Max your always full of such good advice for us all!
James is still not sleeping more than 2-3 hrs between feeds, I am ready to tear my hair out but have no idea how to change it?
Also i HAVE to get James in his Moses, hubby has taken to throwing pillows round in his sleep the last two nights! I woke up one night and he'd moved a pillow onto James head I was mortified! Hubby doesn't even know hes doing it though which scares me. I just feel like I'm doing everything wrong again
You arent doing everything wrong, its so hard keeping up with a baby when they seem to change almost hourly.
You are breast feeding arent you claire? I cant really advise there as I didnt manage more than a couple of months with summer and during that time she was a nightmare. Perhaps in the breast feeding forum they could advise you better, but if james would take a dummy without affecting your feeding, perhaps you could try lengthen the time between feeds with that, so that when he does feed, he is taking as full a one as he can manage?
How does james sleep? I know you co sleep, but is he swaddled or not? I think swaddling can really help get baby settled. You could try feeding james and once he is nice and sleepy, pop him down in the moses basket a little awake. If he grizzles for a wee bit and you dont mind it, dont pick him back up straight away, see if he will settle after 5-10 mins of grizzling. If he wont pick him up and get him sleepy again and try again. Or...wait until he is older and perhaps your DH needs to sleep elsewhere just now?
Thanks Max, I tried swaddling him and he really doesn't like it! I would quite happily say my boy has the most active hands and legs you have ever seen, they are always waving about somewhere and he doesn't like them being restricted (I think he came out and thought thank god freedom rather than wrap me up!). He does like his sleeping bags though and he loves being cuddled! He's like the cuddle monster. The problem is I think is that he doesn't self settle himself at all and I'm not sure how to teach him? We do co-sleep but it was not my intention it's what he wants and tbh while he's waking this much it's a lot easier with him in bed with me xx
Aww bless him, my eldest didnt like the swaddle either. The only way I know to get babies to self settle, is to put down in the cot/moses when they are very nearly asleep. Over a few weeks, gradually put them down more and more awake, until they are settling themselves off.
Fraser likes white noise (dont blame him with my noisy lot) so I tend to get him nice and sleepy by swaddling him and walking around the house talking quietly (he likes to hear my voice) then once i see sleepy eyes, I pop him down in the cot and put his white noise on.
When James is older, it will probably be easier to help him build sleep associations, such as a cuddle toy he knows means bed/nap time or a special song he likes. If what you are doing just now works for you and james, there is no many adults do you know whom cant self settle

they all get there in the end.