f*cking cats! *will offend cat owners/lovers*

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My DH has just come home and said about the dog signs. He also said that 'you're dog has to be secured at all times' so we think we are covered because we have a dog gate on our kitchen door so if someone broke in from the front they would see the dog before she could get to them.

Although this doesnt help for when my husband goes away because i like my dog to be in the hallway when DH isnt home at night!

Ahh so we are covered then? We have a stairgate from the front door to living room, a stair gate on the stairs, and stair gate between the living room and kitchen? and in the garden the dog is also on a tie-down cable so she cannot dig out if she wanted to but can roan the garden.

Yes i think so. Just to make sure i'm going to find a notice saying that a dog lives here too. My DH is going to look into it all alot more when he gets home from work.

I got my dog sort of as a guard dog for when hubby is away but also as a loving pet for us all but i wouldnt want her to have to be put down for protecting her family either so want to make sure we protect her aswell.
Cats don't come in my back garden anymore because we used to throw a bucket of water over them. They must have got the message because they only just have to see us standin at the window and they scarper. I havent found any poo in there for ages either haha.

I get loads of crap in my front garden though. Meh!
It pisses me off, its dogs mainly because their owners round her deem it fit to allow them to shit on my lawn and not pick it up. Iv even found it on my front doorstep before.
I tell ya If I ever see anyone allow their dog to do that and leave it there they will expeirience what it's like to scrape it off their head!

People wouldn't like it if I went round and took a dump on their bloody front garden or doorstep so why do they think it's acceptable to allow their dogs to do it..
Cat's obviously it's a bit harder because like you say owners allow them to roam free but dog owners have no excuse imo!

Water pistol cats dot like water really.

My cat used to be outdoors and it was okay cos we lived in the cougry with only one neighbour.

We said to water pistol her. We did the same to the cats in our garden.

Now she's fine cos she's in doors but she likes our bathtub :dohh:
Urgh, our next door neighbours cat poo's in our garden. It is really annoying.
I love cats, I make friends with every cat I ever meet :lol: but I wish people would litter train them rather than just saying ''oh it's ok, they do their business outside'' cus it's not okay when it's in other peoples gardens!
My cat's so good, he only stays in our garden (and he's normally on a lead, he's mainly an indoor cat!), he's litter trained and will actually go insane to come inside if he needs a wee or a poo! He'd be so embaressed if he had an accident, he's very clean! People need to be responsible for any pet.
I cant stand cats, they scare me shitless! I dont know why :lol:

Luckily we have a dog that hates cats and he will not tolerate them on our fence let alone in our garden!
But my MIL and FIL have problems with cats and so far, everything they have tried hasnt worked.
My next door has problems with them and what makes it worse shes also allergic and they try to get in her house, how is that fair :shrug:
My next door has problems with them and what makes it worse shes also allergic and they try to get in her house, how is that fair :shrug:

it obviously doesnt matter about her allergies, the cats have more right to go into her property then she does apparently
My next door has problems with them and what makes it worse shes also allergic and they try to get in her house, how is that fair :shrug:

it obviously doesnt matter about her allergies, the cats have more right to go into her property then she does apparently

I used to work as a Support worker, 1-1, in a girls home. They knew how badly I was allergic to cats, because her Mum had one which would sometimes wander in- my face and neck swell, i cant breathe, go all wheezy, eyes stream, none stop sneezing, rash all over face and neck. You get the picture.
When I was pregnant with Amy, i went in one day with a note in the book saying she was getting a cat on the Monday :shock: :growlmad::nope: You can imagine my horror, I wouldnt have been able to take any antihistamines, and they expected US to clean the litter tray- while i was pregnant. Dont bloody think so. There was a big disagreement because, whilst it was her home, it was also out work place and 2 out of 5 of us were allergic, me being pregnant too. They put a 'hold' on the cat....I lost my job anyway, good ridance, who'd want to work for people who put a cat before your own babys health!!!!
Sorry for the rant and going OT :blush:
Just in my street alone there are 11 cats. And 6 of them come from one house! Plus one or two more from the next street over. You can't look out the window without 4 or five cats looking back at you.

Luckily they don't come in my back garden. They wouldn't dare as my dogs will chase them.
As you keep raising the issue of money,i am guessing you haven't got a clue how much emergency vet bills are and having a cat cremated are too after a cat owner has lost there pet in such a cruel way.It is also not my fault if my cat was already used to going outside when i had him like you said yourself once they go out you can't keep them in,and my cat who died and the 2 i still have never hardly did/do go out i keep them in as much as possible but they do manage to get out sometimes,and also for the record i too will say what i want about someone being a sick twat for poisoning someones pet or even talking about it.Ofcourse i would never want any harm to come to a baby and no it's not good that you have to clean it up or even have it in your garden in the first place but i'm sorry that is just cats!.You have your opinion and i have mine i think alot of people might agree with you and alot might agree with me.So thats it i have nothing else to say,apart from R.I.P to my smokey who was a lovely cat and didn't deserve to die how he did and i just hope there is more cat loving people around who agree with that.

i have to agree with you here, even though my cats come in to use the litter if they didnt then there wouldnt be much i could do about it. cats are roaming animals and what some people are saying about compairing dogs to cats is rubbish - dogs have been domesticated for hundreds of years, they have been trained to do a job therefor yes it is the owners responsability. cats on the other hand are not any ware near as domesticated, they are far more in touch with there natural instincts and to take freedom away from a cat that has always had freedom is IMO cruel. dogs and cats use 2 different levils of instinct.

i also agree that jokeing about poisoning some one elses pet is pritty sick, weather you intend to go through with the threat or not.

at the end of the day it is horrible haveing to clean up other peoples cat crap but in the same way as its horrible clearing up fox / bird / badger / rabbit poo which there is also nothing any one can do about.
But foxes/rabbits/badgets etc dont belong to anyone and therefore nobody is responsible for them :shrug:

I do understand that owners cant follow their cats around all day in case they poo :lol: however, as you pointed out, wild animals, such as dogs, CAN become domesticated, so I dont see why cats cant even brought up that way froma Kitten x
i did write a essay but it got wiped :growlmad:

foxes cant be compared to cats so thats a really weak argument...the cat belongs to someone and is let out with the owners selfishly knowing what they will do in peoples gardens, where as the fox is a actual wild animal and doesnt belong to anyone :dohh: my cat would of hapily stayed in the house like i wanted until my ex let her out which i didnt agree with because i didnt want her going in other peoples gardens

my son is 2 so doesnt no any better but if he took a crap on ur lawn im sure ud have something to say about it if i just let it happen and didnt pick it up
Ah hun that drives me mad too and I own cats. Mine are indoor cats so no problems with them shitting in other peoples gardens ;)

Poo is quite dangerous especially with kiddies around. I always pick up after my dogs when out and it annoys me when people don't because if a child was to put their hand in it and accidentally get it in their eye it could make them blind.
The joke about poisoning cats is really getting to me atm as I just lost one of my cats on Monday. His death was different, he had an extreme case of UTI and passed away whilst under anaesthetic but I could never ever do something like that to a cat. I am absolutely devastated by my cats passing, I wouldn't wish it on any pet owner :cry:
I was about to say the argument of cats being "wild" is a bit mute really, Dog where wild WE took that freedom away from them, they did not decide hey i want to only go for a walk when my owner says etc.. House cats are domesticated and most who grow up inside dont want to go out and if they do they only go as far as the owners garden.. So it is possible with cats people just decide not to..

I still cannot comprehend why someone would want a pet to only see at food time? Yet panic if its not home on time, yeah some of the time its because its been hurt but some times its just because someone else is feeding them..
The joke about poisoning cats is really getting to me atm as I just lost one of my cats on Monday. His death was different, he had an extreme case of UTI and passed away whilst under anaesthetic but I could never ever do something like that to a cat. I am absolutely devastated by my cats passing, I wouldn't wish it on any pet owner :cry:

sorry to hear about ur cat x
The joke about poisoning cats is really getting to me atm as I just lost one of my cats on Monday. His death was different, he had an extreme case of UTI and passed away whilst under anaesthetic but I could never ever do something like that to a cat. I am absolutely devastated by my cats passing, I wouldn't wish it on any pet owner :cry:

sorry to hear about ur cat x

Thanks hun xx
really gets me how much is taken away from dogs! dogs are working animals and some are hunting dogs and yet they are punished for their natural reactions/instincts but theres a bloody law saying yes cats can shit on ur grass so deal with it

So we should allow dogs to follow their natural instincts but not cats?!

My cats are farm cats - they come from a long line of farm cats. Their nature is to hunt rats. Not just mice but rats. One of my cats even hunts rabbits. On a farm they have their uses. Yes I understand your frustration but to say people should lock their cats in their houses is just not gonna work.
My cats happen to poo in our garden - they have a patch in the bark under the trees. We clean it frequently to make sure they keep using it.

One of my cats is pretty much a house cat - she doesn't go out often but the other one is a hunter and goes up to the fields. I'm sorry you think I'm being disrespectful but I'm not going to keep them in to appease you. I would be mortified to think they were pooing in somebody else's garden but we have wild pigeons near us and when they poo on my car I just have to deal with it. Frustrating yes but I deal with it.
again someone now comparing a pet to a wild animal......i will clean up bird poo off my windows because i have to no one owns that bird :dohh:

i dont think either cat or dog should be allowed to roam free if they are being kept as pets then it is the owners who should be held responsible for what that animal does.

if a dog attacked my son that dog would be put down, but if someone lets their cat out n that cat attacks my son they just get away with it.

if cats are so wild then i think its disgusting they are being kept as pets to then only be left outside
I haven't read all of the posts so sorry if I am repeating anyone but as a cat owner I would just like to add that I took in 2 cats which were strays and were used to roaming and living outdoors, I think it would have been cruel and against their nature to lock them inside for the rest of their days and take their freedom away. Also, if my cats did do their business in someone elses garden then I would not object to that person squirting them with water to deter them, I would however be very pissed off if anyone tried to poison them and not only would that person receive a huge vets bill, but also a visit from the police and the rspca.
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