Morning all!
Katy - I am really glad to hear all seems to be going much better for you and edward, I hope you enjoy the groups, there is nothing like getting out of the house to make life feel easier.
Pixie - I hope you get the mastitus sorted, I have never had it but I have heard its very very painful
Vinniepeanut - Maybe before you stop the breastfeeding, pop into the breast feeding forum, see if you can get some tips. I know when I breastfed summer, by about 3 weeks old she had started drift feeding, meaning she would graze for ten minutes, then fall asleep then wake an hour later and want more. The health visitor told me to take her off the boob as soon as she got sleepy and lay her on the floor, strip her off, top and tail etc to get her awake then put her back on. I spent about a week really having to work at it to get her feeding for longer and sleeping for longer as a result, and then she hit a growth spurt and so she got much better then too.
2bananas - meeting up is a lovely idea! I arranged a meet up with a forum i ran two years ago, we were all over the country too so we settled on a central location and went for a haven caravan park in blackpool in the end. We had 4 days there and we all had a lovely time. We arranged it 6 months ahead so we all had a chance to save up a bit first.
I hope everyone is doing okay this good friday. Fraser had a slightly more unsettled night than usual, but he has a cold so I am not really surprised. He went down for 6.45pm and woke at 7.15pm. This time I refused to go up to him for ten minutes, as i was sure he was still knackard and not hungry. He settled by 7.20pm and i heard him again at 8.30pm, but just a single cry. We then woke him at 10.00pm and he was very sleepy, so he was down by 11pm. He woke at 3.30am and took two ounce then settled back. He woke at 5.30am but I didnt think he needed fed so i popped his rain on and he settled off and woke himself at 7am.
I suspect he is a little bit refluxy like my eldest as he has begun to struggle with big feeds, but he isnt too bothered and it could be because of his cold, so I dont intend on doing anything about it unless he seems in a lot of pain etc.
He is really coming on now, starting to pay attention to us and smile in response to things we do, rather than randomly. Its lovely to see