~*~Feb Lovebugs Baby Club :)~*~

Phew .... so nice to read all your responses to me being shot down by the guideline brigade!

I agree you just have to do whats right for you and your baby, they dont come with an instruction book or an on/off button do they!!!

Going to try and get Noah weighed at some point this week at 2weeks 1 day he was 10lb4z so now at 5 plus weeks, goodness knows what he is :shrug: little milk monkey :cloud9:

Managed to get all our cloth nappies prewashed a few times yesterday and they are all dry so we can start using them ... just to keep DH on his toes heheheeeee :winkwink:
Hi All this is the first chance I have had some time to myself today!!

Blackrose, glad you have been to doctor and got sorted out, well done on Aoibheann too.

We organised the christening a friend is a priest and will do it for us and we have also sent out all our thank you cards with info on the christening! Went to see MIL today and I said I would take Thomas up to her on wednesday afternoon as she only gets to see him once a week and this way I am in charge of what time and how long we spend there. Went and found the place for the mum and baby group for wednesday morning so I will go then, decided that I would try aqua fit at local gym see what it is like. Thomas sleeping pattern is still not in a regular routine at night but more or less set in the day time, hopefully within another few weeks he will have that set, am going to talk to the public health nurse about BF only in morning and night and doing formula in the day to see if it helps settle him, that way he might get a better night routine, so if i feed at 5 or 7 am and then after his bath at 6 ish and then he gets a bottle the rest of the time?
OH has nearly finished our garden which is totally landscaped and only minimum amount of grass now which is great.
Hopeyou all have a good nights sleep.
Hello fellow Lovebugs :hi: I would like to join in on this forum..I didn't realize it was here..It is interesting to see everyone with all their LO now...and it doesn't seem that long ago we were all with our sweeties would soon arrive !!
Jane aqua-fit is brilliant I used to go and am actually starting again this week :) When I find a less horrifying swinsuit .. Organising a christening is so stressful isnt it ? well it was for us because OH has a massive family from Donegal and we live in Kildare so it was a matter of inviting and accommodating :wacko: I( swear it feels like im organising a wedding . I actually want to have two god-mothers do you think this will be ok ?
Fingers crossed you will have Thomas' sleeping pattern set for night time soon . We do some odd things to let Aoibheann know it is night time . Normal she drinks cold bottles and takes her naps with the curtians open and the radio on . At night time I heat up her 12 bottle , put her in the dark and the quiet to sleep and before I put her in her crib I heat her blankets on the radiator . i know it sounds strange but the difference helps and she's been sleeping from her 12 feed until 8 in the morning recently :)
:hugs: future-numan goof to see you ! it really feels not long ago we were counting the days until our babies arrived .
Hi all,

busy busy busy me this weekend. This is the first chance I have had to write on here lol. Well, after 3 nights of hourly waking, friday she fed at 845is and never woke till 240am!!! then she slept from 3-5, and 530-7. I was buzzing all day Sat I tell you. Then Sat night she slept from 10-2, 230-4, 430-630, and last night was 930-130, 2-4 & 5-630. Much better thankyou lil lady.

We took a trip to the holy island on Sat for a cuple of hours as it was my choice of day with it being my b'day & it was gorgeous. We are going to make a whole day of it next month & take buckets & spades for lil man & take a picnic etc. It was like being in a different world, all quiet & quaint, somewhere you could never have to worry about your children being out playing in the streets etc. Yesterday I got loads of washing done, & we took a picnic to the beach (which is only a 5min drive away) as the weather was gorgeous again. So, I have had a fab weekend & am still smiling today as the sun is out & I am taking the kids for a walk to the farm to see the lambs.

well done Aoibheann on the weight gain & the murmer disappearing, I am hoping that Tahlias has gone when I take her to the docs next week.

Max, I am jealous of all the sleeping, lucky you :rofl:

Hello future_numan

& I completely agree with everyone on the 'getting shot down in threads' comments. I purposly dont post in them often as I can't be arsed with the grief.

Hope you all have a lovely day. x
Hello, jst foud this forum and would love to join! My Lo is 7 weeks tomorrow and i am a first time mum. So would be fab to get advice from you all. I am using tt bottle's, Lucie takes her bottle fab for the first part of her feed, but once she has come off to be winded she does not want to take any more she plays with the teat and pushes her tongue out. I just keep trying and after a while she takes it, can take up to a hour half to feed her. She only really takes 4 oz and on the one off chance she takes abit more. She was 9lb 9 when she was born and has been on about 4 oz since about 2 weeks as she was so hungry.Do you think i should try a different bottle or stick with it? I am going to speak to my health visitor on wed and see what she says, but thought i would see what everyone said on here. She is sleeping on a night really well the other night she went from 11 till 6.30 without a feed, so she seems happy enough. Just a bit unsure.

Sinead - will try that tonight thanks, think you are right on diet too.
Future - welcome in at last!
Caz - glad you had great weekend.
Lou welcome in.
Blackrose - swimsuit omg dont think mine will fit - its lovely but a 16 and am a 12!!!
off to dunnes or life style sports on search later - do you think my 13 yr old wld enjoy it too?
I think so It feels a bit silly at first but its great fun ! I go with a group of 20 year old to the morning class thats full of 50 year olds ! and we love it its an easy work out and you feel fantastic afterwards . Im dreading getting a swimsuit ... ugh . Welcome Lou ! I would ask your health visitor , it sounds to me like your doing ok though :)
Hello, jst foud this forum and would love to join! My Lo is 7 weeks tomorrow and i am a first time mum. So would be fab to get advice from you all. I am using tt bottle's, Lucie takes her bottle fab for the first part of her feed, but once she has come off to be winded she does not want to take any more she plays with the teat and pushes her tongue out. I just keep trying and after a while she takes it, can take up to a hour half to feed her. She only really takes 4 oz and on the one off chance she takes abit more. She was 9lb 9 when she was born and has been on about 4 oz since about 2 weeks as she was so hungry.Do you think i should try a different bottle or stick with it? I am going to speak to my health visitor on wed and see what she says, but thought i would see what everyone said on here. She is sleeping on a night really well the other night she went from 11 till 6.30 without a feed, so she seems happy enough. Just a bit unsure.


Hiya and welcome!

Sounds like your wee one is doing great! I think around the 7-9 week marks a lot of babies get a bit funny with feeding, when they are more aware and want to look around, instead of eating! Do you think your little one may want a bigger teat size so the milk is a bit faster? Also perhaps try giving her a proper break when she finishes the first half, dont offer the bottle again at all for 20 minutes or so. I find wtih fraser, if I keep offering him it, he just fusses, but if i give him a total break, he is more keen. x
I have put her on vari flow teats, did that last week. I have the next size but they are 3 month plus. This morning she has only took 2 1/2 Oz everytime i put the teat back in she stuck her tongue out. Yes she does like to see whats going on she trying to talk to me while i'm trying to feed her. I will try given her a proper break with her next feed, and see how she goes.
thank you
Max your always full of such good advice for us all!

James is still not sleeping more than 2-3 hrs between feeds, I am ready to tear my hair out but have no idea how to change it?

Also i HAVE to get James in his Moses, hubby has taken to throwing pillows round in his sleep the last two nights! I woke up one night and he'd moved a pillow onto James head I was mortified! Hubby doesn't even know hes doing it though which scares me. I just feel like I'm doing everything wrong again :-(
Claire your not doing anything wrong , its trial and error . There is no right and wrong . Would James settle if he could smell you or OH in the crib ? MY mum used to have to put one of her t-shirts in my sisters crib to settle her . Im sure its not advisable But if it help he sleep better .. ?
Hi all.

welcome to lou and future numan :)

Hope you all had a good weekend!!! Ours was ok. busy but don't feel like we got a lot done you know?

I still havn't had a decision made on my maternity allowance, i dont think they could take any longer if they tried!!!! I am skint!! I am spending today going through loads of stuff to list on ebay. I have been £600 down a month for 3 months now and needless to say its now causing a strain on our finances! The reserves have gone! grrrrr!!

Anyone else's lo get left with a granuloma from there cord? Belle had it when hers fell off and xander had one too. Have had it treated with silver nitrate once but it didnt work and want it done again but the doctor the other day wouldnt do it as she isnt a fan of doing it and gave me some cream instead - which isnt working. So need to go back again!

Also got totally patronised at the gp clinic saturday.Think xander may have some reflux going on......... he's been pretty unhappy. Was told its normal, dont worry, cant give him anything anyway. gee thanks then!!
Claire your not doing anything wrong , its trial and error . There is no right and wrong . Would James settle if he could smell you or OH in the crib ? MY mum used to have to put one of her t-shirts in my sisters crib to settle her . Im sure its not advisable But if it help he sleep better .. ?

My Health Nurse suggest same thing!
Was going to try and get himm down with a bottle for nap half an hour ago cos he was wingeing but OH rocked him asleep in the pram as I was making bottle! Aggh! Now I am afraid to lift him in case he wakes up!!! Wanted to try and get him used to going up for nap! Ah well start again tomorrow!!
I have put her on vari flow teats, did that last week. I have the next size but they are 3 month plus. This morning she has only took 2 1/2 Oz everytime i put the teat back in she stuck her tongue out. Yes she does like to see whats going on she trying to talk to me while i'm trying to feed her. I will try given her a proper break with her next feed, and see how she goes.
thank you

Aww bless her, if she is very alert and observant when feeding, you may find it helps to take her into a quiet room, no distractions, totally focussed on feeding. I had to do that with my eldest, she was just so curious about everything that once she had had a few ounces to take the edge off her hunger, she just wanted to play.

It may also help to make sure she is properly hungry for her feed, I used to use a dummy with summer to hold her off a bit, as she became a very snacky baby, wanting 1-2 ounces every hour or two hours, at 8 weeks old. The idea was, if she sucked the dummy and settled, then she couldnt be that hungry, however if she sucked it and got irate because there was no milk coming out, then clearly she was. It worked for me, but some people dont like to use dummies I know.
Max your always full of such good advice for us all!

James is still not sleeping more than 2-3 hrs between feeds, I am ready to tear my hair out but have no idea how to change it?

Also i HAVE to get James in his Moses, hubby has taken to throwing pillows round in his sleep the last two nights! I woke up one night and he'd moved a pillow onto James head I was mortified! Hubby doesn't even know hes doing it though which scares me. I just feel like I'm doing everything wrong again :-(

You arent doing everything wrong, its so hard keeping up with a baby when they seem to change almost hourly.

You are breast feeding arent you claire? I cant really advise there as I didnt manage more than a couple of months with summer and during that time she was a nightmare. Perhaps in the breast feeding forum they could advise you better, but if james would take a dummy without affecting your feeding, perhaps you could try lengthen the time between feeds with that, so that when he does feed, he is taking as full a one as he can manage?

How does james sleep? I know you co sleep, but is he swaddled or not? I think swaddling can really help get baby settled. You could try feeding james and once he is nice and sleepy, pop him down in the moses basket a little awake. If he grizzles for a wee bit and you dont mind it, dont pick him back up straight away, see if he will settle after 5-10 mins of grizzling. If he wont pick him up and get him sleepy again and try again. Or...wait until he is older and perhaps your DH needs to sleep elsewhere just now?
Hi all.

welcome to lou and future numan :)

Hope you all had a good weekend!!! Ours was ok. busy but don't feel like we got a lot done you know?

I still havn't had a decision made on my maternity allowance, i dont think they could take any longer if they tried!!!! I am skint!! I am spending today going through loads of stuff to list on ebay. I have been £600 down a month for 3 months now and needless to say its now causing a strain on our finances! The reserves have gone! grrrrr!!

Anyone else's lo get left with a granuloma from there cord? Belle had it when hers fell off and xander had one too. Have had it treated with silver nitrate once but it didnt work and want it done again but the doctor the other day wouldnt do it as she isnt a fan of doing it and gave me some cream instead - which isnt working. So need to go back again!

Also got totally patronised at the gp clinic saturday.Think xander may have some reflux going on......... he's been pretty unhappy. Was told its normal, dont worry, cant give him anything anyway. gee thanks then!!

I hope the maternity allowance gets sorted soon, terrible that its taking them so long.

Is xander still doing what fraser was doing when feeding? Pulling off and arching back etc? I know you say money is tight just now, I have an unopened box of infant gaviscon I could post to you if you like, to try with xander. I was given it for fraser, but that wasnt his problem in the end. If you find he is better with the gaviscon, you can then go back to your GP and tell him so.
I cant get the gripe water into vinnie, he kept screaming with it in his mouth then choking. Last time it went down the wrong way and he couldnt breathe so i havent used it since. The colief made him constipated (at least i think it was that), i use Dentinox now and hes so much less windy than before...from the attic and the basement!! haha.

Jane; Vins on bottles now in the day and hes so much more content. I actually enjoy him now!! Havent managed a routine yet, he was waking every 2 hrs at night but now he goes 3/4. But by 5/6am hes back to waking every 2 hrs, im not sure wether this is because he only has breast at night.

hi Vinnie, is he still doing well on the FF in dday and BF at night? Thinking of doing the same but not sure what to do, am seeing the Health Nurse tomorrow, did you see a HV before changing or did you do it yourself, I was hoping to keep up the BF till 20 weeks but to be honest ive no idea how much BF he gets in a feed and he doesnt go through night yet and he really doesnt sleep well in the evening, he has had two naps today of an hour each, trying to keep him awake more so that he might settle more later on.
Hi all.

welcome to lou and future numan :)

Hope you all had a good weekend!!! Ours was ok. busy but don't feel like we got a lot done you know?

I still havn't had a decision made on my maternity allowance, i dont think they could take any longer if they tried!!!! I am skint!! I am spending today going through loads of stuff to list on ebay. I have been £600 down a month for 3 months now and needless to say its now causing a strain on our finances! The reserves have gone! grrrrr!!

Anyone else's lo get left with a granuloma from there cord? Belle had it when hers fell off and xander had one too. Have had it treated with silver nitrate once but it didnt work and want it done again but the doctor the other day wouldnt do it as she isnt a fan of doing it and gave me some cream instead - which isnt working. So need to go back again!

Also got totally patronised at the gp clinic saturday.Think xander may have some reflux going on......... he's been pretty unhappy. Was told its normal, dont worry, cant give him anything anyway. gee thanks then!!

I hope the maternity allowance gets sorted soon, terrible that its taking them so long.

Is xander still doing what fraser was doing when feeding? Pulling off and arching back etc? I know you say money is tight just now, I have an unopened box of infant gaviscon I could post to you if you like, to try with xander. I was given it for fraser, but that wasnt his problem in the end. If you find he is better with the gaviscon, you can then go back to your GP and tell him so.

Thats really kind Max but I want it prescribed to me if I use it, not for any other reason than if the HV asks I havn't acted against the doctors advice (they are all a bit closely knitted together at my surgery!)

He's not arching his back as much but he is grumbly and being sick at random times and having this watery build up of fluid and squirms around when feeding.

I hope the mat office sort themselves out too. Wish I had gotten preg just a month later and then my work would have had to pay me mat leave (not that i'd want to change my little man though :baby:)

Just sometimes things could have worked out better!

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