Feb ivf buddies!!

Thanks Beneath

I've read about horrible side effects for Lupron like bone loss,joint loss psychotic episodes etc.... Do These things happen when used for IVF or for someone on them for extended amount of time. This is scary!

I've never been on Lupron.. but I doubt that really happens! Probably more for an extended amount of time.
Thanks Beneath

I've read about horrible side effects for Lupron like bone loss,joint loss psychotic episodes etc.... Do These things happen when used for IVF or for someone on them for extended amount of time. This is scary!

Im on it 8 days now and so far I feel fluey, and major head aches. I have not heard of the other unless it was extended long term use.
That sounds like a long term side effect, don't worry.But boobear, I'm sorry you're feeling so bad on it. I hope it's not for much longer.

Beneath. How long till your next cycle? It must be getting closer :)

Rosina. I'm so excited to have somebody on the same days as me, I'm glad the buserilin has been okay, let us know when the breakthrough af arrives! I wasn't given a specific day for mine so we'll see what happens.

So it turns out I have tonsillitis, which may have been contributing to my symptoms. I called my clinic and they said as long as I'm not taking antibiotics at this stage it won't effect anything. She said if i was stimming it might be a problem. It's not very nice but at least i know what's going on and that the cycle is still fine :)

Thank you all for being so sweet xxx
Wishing, gosh sorry to hear about the biopsy, I hope all is ok, will you get results quite quickly? I don't think they would prescribe Lupron for ivf if those symptoms were likely and they certainly have to warn you. I'm guessing its either very rare or for long term use.

Boo sorry to hear you feel rough on it as well. What does it do, is it stims or a de reg? How much longer do you need to be on it?

Sorry to hear you have tonsillitis amo, no wonder you've been feeling poorly. I hope the antibiotics kick in soon and you get some relief as its so horrible.

As for me, I'm at home in bed as my little girl isn't very well and I couldn't take her to nursery today. It's snowing outside and we are cuddled up under the covers watching peppa pig!
Oh mrs w i forgot to ask you, how much longer now till your cycle starts?

I hope your little girl is okay, it sounds like a nice gentle at home day :)
Wishing, gosh sorry to hear about the biopsy, I hope all is ok, will you get results quite quickly? I don't think they would prescribe Lupron for ivf if those symptoms were likely and they certainly have to warn you. I'm guessing its either very rare or for long term use.

I should have my results within a few days they say the majority of biopsy they do come back negative

Thanks all for reassurance on Lupron I hope it don't turn crazy
Oh no! I'm sure that's what's been contributing to your symptoms... so you just have to wait it out until it improves?

I use the app fertility friend, that's what says I might be getting af on Sunday. However... I might actually get it today or tomorrow.

That sounds like a long term side effect, don't worry.But boobear, I'm sorry you're feeling so bad on it. I hope it's not for much longer.

Beneath. How long till your next cycle? It must be getting closer :)

Rosina. I'm so excited to have somebody on the same days as me, I'm glad the buserilin has been okay, let us know when the breakthrough af arrives! I wasn't given a specific day for mine so we'll see what happens.

So it turns out I have tonsillitis, which may have been contributing to my symptoms. I called my clinic and they said as long as I'm not taking antibiotics at this stage it won't effect anything. She said if i was stimming it might be a problem. It's not very nice but at least i know what's going on and that the cycle is still fine :)

Thank you all for being so sweet xxx
Oh no! I'm sure that's what's been contributing to your symptoms... so you just have to wait it out until it improves?

I use the app fertility friend, that's what says I might be getting af on Sunday. However... I might actually get it today or tomorrow.

That sounds like a long term side effect, don't worry.But boobear, I'm sorry you're feeling so bad on it. I hope it's not for much longer.

Beneath. How long till your next cycle? It must be getting closer :)

Rosina. I'm so excited to have somebody on the same days as me, I'm glad the buserilin has been okay, let us know when the breakthrough af arrives! I wasn't given a specific day for mine so we'll see what happens.

So it turns out I have tonsillitis, which may have been contributing to my symptoms. I called my clinic and they said as long as I'm not taking antibiotics at this stage it won't effect anything. She said if i was stimming it might be a problem. It's not very nice but at least i know what's going on and that the cycle is still fine :)

Thank you all for being so sweet xxx

I think so too :) I use FF also, and it thinks I've ovulated this month haha so mine's not too accurate! My temps have been much higher whilst I've been taking the injections and the pill.
As for bleeding I'm having spotting and af cramps but that's all so far. My clinic says spotting isn't enough, I need to wait for a proper flow. :shrug:
wishingforjoy - Many women with endo have to take Lupron for extended periods of time. I've never been on it, but I'm part of a endo support group where many women are on it. I hope with a short period of time things should be okay. I haven't really heard anything negative about it for IVF.

It's good the biopsy will come back so fast. My cousin had one done recently for a large mass in her breast, it came back negative. It's just so hard when everything seems to be happening at the same time as going through IVF.

I've always wanted to have children, but not quite at this stage of my life. I was basically told it's now or never. So we did all the male factor tests last year. We had a follow-up appt scheduled for Monday. SNOW STORM, thus the clinic cancelled on us and they can't reschedule until March. A little too late, no? So I asked my clinic to follow up with them because they cannot share information with us over the phone and it has to be interpreted by a doctor. Turns out our frozen sample might not even be good enough for ICSI. We're supposed to "discuss our options" during our next visit. It's like all of the puzzle pieces were in place and it feels like everything is falling apart. I've already invested so much into this. I dunno if it's the combo of Suprefact & PMS or if I'm just feeling down because of all of this. I'll know more after speaking to the doc.

We looked into donor sperm, just out of curiosity... options are not good for us.

My dh is very private and hates going to the doc in the first place. This has been very tough on him.
I think so too :) I use FF also, and it thinks I've ovulated this month haha so mine's not too accurate! My temps have been much higher whilst I've been taking the injections and the pill.
As for bleeding I'm having spotting and af cramps but that's all so far. My clinic says spotting isn't enough, I need to wait for a proper flow. :shrug:

My temps are soooo consistent! It's strange! Normally they are all over the place. I had a tinnnny little spot. Hahha. Crazy! We're pretty much spot on.
Amoreamy -- AF should be here the 15-16th for me.. little less than two weeks now!!! So sorry to hear about the tonsillitis. Is there anything you can do naturally like home remedies to help with that??

Mrs W -- Hope your little one feels better soon <3

Rosina -- I hope everything gets sorted out for you :hugs: Infertility is tough on us, but it's tough for our dh's too.
Thanks beneath, just the normal things and plenty of rest for me! Not long to go now!

Rosina, I'm sorry to hear about the uncertainties, I really feel for you, particularly when your oh is a little resistant. I'm thinking of you and hope they'll be able to sort something out. But March? That seems such a long time. x
Amo - my af is due next Friday ish (I'm not 100% sure when I ovulated but it's thereabouts!) my drugs ar coming tomorrow and then once I've had my baseline scan (probably a week on Monday I'm guessing) I can start!!

Rosina, I'm so sorry to hear about what you have been going through. If you don't mind me asking why have drs told you it's now or never for you? Is it to do with your hubby's sperm? Or something else. I've been really pushy with my clinic, if the reception says the wait for an appointment is 5-6 weeks which they have done recently, I push back or speak to the consultant and so far I have always been seen more quickly. I am a case like you that needs to do it now or never and I can only assume that's why I'm being seen quickly.

Amo I have no idea if you like juicing but I had recurrant throat infections last year and it kept coming back after antibiotics. I eventually read up on juicing in a Jason vale book and got a cheap juicer. I did immune boosting juices and within a week my bad throat was gone, I'd lost some weight and felt healthy and I still do it every day now! Just in case you have a juicer, try some immune ones.

Thanks for the well wishes for my lo, she's ok, asked to go to bed early though so def poorly! Bless her.
Rosina thanks for the reassurance
I hope everything works out for you I know this is a stressful time
Amo - my af is due next Friday ish (I'm not 100% sure when I ovulated but it's thereabouts!) my drugs ar coming tomorrow and then once I've had my baseline scan (probably a week on Monday I'm guessing) I can start!!

Rosina, I'm so sorry to hear about what you have been going through. If you don't mind me asking why have drs told you it's now or never for you? Is it to do with your hubby's sperm? Or something else. I've been really pushy with my clinic, if the reception says the wait for an appointment is 5-6 weeks which they have done recently, I push back or speak to the consultant and so far I have always been seen more quickly. I am a case like you that needs to do it now or never and I can only assume that's why I'm being seen quickly.

Amo I have no idea if you like juicing but I had recurrant throat infections last year and it kept coming back after antibiotics. I eventually read up on juicing in a Jason vale book and got a cheap juicer. I did immune boosting juices and within a week my bad throat was gone, I'd lost some weight and felt healthy and I still do it every day now! Just in case you have a juicer, try some immune ones.

Thanks for the well wishes for my lo, she's ok, asked to go to bed early though so def poorly! Bless her.

Oh that's exciting! Do you get your meds all at once? I've watched a few ivf journeys on YouTube and they always get this huge prescription, and i was expecting the same thing. It turns out my clinic give me one thing at a time. I was quite disappointed that I couldn't do the ivf haul thing! Ha.

It's funny you mention juicing actually as i wrote an ebook called juicing for fertility. It's not on sale atm as i was doing some editing but that's such a coincidence! All of my nausea has gone now so that sounds like a very good idea! And i will put my ebook back up! Ha x
Rosina, I'm so sorry to hear about what you have been going through. If you don't mind me asking why have drs told you it's now or never for you? Is it to do with your hubby's sperm? Or something else. I've been really pushy with my clinic, if the reception says the wait for an appointment is 5-6 weeks which they have done recently, I push back or speak to the consultant and so far I have always been seen more quickly. I am a case like you that needs to do it now or never and I can only assume that's why I'm being seen quickly.

Thanks everyone. Well as far as I know, everything is still proceeding - we just won't know anything from the urologist. I guess we're low priority for him. He has his own clinic aside from the one we go to... I don't know. It really sucks. I really feel left out to dry.

I have endometriosis. My doc rated it at stage 3 to 4/4. I had surgery May 2013, and the best possible time to get pregnant is within 6 months of the surgery (which we tried naturally starting Nov 2013 - that was the best timing in terms of being able to finish all of my coursework for school). My dh wasn't really up for getting tested at the time... a pride thing I guess. All the men in his family have had no issues with fertility - his dad had four kids, his grandfather had 15. Around September of last year he finally got tested and it wasn't good. Nobody really knows about him... I just kinda take it all on - that we have fertility issues because of me and me alone.

I've had one ovarian cyst rupture since surgery. They were watching one endometrioma, but it seems it absorbed back into my body. My hormones, uterus and follicles are all great. So things look good on my end right now, but the pressure to have children is there because you can't cure endometriosis and my prognosis isn't good. Long term, I'm looking at a hysterectomy. So before things get terribly crazy in there, this is my opportunity to have a child. If the reproductive issues were mine alone, the IVF would still be a great option because it would skip the hostile environment caused by the disease.

While I'm not where I want to be in my career, trying to finish grad school and still living in my parents-in-law's basement apartment, this is my shot to have a child - so I'll take it! Right now I'm in between the end of my internship (last Friday) and when I start my full-time position Feb 23rd. That's why I wanted to squeeze all this stuff in while I have some time off. I didn't really factor a snow storm into my plans. Basically we decided we were doing IVF on January 20th and we've just been going with the flow since then.

What about all of you? What started your IVF journey?
Rosina I also have stage four endometreosis that was diagnosed in October 2014 after a lap surgery for removal of an ovararian cyst. I was told my chance to get pregnant naturally is 2-3%. This will be my third pregnacy I have a DS who is 3 I tried naturally for 9 months with him and then took one round of letrozole with no IUI and got pregnant. I had a molar pregnancy in 2013 which set me back a year after that I tried another round of Letrozole and then discovered my cysts which was removed. I had another lap 2 months later to remove a 2nd cyst, an uterus adhesion and some of the emdometriosis. My endo is so severe they couldn't remove it all and they were surprised that I have ever been able to get pregnant. It's really disheartening to me I didn't want my kids to be spaced out this far I didn't want to be in my mid 30's and never dreamed I would need IVF after not needing if for my first one.
Rosina I also have stage four endometreosis that was diagnosed in October 2014 after a lap surgery for removal of an ovararian cyst. I was told my chance to get pregnant naturally is 2-3%. This will be my third pregnacy I have a DS who is 3 I tried naturally for 9 months with him and then took one round of letrozole with no IUI and got pregnant. I had a molar pregnancy in 2013 which set me back a year after that I tried another round of Letrozole and then discovered my cysts which was removed. I had another lap 2 months later to remove a 2nd cyst, an uterus adhesion and some of the emdometriosis. My endo is so severe they couldn't remove it all and they were surprised that I have ever been able to get pregnant. It's really disheartening to me I didn't want my kids to be spaced out this far I didn't want to be in my mid 30's and never dreamed I would need IVF after not needing if for my first one.

Wishing - wow. It is amazing that you had a little one naturally. You're so blessed :) The molar pregnancy is crazy - I've never even heard of that before (I just looked it up). How long was it before you knew? Do they know if it was endo-related?

The cysts and adhesions I'm all too familiar with. My left ovary was stuck to the wall with an endometrioma, plus adhesions on my bladder with endometriosis all over the place. I think it's a miracle things haven't come back again. Have you heard of Nancy's Nook for Endometriosis (on FB)? It's a fantastic resource.

Things never seem to go as planned... it's the biggest thing I've learned through all of this. Wishing you the best of luck! What a roller coaster ride we're on!
I think so too :) I use FF also, and it thinks I've ovulated this month haha so mine's not too accurate! My temps have been much higher whilst I've been taking the injections and the pill.
As for bleeding I'm having spotting and af cramps but that's all so far. My clinic says spotting isn't enough, I need to wait for a proper flow. :shrug:

Anything yet? Nada here...
Wishing - wow. It is amazing that you had a little one naturally. You're so blessed :) The molar pregnancy is crazy - I've never even heard of that before (I just looked it up). How long was it before you knew? Do they know if it was endo-related?

The cysts and adhesions I'm all too familiar with. My left ovary was stuck to the wall with an endometrioma, plus adhesions on my bladder with endometriosis all over the place. I think it's a miracle things haven't come back again. Have you heard of Nancy's Nook for Endometriosis (on FB)? It's a fantastic resource.

Things never seem to go as planned... it's the biggest thing I've learned through all of this. Wishing you the best of luck! What a roller coaster ride we're on![/QUOTE]

Rosina. I've not heard of that but I will look for it on FB. The molar preg was found when I went for my first ultrasound and no heartbeat was found. It wasn't caused by my endo but cause by an abnormal number of chromosomes formed. It was an ordeal.

My pelvic region as well is covered with endo I never knew I had it until my surgery I have no other symptoms from it.
Well I hope we all get lucky with our Ivf

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