~*~Feb Lovebugs Baby Club :)~*~

Jane i sympathise with you on the windy-pops! Vinnie suffers terribly and the infacol doesnt seem to be working at all.....it drives me crazy that hes screaming for an hour then grizzling for another hour after almost every feed! I feel so sorry for him and hate that i cant help him. He just seems to be the most unhappy baby in the world at the moment.
We're exclusive booby juice now aswell...i thought the formula was playing on his tummy but its obviously not that as he hasnt had it for well over a week.
Went out for the first time without baby today . Only to town for a half hour for an eye test . She stayed with her nanny and slept the whole time . Lucky her I felt really ill not having her with me and nearly ran home crying :blush:
Aww sinead! I know what you mean. I'm totally the same! I'm in the kebab shop just now, left Shelby sleeping on daddy. Miss her so much when she's not with me!
Gloat time - Tahlia weighed 9lb5oz today, thats a 6oz gain since birth :happydance: Feel really quite proud that she hasnt lost any as its nomal for them to drop apparently.

Also got discharged from the MW today and now over to the HV, who is lovely thank god.

Got to take Tahlia to the GP on Monday. Forgot to put it in my birth story, but when we were in the hosp having the checks they do, it was picked up that she had a bit of a heart murmer :cry:. Apparently it is quite common in newborns & usually gone by the 14 day GP check but I am still worried about it. They said not to worry as she isn't struggling breathing or screaming etc and is a healthy colour, but still.............

Have my SIL, hubby & 2 kids here to meet her on Sat, they have promised not to outstay their welcome, but am dreading it. SIL feels like it is her right to have an opinion on everything, never in a nasty way but it annoys me :wacko:. Plus the niece is quite full of herself and spoilt. When DH spoke to her and said that Tahlia was very cute her reply was 'but not as cute as me.......' being serious too!!! WTF?, she's 10! She is always getting pandered to and told shes great tho. :growlmad:

On that note I must go, she is waking for yet another feed/grizzle etc. She hasnt pooed since yest am and seems to struggle with tummy aches a lot & I rarely manage to get wind out of her when I burp her. I dont want to have to, but think I might have to try infacol :nope:
:hugs: Caz, hope her heart murmur clears up. I'm sure it'll be fine but I know why you're worried obviously.

I got Edward weighed today...he's 8lb6ozs!! He's put on almost 2lbs in 10 days, he was 6lb10 last monday, and he was only 5lb13 when he was born!! Think he's trying to make up for me not being able to eat while pregnant. He's jumped from 9th centile to 25th :D xx
Made a fatal mistake today....weighed myself 6 days post birth, now why??? holy crap

How much do you think fully lactating boobs weigh?? :haha: I've got a bit of work to do !!
Hi all, he took 6oz of formula for nana at 1.15 and then eventually slept with little wind. I came home and got 2.5 hours sleep. Mum made dinner and desert for me to bring home! He fed for me from boob at 6.30 and went to sleep at 7.45 and woke at 9.30 wasnt interested in boob but took 4oz of brown sugar water and back to sleep, he is down stairs with daddy, i came up to bed 20 mins ago when daddy came home from evening class and not a stir so far, im to feed at next feed if its midnight otherwise bottle of booby juice in fridge for l8r! The windy pops are tough going and the lack of sleep makes it harder to cope with. My sister says he shld start to sleep better at night in a few weeks time. Ive not had the projectile vomiting yet just little spews! Infacol seems to take a few days to help or maybe its the fennel tea but i havent had it today, maybe i shld go and have some! Hope you all get some sleep. On mobile internet, hard work! Thanks vinny for note earlier, cant do the thanks on mobile. Emma will fb tomorrow. Night. Jane
hey all, hope you are all well and getting some sleep.

Things are fine here, Fraser is now in a great routine, consistently sleeping 6.15pm till 10pm then 11pm till 3-4am till 7am. He is on 5 ounces at each feed at the moment and a weigh on my weigh watchers scales showed him to be 9 pound 8 yesterday. He is currently settling himself at all sleeps, going down wide awake, but this could change as he gets older and less sleepy, we shall see.

Myself I have been a wee bit down in the dumps, had a bad row with the DH a few days ago, but things are getting sorted just now. Very glad its friday and he will be home over the weekend, it can be very demanding having the four of them! He wants me to have a night out tomorrow night, but I dont know, I dont fancy a hangover on sunday, what a waste of a day. I suppose i could go and just have a couple, dont have to get drunk, but my heart isnt in it at the the moment.

I feel like a junkie at the moment, currently taking evening primrose oil, multivitamin, iron tablets and kalms tablets throughout the day. The kalms are because when I am tired and down, i dont tend to get teary i get very irritable and snappy, which isnt fair on anyone and have been a bit off with the other kids for the last few days. They havent been at preschool since tuesday as Elsie started with the runs wednesday morning and you arent allowed to take them until they have been clear of that for 24 hours. Not sure why she has them, but think it could be due to the preschool mmr booster she had last week.
Hey caz - don't worry. My hubby had heart mumour at birth and it hasn't gone but it's caused absolutely no problems what so ever. Strangely enough he's actually got super low blood pressure as well where as he should have high blood pressure because of it. :haha:

Tahlia will be fine! don't worry! xx
Hey max I know how you feel I have no motivation to go out at the moment! I'm going to try expressing for the first time today, I have been poorly so I am very ratty at the moment. Your so lucky to have such a good routine, can tell your an experienced mum! James has started going down earlier but he never sleeps more than 2 hours! I'm hoping by expressing he'll get a good feed down him. At night he is always really gassy and has green poo which apparently means he's getting to much foremilk. I'm hoping by expressing it might help this?
Hey max I know how you feel I have no motivation to go out at the moment! I'm going to try expressing for the first time today, I have been poorly so I am very ratty at the moment. Your so lucky to have such a good routine, can tell your an experienced mum! James has started going down earlier but he never sleeps more than 2 hours! I'm hoping by expressing he'll get a good feed down him. At night he is always really gassy and has green poo which apparently means he's getting to much foremilk. I'm hoping by expressing it might help this?

Hi Claire,

I express fed all of mine in the beginning though I didnt with Fraser for very long at all, because when I started giving him breast milk he developed breast milk jaundice, when I stopped giving it to him, it went away! Apparently its more common for breast fed babies to get jaundice, but I didnt like it one bit. What pump do you have?

I am not very experienced at all with breast feeding itself, but I know with summer i was told the same, green poo meant she was getting too much foremilk so I had to make sure she was draining a breast before offering the other. I was also told baby needed to be feeding a good 15-20 minutes to get the hind milk, whereas summer tended to fall asleep after about 5-10 minutes of starting a feed. I had to strip her off and pinch her toes to keep her awake!

With getting them into a good routine, the main thing i think is avoiding the overtiredness like the plaque. I dont think any newborn baby can stay awake happily for more than two hours, in fact all of mine could never manage more than an hour and fifteen minutes in the early days. I can always tell when they are/were getting tired because their eyes would go all watery and glassy like and they would start yawning. As soon as I see those signs with fraser, I swaddle him up and put him down straight away. He sleeps up in our room away from the kids and the noise for his naps. If he does become overtired, he gets really grumpy and acts like he is starving whereas he isnt at all, he is just knackard and wants some comfort to sleep.

At the moment, he is currently up at 7am and fed, in cot again for sleep at 8.15am, up at 10am and fed, settled again for 11.15. Up at 2pm and fed, settled again for 3.15pm, up at 5pm, fed half a feed, bathed at 5.45pm, rest of milk offered by 6pm settled around 6.15pm. Sometimes he will then stir at 7pm so i will go in and just check for wind, offer more feed just incase then put straight back down. Awake at 10 pm, fed and normally falling asleep again by 11pm. Awake any time between 2.30-4.30am then asleep till 7am.

As he gets older he will push that hour and fifteen waking to an hour and half and so on, until he is able to manage to stay awake 2 hours by around 3-4 months.

Anyways rabbiting on, but personally i would really struggle without routine, especially with three others to care for. It works out well as mason also naps between 1-3pm, so between 1pm and 2pm i get a whole hour to myself, the girls get a dvd then. That hour is just bliss!
Max you have no idea how jealous i am that you have such a great routine. We're all over the place at the moment and Vinnie seems to be fighting to stay awake recently....he also does the acting like hes starving but when i give him bitty he doesnt actually want it, just wants comfort. He starts dropping off then wakes up and fights it. Hes so grizzly and gets soo worked up. I cant swaddle him and put him down because he screams!
My mum keeps telling me ive spoilt him already which really doesnt help but maybe by letting him fall asleep on me he is actually being naughty when he wont let me put him down. Oh dear :(
Max you have no idea how jealous i am that you have such a great routine. We're all over the place at the moment and Vinnie seems to be fighting to stay awake recently....he also does the acting like hes starving but when i give him bitty he doesnt actually want it, just wants comfort. He starts dropping off then wakes up and fights it. Hes so grizzly and gets soo worked up. I cant swaddle him and put him down because he screams!
My mum keeps telling me ive spoilt him already which really doesnt help but maybe by letting him fall asleep on me he is actually being naughty when he wont let me put him down. Oh dear :(

Aww your mum shouldnt be saying that you just cannot spoil a baby as young as ours, not at all. If vinnie has reached the stage where he is routing but not hungry, he is overtired, see if you can catch him before that stage, there is such a fine line with young young babies between when they are just getting tired to overtired. Once they are overtired, its just a nightmare, you cant do anything but keep offering various things until they are so knackard they pass out. If fraser does get overtired, I tend to use the dummy, but only until he is almost asleep, i put down still slightly awake without the dummy and keep repeating until he falls asleep himself. It doesnt happen often though thankfully.

I have this for fraser too:


Its absolutely brilliant, I first got hold of one when elsie was a baby. Whenever i put him down awake, I immediately put on the rain sound, its like white noise really. You can put it on timed so it turns itself off after ten minutes. He always settles to the rain sound, just like mason and elsie did. I want him to associate the noise with going to sleep. When he is older, I will switch it to the lullaby itself but as a baby any of the nature sounds really do seem to soothe them.

I think most babies find their own routines in time, I am lucky in that Fraser was quite happy to have a routine put on him as such, if he hadnt of been I would have had no choice but just to go with the flow and hope for the best. Also even though he is settled just now, a babies needs changes so quickly in regard to how much food they need, how much sleep etc, tomorrow it could all go wrong, you just never know :hugs:
Hi All well he's certainly not constipated anymore, ian was calling hima sewer at 6 am this morning as it came pouring out, he had done one dirty nappy at 3 am. I had a bottle prepared and the point was that I wouldnt get wakened, ian had to be told that Tomtom was awake and I changed his nappie and clothes at 3 am to speed up process as he was heating bottle. I was nearly asleep when he dropped the bottle and woke me up again, then at 4.15 Tom was still awake so I took him and settled him until 6 am when he was clearing himself out, I fed him and tried to settle him which worked for a little while so then ian got up with him and I expressed 5 oz to freeze, ian took tom down stairs and I slept till 10.30 when ian came up and announced that the bottle had leaked and would I feed, I said what bottle? He wasnt supposed to use it!!! So I was a bit annoyed, anyway Tom fed for half an hour and I burped him for a good while, put him in cot and he had a play, ian came up and got into bed and 11.45 and I handed him Tom who fell asleep on his knee and is now in craddle asleep in bedroom and ian in bed too...

I drank the fennel tea last night without gagging, getting used to the taste.
Someone mentioned weighing themselves, I do it constantly, I was 11st 7lb before pregnant and am now 10st 4lb, breastfeeding helps to loose stored fat, I am trying to increase my calories but it is hard work.
Anyway enough of my moaning, hope all have a good day.
Jane xx
Ahhh I've just used a dummy and said I never would :cry: but she was happy sucking it :shrug: I just really don't like seeing babbies with dummies (personal opinion not attacking anyone who does use them :hugs:)
This baby malarky seems to test every opinion you ever had and make you do the opposite to what you want! lol
Hey Lucia - Shelby always falls asleep on me and if i put her down she wakes up. She just likes to be close so don't worry about having Vinnie sleep on you. Shelby spent one portion of her night sleep in her nest last night the rest (about 6 hours) was on top of me. (god I hurt today from being stuck in one position! lol)
Just think though - they've been dragged out of a cosy warm tight space close to your heart beat into a big scary world - no wonder they want to sleep on us! I always sleep on my hubby for comfort and no one says I'm being spoiled for wanting cuddles all night long!

p.s is Vinnie, Vinnie or Vincent? Don't know why, but I keep wondering that! I think I spend more time thinking about you girls on here than everyone else I know :haha:
Thomas doesnt really like the dummy have tried several times. I dont think we are wrong to let them sleep on us as they are soo small, Thomas likes a good 10 min cuddle after a feed, I have to say that I enjoy that time with him, as it makes me relax too. Routines are hard to establish with BF as you dont know how much they get unlike the formula. He feeds 12 am, 3 am, 6 am, 10 - 10.30 , 1pm, 5pm or 6pm then maybe 9 or 10 pm the times vary a little every day, he is starting to sleep less between 6 am and 12 midday and more in the afternoon and night, would love if he want from 12midnight to 5 am, might do a formula feed then and see if that works.... or a bigger expressed bottle of Bitty...
Tried to get that baby thing on amazon but its out of stock..
I cant give him a dummy because when he has his operation in june he wont be allowed it because of the stitches so it would be more cruel to give him one now then take it away when he will probably want it most after his op.
To be honest i think he'd be a dream if he could have one cuz he seems to num my boobies the majority of the time just for comfort!

Oh and his official registered name is Vincenzo (my family is italian, hence Lucia) but hes known and will be known (school/doctors/dentist etc) as Vinnie!
Ahhh I've just used a dummy and said I never would :cry: but she was happy sucking it :shrug: I just really don't like seeing babbies with dummies (personal opinion not attacking anyone who does use them :hugs:)
This baby malarky seems to test every opinion you ever had and make you do the opposite to what you want! lol

I dont mind using it but only for overtiredness. All mine have had one in the early days but given up by themselves by about 3 months old. I think dummies only really create a problem when they are given all the time, for any crying, and babies falling asleep with them. At four months i start putting a comforter in the cot and by 6 months all mine have started sucking on a corner of that.

I also totally agree about it being too hard to impose a routine when breast feeding. With summer I didnt have any until she was on formula at three months, just demand fed and muddled through best i could. I am sure breastmilk is also digested quicker than formula, i think its three hours for a baby to digest a full breast feed and three and a half for formula, so technically ff babies settle for longer, but breast milk is obviously far better for them.

pixie the player will probably be on ebay, mothercare also sells it now x

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