Mediterranean that is so exciting! That is early to see your baby, you are lucky!
Still praying and sunshine, sorry you are dealing with MS. Sounds like things are progressing well though!
Ashaford, how was the appointment???
Kittykat, when do you get to have another ultrasound to ease your worries?
I have made it to 6 weeks! I am at 6+1 today based on lmp. I'm a bit nervous about a pain I've been having on my right side. Its sort of a twingy, pinchy feeling, sort of like ovulation pains but it has been pretty consistent for a few hours. I know chances of ectopic aren't high and it's probably just ligament pain, but it does make me a bit nervous. Do you ladies think it's worth calling the midwife for? I don't want to seem too needy especially if its nothing and it's not accompanied by bleeding or anything.