fathers??? still here or no???


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2006
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hey i'm just wondering, are you all still with the dad? i am, but am wondering sometimes if i might be better off on my own?? lol i am just kidding....somewhat....sometimes i wonder, like when he goes out with his friends and i am at home...maybe just cuz we're young? does anyone else have this problem??? don't get me wrong i ADORE tommy, but get sad sometimes lol pregnancy hormones maybe lol
im on my own :(
i was with garry for 5 years wed been sleeping together 2 before i fell preg id always sed if i did fall pregnant i was keeping the baby! and he agreed
till i told him i was pregnant then he did everything to pursuade me to have an abortion with the help of his mother the EVIL bitch,
i went on to have my baby boy by my self Garry was the doting dad for the first two weeks till he was on the birth certifcate then he disappeared again till B's christening wen he moaned about everything even tho i paid organized invited his family even tho most of them hadnt met Braydon before (he was 7 months then ) now he has been gone again for 3 months sometimes i really miss him and see couples n think my baby should have that but others i think does B need him and i always come to the conclusion of no
wow that really sucks that him n his mom tried to get you to have an abortion, and it sucks that hes in and out of your sons life, hopefully he firgures out what he wants so your little one doesn't stress over it, that would make me really pissed :? guys......they are so stressful....glad to hear you are doing well alone i'm sure you are right, you are ALL your little boy needs :D xxx
I bet your both great Mums!

lexis_mommy men have no idea - That never changes :wink: x
On my own ...

His mother wanted me to abort maddie at 16wks cause i was ill ... hate that woman ...

The Sperm doner walked out on me at 22wks PG, Fantastic bloke ... not contacted me since and thats the way i want it to stay ... :D
thats one thing iv always sed Braydon WILL respect woman and wont leave them and and there child - coz he dont want lol

exs mums whod have em
the cow wen she does see B tells me wot i should be doing like she did a great job :twisted:
sorry i'm gonna have a rant!

my opinion on dads that walk out is f**k them, they don't deserve kids! Get as much money out of them as you can and raise the child how you see fit. I believe children need a father figure but this doesn't always have to be the actual father, they need a positive male influence and somebody they can respect not a low life selfish toe rag who can walk away from his offspring just because they don't fit into thier social life or might be inconveinenced to raise their own flesh and blood.

rant over and yes i dislike my wifes ex! :twisted:
Totally agree with you Jase, but it is good to see a man's point of view on it all!

None of us need a man to be good mum's and I and all you above have proved that!

Anyone can be a father, but it takes a real man to be a Dad! And I have found a real man, there is hope for us all. :lol:
*An breathe Jase* :lol:

Nah fair does it! Had to call my mate last night her OH has left her with 3 kids! :( Said he loves her but isn't in love with her & has felt this way for years! Errrr they have a 2 year old - How many years is he talking here?

Sad thing is her two older boys have different fathers, we all make mistakes with the people we fall in love with. One ex walked out on her an the kid too then the next was an ass now this guy whos been the father figure in her boys lives has walked out on the 4 of them.

Shes feeling really low & embarrassed - Thinks people will see her as the single mum with 3 kids to 3 diff men an another notch on the bed post!

Shes strong she will & can get through it :(
my first marriage fell apart when charlie was 3 and ethan was 18 months.

I moved out and took them with me, there dad saw them on weekends for a while.

then one day he met someone and she didnt like him seeing me or the kids so he came round, sat them down and said to there face, I dont love you anymore and dont want to see you again, then just got up and left me to comfort them.

from then on i raised them by myself untill i met jase. he took them on as his own no questions asked! and we legaly changed there sername to his.
the kids love him to bits.

then there real dad came back coz he saw we were happy, and wanted to be part of there lifes again, so now he has them on a friday night.

they have the best of both now.

so hang in ther, your doing a great job or bringing up your babies, and one day you will meet someone who will love them just as much as you do too, i promise!


OMG!!! Layla that is terrible, how can anybody say anything like that to kids, do they not have a clue what that could do to them????.......Jase no wonder you aint a fan of his!!!!

I am lucky with Paul too, he has taken my DD on as his own no questions asked and we are all really happy........I left my ex when I was 3 months PG after pressure to have an abortion, when he came round to the idea that I was NOT going to have one, he started accepting that he was going to have a baby, but by then I knew that the baby meant much more to me than he ever would, and anyone that wanted to get rid of my baby was not the sort of person I wanted anything to do with. But I told him he could have as much contact as he wanted aswell as his mum, as I don't believe in just because a relationship breaks up that the kids have to suffer.

They were both informed when she was born and had ALL contact details, and to this day we have never heard from either of them!!

But I like it like this I always have done, I got to decide everything with the help of my Mum and to bring her up as I saw fit. And now my OH is the best thing that has ever happened to both of us and we are a very tight happy family unit with another one on the way.......what more could we ask for?! :wink:

Things always happen for a reason!!
lexis_mommy said:
hey i'm just wondering, are you all still with the dad? i am, but am wondering sometimes if i might be better off on my own?? lol i am just kidding....somewhat....sometimes i wonder, like when he goes out with his friends and i am at home...maybe just cuz we're young? does anyone else have this problem??? don't get me wrong i ADORE tommy, but get sad sometimes lol pregnancy hormones maybe lol

I am with my babys dad. we've been together for 3 years, since i was 16 and he was 17. we took things really fast and moved in together and got ingaged last year when i was 18 and he was 19. Now we;re having a baby and im slowly beginning to realise that maybe we've gone too fast. im not quite sure our relationship is strong enough to support a baby too. we are only young and he likes to go out and have a drink whilst i just sit at home and get fat. all my friends dont like my fiance and have stopped talking to me so now i find that im alone, with a baby in my tummy, and only my fiance for company. some days i wonder what life would be like if i were a single mum, in my opinion it would be heaven.
yes tommy and me are young too, i am only 18 and he is 23.... we got together when i was 16, got preg with alexis when i was 17, had her right before my 18th bday, and then was preg with # 2 just 2ish months after alexis was born. tommy and i have lived together from day 1 and it gets stressful....but most times its ok.....just i hate that he can go out when he wants but i can't? its not really fair to me i dont think.....maybe i would leave him...except the hardest part (besides me loving him aha :D) is that he is an amazing dad, he always has time for alexis....just me he doens't have time for sometimes....its such a pain because if i left him i would move back to my hometown which is about 45 minutes away, and alexis wouldn't be able to see him as much as she should....and then i think that i can get over that and leave him anyways....and he starts being super boyfriend to me :S:S why doens't he just make up his friggin mind???!!!!

sorry bout the rant lol [/quote]
i think its all just pregnancy hormones with me. i just feel so down and the dact that i cant go out/ that i dont have anybody to go out with just makes me feel even worse. i just hate life somedays
well done jase for wot Layla has sed to me ur brilliant to the Kids and sound like a great dad and i think its great how u r with them
Layla how did u not kill him if G sed that to Braydon id have to kill him!!
Sarah_N_Braydon said:
well done jase for wot Layla has sed to me ur brilliant to the Kids and sound like a great dad and i think its great how u r with them
Layla how did u not kill him if G sed that to Braydon id have to kill him!!
ta, i'd like to make him pay, but i'm not allowed to touch him. probably for the best i guess :angelnot:
LOL @ your location!!
Im still with the father of my baby but i dont know how long it will last! I want him to stay with me and he said he is coming round to the idea which is nice but i have said if he doesnt want to stay he can leave! I will have a gorgeous baby regardless! :D
I am with my babys dad. we've been together for 3 years, since i was 16 and he was 17. we took things really fast and moved in together and got ingaged last year when i was 18 and he was 19. Now we;re having a baby and im slowly beginning to realise that maybe we've gone too fast. im not quite sure our relationship is strong enough to support a baby too. we are only young and he likes to go out and have a drink whilst i just sit at home and get fat. all my friends dont like my fiance and have stopped talking to me so now i find that im alone, with a baby in my tummy, and only my fiance for company. some days i wonder what life would be like if i were a single mum, in my opinion it would be heaven

This is so not true, you still sit at hoem alone, and raise the baby , but on top of it you have NO HELP

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