FALL 2017 Rainbows~ 7 Rainbows born!

Felt queasy this morning until I ate and riding on a carousel with my girls made me sick lol my main symptom is feeling like a bottomless pit so I'm constantly eating.

Hope everyone had a lovely weekend :flower:
I think it doesn't help that I'm in that time where sickness is gone and feeling wiggles is few and far between, and my mum knew before I even took a test, before I knew I was pregnant, that's even stranger!! She said to my sister that she thought I was pregnant 2 days before my positive test, because she had it on Facebook the dates!! And yeh I have an appointment on Wednesday with my midwife!

How is everyone feeling today?
Feeling pretty good today. I was exhausted yesterday and ended up sleeping for 9.5 hours last night. I woke up feeling so much better. Now I just wish my boobs didn't hurt so much. I need to invest in some bigger bras, I think.

I hope everyone is feeling well today.
Had some morning sickness this morning. Now I'm in this super boring class and I'm freezing. :(
Who else has an appointment today? I have one at 3:30 cst. I seem to remember someone else was going to the doctor today. I hope everyone is doing well. So excited to see if we have one or two. :)
Sick as a dog over here. I'm able to eat small, dry, things but no appetite and feel super nauseous the entire day. Fatigue has been better but also have very sore back pain and headaches. This is way worse than my first pregnancy ever was....

Complain complain. Sorry. Just feeling so out of sorts.
Sunshine they say each pregnancy symptoms get stronger! Sorry you're miserable but it sounds like things are progressing!

Ashaford good luck at your appointment today!

Kitty happy 15 weeks!!
Ashaford, how did your appt go???

I had my first OB appt today and it went great! I loved the OB! She took all the time we wanted, we talked about things other than the pregnancy also and she made me feel reassured. So she told me based on my LMP MY due date would be Oct 8 which is my hubby's and my moms b-day. But she said I ovulated late so I am due on October 17th making me 7 weeks today. She told me that on my ultrasound last week (at 6+2) the heartbeat was 127 bpm. Today she put on the office ultrasound machine so I got to see bubs for the first time! (The techs can't show you that early on) AMAZING! The heartbeat was 167 today!

It's ironic that the appt was at l&d at the hospital where I gave birth to my son 3 years ago today and I ran into the midwife that birthed him! I'm hoping that was all good signs :).

I don't have my next appt for 4 weeks so that's a long time without seeing babes now.
Mediterranean that is so exciting! That is early to see your baby, you are lucky!

Still praying and sunshine, sorry you are dealing with MS. Sounds like things are progressing well though!

Ashaford, how was the appointment???

Kittykat, when do you get to have another ultrasound to ease your worries?

I have made it to 6 weeks! I am at 6+1 today based on lmp. I'm a bit nervous about a pain I've been having on my right side. Its sort of a twingy, pinchy feeling, sort of like ovulation pains but it has been pretty consistent for a few hours. I know chances of ectopic aren't high and it's probably just ligament pain, but it does make me a bit nervous. Do you ladies think it's worth calling the midwife for? I don't want to seem too needy especially if its nothing and it's not accompanied by bleeding or anything.
Missyogi that sounds like normal pain to me. I've found that drinking a lot of water and laying down usually helps with those pains. Yay for 6 weeks!

Mediterranean glad you got to see baby! It's always fantastic when you get a Dr you like :)

AFM another boring day of this course I'm in *sigh* only 3 more days. I got nauseous on my way home and by the time I had picked up my girls I knew I was going to throw up. As soon as I got in the house I was puking. Orange chicken is awful to throw up in case you're curious :(
Med glad your appointment went well! And that's so weird running into the same midwife! That heartbeat sounds fantastic!

Yogi, congrats on 6 weeks! I've had those pains this pregnancy, I was just told they were stretchy pains and as long as there's no blood then it's perfectly normal :) and I have a midwife appointment today hopefully listening to heartbeat, but my next scan isn't until April 3rd!! So far away!!

Stills sorry you are feeling crappy but it's a really good sign!! I stuck to okay to puke foods until last week, it does make a difference, like it doesn't make it nice but it makes it better XD
Good morning, ladies! Congrats on a great appointment, Mediterranean. It's so reassuring to see that little bean. :)

Stillpraying - I'm so sorry you've been sick. I have been nauseous for weeks now but never thrown up. I just know it's coming though.

My appointment went great. I was so nervous I didn't even want to look at the screen. Hubs made me. :) Our little jelly bean is measuring 8w1d which is exactly what I thought based on ovulation date. We could see its little heart beat. Heart rate was 168. I had the tech check 100 times but there are no signs of subchorionic hemorrhage. We think that is what caused my early labor last time so fingers crossed nothing develops. The doctor is going to baby us through 17 weeks when we lost our son so I go back in two weeks for another ultrasound. :) I'll take it!

I hope everyone has a good day!
Kitty Kat, thanks! good luck on your appointment today! You'll have a nice strong heartbeat! Did you do the nuchal scan?

Stillpraying, it's horrible you are sick like that but also good :)

Ashaford, I'm so glad you had a good ultrasound and got some reassurance that SCH wasn't as issue. Another scan in two weeks, that's awesome!
Ash afford glad the ultrasound went well! It's nice that you get another scan so soon! Will you find out gender?

My appointment went well apart from the fact the hospital didn't take all the bloods they should have so now I have to try and get an appointment to have them done! Heart rate was 155 which she said is quite high but within normal range. And yeh I had the nuchal scan :)
Kitty that's weird she said 155 is high...my babies were always in the 160s :shrug: how annoying that you have to go back for more bloods!

Ashaford :happydance:for a great appointment. Did you get any pictutes? I'm hoping my midwife will be similar in monitoring us through 1pictures?

AFM still in these boring classes, the instructor reminds me of mr.rogers:sleep:. Feeling queasy so hoping the peppermint tea helps.

Ladies let me know when youd like me to add your due date :) no rush, whenever you feel comfortable.
I'm glad you had a good appt, Kitty.

I did get some pictures but I can't figure out how to post them on here. ha! We just have a little jelly bean right now so no features, really. We could see little arm and leg buds.
Glad to hear about all the successful ultrasounds! Great news!

As for me, my Dr wants to see me Friday as he said my first hcg was very high. I've also been very, very sick (no meds work) and the back pain and headaches are consistent. DH wants me to rule out an ectopic (worst case) and I suspect that's what my Dr is thinking too as he seemed concerned. I'm hoping it's nothing....

It should still be early at the u/s on Friday, I'm anywhere from 6w5d to 6w2d. Who knows. Just want to make sure everything is in the right spot...
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He/she is just a little jelly bean right now. You can kind of see a leg bud on the right side. I could sit and watch that heart beat all day. :coffee:


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Ashaford sweet little bean!

Sunshine I don't know how I missed your post, so sorry :hugs: I hope your ultrasound just shows a very wriggly bean or maybe 2 beans :winkwink: praying it's not ectopic. You know my sil went through a similar situation and they thought her baby was ectopic. When they went in to remove it, it was a cyst and not the baby. The Drs were baffled and they named her Leah Milagros (Spanish for miracle). We call her Millie:)

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