Max - thanks for the advice on Tahlias icky problem. I had the HV out today anyway and asked her what she thought, and Tahlia helped by showing her a couple of times what I was on about. The HV went straight to the doctors for me & managed to get a prescription of gaviscon for me which was ready to pick up when DH got back from work. So, have to give her it 3 times a day . Bit of a pain having it in powder form mind lol, & to try & get all 15mls down an asleep baby after a feed should be fun, but if it works it will be more than worth it. Thank you for mentioning it as I wouldnt have had a clue otherwise

You seem to be the fountain of knowledge here in the Lovebugs Baby Club.
Are you breastfeeding caz? With the bottle you give mixed in with the feed. If you go out and buy an infant nurofen, you get a syringe with it, you should be able to suck up the the gaviscon mixture with that and squirt it into the back of tahlias mouth. I always thought gaviscon was meant to be given before a feed or during, but perhaps its different for breast fed babies?
You might find it helps to prop up her cot/moses basket/yourself (lol) when she is sleeping, either with a pillow under the mattress, or some books under legs of cot, so she is sleeping on a slope, head higher than feet. Also keep her upright for around 30 mins after a feed if you can and infacol helps a lot with mild reflux, as they tend to take in a lot of wind.
I was advised to wean summer at 3 months because solids are meant to help strengthen the weak stomach valve and are harder to bring up, but thats something your gp will probably discuss with you in due course, it might not be the done thing now.
I hope I dont come across as patronising, but with being a mum of four, it would be a bit rubbish of me not to know a thing or two about babies, albeit my own with every one being unique lol!