Feb ivf buddies!!

Rosina. I've not heard of that but I will look for it on FB. The molar preg was found when I went for my first ultrasound and no heartbeat was found. It wasn't caused by my endo but cause by an abnormal number of chromosomes formed. It was an ordeal.

My pelvic region as well is covered with endo I never knew I had it until my surgery I have no other symptoms from it.
Well I hope we all get lucky with our Ivf

Wow. Well here's looking forward to everything going perfectly for this one :)

Fingers crossed for your endo-related symptoms to be done and over with!
I think so too :) I use FF also, and it thinks I've ovulated this month haha so mine's not too accurate! My temps have been much higher whilst I've been taking the injections and the pill.
As for bleeding I'm having spotting and af cramps but that's all so far. My clinic says spotting isn't enough, I need to wait for a proper flow. :shrug:

Anything yet? Nada here...

Hi Rosina, yes actually! I had heavier than spotting/not heavy enough for light flow on Friday, and then light flow after that. I need to phone tomorrow to either book the blood test and scan for Wednesday or Friday. They need to wait until you've finished bleeding so I think it'll probably be Friday. Particularly as she said the buserelin makes you bleed for longer. So if all is well I will start stims that day! Looking forward to getting some hormones back!

Have you had any spotting or anything? x
I think so too :) I use FF also, and it thinks I've ovulated this month haha so mine's not too accurate! My temps have been much higher whilst I've been taking the injections and the pill.
As for bleeding I'm having spotting and af cramps but that's all so far. My clinic says spotting isn't enough, I need to wait for a proper flow. :shrug:

Anything yet? Nada here...

Hi Rosina, yes actually! I had heavier than spotting/not heavy enough for light flow on Friday, and then light flow after that. I need to phone tomorrow to either book the blood test and scan for Wednesday or Friday. They need to wait until you've finished bleeding so I think it'll probably be Friday. Particularly as she said the buserelin makes you bleed for longer. So if all is well I will start stims that day! Looking forward to getting some hormones back!

Have you had any spotting or anything? x

Eek! Not long now for both of us!! I had a light flow starting yesterday. I'll also phone tomorrow AM. I think she said I had to start Gonal F within three days of my period starting. I start daily cycle monitoring tomorrow.

How are you feeling btw?
I think so too :) I use FF also, and it thinks I've ovulated this month haha so mine's not too accurate! My temps have been much higher whilst I've been taking the injections and the pill.
As for bleeding I'm having spotting and af cramps but that's all so far. My clinic says spotting isn't enough, I need to wait for a proper flow. :shrug:

Anything yet? Nada here...

Hi Rosina, yes actually! I had heavier than spotting/not heavy enough for light flow on Friday, and then light flow after that. I need to phone tomorrow to either book the blood test and scan for Wednesday or Friday. They need to wait until you've finished bleeding so I think it'll probably be Friday. Particularly as she said the buserelin makes you bleed for longer. So if all is well I will start stims that day! Looking forward to getting some hormones back!

Have you had any spotting or anything? x

Eek! Not long now for both of us!! I had a light flow starting yesterday. I'll also phone tomorrow AM. I think she said I had to start Gonal F within three days of my period starting. I start daily cycle monitoring tomorrow.

How are you feeling btw?

I know! I'm so ready for the next stage! We really are on the same timeline ha! It sounds like you'll start stimming really soon! What do they do for the cycle monitoring?

I'm alright. My tonsillitis is starting to get better but I'm quite tired and moody! I need to rest but I get bored and frustrated and then do too much and get more tired etc etc haha :wacko: I am never normally the angry or bitchy type but I felt like a dragon these last couple of days! Although interestingly not towards my dh, I feel very loving towards him as he's being such a sweetie and looking after me :cloud9: I sound insane!

How are you feeling?:flower:
I know! I'm so ready for the next stage! We really are on the same timeline ha! It sounds like you'll start stimming really soon! What do they do for the cycle monitoring?

I'm alright. My tonsillitis is starting to get better but I'm quite tired and moody! I need to rest but I get bored and frustrated and then do too much and get more tired etc etc haha :wacko: I am never normally the angry or bitchy type but I felt like a dragon these last couple of days! Although interestingly not towards my dh, I feel very loving towards him as he's being such a sweetie and looking after me :cloud9: I sound insane!

How are you feeling?:flower:

I'm kind of nervous for the next stage. It's getting real!
For cycle monitoring, it's just a transvaginal ultrasound to look at my ovaries and then bloodwork. They originally predicted next Monday (16th) for the retrieval. I don't think 7 days is enough time?

Good news that the tonsillitis is going away - that's the last thing you need to deal with!

I hear ya regarding the insanity - I've had moments of feeling crazzzzy the past few days! That's so funny that your bitchiness is directed, I always think my bitchiness is directed towards someone specific. Similarly, it's rarely towards my dh. Lucky guys don't have deal with our drug-induced crazy. :haha:

I'm also feeling tired and crampy. I normally get a bit of acne around this time of month... I hardly have any (which is kind of nice). I think I had a hot flash - not quite what I expected it to feel like. I'm always cold so I thought it'd be okay, but it's really uncomfortable. My injection-sites haven't really gone away (since the first one) and swell up now and then. It looks kinda bad. How does yours look?
I know! I'm so ready for the next stage! We really are on the same timeline ha! It sounds like you'll start stimming really soon! What do they do for the cycle monitoring?

I'm alright. My tonsillitis is starting to get better but I'm quite tired and moody! I need to rest but I get bored and frustrated and then do too much and get more tired etc etc haha :wacko: I am never normally the angry or bitchy type but I felt like a dragon these last couple of days! Although interestingly not towards my dh, I feel very loving towards him as he's being such a sweetie and looking after me :cloud9: I sound insane!

How are you feeling?:flower:

I'm kind of nervous for the next stage. It's getting real!
For cycle monitoring, it's just a transvaginal ultrasound to look at my ovaries and then bloodwork. They originally predicted next Monday (16th) for the retrieval. I don't think 7 days is enough time?

Good news that the tonsillitis is going away - that's the last thing you need to deal with!

I hear ya regarding the insanity - I've had moments of feeling crazzzzy the past few days! That's so funny that your bitchiness is directed, I always think my bitchiness is directed towards someone specific. Similarly, it's rarely towards my dh. Lucky guys don't have deal with our drug-induced crazy. :haha:

I'm also feeling tired and crampy. I normally get a bit of acne around this time of month... I hardly have any (which is kind of nice). I think I had a hot flash - not quite what I expected it to feel like. I'm always cold so I thought it'd be okay, but it's really uncomfortable. My injection-sites haven't really gone away (since the first one) and swell up now and then. It looks kinda bad. How does yours look?

I'm glad it's not just me! They don't do that every day though do they?

I thought I was getting away with the acne thing but it's come up in the past few days. The injection site gets red and rashes for about half an hour afterwards, but then it's fine. My tummy is constantly a little puffier though. Pretty much immediately after started the shots I started retaining water so was really bloated so I've been drinking tonnes of water to try and combat it. I think that contributes to the swelling feeling too.
I'm glad it's not just me! They don't do that every day though do they?

I thought I was getting away with the acne thing but it's come up in the past few days. The injection site gets red and rashes for about half an hour afterwards, but then it's fine. My tummy is constantly a little puffier though. Pretty much immediately after started the shots I started retaining water so was really bloated so I've been drinking tonnes of water to try and combat it. I think that contributes to the swelling feeling too.

As far as I know, it's every day (I'm booked for every day anyway). I guess I'll find out more tomorrow.

Ahh boo to acne. I was going to say it's the only thing positive about this drug! Perhaps it's my diet change. I'll have to ask the mil if my injection sites are okay. I'm sooo bloated I can feel the pressure - perhaps I'll try drinking more water too.

Will post details tomorrow. Hope you're finally feeling better!:hugs:
Ah you were right - the next two days are cancelled. I will go back Thursday or Friday. I start 250 units of Gonal F tonight (unless she calls) for ten days. 13 follicles on the right and 12 on the left. She said my lining is still pretty thick (my flow is very light right now). Here we go!
Wishing, gosh sorry to hear about the biopsy, I hope all is ok, will you get results quite quickly? I don't think they would prescribe Lupron for ivf if those symptoms were likely and they certainly have to warn you. I'm guessing its either very rare or for long term use.!

So I mentioned to you all that I was having a breast biopsy. Well I got good news it was benign not cancer. I'm so relieved As this came at a bad time right before starting IVF.
Wishing, gosh sorry to hear about the biopsy, I hope all is ok, will you get results quite quickly? I don't think they would prescribe Lupron for ivf if those symptoms were likely and they certainly have to warn you. I'm guessing its either very rare or for long term use.!

So I mentioned to you all that I was having a breast biopsy. Well I got good news it was benign not cancer. I'm so relieved As this came at a bad time right before starting IVF.

That is GREAT news!!!
Wishing, I'm very happy for you. That's such good news xx
beneath, not long now!!

Rosina, that's so exciting. I was warned that the bleed could be heavier and longer than normal, and I've had the same as you, quite short and light (not that I'm complaining!) I also thought all the bloating would happen once stimming started but I feel really dumpy and bloated. I can sympathise!

It sounds as though you're going to get some really really good numbers :) I have everything crossed for you!

I have my scan and bloods booked for tomorrow morning, and then the instruction on how to administer the Merional. Apparently it's the same as Menotrophin so we shall see! I'm scared I'm going to get huge!! (I know it should be the least of my worries!) But I'm very excited!
Wishing, gosh sorry to hear about the biopsy, I hope all is ok, will you get results quite quickly? I don't think they would prescribe Lupron for ivf if those symptoms were likely and they certainly have to warn you. I'm guessing its either very rare or for long term use.!

So I mentioned to you all that I was having a breast biopsy. Well I got good news it was benign not cancer. I'm so relieved As this came at a bad time right before starting IVF.

This is such good news to hear! :hugs:
Beneath: Soon! I'm excited to follow everyone's journey here!

Amo: I'm excited to hear about your appt tomorrow. :) I'm such a newb with everything, so I have no idea about different drugs involved, but I just read that Menotrophin has slightly higher pregnancy rates than Gonal-F. :) Everything crossed for you too!!

I got the dreaded call last night. My estrogen is still too high. I'm heading back to the clinic on Thursday. I've been bleeding at the same rate since Saturday... still nothing more today, but my temps are starting to go down, so maybe tomorrow.

My dh has another freezing for backup today (now at the clinic we're doing the ivf at... geez) as the last one didn't go well. It's kind of frustrating because they charged us for a year's storage and the sample isn't even usable. Sometimes I feel a little cynical like they just see dollar signs walking into their office... *it'll all be worth it in the end, it'll all be worth it in the end...*
Rosina, thank you so much for that. That's very reassuring! I didn't realise any of that. I'm so sorry it's been a rubbish day. It will all be worth it. It's strange how things work out sometimes but i believe it'll all make sense in the end. Still a big bummer when you're footing the bill :flower: when will you start the gonal, do you need to wait a day or so more?

I forgot to thank you in my last post, thank you for asking if i felt any better. I finally feel pretty much well again! Thank goodness, it felt like it would never give in.

And a general thanks to everyone on thread and this journey together. It means so much to talk with you all :kiss::hugs::kiss:
Hi everyone! :hi:

So I went for my baseline scan and blood test, as well being given the rest of my meds. My lining was 2.5mm which is nice and thin, but she only counted 6 follicles on each side, so I'm feeling a bit disappointed about that. I have a good reserve so I was expecting more :( there was also some fluid around my ovary but she said that didn't seem to be a problem.

I will get my bloods back later and hopefully the go ahead for the merional. Cant help but be disappointed though :(
Hey ladies,

Amo sorry you are feeling disappointed, that can change tho can't it? It doesn't mean 6 eggs does it, more could grow? I'm a first timer so not sure but guessing once you get going on the stims you might get more. Glad you are feeling a bit better. How are you finding the gonal f injections? Is it the pen you've got?

Rosina, hoping your east organ has come down now. I agree we have to keep repeating positive mantras - it WILL all be worth it! It will xx

Wishing that's fantastic news! I am so pleased for you. What a weight off your mind. Now you can focus on your ivf.

As for me, just waiting for af now, should be here in the next few days and then baseline scan and start my gonal f.
Thanks w 11. It means a maximum of 12, i don't think it's possible for that to increase. Unless they counted wrong of course!

I'm not on gonal f I'm on merional which combines various things with gonal F. It's good stuff so I'm hoping for the best!

The clinic rang today so i started 3 vials today and the same tomorrow and blood test on Friday. So starting earlier than expected! The injection was better than the buserilin.

How long 'til you start?
Thanks w 11. It means a maximum of 12, i don't think it's possible for that to increase. Unless they counted wrong of course!

I'm not on gonal f I'm on merional which combines various things with gonal F. It's good stuff so I'm hoping for the best!

The clinic rang today so i started 3 vials today and the same tomorrow and blood test on Friday. So starting earlier than expected! The injection was better than the buserilin.

How long 'til you start?

There may be some hiding behind others they couldn't see. If not, 12 is actually a great number!

Glad to hear you started!!!

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