~*~Feb Lovebugs Baby Club :)~*~

Hi All

Well we :sex: at 2 am after we had settled Tom, the scar area is a little tender but OH said it felt the same as before!!

Thomas is getting a routine: 12.30/1am, sleept till 5.30 am small snooze then for half hour, 9.15 feed, bit of sleep, feed at 1pm, 4.30 - 5pm, sleep from 7 to 8pm, 10 pm. But he wont settle to sleep all the time on his own, sometimes he has to be on my shoulder!!!

Happy st patricks day.
Morning folks....a tmi question for you all.....were you all still bleeding red & passing bits 12 days post birth???? I thought it was supposed to have turned brown by now...

I had ragged membranes, which basically means some were left behind, and I'm still passing them, so I'm still getting red blood & my foof is so sore!!!! :cry:

Please tell me I'm normal-ish !!! I'm a bit of a panic merchant when it comes to bleeding xx
Morning - thanks for all the replies about SPD - good to know things are settling and that hopefully mine will too.

Emma - dont panic too much about your bleeding, mine still goes red again if ive been walking or doing housewrk etc - MW said thats normal. I passed a giant hard clot 4 days after birth and had an infection so get abit paranoid about whats going on down there too

Re: dieting - I'll start to think about it soon... quite happy at the moment though, before birth I had managed to put on 18kg which I was horrified about :wacko: but at 9 days after birth I had already lost 12kg - the majority of my weight gain was baby and fluid retentin - I now have bones in my ankles, feet and wrists and my calfs arent bulging out of my Ugg boots - Im sooo happy :happydance::happydance: silly I know!!

We have the health visitor coming to do her first visit today at 1.20pm :wacko:
Emma - I had bleeding until the day after he was 4 weeks old! Everytime I fed him on boob I had a stronger bleed - very red too, some clots as well, which the public health nurse checked out for me. If you have same smell as period would have then you are ok, I had an awful smell and it turned out it was an infection.

Rach, I had swollen everything and my fingers are still slightly swollen so cant wear the rings I would normally wear which OH has given me over the years.

That's good Max! He seems to settle a bit better!

Sam - Shelby does that too - she pretty much screams some times - its really funny!

Aww Ginny! Poor thing. I'm hoping mine doesn't come back for ages. I don't think it is supposed to if your bfing - so fingers crossed! (and legs) :haha:

Oooh Jane! I haven't dared yet. My lochia has stopped now but I'm too scared to do it. I did have a little investigate and it was a bit tender to even gently put my finger up there so I'm waiting till hubby threatens to leave me from lack of sex :haha:
I did notice that with all my tears I've now got 5 labia instead of 4 :haha: Its a mini version on one just about of the rim of the opening towards the back of the opening. I do think I might have a slight prolapse of the bladder too - hoping pelvic floors will help fix that - still feels like I've got a tampon half in :shrug:

Emma - don't worry - I was bleeding up till last week and red blood not brown then it suddenly stopped and went yellow for a couple of days and now I'm back to normal womanly discharge lol ergh! tmi!

I'm thinking of going to yoga classes, I emailed the lady who does them and she seems really lovely as I emailed her a long list of questions haha! It lasts 2 hours and is only a couple of mins away so hubby should be able to manage Shelby for that length of time :haha: Only costs a fiver each session and you don't have to sign up for a block, you can come and go as you please.
Anyone else starting any exercise classes?
I think we are to wait till 6 week check up, I certainly didnt feel like it too soon after Thomas was born, couldnt really walk anyway with the SPD hanging around. I also had terrible period pains with the bleeding and tired as it lasted 4 weeks. Must get a pilates class to go to as they do pelvic floor exercises, does Yoga do that too?
Afternoon all!

Just had fat-man weighed and hes now 10lb 2oz. Piling the weight on!! :D

On a bad note hes got a touch of thrush on his little winky...poor thing
And HV advised me to keep a food diary to try and work out if its something im eating thats upsetting him. Its either a bad tummy or reflux so we have to keep an eye on it. I feel so sorry for him...he just never seems happy!
Morning folks....a tmi question for you all.....were you all still bleeding red & passing bits 12 days post birth???? I thought it was supposed to have turned brown by now...

I had ragged membranes, which basically means some were left behind, and I'm still passing them, so I'm still getting red blood & my foof is so sore!!!! :cry:

Please tell me I'm normal-ish !!! I'm a bit of a panic merchant when it comes to bleeding xx

Yes i am, it keeps stopping and starting too bright red.
emma, just keep an eye on it, I had an infection after elsie was born, only diagnosed 3 weeks later, when I had loads of fresh bleeding. I had ragged membranes with her too. It sounds normal just now, but you are right to be watchful, just incase.

Gill, I am just about to text my buddy and see if she is up for starting legs bums and tums again, its advised to wait till 6 weeks, but if you feel comfortable and the exercise is not too severe and you dont start bleeding again, you should be fine to start, check with your hv/gp first if you are worried. I am also going to start doing some situps during the course of the day, to tone my tum, after 4 kids, there isnt much hope for it! With my first 2, I was back to size 8 in no time, but with mason and fraser, i put on so much weight with them, my body is knackard lol!

Hubs and I have done the baby dance around 3 times...with plenty of protection! We are waiting for his appointment for the snip to come through, Fraser will be our last baby. I said that after mason, however we had an accident and I fell pregnant. Unfortunately I lost that baby (a year ago come the 4th of april, on my daughters birthday :( ) which is partly why we went on to have Fraser, but most definitely no more so always feel very nervous when bding! Its a wee bit tender, but I didnt tear or anything like that so overall its fine.
Afternoon ladies!! :D

Im still not getting a lot of sleep - adam is back to waking up every 2 hours, have upped him feeds, but the more i give him the more he seems to want! i feel i have a lot more stronger bond with him - not that i didnt befor, but getting up with him at night, i can just stare at him for ages, and he will just look up at me with his big blue eyes - it just melts my heart

me and OH DTD last week, and since then we have been at it like rabbits ! and i must say its bloody fantastic! have to be carefull tho, OH still has 8 weeks till he gets the snip - so i think id better go on the pill until then

As for diets i have tried the last few weeks just to eat healthy i keep dropping a lb here and there, then gaining it again, lost over a stone after i had ads, but still need to lose 2 stone to get down to pre pregnancy weight, we are going on holiday in may, i have come to terms i will never be able to wear a bikini, but at least want to wear shorts - and until i lose this flab, that wont happen, i want to start the cambridge diet, but not allowed till 12weeks grrrrrrrr, that is the only diet that has ever worked for me, because it dont involve actually eating lol

Hope you ladies are keeping well xx
Oh dear,

I knew I shouldnt have done, but I weighed myself yesterday and just calculated my BMI. I am in the overweight category :cry::cry:. I know that I have just had a baby, but I have never never ever ever been in that section before, even after having my son!! DH is telling me not to worry, but god I feel like a complete frump now :nope: I am trying to eat healthily but its so goddamned difficult when so many fruits & vegs affect your LO's tummy when you are breastfeeding. On top of that, I have developed some nasty stretchmarks on my boobs, and even noticed some on my clafs the other day - WTF?? My calfs for gods sake!!!

Going to go and feel miserable infront of the telly now - or perhaps I should go for a walk??? That might burn some excess fat off!
:hugs: don't be worrying , you just had a beautiful baby . I know exactly how you feel though .. but we'll be fit and healthy in no time . Enjoy your baby and rest for now .
Dont worry, you'll get the excess weight off in due course, concentrate on your health and baby!!

I'm the same caz! I take it its not only me who's suddenly interested in magic knickers and push up bra's!???
I'm the same caz! I take it its not only me who's suddenly interested in magic knickers and push up bra's!???

nope, I can get into some of my trousers from pre-pre that were too big for me but eurgh, the loose floppy belly bit that now hangs over the waist disgusts me. I can tighten my stomach muscles right back in and have a flat belly, but it's gonna take a shed load of sit ups before it does it on its own :rofl: Have take to wearing a tight boob tube round my middle under my tops during the day which not only is great for hiding the bely when lifting top up for feeding but holds the loose belly flab in a bit too :haha:

Oh well, suppose I'd best start my pre 6wk check up stomach exercises.
Hia mother care do a range of breast feeding tops that are easy to use, ones that pull down and others with extra vest bit at front when you lift top up to feed. They do vests that have a built in bra top that you slip to side to feed. All reasonable prices too. Ive lost a stone of spd pregnancy weight but still have a jelly belly to lose. Bum is much smaller and bat wings going too. I was the same after sophie but i find it hard to maintain my weight! Im up and down in weight like a yoyo!
just when we thought a routine was emerging he changes it, awake since 3.55 am, fed for 20 mins, but still awake, downstairs now, oh has migraine and am ggiving thomas water with brown sugar in it. warm drink might help to sleep but he only took an oz!
Oh dear, going to be so tired for the rest of the day, we are supposed to go to the clinic to show him off, they take pictures of all the babies and put them up on their wall.
Oh dear,

I knew I shouldnt have done, but I weighed myself yesterday and just calculated my BMI. I am in the overweight category :cry::cry:. I know that I have just had a baby, but I have never never ever ever been in that section before, even after having my son!! DH is telling me not to worry, but god I feel like a complete frump now :nope: I am trying to eat healthily but its so goddamned difficult when so many fruits & vegs affect your LO's tummy when you are breastfeeding. On top of that, I have developed some nasty stretchmarks on my boobs, and even noticed some on my clafs the other day - WTF?? My calfs for gods sake!!!

Going to go and feel miserable infront of the telly now - or perhaps I should go for a walk??? That might burn some excess fat off!

And even so your DH will think you are beautiful anyways. I have stretchmarks on my boobs, all over them. On my hips, on my bum and my inner thighs. I have three big puple ones just above my lady garden :dohh: I cant fit in my pre pregnancy things at all and all the other twenty five year olds i see are gorgeous lol....but.....

In the future, however long it takes, the stretchmarks will fade and turn silver. The weight will come off. Just like it will for you. The only reason i am worrying aout weight so early on this time round, is due to being a bridesmaid in less than four months. If it wasnt for that, I would be worrying about it a lot later.

Try not to be upset, take yourself out for a wee shopping trip, have your hair done, get dh to watch the baby xxx
Oh dear,

I knew I shouldnt have done, but I weighed myself yesterday and just calculated my BMI. I am in the overweight category :cry::cry:. I know that I have just had a baby, but I have never never ever ever been in that section before, even after having my son!! DH is telling me not to worry, but god I feel like a complete frump now :nope: I am trying to eat healthily but its so goddamned difficult when so many fruits & vegs affect your LO's tummy when you are breastfeeding. On top of that, I have developed some nasty stretchmarks on my boobs, and even noticed some on my clafs the other day - WTF?? My calfs for gods sake!!!

Going to go and feel miserable infront of the telly now - or perhaps I should go for a walk??? That might burn some excess fat off!

And even so your DH will think you are beautiful anyways. I have stretchmarks on my boobs, all over them. On my hips, on my bum and my inner thighs. I have three big puple ones just above my lady garden :dohh: I cant fit in my pre pregnancy things at all and all the other twenty five year olds i see are gorgeous lol....but.....

In the future, however long it takes, the stretchmarks will fade and turn silver. The weight will come off. Just like it will for you. The only reason i am worrying aout weight so early on this time round, is due to being a bridesmaid in less than four months. If it wasnt for that, I would be worrying about it a lot later.

Try not to be upset, take yourself out for a wee shopping trip, have your hair done, get dh to watch the baby xxx

Thanks x I got a bit upset in the kitchen last night, and DH grabbed hold of me and told me I looked gorgeous & not just in clothes either. He said that I have no idea how sexy he finds me & how hard he is finding it not to 'jump' me :rofl:. Apparently he is proud of how 'good' I look after only 2 weeks. Gave me a massive cuddle & apologised for not telling me before then. I felt so much better after that, he is a physical training instructor too so if he feels like that it cant be as bad as I thought & there is hope for me yet. Apparently I shouldn't be upset about the stretchies either as they are 'Love Marks' for our children, god I love him :cloud9: I knew it would be harder to spring back into shape this time so don't know why I got so upset :shrug:, I blame the hormones. I am 30 -eeekkkkk!!! in a couple of weeks & have just added a wii fit board to my pressie list haha so I can do something at home with the lo's around, and plan on going for a walk with the lo's each afternoon in the double buggy.

well, dh went back to work tofay for the first time. Only because he has organised the Sports Relief mile here for this weekend & needs to do lots, so, this morning has been interesting to say the least lol. He is off again next week tho untill a week on Wednesday so I think I need to start thinking about a routine of sorts as I have gotton used to him sorting out Kaden & leaving me in bed for an hour or so with Tahlia on a morning and thats gotta stop :nope:. Think I am going to get clothes etc ready the night before & get them dressed before we come down for breakfast & then thats one thing not to worry about when I realise it's 11am!!

Am a bit worried about Tahlia too, she has started to get sick after feeds:shrug:. Started off with a little bit with some wind, but over the past 2 days has got much worse. There is no warning either, she feeds, I sit her up & rub her back for wind, get nothing & then all of a sudden there is a gush of milk comes flying out of her mouth. It went everywhere in the middle of the night, duvet, sheets, my PJ's -everywhere :haha:. Not so funny at the time mind. I just don't know what it is as she doesnt seem to be bringing wind up with it. She also sometimes makes these wierd noises in her throat as if she is going to be sick but swallowing it iykwim, kinda gulpy noises?? Ok, so perhaps thats not a good description of the noise lol but I dont know how else to describe it. Anyone have any ideas?

ETA: Max, hats off to you for coping with 4 children, I dont know how you do it, I would need at least 8 arms!!
Oh dear,

I knew I shouldnt have done, but I weighed myself yesterday and just calculated my BMI. I am in the overweight category :cry::cry:. I know that I have just had a baby, but I have never never ever ever been in that section before, even after having my son!! DH is telling me not to worry, but god I feel like a complete frump now :nope: I am trying to eat healthily but its so goddamned difficult when so many fruits & vegs affect your LO's tummy when you are breastfeeding. On top of that, I have developed some nasty stretchmarks on my boobs, and even noticed some on my clafs the other day - WTF?? My calfs for gods sake!!!

Going to go and feel miserable infront of the telly now - or perhaps I should go for a walk??? That might burn some excess fat off!

And even so your DH will think you are beautiful anyways. I have stretchmarks on my boobs, all over them. On my hips, on my bum and my inner thighs. I have three big puple ones just above my lady garden :dohh: I cant fit in my pre pregnancy things at all and all the other twenty five year olds i see are gorgeous lol....but.....

In the future, however long it takes, the stretchmarks will fade and turn silver. The weight will come off. Just like it will for you. The only reason i am worrying aout weight so early on this time round, is due to being a bridesmaid in less than four months. If it wasnt for that, I would be worrying about it a lot later.

Try not to be upset, take yourself out for a wee shopping trip, have your hair done, get dh to watch the baby xxx

Thanks x I got a bit upset in the kitchen last night, and DH grabbed hold of me and told me I looked gorgeous & not just in clothes either. He said that I have no idea how sexy he finds me & how hard he is finding it not to 'jump' me :rofl:. Apparently he is proud of how 'good' I look after only 2 weeks. Gave me a massive cuddle & apologised for not telling me before then. I felt so much better after that, he is a physical training instructor too so if he feels like that it cant be as bad as I thought & there is hope for me yet. Apparently I shouldn't be upset about the stretchies either as they are 'Love Marks' for our children, god I love him :cloud9: I knew it would be harder to spring back into shape this time so don't know why I got so upset :shrug:, I blame the hormones. I am 30 -eeekkkkk!!! in a couple of weeks & have just added a wii fit board to my pressie list haha so I can do something at home with the lo's around, and plan on going for a walk with the lo's each afternoon in the double buggy.

well, dh went back to work tofay for the first time. Only because he has organised the Sports Relief mile here for this weekend & needs to do lots, so, this morning has been interesting to say the least lol. He is off again next week tho untill a week on Wednesday so I think I need to start thinking about a routine of sorts as I have gotton used to him sorting out Kaden & leaving me in bed for an hour or so with Tahlia on a morning and thats gotta stop :nope:. Think I am going to get clothes etc ready the night before & get them dressed before we come down for breakfast & then thats one thing not to worry about when I realise it's 11am!!

Am a bit worried about Tahlia too, she has started to get sick after feeds:shrug:. Started off with a little bit with some wind, but over the past 2 days has got much worse. There is no warning either, she feeds, I sit her up & rub her back for wind, get nothing & then all of a sudden there is a gush of milk comes flying out of her mouth. It went everywhere in the middle of the night, duvet, sheets, my PJ's -everywhere :haha:. Not so funny at the time mind. I just don't know what it is as she doesnt seem to be bringing wind up with it. She also sometimes makes these wierd noises in her throat as if she is going to be sick but swallowing it iykwim, kinda gulpy noises?? Ok, so perhaps thats not a good description of the noise lol but I dont know how else to describe it. Anyone have any ideas?

ETA: Max, hats off to you for coping with 4 children, I dont know how you do it, I would need at least 8 arms!!

I dont know how I do it either, they are all sat here waiting to leave for preschool and I cant remember how I managed it. I think its called autopilot :haha:

Tahlia, the gulping noise...it could be reflux. Projectile vomiting, the weird gulping noise, thats all a sign. Does she arch her legs out, go all stiff, when she does it? Sometimes babies will projectile like that, if there is a burp deep down, but if you are sure there is no wind, and she makes that gulping noise, then it could be worth mentioning to your gp/hv about it. A lot of babies do have mild reflux, its just from a weak stomach valve and tends to become apparent around 6 weeks of age, when they start taking bigger feeds, instead of little and often.

Your husband sounds an absolute gem, you take what he says to heart as he will mean it. My DH says the same, in fact he reckons he prefers me with extra weight on me, something to grab hold of he says :haha: I do get down sometimes, because like I say, so many 25 year olds, havent had 4 kids and so dont have boobs down to their knee caps and stretchies all over the place. But as long as DH loves me and finds me attractive, which he does, it doesnt matter.

The wii fit is just excellent for getting in some exercise, I sold mine last year when we were trying to get the money together for the 4 bed we rent now, but god i regret it now. I used to do 2-3 hours a day, broken up into chunks, the jogging and rythmn boxing are wicked. In fact I may have to buy it again now lol!

Right must go, the preschool walk is calling me...good job its only round the corner, the reason we went for this flat!

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