time i decided to go to bed (2am).
I woke a few times in the night because I was gritting my teeth quite hard, and then realized I was gritting my teeth because of strong contractions going on.
I´m still getting a few contractions every now and then, but nothing regular yet.
These are different from what I´ve been feeling before. Causing much more pressure in my pelvis, and it´s nearly impossible to walk when they´re going on.
I also can´t drive at all any more. Had real trouble with it yesterday, and unless the contractions stop again, I won´t be driving until LO has arrived.

It´s good to hear that things are going well for you, fx for good news from the scan :)
I hear ya on being beat up from the inside.
Last week I was just feeling tired of being pregnant, but this week I actually feel truly ready and excited to meet our little baby boy.
Can´t wait to cuddle him from the outside, as well as from the inside :baby:

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