Oh dear,
I knew I shouldnt have done, but I weighed myself yesterday and just calculated my BMI. I am in the overweight category

. I know that I have just had a baby, but I have never never ever ever been in that section before, even after having my son!! DH is telling me not to worry, but god I feel like a complete frump now

I am trying to eat healthily but its so goddamned difficult when so many fruits & vegs affect your LO's tummy when you are breastfeeding. On top of that, I have developed some nasty stretchmarks on my boobs, and even noticed some on my clafs the other day - WTF?? My calfs for gods sake!!!
Going to go and feel miserable infront of the telly now - or perhaps I should go for a walk??? That might burn some excess fat off!
And even so your DH will think you are beautiful anyways. I have stretchmarks on my boobs, all over them. On my hips, on my bum and my inner thighs. I have three big puple ones just above my lady garden

I cant fit in my pre pregnancy things at all and all the other twenty five year olds i see are gorgeous lol....but.....
In the future, however long it takes, the stretchmarks will fade and turn silver. The weight will come off. Just like it will for you. The only reason i am worrying aout weight so early on this time round, is due to being a bridesmaid in less than four months. If it wasnt for that, I would be worrying about it a lot later.
Try not to be upset, take yourself out for a wee shopping trip, have your hair done, get dh to watch the baby xxx
Thanks x I got a bit upset in the kitchen last night, and DH grabbed hold of me and told me I looked gorgeous & not just in clothes either. He said that I have no idea how sexy he finds me & how hard he is finding it not to 'jump' me

. Apparently he is proud of how 'good' I look after only 2 weeks. Gave me a massive cuddle & apologised for not telling me before then. I felt so much better after that, he is a physical training instructor too so if he feels like that it cant be as bad as I thought & there is hope for me yet. Apparently I shouldn't be upset about the stretchies either as they are 'Love Marks' for our children, god I love him

I knew it would be harder to spring back into shape this time so don't know why I got so upset

, I blame the hormones. I am 30 -eeekkkkk!!! in a couple of weeks & have just added a wii fit board to my pressie list haha so I can do something at home with the lo's around, and plan on going for a walk with the lo's each afternoon in the double buggy.
well, dh went back to work tofay for the first time. Only because he has organised the Sports Relief mile here for this weekend & needs to do lots, so, this morning has been interesting to say the least lol. He is off again next week tho untill a week on Wednesday so I think I need to start thinking about a routine of sorts as I have gotton used to him sorting out Kaden & leaving me in bed for an hour or so with Tahlia on a morning and thats gotta stop

. Think I am going to get clothes etc ready the night before & get them dressed before we come down for breakfast & then thats one thing not to worry about when I realise it's 11am!!
Am a bit worried about Tahlia too, she has started to get sick after feeds

. Started off with a little bit with some wind, but over the past 2 days has got much worse. There is no warning either, she feeds, I sit her up & rub her back for wind, get nothing & then all of a sudden there is a gush of milk comes flying out of her mouth. It went everywhere in the middle of the night, duvet, sheets, my PJ's -everywhere

. Not so funny at the time mind. I just don't know what it is as she doesnt seem to be bringing wind up with it. She also sometimes makes these wierd noises in her throat as if she is going to be sick but swallowing it iykwim, kinda gulpy noises?? Ok, so perhaps thats not a good description of the noise lol but I dont know how else to describe it. Anyone have any ideas?
ETA: Max, hats off to you for coping with 4 children, I dont know how you do it, I would need at least 8 arms!!