Hi all,
just had our 6 wk check. Tahlias heart murmer is still there so we are getting referred to Freemans in Newcastle to get it checked out, I am absolutely gutted as I was convinced when they fisrt found it that it would have gone by the 2wk check at the GP, then when it was still there that it would be gone by now. I hope to god it's all ok, its making me question whether its my fault? Did I do something during pregnancy to cause it? irrational I know, & deep down I know its prob not me, but I cant help thinking it. Am sad for my lil girl

. Hoping that when we get out appt & go, its disappeared. Have come away with the mini pill, but thinking about the coil or injection as I am so forgetful & domnt wanna end up pregnant again, happy with my 2. Anyone had either of these? Any side effects? Does the coil hurt to put in?

Am weighing up my options as dont wsnt to be taking the pill every day lol. Any advice appreciated

