~*~Feb Lovebugs Baby Club :)~*~

anyone trying to lose weight?

I started weight watchers yesterday, I am going to be a bridesmaid for my best and oldest friend in june. I am over my usual weight by a stone, so hoping to lose that come the wedding. I have NO discipline whatsoever so have bought a load of the weight watchers brand food, makes life a lot easier. I am allowed a whole 18 points a day lol! Why is it the thought of dieting makes me so hungry?

We had a rough evening last night with Fraser, he seems to have taken aversion to the dark. Whenever paul turned the light off he would wake up and cry lol! It took us ages to work this out (tired and brainless) so we didnt get a lot of sleep last night, but never mind, today is another day!
Hey i just found this thread but not sure where i fit in! my Lovebug ended up being a March lamb as he came 10 days late on 3rd of March!

Hope all you ladies are enjoying the babies :D
you fit in here! Just a late lovebug! How is Nathan getting on? He is so cute.
Thank you hun, he is doing well. He is very hungry and wont take a bottle so my boobs are killing lol xx
Finally made it in here - just dont know where the hours, days, weeks are going....

Had Noah weighed yesterday and he's put on again... now at 9lb 13oz, no wonder my back hurts!!

Any of the lovebug mummies that had SPD during pregnancy, how are you getting on now? Slowly getting abit better - but unable to sleep on my sides anymore as the pain is awful
Welcome Rach and Aimee! :hugs:

Rach - I had spd in pregnancy but it has pretty much gone. But...I've got very weak knees and struggle to hold my weight first thing in the morning or if I've been sitting for a while.

Aimee - Well done on bfing! My LO is the same sometimes. Somedays she'll happily take a bottle of EBM but other days she blank refuses! lol
anyone trying to lose weight?

I started weight watchers yesterday, I am going to be a bridesmaid for my best and oldest friend in june. I am over my usual weight by a stone, so hoping to lose that come the wedding. I have NO discipline whatsoever so have bought a load of the weight watchers brand food, makes life a lot easier. I am allowed a whole 18 points a day lol! Why is it the thought of dieting makes me so hungry?

We had a rough evening last night with Fraser, he seems to have taken aversion to the dark. Whenever paul turned the light off he would wake up and cry lol! It took us ages to work this out (tired and brainless) so we didnt get a lot of sleep last night, but never mind, today is another day!


I am.

Im chief bridesmaid for my best and oldest friend in august. I am determined to be lovely and slim but have to admit my willpower is crap! I am doing ok today though, I need to get out and about more and get walking instead of using the car. I have managed to not eat any crap today yet so am pleased. Started back on slimming world so it should be easy enough, i know this plan inside out but Im struggling to be good. I suppose I just need to think about being fat in a bridesmaid dress to keep me on the straight - not a good look that!

Glad im not the only one who barely slept last night!
Finally made it in here - just dont know where the hours, days, weeks are going....

Had Noah weighed yesterday and he's put on again... now at 9lb 13oz, no wonder my back hurts!!

Any of the lovebug mummies that had SPD during pregnancy, how are you getting on now? Slowly getting abit better - but unable to sleep on my sides anymore as the pain is awful


welcome in!!

My spd is so much better - just not in the mornings and rolling over in bed still can hurt - although not to the degree it was, i dont need to cry now but still sore if have been lying in one position too long. The mornings I take about 10 minutes to be able to move without pain but it eases off once im up and walking around. I just want it to go away completely!!
Hey i just found this thread but not sure where i fit in! my Lovebug ended up being a March lamb as he came 10 days late on 3rd of March!

Hope all you ladies are enjoying the babies :D

Welcome in.
With weight watchers just eat loads of the free foods like salad and ratatouille in between meals, also their free soup. They have website with recipes and books too, just remember to count all the time, a walk will give you extra points for a treat and a flake is 1.5 points i think. Martini is half point so is i learnt to like it as 3 of them is one glass of wine!
I had spd and it took a month for me to feel a bit better, still find it hard to walk for a long time.
Had a better day and night, worked out if he has nap earlier in am and pm he sleeps better l8r! Have him bath and put him in sleeping bag in his pram, much easier evening. Got a lullaby projector too in smyths.
Thank you hun, he is doing well. He is very hungry and wont take a bottle so my boobs are killing lol xx

aww thats great, though not so great for the sore boobs :nope:!

Finally made it in here - just dont know where the hours, days, weeks are going....

Had Noah weighed yesterday and he's put on again... now at 9lb 13oz, no wonder my back hurts!!

Any of the lovebug mummies that had SPD during pregnancy, how are you getting on now? Slowly getting abit better - but unable to sleep on my sides anymore as the pain is awful

I had a touch of SPD in this pregnancy only, its only really stopped aching in this third week, take it easy and dont wear any heels! Great to hear how well Noah is getting on!


I am.

Im chief bridesmaid for my best and oldest friend in august. I am determined to be lovely and slim but have to admit my willpower is crap! I am doing ok today though, I need to get out and about more and get walking instead of using the car. I have managed to not eat any crap today yet so am pleased. Started back on slimming world so it should be easy enough, i know this plan inside out but Im struggling to be good. I suppose I just need to think about being fat in a bridesmaid dress to keep me on the straight - not a good look that!

Glad im not the only one who barely slept last night!

Never tried slimming world before! I am finding it really hard to be good too, the kids have such lovely junk in, I just want to eat it all lol! I dont tend to exercise either, hence the small amount of points i can eat, but hoping to start legs bums and tums class with a friend soon!

Welcome in.
With weight watchers just eat loads of the free foods like salad and ratatouille in between meals, also their free soup. They have website with recipes and books too, just remember to count all the time, a walk will give you extra points for a treat and a flake is 1.5 points i think. Martini is half point so is i learnt to like it as 3 of them is one glass of wine!
I had spd and it took a month for me to feel a bit better, still find it hard to walk for a long time.
Had a better day and night, worked out if he has nap earlier in am and pm he sleeps better l8r! Have him bath and put him in sleeping bag in his pram, much easier evening. Got a lullaby projector too in smyths.

Alcohol is my weakness, I tend to have a glass of wine most if not every evening. I have cut it out just to the weekend at the moment, but I really miss it for destressing and having with my dinner! I have never had martini, might give it a whirl. Thanks for the tips! Fraser always needs an am, lunchtime and pm nap, or he is so hard to settle in the night, its great when they begin to settle into a bit of a routine.
Hey Aimee and Rach.

My SPD went around 3 weeks completely but gradually got better. My legs are very weak now though.

Max- they diagnosed James with silent reflux today, I knew he had it. I've got gaviscon to give him so we'll see if it makes any difference!

I'm having a really bad day today, have been a complete cow to hubby and just can't stop crying, I'm not even sure why! I bought myself some vitamins today which are meant to help us both, my well being and milk for him so I hope that makes a difference as well. I feel like such a bad mum today, but I went to baby clinic and there was a bloke and his mum there with his baby and they weren't sterillising their baby's bottles and wondered why she was getting tummy ache. That made me feel better x
Hey Aimee and Rach.

My SPD went around 3 weeks completely but gradually got better. My legs are very weak now though.

Max- they diagnosed James with silent reflux today, I knew he had it. I've got gaviscon to give him so we'll see if it makes any difference!

I'm having a really bad day today, have been a complete cow to hubby and just can't stop crying, I'm not even sure why! I bought myself some vitamins today which are meant to help us both, my well being and milk for him so I hope that makes a difference as well. I feel like such a bad mum today, but I went to baby clinic and there was a bloke and his mum there with his baby and they weren't sterillising their baby's bottles and wondered why she was getting tummy ache. That made me feel better x

Our hormones make us do all sorts, I have had crying bouts too, and told OH to fuck off yesterday as he was really bugging me, so dont worry about it. Am taking floradix whichh is liquid iron and vitamins to help me. My mum says I am bound to be down a bit because I had ivf/icsi to conceive Thomas, am older than most new mums and I had spd, two infections that had antibiotics for in the first two weeks after Thomas was born. Breast feeding and lack of sleep add to our tiredness.

Hope you are ok. Big hugs
have a glass of wine and a soak in a bubbly bath when he takes next nap, am sure your OH can watch over baby for you.:hugs:
Thanks so much for all the advice everyone. I really do appreciate it. I'm not really in a good place right now so excuse the lack of proper reply, but I have read all your replies and appreciate you taking the time to comfort me :hugs: xx
Hi Aimee & Rach - I am a late Lovebug too :)

Max - I use a headtorch during the night for feeding etc to keep it nice and dark in the room so as not to wake her too much (I know it sounds wierd to use one but we had it already & saved us pennies on not buying a nightlight lol). The past few nights I noticed that she would be quiet for ages in her moses & start whining once I turned it off & laid my head down. Well, I say I noticed, but really it only clicked last night when she did it again & stopped as soon as I clicked it back on. So, I left it on from 3am till she woke at 530. I am hoping it was a one off tho as I really dont want to have to leave a light on during the night, Kaden never so dont want to have to now.

Claire - whats silent reflux?? Symptoms etc?
Morning all!

I've got my old glitter lava lamp from the teen years that I've dragged back out of the cupboard and am using. Its really good actually! Gives just enough light to see bubs face and make sure she's not choking on spew :haha:

I've had a strange night. She went down at 10pm, and only woke at 3am and 5am for food. normally she wakes every couple of hours. Very weird!

Oh you lucky thing! She might be more content and settling more as she is getting that bit older.

I just keep the landing light on and my bedroom door open just enough so i can see what i am doing. My other son likes the light on on a night anyway cos he gets scared!
Does anyone elses LO cry in their sleep? Issy has done it a few times today :S
Hey Aimee and Rach.

My SPD went around 3 weeks completely but gradually got better. My legs are very weak now though.

Max- they diagnosed James with silent reflux today, I knew he had it. I've got gaviscon to give him so we'll see if it makes any difference!

I'm having a really bad day today, have been a complete cow to hubby and just can't stop crying, I'm not even sure why! I bought myself some vitamins today which are meant to help us both, my well being and milk for him so I hope that makes a difference as well. I feel like such a bad mum today, but I went to baby clinic and there was a bloke and his mum there with his baby and they weren't sterillising their baby's bottles and wondered why she was getting tummy ache. That made me feel better x

Thats excellent news claire, I am so pleased they diagnosed James as they can be so odd about silent reflux. It might take a day or two to see a difference with the gaviscon, but stick with it, it will help him. Also dont try to stop it too soon, silent reflux when mild, tends to improve when they are eating a good amount of solids, but its really better to stick with the gaviscon until a year of age.

I get bad days, I have so far managed to smash two wineglasses since fraser was born, during a couple of blazing rows with husband, and quite a few bouts of crying. Its just that though, a bad day and each day is the start of another fresh day. It doesnt make you a bad mum it makes you a normal one.

Our hormones make us do all sorts, I have had crying bouts too, and told OH to fuck off yesterday as he was really bugging me, so dont worry about it. Am taking floradix whichh is liquid iron and vitamins to help me. My mum says I am bound to be down a bit because I had ivf/icsi to conceive Thomas, am older than most new mums and I had spd, two infections that had antibiotics for in the first two weeks after Thomas was born. Breast feeding and lack of sleep add to our tiredness.

Hope you are ok. Big hugs
have a glass of wine and a soak in a bubbly bath when he takes next nap, am sure your OH can watch over baby for you.:hugs:

Pixie, If i had had all that on my plate, I would be down too! Take care of yourself xx

Thanks so much for all the advice everyone. I really do appreciate it. I'm not really in a good place right now so excuse the lack of proper reply, but I have read all your replies and appreciate you taking the time to comfort me :hugs: xx

:hugs: You know we are all here for you katy hope to hear from you soon xxx

Hi Aimee & Rach - I am a late Lovebug too :)

Max - I use a headtorch during the night for feeding etc to keep it nice and dark in the room so as not to wake her too much (I know it sounds wierd to use one but we had it already & saved us pennies on not buying a nightlight lol). The past few nights I noticed that she would be quiet for ages in her moses & start whining once I turned it off & laid my head down. Well, I say I noticed, but really it only clicked last night when she did it again & stopped as soon as I clicked it back on. So, I left it on from 3am till she woke at 530. I am hoping it was a one off tho as I really dont want to have to leave a light on during the night, Kaden never so dont want to have to now.

Claire - whats silent reflux?? Symptoms etc?

lollll caz, what an image I have in my head with the head torch lol! Whatever works for you! We have the lamp in a far corner of the bedroom with a massive picture in a frame in front of it to block out some of the light. A head lamp would probably be easier lol!

Morning all!

I've got my old glitter lava lamp from the teen years that I've dragged back out of the cupboard and am using. Its really good actually! Gives just enough light to see bubs face and make sure she's not choking on spew :haha:

I've had a strange night. She went down at 10pm, and only woke at 3am and 5am for food. normally she wakes every couple of hours. Very weird!


Morning gill, I love glitter lamps, so pretty! They are really low light arent they. Glad you had a better night, I think once they are nearing 6-8 weeks old, they do start managing a longer stretch in the night, something to do with how much they weigh i think. Hope she keeps it up for you!

Well after a bit of a shambles the night before last, I decided Fraser needed to move on with his routine and stay awake a bit more than the hour he was managing in the day at a time. So each time he woke, I encouraged him to stay awake for an hour and half at a time. Last night we also left the lamp on in the bedroom, albeit dulled down, and he went down at 6.30pm. He woke at 7pm, grizzled for about 2 seconds and went back to sleep. Result! the past few nights he had been waking at 7 and i now know he didnt like waking in the dark so wouldnt resettle. Last night he went from 6.30pm to 10pm, where i got him up and attempted to keep him up for an hour and half again lol but he wasnt having it, only took 4 ounce of milk and went back to sleep at 10.45pm. He then slept till he woke himself at 3am where he only took 3 ounce of milk and was back asleep by 3.20am. That was him till 6.50am this morning. Much much better night and pleased to see the night feeds starting to tail off a bit (the amount he is taking).

Paul went back to work again today after having two days off with me being ill but after a good sleep last night, I feel fine. I also weighed myself and have lost 3lb since last week, woooopeeee!
Morning all.. how are we??

Harrison is doing well, had our first bath with no tears yesterday, now for him to go through the night... still think we are a very long way off, as without fail is he awake every 3.5 hrs lol..

Got our 6 week cheek up tomorrow, was really looking forward to getting my stitches checked as im still not happy, however that dreaded thing called a period turned up this morning, 6 weeks 1 day since having Harrison...DAMN!!!!

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