Expecting #1 and over 30

Hi ladies!

Just popping by for a quick hello. Hope everyone had a great holiday!

I'm unfortunately sick. I finally went in to see my doctor this morning and he heard some rustling in my lungs which is a first sign of bronchitis so I've been put on antibiotics :cry: I'm so sad as I hate taking such things while pregnant but I know it's what is best in the long run. This "cold" started on Saturday and just seems to be getting worse and worse so something had to be done. I just hope that there truly won't be any side effects or it will kill me to know I've hurt my bean somehow. I also saw a new chiropractor today that my doc recommended as my hip pain is pretty much awful right now and that combined with the restless legs and the congestion and coughing is keeping me up all night. Probably the main reason I'm not getting any better!

Hope everyone is having a good week! I'll try to come by more often now that I'm feeling slightly better and catch up with you all.

I hope your lung trouble goes away soon. Shoo! Shoo!
MrsChezek hope you start to feel better soon…

Clarkeyness…sorry to hear you are having hard time but I love your positive spirit…so glad LO kidney’s got better…

Several more weeks and few of you are going to be holding your babies...cannot wait to hear stories and see pictures...

Not much is going on here…I have been fighting some kind of chest-cold…I was also put on antibiotics as I was having hard time breathing and my head is all stopped up…and what is worse when I cough and sneeze it seems like I always pee just a little…:blush:

Hope all of you had Great Holidays and wanted to wish you all a Happy New Year….
Just wanted to let you guys know, that LO might make his appearance pretty soon.
Lots of practice contractions, and midwife is bringing the birthing pool by on Thursday, as little one seems to be getting ready. (getting lower in my pelvis and squirming to get his head stable down there).

I´ll keep updating :happydance:
pilot - how exciting!!!! :happydance: I hope you got all those baby necessities you mentioned not having yet a week ago! :thumbup: Diapers will be pretty handy! We've decided to do cloth diapers to begin with ourselves. I've read so much about it all and how much (pardon my french) crap is in the diapers and the nice ones without all the chemicals cost SO much!!! Not to mention how much trash they all produce, so we want to give cloth a go. If we absolutely hate it, then we'll reconsider. So time will tell :flower: I felt my first BH contractions around week 22 I think…it was due to dehydration! I've been religious about drinking water since so I haven't had as many. But I bet that number will go up in the next few weeks as my time nears!!!

Clarkey - take it easy young lady!!! What are you doing to be tearing ligaments and irritating your poor little uterus. Make sure to take time off each day to relax "hugs: Great news on the kidneys improving though! Yay :happydance:

AFM, feeling much better today. Day 4 of antibiotics taken and I guess it's working :thumbup: I have much more energy and have been sleeping much better the last two nights which I think is helping tons as well. LO has been moving tons and EACH move feels so strong…like she's wrestling with the umbilical cord or something! I'm happy to feel her but man sometimes it all makes me feel almost sea sick :wacko:

I can't wait to meet your little one pilot! DO keep us posted :wohoo:
pilot- WOW!! thats so exciting:hugs: Cant wait to hear about the experience and the home birth:happydance:

Mrs Chezek- I actually have been taking it easy as Im still off work. It was weird, i was just sitting and the horrible pain came on so fast that I didn't know what to think. It is actually a lot better now, it could have been that the baby pushed on my uterus as he is all curled up comfortably on my right side. I am also trying to drink a lot more as these contractions were scary. They still happen but not as often.

I hope you are feeling better :hugs: I also have had a cold for three weeks now and debating whether to see the dr. It is improving but just taking forever.

Funny that they actually play with their umbilical cord, isnt it. I guess there is not much to play with in there:haha:so cute.

Sasha- also hope you are feeling better:hugs:

Hope everyone else is doing well, havent heard from many of you girls in a while! Have a happy and healthy New Years as 2013 is going to be an exciting one!!:hugs:
MrsChezek - I have almost everything we need ready to go.
Mom asked me not to buy any more stuff, as there wouldn´t be anything left for her and others to give us when LO arrives... :winkwink:

About the cloth diapers - I´m just too cheap to want to buy disposable diapers, plus a lot of infants get irritated skin using those for too long. Not to mention that some parents actually try to use each one for a while longer because of the high prices, resulting in red blotches and a crying baby. If I absolutely had to, I would of course use disposable diapers, and never ever try to make it last a little bit longer, just to save some pennies...

BH started pretty early for me too. I think about week 25.
From the 23rd of December I´ve been getting more and more of them each day. On the 29th (3am to 3pm), I seriously considered calling the midwife about the frequency of them, but they were never really regular, and I had an appointment with her on the 29th at 11am, so I decided to wait. (just contractions, and not the "wave-like" form they´re supposed to assume when labour really is approaching.
She, like me, wasn´t worried at all.
I´m getting the birthing tub on Thursday though, just in case.

BH took a short break after 3pm on the 29th, but started again last night, and have been frequent but irregular since then.
They also seem to become more intense when I move around, doing stuff.
So, I figure, if I´m going to have a baby in 2013 and not 2012, I´m not going to do much of anything before 9pm tonight (so that he will at least arrive after midnight, instead of before if things get started ... :dohh: )

Good to hear that the antibiotics are working :hugs:
I hear ya on the strong movements. Sometimes I´m sure this little one will be a boxer at birth, I wince and cry out involuntarily sometimes.

Clarkeyness - Actually feeling quite confident about this home birth experience. I feel calmer than I have in years and years. :cloud9:

I hope all of you have a wonderful new years eve :)
We only have two "cakes" to blow up this year, as it´s usually me that´s hunkered over the fire setting all the fireworks off.
As I can´t even bend down properly anymore, OH is going to have to do all the work this year, and he´s not the firework enthusiast I am..
Hope everyone had a good New Year's even if it was low key this year. I know ours was.

sasha - hope you're feeling better.

MrsChezek - Glad to hear that the antibiotics are working and your feeling better.

Preg_pilot - It's reassuring to know that someone else is getting heaps of fetal movement (as I was worried that maybe there could be too much movement). I think my LO is also trying to get ready as I'm getting more and more pain in my cervix area and my inner thighs which causes me to also wince at times. I'm seeing my OB tomorrow so I guess I'll wait and see what he says, but I'm really hoping that LO decides to stay in there for another week or two.
I am 19 weeks today :happydance:...now I just wanted to ask when did you all start feeling baby move and kick...I have not felt anything yet…or maybe I did but I did not know that I did...just would like some input...
Hope everyone had a good New Year's even if it was low key this year. I know ours was.

sasha - hope you're feeling better.

MrsChezek - Glad to hear that the antibiotics are working and your feeling better.

Preg_pilot - It's reassuring to know that someone else is getting heaps of fetal movement (as I was worried that maybe there could be too much movement). I think my LO is also trying to get ready as I'm getting more and more pain in my cervix area and my inner thighs which causes me to also wince at times. I'm seeing my OB tomorrow so I guess I'll wait and see what he says, but I'm really hoping that LO decides to stay in there for another week or two.

Hehe, yea. I don´t really care when LO arrives from now on. I was a little stressed that he might decide to shop up before the new years (didn´t really want a december baby), but now I don´t really care. He can take his sweet time, or he can come today. :baby:
I hear ya on the pain in the cervix and inner thighs. Sometimes I have real trouble trying to keep my legs close together, so painful. Like trying to walk with a large ball between your legs.
I have the genuine "pregnancy waddle" now. I actually went for a 30 minute walk this morning, which felt amazing, but also means I can hardly stand upright now.
I´m gathering energy and courage to stand up and load the washer... not being very successful I´m afraid ;)

I am 19 weeks today :happydance:...now I just wanted to ask when did you all start feeling baby move and kick...I have not felt anything yet…or maybe I did but I did not know that I did...just would like some input...

I started feeling movements (bubbles) from week 14, but everybody tells me that´s unusually early for a first pregnancy. Most women don´t feel anything before week 20-25 during first pregnancies...
Midwife explained that it was probably because my placenta is posterior, meaning it´s behind the baby, therefore pressing him towards my belly.

Still just waiting for LO´s arrival, he keeps alternating between positions these days. He stays mostly head down, but flip-flops sometimes and goes oblique or even sideways.
Clarkey - I'm so sorry you are having such a hard time even though you're taking it easy! You're probably right, these little wigglers of ours can be pretty pushy so I bet yours pushed your uterus around too much :dohh: Hope you feel better soon :hugs: If your cold moves into your lungs at all, do contact your doctor as you do not want to risk pneumonia - that's why I got put on antibiotics to get rid of the muck in my lungs before things got bad.

pilot - my BH are getting stronger and I'm getting at least one a day now…considering how much I'm drinking (10-13 cups of water a day), I'm going to say it's not due to dehydration!!! SO perhaps things are going into practice mode for me too. Can't believe I'm due in NINE weeks!!! I'm sooo not ready…need to get on things. I'm planning to order all my diapers this week so I get them early and can wash everything several times and do some dry runs of trying to put things together - I really have no clue :haha:

sam - do let us know what your OB says! I can't believe you're so close as well :happydance: Can't wait to meet your LO :hugs: We had a very low key NYE as well…just too tired! I barely made it until midnight :winkwink:

sasha - congrats! I didn't start feeling movement until week 22 or so…I forget now (I'd have to read through my journal which you're more than welcome to!). It's definitely something that takes longer when you have an anterior placenta, which I do. Plus, with a first pregnancy, you don't even know what to look for so you won't know you feel them really until they are much stronger.

AFM, trying to finalize our registry and to order some basic stuff so we have the bare necessities in case LO arrives early. So swaddle cloths, sleep sacks, diapers, some outfits, etc. The stroller and car seat we hope to have ordered by our parents by end of this week - we're just trying to make our final decision on which ones to get and make sure they fit together. Exciting! :yippee:
I went and saw my OB today and he said that although my bub hasn't engaged yet I'm feeling the pressure of his/her head on my cervix whenever I move around. He said that the head alone probably weighs about 1kg so that's a lot of weight pushing down on the cervix. He also said that as long as I have 10 movements within a 12 hour period anything more is a bonus and not something to worry about.
pilot - my BH are getting stronger and I'm getting at least one a day now…considering how much I'm drinking (10-13 cups of water a day), I'm going to say it's not due to dehydration!!! SO perhaps things are going into practice mode for me too. Can't believe I'm due in NINE weeks!!! I'm sooo not ready…need to get on things. I'm planning to order all my diapers this week so I get them early and can wash everything several times and do some dry runs of trying to put things together - I really have no clue :haha:

AFM, trying to finalize our registry and to order some basic stuff so we have the bare necessities in case LO arrives early. So swaddle cloths, sleep sacks, diapers, some outfits, etc. The stroller and car seat we hope to have ordered by our parents by end of this week - we're just trying to make our final decision on which ones to get and make sure they fit together. Exciting! :yippee:

I can´t remember the day where I didn´t get at least one BH per day. Most days I get at least 5-6, but lately they´ve been getting more and more regular. I´d say it averages at around 30 minutes to an hour between on the days where I´m not actually getting more.
Last night I had regular, strong contractions lasting 1-2 minutes each at 3-5 minutes apart from 11:30pm to about 2:00am. I took a bath, and didn´t feel uncomfortable at all.
As I´m meeting the midwife today anyways, I decided I wouldn´t call until things got really strong or would have lasted for about 3-4 hours...

Yea. I´m not ready with the all the baby stuff myself. Most of it yes.
Mom is bringing the duvet when she comes here to attend the birth, (along with some baby cosmetic stuff), and the rest is just standing by in the baby´s room.
It´s weird to think that most of the stuff in there is totally unfamiliar to me. I´m going to try to spend some time today to acquaint myself with all that stuff. I don´t even know what we own yet. (lots of gifts from my brothers and sister).

I went and saw my OB today and he said that although my bub hasn't engaged yet I'm feeling the pressure of his/her head on my cervix whenever I move around. He said that the head alone probably weighs about 1kg so that's a lot of weight pushing down on the cervix. He also said that as long as I have 10 movements within a 12 hour period anything more is a bonus and not something to worry about.

Yea. I feel that weight too, quite pleasant, huh? ;)
I feel a whole lot more than 10 movements within 12 hours... he seems to be dancing around in there sometimes, and gets especially annoyed when I get strong contractions (like yesterday).

Contractions yesterday from 11:30pm to 2am, then everything calmed down, and I´m still just waiting... :thumbup:
Wow anytime now for Pilot and Sam!! i will be checking on here as much as i can to see if there is any progress!!:happydance:

Mrs chezek- Thats exciting about your car seat and stroller!! We picked ours out last week. We also completed our registry yesterday and my baby shower is planned for Feb 24th...so excited!! My cold is better too now, thanks. I also worried about pneumonia and was watching for symptoms. Hope you are feeling better:hugs:

Sasha- I started to feel actual movements around 17 weeks but everyone is different so not to worry hun. You should be feeling the little one kick real soon:hugs:

AFM i saw the Dr today and she doesnt want me back to work at all now as i am having lots of little contractions during the day. They are not painful or regular but she wants me to take it easy. I will obviously do anything to keep this little one in as long as possible. i am almost 24 weeks which is when the viability of the baby is possible. I definitely do not want this baby anytime soon though.

We booked our 4D u/s for Jan 26th, i will be 27 weeks then and be able to see our babies features in more detail. :happydance:
sam - my doc said the same thing regarding LO movement! 10 movements is plenty…I *definitely* make that mark…before lunch! :happydance: I'm sorry you're in a bit of pain but how exciting huh??? Good luck to you over the next few weeks!!!

pilot - I'm starting to regret waiting to have my shower until 2/2…that's 1 month before my due date! Doesn't sound like a lot of time to get "acquainted" with all the stuff (good word!). I'll have to wash all the clothing and fabric stuff, plus learn to use all the gear!! :dohh: Alas…maybe people will order stuff and have it delivered to me before my shower…we got our first gift today - baby monitor set from DH's brother and sister in law…so I guess we should play around with that! Keep us posted on your contractions and progress!!!!! I'm so excited for you :happydance:

clarkey - glad you are feeling better in regards to your cold! And good work on all the preparing. You are 9 weeks ahead of me!!!! Good work :thumbup: I'm sorry you are still struggling with the contractions and stuff…I will cross everything that your LO stays put for as long as possible…can't wait to see your 4D pics! :flower:

AFM, I feel like a stuffed turkey. I can't seem to eat anything without feeling crazy full…I ate one egg for dinner tonight and had to wait half an hour to eat the other two…then wait another hour to have some soup!!!! It's insane…and I feel like LO is trying to stretch my uterus out…like she's pushing with her arms and legs to try to make more room…do any of you guys feel that way? It's so uncomfortable!
OHHH Pilot and Sam you are all soooo close...I am getting excited for this thread to have some babies...so exciting...

AFM...had a quad screening done and results were negative...we have our Level II ultrasound on 1-14-13...so excited so that I can see him again...Other then that not much is going on…

Hope everyone is having a peaceful and restful weekend…
Clarkeyness- yep. I officially got the green light from the midwife today to go ahead with the homebirth if things do get started :) (mark is 37 weeks).

I hope your contractions start reducing. :hugs:
4D ultrasounds are amazing :) I hope your LO will be turning the right way for good pictures and videos.

MrsChezek- Yep. I´ve washed most of the stuff now. I just have to knit a couple more wool diapers, and soak them in Lanolin, and wash a couple of loads of baby clothes (the wool and fleece ones).
Other than that, most of the things are in place, and just waiting for LO´s arrival :)
I have the same feeling. Though these days, I seem to have completely stopped getting hungry. I just don´t feel hungry at all these days.
I can eat less than half of what I used to before, and I barely feel hunger at all. I have to keep reminding myself to eat something.
I had a midwife appointment today, and completely forgot to eat today. I ate at 9am, and then realized at 7pm that I was completely famished (when I smelled our chicken broiling away).

I definitely feel the same as you when LO is stretching out in there.
Feels like he´s pushing at the sides of the uterus to make more room. Quite painful sometimes

sasha - good to hear that the results are negative :hugs:

Still same old same old for me. Just waiting now.
Everything is ready, pool is here, midwife is standing by (should have another hypno-session soon - which will be the last one).
I feel confident about being able to do this at home, and all in all, just not stressed out.
What really helped me calm down, is that I actually managed to go into self hypnosis today. Felt amazing.
sasha - Me too!! Can't believe our first baby will be born any day now! Feels like just yesterday we started the thread…time sure does fly :happydance: Glad to hear all your screenings are going well and you get to see your LO again soon. I can't wait to see my baby girl on the 15th!

pilot - ooh that's such a great idea to knit the wool diaper covers!!! Do you have a pattern that is good? My godmother knits so I can ask her to make a couple :yipee: They are SO expensive otherwise…I too forgot to eat today…I had lunch at 1pm and then some papaya in the afternoon…a latte at like 5pm and then I realized at 9pm that I never ate dinner! So I had a yogurt when I got home as I don't want to eat too much so I can go to bed soon…and I only ate it on principle as I really wasn't hungry. :shrug: As long as LO is growing I guess I'm fine!!!!

How are you doing sam? Everyone else??? Very quiet on here...
sasha - Me too!! Can't believe our first baby will be born any day now! Feels like just yesterday we started the thread…time sure does fly :happydance: Glad to hear all your screenings are going well and you get to see your LO again soon. I can't wait to see my baby girl on the 15th!

pilot - ooh that's such a great idea to knit the wool diaper covers!!! Do you have a pattern that is good? My godmother knits so I can ask her to make a couple :yipee: They are SO expensive otherwise…I too forgot to eat today…I had lunch at 1pm and then some papaya in the afternoon…a latte at like 5pm and then I realized at 9pm that I never ate dinner! So I had a yogurt when I got home as I don't want to eat too much so I can go to bed soon…and I only ate it on principle as I really wasn't hungry. :shrug: As long as LO is growing I guess I'm fine!!!!

How are you doing sam? Everyone else??? Very quiet on here...

I just found a standard knitting pattern online. Most of them are pretty good.
I just picked a simple one with a flat stitch.
Start out with 88 stitches, make a 5 row stretch knit, then a hole knit for the string, and 11-12cm of flat knit. Then you just need to cast off for the legs and keep on knitting down through the crotch.
There is a picture at the top, maybe she can make sense from that one?
Otherwise, there are a whole bunch of recipes on a site called www.ravelry.com that are in english :)

I´m going to be careful and eat something every 3 hours at least. I had such a sugar craving yesterday evening, as of course I didn´t have any energy left.
Hello! Can't believe how close everyone is now!! Haven't posted for a while but have been stalking! Had another consultant appt last Friday for BP and protein check - everything still ok so fingers crossed pre-eclampsia is staying away!!
The nursery is pretty much finished just a couple of things still to get. One of my close friends has organised my baby shower for 16th - we are having afternoon tea at a nice hotel near where I live -I am really looking forward to it!!! Still quite a new thing in the UK!!!

Feeling quite "heavy" now - although people say I am not that big. But I can't imagine how tired a heavy I will feel in 11 weeks!!!
Thanks pilot! I'll check out rivalry.com :thumbup: Such a great idea!

joey - my shower is a tea party as well! But not until 2/2 because the place I wanted it at is undergoing renovations this month :dohh: So hopefully I won't be a plus one by that time...I'll be 35 weeks!!!! I really hope she doesn't arrive that early - that would be crazy. I wouldn't mind if she shows up at 39 weeks though - that's my birthday! Would be an awesome gift :baby:

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