Fake faint line madness?!!

I agree with these ladies that we all are here to support one another in this journey, even if that means we are at different aspects of TTC, NTNP, WTT, etc. I am really not hoping this sounds harsh or rude by any means because like I stated before I am not judging you at all. I will admit that there were times right before DH and I both agreed to start TTC that I knew there was no way possible to be preggo, but went out and bought a cheapy drugstore test after AF was a few days late, just hoping I might see a line. We used condoms for almost 9 years and never had a slip up..and for about 8 of those years DH would even pull out because we were so set on NOT having an oops baby. I just needed to take a test and see that it was not possible for myself. But I took one and was done.
Again not be rude but have no idea how go about this in a nice way.. I did some searching on here and it seems like you have been at this for almost 5 months now? I saw you have some threads just like this one back in January and then every month since. I know you are saying it is just to see what your body does each month and be prepared when you are ready to TTC but I am not sure this is the best way of going about it. There are many women on these TTC threads and forums that are truly and actively trying, asking for real advice. Each of these 5 months you are getting faint lines that are so barely visible in pictures..I just feel like at this point this is not a coincidence. You have stated that FRER's are out of your price range but you have spent at least 5 months and gone through probably hundreds of IC's and Clearblues that you could have save yourself time and heartache by getting a definitive answer on one FRER once a day starting at about 9-10DPO.
I definitely understand that the POAS addiction is real, I was there myself just last week until AF showed up. But there are so many women that hop on these threads hoping to see some credible information and by doing this over and over again may give some of them false hope.
I know you keep saying that this is just to "test" and see what these tests show and how your body reacts, but other times you act as though you truly believe it's even possible for a line to be there. Accident's do happen even with protection but at some point you may need to understand that a lot of people are supporting you on here and trying to help you see lines that are not there..only for you to come back and say that your having protected sex and it's not possible.
I really hope that you and DH can have a discussion on this and maybe you can possibly check out the WTT threads?

This is just my two cents and I hope you know we are all here to support you and you get your BFP someday!:thumbup:
I definitely dont want to give anyone false hope or get in anyones way of finding info. I certainly dont want to offend anyone ttc. Everyone has been really helpful and supportive i dont want to upset anyone. Thats why i made the thread title as sort of a disclaimer! So everyone knows the score from the start! I have nipped in to wtt a few times i should def try and spend more time there instead of here. :(
Josephine, hope is an incredibly powerful thing and I know you are hoping there will be a faulty condom or a slip up and you will see genuine lines, it's completely natural and understandable when you want another baby
I agree with kaila. Josephine we have all supported you for months and months now but maybe it's time to just take a step back and realize that this whole thing is rather silly. I know that when we want something so bad we tend to even eventually believe it to be possible but somewhere, somehow logic has to prevail and you have to know that protected sex won't result in a pregnancy. My husband has a vasectomy and didn't even submit his second sample. We have been having unprotected sex for all most 8 months now with no problem. If I would start testing every month for 2 weeks straight it wouldn't make any sense. Get where I'm going with this? It can come off as a somewhat of a mockery to those who are on here really trying and looking for solid stories etc. Not that it's your Intention to offend, i totally understand that. You seem like a very very sweet and kind woman but maybe this POAS addiction is getting the best of you and waiting for AF to show before testing may not be a bad idea.
I think iv mentioned before my best friend fell pregnant her first ever time dtd with a condom! So i think thats always in the back of my mind. Totally dont want anyone to think im making a mockery of those ttc i kno it can be a long hard journey thats not my intention at all x
Aww thanks for your post cupcake i feel like ur the only one who understands me :dohh:
Of course the faint lines were getting my hopes up at first but now i sort of expect it. Honestly its been so useful to me to post and log my pics to see where / when lines are appearing. I kno frers are popular here but i just dont like the style of them the lines are too thin. Plus the cost. I dont have a superdrug either for the millionth time lol. Xx
Oh I know you don't have a Superdrug, I only mentioned those because I wanted to say what my experiences were with them to balance things. Everyone has their own favourites I think, and this is only because tests are less than perfect and will do differently for different people.
I completely understand where you are coming from with this and whilst I do agree with what others are saying with waiting it out to save you going insane, I also don't think it's impossible to fall pregnant whilst using contraception. When using condoms perfectly, they are up to 97-98% effective. This means that there is a chance of pregnancy. It's unlikely, but it isn't impossible and I know this is the hope you are looking at, which I think anyone would do if they wanted a baby and were struggling to get their OH to think about it
Nothing is impossible, we all know that. Possible, yes sure anything is possible but is it probable? NO.i mean, no sense in splitting hairs about this ... For sure on day u can have a happy accident while using condoms and u can certainly keep that in the back of your mind but what I'm saying is the chances are so so slim that it doesn't warrant you testing every day for 2 weeks...now if your af is even a day late and u want to test then by all means :) I know you are testing lines for fun or whatever and like I said earlier I really really wish you a bfp.
I know what you are saying, Laila, and I wasn't trying to split hairs. I agree with you that it is unlikely, highly unlikely a pregnancy will result from proper use of contraception, but occasionally it does happen and this is probably what Josephine is focussed on which I can understand when the want for a baby is so strong. That's all I was saying :)
Its so nice of u ladies taking the time to respond!! X
Also to be fair it is the pregnancy test gallery and i thought that was the best place to go for advice on all things line related from experienced testers and poas addicts! I dont think they'd take too kindly to me posting my pics in wtt!! I just thought this was the best place to share. Im not trying to spoil anyone else's experience who is really trying or make light of anyones journey Xx
I definitely don't believe you are posting to be malicious to others or making light of their journey. I think we are all just trying to help you understand that taking pregnancy tests multiple times a day for the full length of your cycle does not seem beneficial for your mental or psychical well being, especially when you are having protected sex and not actively TTC or NTNP.
You are correct that the pregnancy test section is to get advice on lines, however its also linked under "trying to conceive" forums. I do agree that those who are in the WTT threads probably appreciate not seeing pregnancy tests. I just believe that when women visit the "pregnancy test" section, they believe to be reading a forum based on someone actively TTC or NTNP, (or a condom oops) that could really be preggo.
I don't mean to be too personal, but are you truly having close calls every time you dtd? To be testing like this, I would feel as though it would need to be warranted by the condom tearing or breaking, it coming off during (although I feel like that would be noticeable), or some swimmers possibly leaking out the side if he continues after finishing... etc.
I am really not trying to be mean, nor do I believe anyone else is. But, it is very confusing to some of us that are giving advise on these threads month after month. I know you state initially that you are using condoms but is conflicting when you post every day asking to see lines if you are only experimenting, especially in the post I read about you using a digital?

All in all, if POAS makes you happy I say continue on and keep doing it! We all are just here for support and try and help give the best advice. :thumbup:
Wel its just that when i see something weird on a test my immediate reaction is to want to post it on bnb!! It was that stupid alltest that got me started this month. Im experimenting but of course id love to see a true bfp. We always use a condom.but he does always carry on a bit after finishing so this is the part where i imagine one might escape if it was going to!
Really wanna post my test from today but im scared u lot will strangle me lol x
Josephine, if you want to post it, post it! As long as you are aware and ok with people saying they don't see anything or there isn't progression. I think people worry you will be hurt by responses saying they can't see anything or there isn't progression or it isn't a bfp, because it can be heartbreaking to read when you hope for a bfp, whether you are using contraception or you aren't, the hope it fails is still there so I would imagine it could hurt you to read that, even though those posting are doing so with the best intentions
Sending you lots of hugs Josephine :hugs:

I personally don't have a probably with you posting, and I can't imagine many others here do either (it is a free forum after all)!

But I agree with Happy Cupcake and others in the sense that you really need to stop buying tests that give you faint lines (that will always give you faint lines, and probably everyone else too).

It's not a good use of your time when a bunch of girls chime in "I see it!", because YES there is something there, BUT unfortunately it doesn't mean a bpf :nope:

I don't know if they have these in the UK, but for cheap tests I order Easy@Home off Amazon. I found them to be quite reliable!

I think it's fine if you want to POAS and post it every month. But there may be a bit of "boy who cried wolf" thing where not as many people will be believe you / be that helpful when you actually DO get your BPF, which we are ALL hoping you do soon!

If you are fine with that, then definitely go for it! Hopefully your DH will come round soon and you can start TTC soon!
Im not hurt at all by responses as of course i font expect it to turn into a bfp. Def agree theres no point buying tests that always giv faint lines which is why im glad i did this now cos i would be heartbroken if we were ttc and i got them. This way i can weed out tests that dont work for me.

Hows about then that i just post on this thread from now on. I wont start a new one unless i get a really clear line or we ttc. So then those that are interested can pop in to say hi or comment and if u dont like it/dont agree with what im doing you dont have to look!xx
Dont worry im not upset when people cant see it. I agree that theres no point using tests that always give a line which is why its so useful to weed out the ones that do now while we are not ttc. If id had that line on the alltest while ttc id be much more heartbroken when it went no-where.

How about i only post on this thread from now on and only start a new one if i get a proper line? So then if anyone wants to follow my madness they can and if ud rather not then just dont go on the thread! Sound like a plan?
I think if you want to post, post it! I really hope you get your bfp whether it's planned or a happy accident. I love looking at tests personally and if I see something I will say if not I will say. Xx
I think if you want to post, post it! I really hope you get your bfp whether it's planned or a happy accident. I love looking at tests personally and if I see something I will say if not I will say. Xx

Same here. And actually I think it's quite useful to see which brands could potentially cause more false lines than others, if there isn't any medical reason for your lines, Josephine. I myself have had lines on tests which haven't been bfps. I don't know if they were indents but a few looked pretty convincing whilst others looked like evaps but appeared within the timeframe and some showed and then disappeared when dry! These cheapie tests and sometimes the blue dye tests can be awkward to tell the difference between genuine lines and those which aren't

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