~*~Feb Lovebugs Baby Club :)~*~

Hi Nuke.

Claire, glad you got some more sleep last night.

DH booked Kaden in for an extra morning at nursery this month, so I have a Tues & Thurs morning free for 4 weeks instead of just a Thurs. I think I need it after having DH off work for 5 weeks, just to ease me into being alone again. Though one reason behind it is that he is on a course in Cottesmore, Lincs for 2 weeks as of next Sun :(. DS being a royal pain this morn so looking forward to dropping him off :rofl:. Getting our tv fixed this morn, it stopped turning on this weekend so samsung are coming today to repair it free of charge woop woop. Have been using the itty bitty one from our bedroom, and am used to big one so cant wait to get it back on haha. After a couple of good nights, Tahlia was up every hour from 2am so am tired as!! Did expect it tho as she was quite clingy and crying lots yesterday. On another note, after gorgeous weather here for days- it's raining!! rubbish.
Thanks Max, Yesterday for Lucie last two bottles she went 4 hours nearly more and took the whole 5oz for both her bottles. Yey:). So i am aiming to try get her to go four hours for her feeds today and see how she goes!
Hey, any of you guys who swapped from breast feeding to bottle feeding, did you have any issues like colic or anything?? Thinking os swapping Evie over as her feeding is all over the place, and would really like the peace of mind that she's actually getting a good feed
Hi to all the newcomers!

Haven't been on in a few days as I have friends staying and don't want to be rude and leave them while I go on the laptop!

Max fed at 10pm, 3am and 7am this morning. He has no problem going the 4/5 hours but I can't get him to stretch it any longer? Am I expecting too much?

He was also awake at 6am with wind and took him about 20 mins to get back to sleep.Am tired today and we were out from 12 noon to 9pm last night.
Emma, Nathans feeding is all over the place too and i read they have a growth spurt around 6 weeks and if your breastfeeding it can make you want to give up it is so hard. It can last for up to 8 days but is meant to get much better afterwards.
I have decided i am going to hang on in there and giver it a chance to setle down xx
hey all.

Well weekend was lovley. We'd hired a static caravan in Elie in Fife and it was fabby! The caravan was litrally brand new so was super clean and great to be in. Weather was brilliant, was roasting all weekend and we showed up the southeners who had come up camping to meet us as they were huddled in coats and jeans saying it was cold! It was 15+degrees out! Bikini weather to me! lol
Shelby was great most of the time just getting grumbly in the evenings when she got overtired. Think the sea air made her quiet tired and she slept well as usual at night time.
The sad bit:
Got back yesterday lunchtime and in the evening a man and his daughter knocked on our door asking if we'd seen their cat who had gone missing. We started this massive conversation with them (we're cat lovers and had 5) and mentioned we'd lost one about a month ago and one last August, the Dad then said they'd seen a black and white one curled up in a bush by the old railway line but couldn't remember its markings. We knew straight away it was our Cera who went missing a month ago. So we walked up and stumbled down the bank to find the cat and yup it was her. :cry: It looks like she was either hit by a car or got into a fight with a fox etc as she had a hole in her side (she was a little menace and loved play fighting) We think she had curled up under the bush to die after crawling there. I don't know how long she had been there but it cant have been the whole month as her body wasn't eaten away much at all so she still looked like my wee baby Cera. We're soo sad she died that way but are glad we know what happened to her and now she is home and burried in out front garden with our long past rabbit Betty.

Thinking about it last night - I don't think she died alone as when she went missing our other 3 cats didn't pine for her at all. They pined or a good couple of weeks when our other cat Milo went missing last year so I think they must have been with her or found her when she had died so they know she is dead and not just missing. The other 3 cats don't seem to have missed her at all so they must know what happened to her although I didn't let them near the body just incase. I wouldn't want them digging her up in the garden.

I just hope Milo didn't go the same way and someone has taken him in thinking he's a stray.

Off to baby class now to do some baby massage so that should cheer me up.

Hope your all doing well. I haven't read properly since I've come back but will catch up soon.
Gill sorry to hear about your cat :-(

Aimee and Emma, James went through a growth spurt it was awful but things settle down again very quickly. I find now my boobs fill a lot quicker and also he drains them quicker now. I would say give it a few days (James lasted 5 days) and see how things go? It's hardwork though I know x
Im sorry Gill, i am glad however that you found out what happened to her and were able to bring her home again to rest xx

My mum is up in Glasgow just now and has been for the past few days - seems warmer up there than down here! Im not best pleased! lol
Ooh, can't believe I have missed this!

Hello everyone! :)

Well Hollie is now 7 weeks and 6 days and today has had her vaccinations and check up and is doing well. The only issue and it's only minor, is her weight. She's always been in the 50th percentile and the last time I got her weighed was 3 weeks ago and she weighed 9lb 3oz and today she weighed just 9lb 14oz which puts her in the 25th percentile. HV didn't seem too concerned but I have to take her back in a fortnight.
I have been combi feeding since her first week and she is primarily FF now so I just hope i'm feeding her enough!
Hey everyone :)

How many growth spurts are there? She takes small feeds through the night and goes back to sleep, then in the morning I feel like she just grizzly, so I feed her almost every hour til 10am.....thinking of maybe introducing a bottle of formula in the morning & at night, just unconvinced she's getting enough, however then I'd have to start expressing morning & night to keep the milk up.....:dohh:

Can I become a man, it seems a simpler life :haha:
Sorry to hear about ur cat Gill....I had 3, and 2 of them were knocked down in the space of a month.....Its horrible, but better to know than always wonder :flower:

Looks like my sundance worked for you, it was scorching in Fife over the weekend :)
Gill sorry about cat. We had a gorgeous cat that was knockeddown and it broke my heart, we have another one now and she is lovely but not quite that same...

Sitting in the garden now eating lunch, thomas in his rocking chair very happy. Yesterday I fed him every two hours until 9,15 when he slept till 2.30 and then ian fed him and he slept till 6.15 and then slept till 8.45 took an expressed bottle of 7 oz at 10 and only has had two half hour naps so far. He defo doesnt settle at night for a long sleep till 8.45 so I will aim to settle him upstairs at that time and feed him then, then maybe wake him at 12 for a feed and maybe he might go longer inthe night.

Gettimg him weighed today out of curiousity.
Hi all,

just had our 6 wk check. Tahlias heart murmer is still there so we are getting referred to Freemans in Newcastle to get it checked out, I am absolutely gutted as I was convinced when they fisrt found it that it would have gone by the 2wk check at the GP, then when it was still there that it would be gone by now. I hope to god it's all ok, its making me question whether its my fault? Did I do something during pregnancy to cause it? irrational I know, & deep down I know its prob not me, but I cant help thinking it. Am sad for my lil girl:cry:. Hoping that when we get out appt & go, its disappeared. Have come away with the mini pill, but thinking about the coil or injection as I am so forgetful & domnt wanna end up pregnant again, happy with my 2. Anyone had either of these? Any side effects? Does the coil hurt to put in? :shrug: Am weighing up my options as dont wsnt to be taking the pill every day lol. Any advice appreciated:thumbup:.

ETA: :hugs::hugs: Gill
Max your always full of such good advice for us all!

James is still not sleeping more than 2-3 hrs between feeds, I am ready to tear my hair out but have no idea how to change it?

Also i HAVE to get James in his Moses, hubby has taken to throwing pillows round in his sleep the last two nights! I woke up one night and he'd moved a pillow onto James head I was mortified! Hubby doesn't even know hes doing it though which scares me. I just feel like I'm doing everything wrong again :-(

You arent doing everything wrong, its so hard keeping up with a baby when they seem to change almost hourly.

You are breast feeding arent you claire? I cant really advise there as I didnt manage more than a couple of months with summer and during that time she was a nightmare. Perhaps in the breast feeding forum they could advise you better, but if james would take a dummy without affecting your feeding, perhaps you could try lengthen the time between feeds with that, so that when he does feed, he is taking as full a one as he can manage?

How does james sleep? I know you co sleep, but is he swaddled or not? I think swaddling can really help get baby settled. You could try feeding james and once he is nice and sleepy, pop him down in the moses basket a little awake. If he grizzles for a wee bit and you dont mind it, dont pick him back up straight away, see if he will settle after 5-10 mins of grizzling. If he wont pick him up and get him sleepy again and try again. Or...wait until he is older and perhaps your DH needs to sleep elsewhere just now?

Thanks Max, I tried swaddling him and he really doesn't like it! I would quite happily say my boy has the most active hands and legs you have ever seen, they are always waving about somewhere and he doesn't like them being restricted (I think he came out and thought thank god freedom rather than wrap me up!). He does like his sleeping bags though and he loves being cuddled! He's like the cuddle monster. The problem is I think is that he doesn't self settle himself at all and I'm not sure how to teach him? We do co-sleep but it was not my intention it's what he wants and tbh while he's waking this much it's a lot easier with him in bed with me xx

Aww bless him, my eldest didnt like the swaddle either. The only way I know to get babies to self settle, is to put down in the cot/moses when they are very nearly asleep. Over a few weeks, gradually put them down more and more awake, until they are settling themselves off.

Fraser likes white noise (dont blame him with my noisy lot) so I tend to get him nice and sleepy by swaddling him and walking around the house talking quietly (he likes to hear my voice) then once i see sleepy eyes, I pop him down in the cot and put his white noise on.

When James is older, it will probably be easier to help him build sleep associations, such as a cuddle toy he knows means bed/nap time or a special song he likes. If what you are doing just now works for you and james, there is no rush...how many adults do you know whom cant self settle :thumbup: they all get there in the end.
Caz - am getting the coil in may but i dont think it hurts to get it in...

Had a great meeting with my public health nurse (Christine) , Thomas is on 75th Centile for weight, which he was on whenn born, he is 13lb 10 oz now, Christine was delighted to hear that i am still breast feeding, had a chat about formula etc so I will know what to do if deciding tocut back on bf, she says that at 4.5 months I can wean to solids if i want! I fed him whilst I was there and we chatted.

Went to see Sophies old childminder, she will take Thomas at 18 months, we love Pauline as she gives a home from home type care to all the children and Soph was withh her for 7 years and loved it.

So I will continue with the BF for now and see how things go, she did say that if I lift him at 12 and feed that it might make him go longer but that his feeding pattern is fine.
Gill sorry to her about your cat. Lucie has taken 3 5 oz today, :) and is easily going 4 hours between feeds.
Hey everyone :)

How many growth spurts are there? She takes small feeds through the night and goes back to sleep, then in the morning I feel like she just grizzly, so I feed her almost every hour til 10am.....thinking of maybe introducing a bottle of formula in the morning & at night, just unconvinced she's getting enough, however then I'd have to start expressing morning & night to keep the milk up.....:dohh:

Can I become a man, it seems a simpler life :haha:

Ok this is easy for me to say as I'm through it but I really suggest waiting until after the growth spurt as it will really help your growth supply, usually there is one around days 3 and 10, 3 weeks, 6, weeks, 12 weeks, 6 months and a year. As long as she isn't losing weight and doing 6-8 wet nappies a day then she is getting enough. Maybe get her weighed if you can it might give you faith to carry on? Definately sounds like James a few weeks ago!

If you were a man you would smell bad haha
Hi all,

just had our 6 wk check. Tahlias heart murmer is still there so we are getting referred to Freemans in Newcastle to get it checked out, I am absolutely gutted as I was convinced when they fisrt found it that it would have gone by the 2wk check at the GP, then when it was still there that it would be gone by now. I hope to god it's all ok, its making me question whether its my fault? Did I do something during pregnancy to cause it? irrational I know, & deep down I know its prob not me, but I cant help thinking it. Am sad for my lil girl:cry:. Hoping that when we get out appt & go, its disappeared. Have come away with the mini pill, but thinking about the coil or injection as I am so forgetful & domnt wanna end up pregnant again, happy with my 2. Anyone had either of these? Any side effects? Does the coil hurt to put in? :shrug: Am weighing up my options as dont wsnt to be taking the pill every day lol. Any advice appreciated:thumbup:.

ETA: :hugs::hugs: Gill

Oh sweetheart of course it's not anything you did! I'm sure. Everything is absolutely fine I know of adults who have it who live their lives completely normal. I'll have my fx for you. I have no idea about the coil, I've got the pill and I'm forgetting all the time!
Max your always full of such good advice for us all!

James is still not sleeping more than 2-3 hrs between feeds, I am ready to tear my hair out but have no idea how to change it?

Also i HAVE to get James in his Moses, hubby has taken to throwing pillows round in his sleep the last two nights! I woke up one night and he'd moved a pillow onto James head I was mortified! Hubby doesn't even know hes doing it though which scares me. I just feel like I'm doing everything wrong again :-(

You arent doing everything wrong, its so hard keeping up with a baby when they seem to change almost hourly.

You are breast feeding arent you claire? I cant really advise there as I didnt manage more than a couple of months with summer and during that time she was a nightmare. Perhaps in the breast feeding forum they could advise you better, but if james would take a dummy without affecting your feeding, perhaps you could try lengthen the time between feeds with that, so that when he does feed, he is taking as full a one as he can manage?

How does james sleep? I know you co sleep, but is he swaddled or not? I think swaddling can really help get baby settled. You could try feeding james and once he is nice and sleepy, pop him down in the moses basket a little awake. If he grizzles for a wee bit and you dont mind it, dont pick him back up straight away, see if he will settle after 5-10 mins of grizzling. If he wont pick him up and get him sleepy again and try again. Or...wait until he is older and perhaps your DH needs to sleep elsewhere just now?

Thanks Max, I tried swaddling him and he really doesn't like it! I would quite happily say my boy has the most active hands and legs you have ever seen, they are always waving about somewhere and he doesn't like them being restricted (I think he came out and thought thank god freedom rather than wrap me up!). He does like his sleeping bags though and he loves being cuddled! He's like the cuddle monster. The problem is I think is that he doesn't self settle himself at all and I'm not sure how to teach him? We do co-sleep but it was not my intention it's what he wants and tbh while he's waking this much it's a lot easier with him in bed with me xx

Aww bless him, my eldest didnt like the swaddle either. The only way I know to get babies to self settle, is to put down in the cot/moses when they are very nearly asleep. Over a few weeks, gradually put them down more and more awake, until they are settling themselves off.

Fraser likes white noise (dont blame him with my noisy lot) so I tend to get him nice and sleepy by swaddling him and walking around the house talking quietly (he likes to hear my voice) then once i see sleepy eyes, I pop him down in the cot and put his white noise on.

When James is older, it will probably be easier to help him build sleep associations, such as a cuddle toy he knows means bed/nap time or a special song he likes. If what you are doing just now works for you and james, there is no rush...how many adults do you know whom cant self settle :thumbup: they all get there in the end.

That's reassuring to hear. I won't worry about it to much yet then, I think he'll enjoy cuddling a teddy he's such a cuddle monster!! I'm going to try and stick to a bed time routine where he's going in his basket after bath etc even if he doesn't end up sleeping in it it's getting him used to it. He thinks his Moses is a play thing I'm sure when he goes in he talks to his parrot like it's his best friend! (it hangs down from the hood!)

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