beaglesmom oh wow, I didn't know that you could find out the gender at transfer. That is so amazing! Isn't science fascinating?!

You will have fun selecting some gender specific clothing after all the neutral items!
floridasian It's understandable that you are impatient for that first ultrasound. Are you feeling any different yet?
misaacs You're 8dpo already! So hopeful for you hon.
FutureBabyG Aww hon I hope the numbers are great for you to trigger and do IUI. You deserve a great shot this month!
anyone else I missed, hi there and I hope things are going well for you.
AFM. Well. It doesn't look promising. Opks haven't improved, temps are all over the place, ovary pain hasn't changed. I do have a lot more ovary pain than last month when it didn't work - and on both sides. But we all know that can mean nothing.
Monday will be CD20, and 11 days since the last Clomid pill. I will call and get an ultrasound to see what size things are. If they are bigger than 10(which was the largest they got with TWO checks last month) I'll wait a few more days.
If follicles are small or lining sucks, then I'll start the Progesterone that day. By my calculations that would have me starting a new cycle right around our appointment on February 9th. We intend to tell the doctor the whole nightmare of this cycle and how I feel the nurses are not communicating correctly.
Still need to do some research on Femara and such. If this cycle and last on clomid are a bust, I don't see the point in doing Clomid+injections ? So it's on to femara.
I don't know if I said but we have a bit of a deadline. My spouse finishes school in May and is currently applying for jobs. We hope to move somewhere in May, so this gives us only February, March, and April cycles to play with.
Otherwise we'd have to wait and find a new RE, and I feel like that would essentially be starting from scratch. I intend to tell the RE this also and see what she thinks we should do.