FarmVille Addicts!! (i cant be the only one)

:brat: I can stop ANY time I want... :haha:

Checking in and bumping this... hahaha....
I seriously need to stop that game... each week it is a new item we need to build! I never will get all those done w/o farm cash... which I guess is the point for the game makers... haha :lol:
I've gotten more into Frontierville now, but still checking in on Farmville a few times a week, which is a vast improvement from the few times a day that I used to play! :dohh:
Any of u can add me if u want; I'm pretty sure I'm the only Fleur e lees
You can add me too! Claire Daniels Tipton....there is only one :haha:
Oooh, so glad I found this thread! Can I have some more farmville friends pretty please? I'm a really good neighbour and gift and visit regularly. I really want to finish my leprechaun cottage :blush:

Can PM my details to you, don't really want them on the public part of the forum x
Oooh, so glad I found this thread! Can I have some more farmville friends pretty please? I'm a really good neighbour and gift and visit regularly. I really want to finish my leprechaun cottage :blush:

Can PM my details to you, don't really want them on the public part of the forum x

You can add me!
i used to play farmville for long hours now i am a cityville player

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