Fake faint line madness?!!

The frer out the case


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New frer


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I'm only seeing a white line on that on the fourth photo.
May I make a suggestion, if you are concerned about smoking? Have you tried vaping instead? MUCH less harmful - having made my own liquids I can tell you what goes into them, I couldn't tell you all 4000+ chemicals in a single cigarette, though! This is how I quit the cigarettes. It's a far more clean and actually pleasant experience in comparison to smoking, imo. You also have about a zillion flavours to choose from, so there's bound to be something you like
Eww no! Id love to kno what does go into them tho? I worry that we dont yet kno the long term effects and they will also lead to health problems that could possibly be worse. I wouldnt say vaping is consideted safe in pregnancy either?
I think they are terribly antisocial too as they produce great plumes of vapour that drift over everyone i hate the smell of them!
So yeah not a fan sorry i am interested how u make them and what goes into it tho!
Eww no! Id love to kno what does go into them tho? I worry that we dont yet kno the long term effects and they will also lead to health problems that could possibly be worse. I wouldnt say vaping is consideted safe in pregnancy either?
I think they are terribly antisocial too as they produce great plumes of vapour that drift over everyone i hate the smell of them!
So yeah not a fan sorry i am interested how u make them and what goes into it tho!

Lol, sorry - I had a chuckle at this.
Without google, could you state what goes into cigarettes? Please don't take that in a rude way- I used to be a smoker myself.

Are you still using protection? It states on your first page that you are not ttc, and you're using protection.

Unless you have reason to believe your protection is faulty for some reason, I'm not sure a bfp is a realistic thing right now.

It seems, like the rest of us, you're quite eager to get a bfp. Could you talk to your hubby about it, and start trying?
No of course i couldnt!! Many many terrible things im sure!! But cupcake said she made her own liquid so i wondered what she put in.
Yes we still using protction and not ttc. I have talked to oh but we are really not in a good place relationship wise so as much as id love a baby right now i kno its not wise to bring a baby into a relationship thats on the rocks x
Propylene glycol, vegetable glycerine, food grade flavourings and nicotine, if you have nicotine (you can buy nicotine-free liquids). So, considering all of these ingredients can be found in food, with the exception of nicotine, I wouldn't be too concerned that they are more dangerous than smoking, simply because it's illogical to think that. Yes, vaping is a relatively new thing, but they now have to comply with the EU regulations for TPD (tobacco products directive), which means you can't now simply make your own and sell them to whoever. Sure, you can make your own, but you aren't allowed to sell them to the general public without having them tested and that assurance they are safe.
They also now come with the reassurance that you can check the mods and stuff online at the manufacturer's websites to ensure you haven't purchased a potentially dangerous fake. I'm sure you have heard of some batteries blowing up? Yes, this is why. Because you used to find them anywhere, unregulated and dangerous, which now you can check against to ensure they are genuine. I haven't had any issues with mine, except for my Smok Alien 220 Mod deciding to give up the ghost yesterday which I'm less than impressed with, but at least it simply stopped working and didn't explode...

Also, the 'great plumes of vapour' you describe really depend on what you are using and the type of liquid you use. Higher VG liquids tend to create a lot more vapour, nice clouds indeed if you are into that. Lower VG, equal VG/PG ratios produce less vapour. I used to use 50/50 VG/PG liquids but since swapping to higher end liquids (because I find the flavours nicer and more intense) these are 70/30 or 80/20 VG/PG, which means I do produce more clouds BUT this also depends on how you vape as well. You find people who vape mouth-to-lung and direct lung vapers, directly vaping to lung creates more vapour because you are inhaling more vapour and longer vapes at a time, whereas the other kind (which is me) you are drawing into your mouth first, then to lungs, which produces less of a cloud because you can't inhale as much that way. My husband vapes direct to lung and creates much more sizeable clouds than I do.
The vapour exhaled doesn't contain any nicotine and actually isn't anymore dangerous than inhaling steam from the bath, for those who may be within the vicinity of the cloud. So yes, it may have a smell, but it isn't dangerous.

There was a very interesting documentary about the comparison between vaping and smoking a little while ago which showed the cells in the lungs and what happened to them whilst smoking and vaping, and the difference was immense. This showed, very clearly, that the cells of the lungs in the smoker weren't able to repair themselves. They timed them the same at the same time and what you saw were the cells trying to repair and meet in the middle again, which didn't happen for the smoker, leaving a gap. In the vaper, you could see the cells repairing and meeting in the middle in the same timeframe. The cells of the vaper weren't any different to someone who didn't vape or smoke.

Also there's just the very basic logic of the fact cigarettes contain thousands of chemicals, formaldehyde for one, which are known carcinogens, which will damage your lungs without a doubt. Liquids for vaping just don't contain those things. The only toxic ingredient they do contain is nicotine, only if you choose a nicotine liquid, and this doesn't have quite the same effect. It's highly addictive, yes, but it isn't really the thing responsible for damaging your lungs. It's all the other chemicals that are mostly responsible for the damage.

I would imagine that vaping whilst pregnant, if a 0% nic liquid, isn't harmful. I don't know how much of the nicotine in a liquid with nicotine would potentially pass over to the foetus, but it would be unethical to test this out, obviously. Having said that, when you are pregnant and smoking, what's the first thing the midwife does? Refers you on to the smoking cessation (right word?) midwife. What do they do? Offer you NRT (nicotine replacement therapy), which will consist of patches, gum, spray or that little pipe thing. All of which contain nicotine. All of which pass into your bloodstream, which then, I would assume, passes over to the foetus. This then, isn't any different to vaping. In fact, vaping is now currently used as another form of NRT. So, this would show the NHS approve it for this purpose. Therefore, vaping is most definitely a LOT safer than smoking in pregnancy.
In an ideal world, you would quit before pregnancy, or quit cold turkey, but some people want a little help because some struggle more than others
Oh Josephine! You poor thing :( I sure hope you can sort things out with your hubby.
I'm sorry about the issues. I hope that you and your DH can work things out :hugs:
Wow thanks cupcake one more question whats pg and vg lol?!
I really dont kno enuf about vaping to get into this debate lol i just dont think its for me. I stopped cold turkey with no.1 and weaned myself off over a week with no. 2.
Dont worry about me and the oh its been like this for about 6 months im not sure how much longer it will hold out. So when i say its not a good time to ttc thats what i mean x
PG is propylene glycol, VG is vegetable glycerine. It isn't really a debate so much anymore, because it's been shown that it's a lot safer than smoking. The scaremongering has mostly come from the fact people were turning to vaping instead of smoking, therefore tobacco sales losing out and the government makes plenty from these sales, so the whole scaremongering thing kicked off about it but it has since been proven incorrect. It's true to say it is a new thing and that makes it impossible to know for sure long term what happens, but given that we know what's in them and the differences between the two acts (one you are vapourising the other you are combusting, they are different things steam and smoke), you aren't setting fire to the liquid you vape, you are heating it to produce a vapour... anyway, there has been quite a lot of studying the lungs and how they react and also whether anything dangerous is put into the air from the vapour (which it isn't) to show how much safer it is. I looked into it a lot before I swapped over to it because I'm as paranoid as they come! Ironic for a smoker (or ex smoker, now) but there we go!
I think whether it is for you depends on the reasons you smoke and the habit you are trying to break. For me, it was much more the hand-to-mouth thing, and being able to see what I'm exhaling and feeling as if I was inhaling something. The difference though is that it feels like a clean inhale/exhale as opposed to smelly, unhealthy smoke. It also doesn't turn your skin and/or nails orange. The various smells from vaping will depend on the flavour being vaped. There are a number of flavours available from tobacco to menthol (there was some proof to say the menthol flavours were questionable regarding safety to your lungs, although I can't remember why now) to drinks to bakery flavours. I use the lowest nic readily available to me (0.3mg. It usually goes 2.4, 1.6, 1.2, 0.6, 0.3, 0. Although 0.1 is sometimes available but isn't so readily available) in strawberry custard or cornflake tart (Dinner Lady), Pancake Man (although this is currently hard to buy and is a complete coil killer) and a strawberry or vanilla profiterole flavour (cream puff by Ruthless & Penguin). Quite sweet but they aren't over the top.

I don't agree with it being antisocial though. I would say smoking is far more antisocial! But this is the nose of an ex smoker - it always smells worse after you quit.
The only thing I don't like about it is the fact liquids containing nicotine are toxic substances and there isn't any escaping that. They have to be kept well out of the reach of children and pets and if you spill any on your skin it has to be washed off immediately because nicotine is absorbed faster through the skin and large quantities are dangerous and can poison you, but especially in the case of young children. In part, this is why I don't make my own now, because it involves working with pure nicotine and you have to wear gloves, mask and goggles in case. And if you mess up your calculations and put too much in, you will know about it! Thankfully I haven't once messed that up, but I prefer to leave the making to professional mixers instead. Once I swap to 0 nicotine I will start making my own I suspect, since it's a lot cheaper.

Anyway, if it isn't for you, it isn't for you. Although I do think you have to try something before you write it off completely. Like I said, I was apprehensive initially but I'm happy I chose to kick the cigarettes in favour of vaping.

Also, if you stood next to a smoker you would inhale harmful fumes from the smoke. You don't inhale anything harmful from vapour, except a smell that's offensive to your nose
Oh my goodness, smoking is SO much more antisocial than vaping. My neighbour smokes outside her back door and even with the windows closed it seeps into my house and smells foul, it sends my anxiety into overdrive. Vaping doesn't really bother me, it doesn't make me cough or feel sick.

Not being rude at all, just chucking my two pence in!

I enhanced and tweaked your pic :)



I think its about as antisocial as smoking cos both are forcing people around u to breathe something other than air lol. I def think it should be an outdoor thing like smoking is now. Its a shame about the menthol as that would be my flavour of choice! I do remember something about that too x
I think its about as antisocial as smoking cos both are forcing people around u to breathe something other than air lol. I def think it should be an outdoor thing like smoking is now. Its a shame about the menthol as that would be my flavour of choice! I do remember something about that too x

Yeah true. Both should totally be outside only.
Oh wow thanks Hopeful!! I totally see it better on them :) ironically the vaping does make me feel sick its like i can taste it when someone is using one near me.
You must have been posting at the same time as me i totally didnt see ur new post when i posted lol
Heres the middle 15miu test from the set i did this morning better pic and closer i was in a rush for the school run this am so may not have been the best pics earlier (edit obvs they are dry now)


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I don't want it in my children's faces and I wouldn't be so disrespectful towards other people's feelings on it by vaping in, say, a restaurant. But also, I know that there isn't anything harmful in the vapour you exhale so it isn't like passive smoking, it has been proven there isn't such thing as passive vaping. It's more a psychological thing, you are exhaling something visible so you automatically feel you are doing something wrong and harmful. Although I do understand also that some don't like the smell of certain vapours and of course shouldn't be subjected to that. Although I'm sorry it gets right up my nose if I'm vaping outside and someone eye rolls at me or makes some rude comment, I'm OUTSIDE and the smoke from a cigarette is worse! Health wise, at least. Smell/nose wise is subjective.

I think unless you have smelled all flavours, then there's bound to be something that doesn't bother you or that you actually like. Menthols are readily sold and available so it isn't that they are completely unsafe - they are still much safer than smoking - but there's something about the flavouring that the lungs react to more than other flavours but I can't remember why and it's annoying me lol
I believe u that its safer based on what we already kno but there was a time we didnt kno that cigarettes werent safe. I guess i worry there will be a health scandal in 20 yrs time and people will get ill with something we dont kno exists yet let alone know how to treat.
I should add i only smoke 2 a day anyways x
Understand what you are saying but honestly don't see how there could be any comparison, we consume these ingredients anyway and there aren't 4000+ chemicals in vapour, so there isn't much room, especially with the research on how the lungs react, for there to be anything discovered like there was from smoking cigarettes. Also it isn't like we had the technology back then when cigarettes first were around, to test anything out or research anything thoroughly, whereas nowadays we are able to do that. I think the only potential scandal will be a government fabricated one because they are losing out on tobacco sales
New test


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