~*~Feb Lovebugs Baby Club :)~*~

Morning all! Hope you all got some sleep and the lovebug babies are doing well!

I am thinking I will have to book frasers first jabs soon. Dreading them, I hate them. I know they have to be done, but :( Isnt time going quickly, they are going to be walking and talking before we know it.

Last night was frasers best night yet. I think it wont be long until he drops that early hours feed and goes from 11pm to 7am. He went down at 11.30pm last night and woke at 5.30am, took only 2 ounces and went straight back to sleep. I think if i had left him he probably would have gone back to sleep but I cant leave babies if they are crying, big woss. Tonight though, if he wakes at the same time, I might try putting his rain on, instead of offering a feed, with him taking so little and he just may cut that feed out! Fingers crossed.
Morning all! Hope you all got some sleep and the lovebug babies are doing well!

I am thinking I will have to book frasers first jabs soon. Dreading them, I hate them. I know they have to be done, but :( Isnt time going quickly, they are going to be walking and talking before we know it.

Last night was frasers best night yet. I think it wont be long until he drops that early hours feed and goes from 11pm to 7am. He went down at 11.30pm last night and woke at 5.30am, took only 2 ounces and went straight back to sleep. I think if i had left him he probably would have gone back to sleep but I cant leave babies if they are crying, big woss. Tonight though, if he wakes at the same time, I might try putting his rain on, instead of offering a feed, with him taking so little and he just may cut that feed out! Fingers crossed.

That's fantastic sounds like you got a great nights sleep!

Max woke up for a feed at 11pm, 2.45am (woke up at 5.20am with wind) and 6.45am. He seems to be so regular and I can't see him dropping his 2.45am feed anytime soon as he absolutely guzzles the 2.45am feed and seems so hungry.

Do they naturally start to sleep longer and when should I expect this (he is 1 month today). I am struggling with the lack of sleep. Lol!
Excellent! Well done Fraser!

Well, I was worried about nothing, Shelby's vomiting episode/week long afliction could be reflux according to HV and is hasn't effected her weight gain - she's now 10lbs. 1lb 3oz in 2 weeks, she's now between the 25th and 50th centile. :happydance: AND her poo is yellow again!

Oh the grossness we mothers get excited about!

p.s - all you lot who have run off to chub club get back in here! It's getting lonely!

lol, yes gettin excited about poo is strange lol

but i did the same thing last night when xander finally had a clear out- he'd been doing these tiny little blobs all day in every nappy which was causing endless changes - but at bedtime he let it all go :happydance: yay!! lol
Morning all! Hope you all got some sleep and the lovebug babies are doing well!

I am thinking I will have to book frasers first jabs soon. Dreading them, I hate them. I know they have to be done, but :( Isnt time going quickly, they are going to be walking and talking before we know it.

Last night was frasers best night yet. I think it wont be long until he drops that early hours feed and goes from 11pm to 7am. He went down at 11.30pm last night and woke at 5.30am, took only 2 ounces and went straight back to sleep. I think if i had left him he probably would have gone back to sleep but I cant leave babies if they are crying, big woss. Tonight though, if he wakes at the same time, I might try putting his rain on, instead of offering a feed, with him taking so little and he just may cut that feed out! Fingers crossed.

That's fantastic sounds like you got a great nights sleep!

Max woke up for a feed at 11pm, 2.45am (woke up at 5.20am with wind) and 6.45am. He seems to be so regular and I can't see him dropping his 2.45am feed anytime soon as he absolutely guzzles the 2.45am feed and seems so hungry.

Do they naturally start to sleep longer and when should I expect this (he is 1 month today). I am struggling with the lack of sleep. Lol!

Yes they naturally start to go longer when they are physically ready and also when they are taking plenty in the day so they arent so hungry in the night. I think day time sleep is important too, too little and they are overtired at night, too much and they are under tired! Hard to keep up.

I bottle feed fraser and now he has moved to the number two teat, what I do at night is keep the newborn flow teat, so he is working hard to get the milk (so tiring him out) and taking less of it. In the day I use the number 2 teat, its slightly faster so he takes a good feed.

I think if you are breastfeeding its normal for babies to wake lots in the night for feed, its not so easy to tell how much they are getting. Fraser only started suddenly going 5-6 hours in the night two days ago, before that he woke around 3am and before that it was 2 and 5 :)
Morning all! Hope you all got some sleep and the lovebug babies are doing well!

I am thinking I will have to book frasers first jabs soon. Dreading them, I hate them. I know they have to be done, but :( Isnt time going quickly, they are going to be walking and talking before we know it.

Last night was frasers best night yet. I think it wont be long until he drops that early hours feed and goes from 11pm to 7am. He went down at 11.30pm last night and woke at 5.30am, took only 2 ounces and went straight back to sleep. I think if i had left him he probably would have gone back to sleep but I cant leave babies if they are crying, big woss. Tonight though, if he wakes at the same time, I might try putting his rain on, instead of offering a feed, with him taking so little and he just may cut that feed out! Fingers crossed.

That's fantastic sounds like you got a great nights sleep!

Max woke up for a feed at 11pm, 2.45am (woke up at 5.20am with wind) and 6.45am. He seems to be so regular and I can't see him dropping his 2.45am feed anytime soon as he absolutely guzzles the 2.45am feed and seems so hungry.

Do they naturally start to sleep longer and when should I expect this (he is 1 month today). I am struggling with the lack of sleep. Lol!

Yes they naturally start to go longer when they are physically ready and also when they are taking plenty in the day so they arent so hungry in the night. I think day time sleep is important too, too little and they are overtired at night, too much and they are under tired! Hard to keep up.

I bottle feed fraser and now he has moved to the number two teat, what I do at night is keep the newborn flow teat, so he is working hard to get the milk (so tiring him out) and taking less of it. In the day I use the number 2 teat, its slightly faster so he takes a good feed.

I think if you are breastfeeding its normal for babies to wake lots in the night for feed, its not so easy to tell how much they are getting. Fraser only started suddenly going 5-6 hours in the night two days ago, before that he woke around 3am and before that it was 2 and 5 :)

This baby business is hard work! Sounds like you have it well sussed though!
Hi Girls

Sleep is a strange thing in our house, he always goes down at 8 and wakes again at 9 for a feed this was fine as he was going for 5.5 hours but now he is only sleeping for 3-4 hours who knows?? I think it might be because we have his day time naps sorted out now (he sleeps in a sling) he is still quite small last time he was weighed two weeks ago he was 8lb 7oz and he will at most have put on 10oz so still early 9lb's so he should still get up alot I know this but it is all so random and he changes his routine all the time :shrug: Well done for frazer getting sleep sorted!
Hi All
If thomas had taken all of his bottle at 10.30 he would have lasted till 4.40 when he woke up, instead daddy let him nod off after 4 oz and at 12 he had 3 oz and slept, after his 4.40 feed he slept till 9.30 which was great.. he has only just nodded off now although he did try earlier on for 10 mins at 11.00! He is slowly getting a routine.
Max - might try the slow teat then for the bottle at 10.30 so like you say it tires them out.

He is sucking the soother like he expects milk to come out of it.... its funny to listen to.
pixie, with the slow flow teat, I would only use it if you are trying to cut down a feed like the early hours. I only wanted to cut down on it, because come 7am, he just wasnt interested in his breakfast milk after having a full feed in the early hours.

You could find you give it a go at 10.30 and thomas gets so tired he wont drink all his milk, so will wake early like he did last night. I still use the number 2 at 10.00 as i want fraser to take a good feed and keep him up an hour and half so he is really tired and ready for bed. he goes down around 11-11.30, depends on how long he can last.
Im being driven crazy.

xander has wind and doesnt know what to do with himself. he wants to feed, but cries and squirms while doing so. the sounds coming from his bottom are not good!! i have changed 6 dirty nappies since 9.30am (little ones mind) and i have not managed to move from the couch today as i have had to pacify him with my boob.... im feeling pretty miserable and low this afternoon. Richard is away tonight and so im dreading a difficult evening in my own and have to leave for the school run in half an hour in the rain.... crappy day!

still..... i am managing to stay on my diet despite the stress lol
Im being driven crazy.

xander has wind and doesnt know what to do with himself. he wants to feed, but cries and squirms while doing so. the sounds coming from his bottom are not good!! i have changed 6 dirty nappies since 9.30am (little ones mind) and i have not managed to move from the couch today as i have had to pacify him with my boob.... im feeling pretty miserable and low this afternoon. Richard is away tonight and so im dreading a difficult evening in my own and have to leave for the school run in half an hour in the rain.... crappy day!

still..... i am managing to stay on my diet despite the stress lol

argh i know this one fraser was doing that just this morning, near drove me demented. Do you use a dummy with xander at all? I dont with fraser, but thinking it might help if he is the type to need to suck to pass his wind...but no milk to choke on when doing it?
:hugs: Lana.

Max- you always talk so much sense! I'm hoping Edward will start to go longer at night soon. He has very set times he wakes though, which I've read could be habit more than actual hunger but he's always hungry when he wakes so I dunno :shrug: In the day we feed on demand but he usually has his bed time bottle between 9.30 and 11, then he sleeps until 2.30am, then anywhere between 6 and 7.30am :shrug: xx
I forgot to say, Edward got weighed today, 9lb 14ozs :) he's put on a lb and a half in just under 3 weeks :) xx
:hugs: Lana.

Max- you always talk so much sense! I'm hoping Edward will start to go longer at night soon. He has very set times he wakes though, which I've read could be habit more than actual hunger but he's always hungry when he wakes so I dunno :shrug: In the day we feed on demand but he usually has his bed time bottle between 9.30 and 11, then he sleeps until 2.30am, then anywhere between 6 and 7.30am :shrug: xx

Thats great for night time katy. I wouldnt worry about habit waking just now, if he is eating, he is hungry. When he is much older, if he isnt really hungry but still waking at that time out of hunger, thats when you could address it by say swapping milk for water but we are talking when he is being weaned then. You will probably find it wont get to that stage, he will start to push on past 2.30 by himself. xxx
Im being driven crazy.

xander has wind and doesnt know what to do with himself. he wants to feed, but cries and squirms while doing so. the sounds coming from his bottom are not good!! i have changed 6 dirty nappies since 9.30am (little ones mind) and i have not managed to move from the couch today as i have had to pacify him with my boob.... im feeling pretty miserable and low this afternoon. Richard is away tonight and so im dreading a difficult evening in my own and have to leave for the school run in half an hour in the rain.... crappy day!

still..... i am managing to stay on my diet despite the stress lol

argh i know this one fraser was doing that just this morning, near drove me demented. Do you use a dummy with xander at all? I dont with fraser, but thinking it might help if he is the type to need to suck to pass his wind...but no milk to choke on when doing it?

i wish he would take a dummy - tried all of them, he wont take to them no matter what we do.

he hasnt slept all day - apart from a few cat naps totalling about an hour, he nodded off on the school run on the way there, once we picked up belle he woke up again and screamed his head off when we got in..... and has been on the boob again :dohh:

im hoping that he will do what he did last night and sleep for the evening - i cant cope with this all night!
Infaco Corelief or Gripe water will help, my public health nurse says to give infacol before every fl, eed as the wind can build up during the day, I noticed that Thomas was very windy if I eat alot of eggs! Corelief is put intothe bottle of feed. Gripe water by syringe or spoon after a feed.
You all seem to have the sleep thing sorted! I'm lucky if James goes two hours at a time I'm exhausted now!

I got my appointment through for James' jabs, I'm dreading taking him! He will be two months old on Monday that's scary!!
I'm not too bad thanks :) I'm feeling a lot more cheerful most of the time now. Although Edward is also completely fighting sleep and it's hard listening to him scream and scream from tiredness but refuse to sleep :dohh: xx
Thomas has hardly slept all day, he is asleep now about `1 min in a battery operated rocking chair. Its not like him to be like this. I held the soother in his mouth as it rocked him, he had a half hour sleep this morning and not even that much this afternoon, ive no idea why!!!

He has put on 1lb this week too, so breast milk is ok, mind you I gave him 6 oz hungry baby formula at 9pm, he feeds better for me than OH for some reason..
Vinnie isnt sleeping either. Last night he went down at 8, then woke at 11 til 12, then woke at 1-2, then 2:55 - 3:45, then 5 til 7 and hes just gone back down so ive got about half n hour to grab myself a shower and get ready.

We're off to the hospital today for a meeting with his surgeon and the docs that are repairing his lip, we should get the date today....im so nervous about it!!

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