~*~Feb Lovebugs Baby Club :)~*~

Hello everyone how are we all? Me and James had a breakthrough on sleep a couple of nights ago he slept 5hrs in his Moses as well, I can't believe it! We're now on three hourly, which is still better than the two it was before! Hopefully we're getting there!

I can't believe he's nearly 3 months old, where has the time gone!

Hope all mums and babes are well, I'm off to stroll round Barg on this lovely sunny day xx
we had our first proper laugh this morning :cloud9:
Hello everyone how are we all? Me and James had a breakthrough on sleep a couple of nights ago he slept 5hrs in his Moses as well, I can't believe it! We're now on three hourly, which is still better than the two it was before! Hopefully we're getting there!

I can't believe he's nearly 3 months old, where has the time gone!

Hope all mums and babes are well, I'm off to stroll round Barg on this lovely sunny day xx

Well done on the sleep :thumbup: & enjoy your walk.
My gosh, Tahlia just didnt want to sleep last night. She was awake & feeding on and off from 545 when I was bathing Kaden till about 1020 when she eventually caved in. She was asleep then till 145, fed then up again at 345 then 6.

Kaden is in nursery this morning, due to pick him in half an hour. Managed to go to the post office, mop kitchen & both bathrooms, polish all round & hoover whilst he's been out & catch up on my soaps taped from yesterday. Feel like I have achieved something, but do smell of cleaning products a lol :haha:.

On another note, woke up to Kadens fish (affectionately called 'ish') at the bottom of the tank this morning, keeps floating on its side & upside down. I called DH in tears (I am so soft) & he suggested cleaning the tank out again - it was only done 2 weeks ago. So, did that & used google for advice & after putting defrosted crushed frozen peas in for him to eat - yes, seriously:haha: - he seems to be a bit livelier. Fingers crossed that he doesnt die please. He's Kadens first pet from his grandparents for xmas just gone. I would be gutted.:dohh:
Caz how on earth do u manage to get all that done in a morning. Idont know where im going wrong but i can never get anything done! Vinnies dressed & just having a feed but im still in my pjs! As soon as i put him down for me to have a shower he woke up crying!!
Feels like were going backwards recently! Hes clingy in the day, wants to sleep all the time but wont be put down and night time is hell!! He was sleeping through 8 til 6am with a feed at 12 and 4 (he wasnt waking up properly for his milk but taking 4oz) but now hes back to waking every 2 hrs!
Just when i thought we were getting somewhere!! :(

Oh im on a right downer!!
Caz how on earth do u manage to get all that done in a morning. Idont know where im going wrong but i can never get anything done! Vinnies dressed & just having a feed but im still in my pjs! As soon as i put him down for me to have a shower he woke up crying!!
Feels like were going backwards recently! Hes clingy in the day, wants to sleep all the time but wont be put down and night time is hell!! He was sleeping through 8 til 6am with a feed at 12 and 4 (he wasnt waking up properly for his milk but taking 4oz) but now hes back to waking every 2 hrs!
Just when i thought we were getting somewhere!! :(

Oh im on a right downer!!

Oh hun, smile & remember that this isnt forever, he is probably just going through a growth spurt or something. As for the clingyness, they are very clever at working out that if they cry they get picked up, & really, why wouldnt they want to be cuddled all day safe & snug? I would :rofl:. Tahlia is the same, but I have to be a bit tough (not that it doesnt upset me) as I would never get to spend time with Kaden otherwise. I sometimes just have to leave her crying/winging for a wee while or I'd go mad & never get a shower. DH is away this week so I have been sticking her in the big cot in the nursery safe from lil man with her mobile on so I can have a 30 sec shower :rofl:.As for the cleaning, I was just very lucky this morning that while Kaden was in nursery for a few hours & Tahlia was either asleep or content in her bouncy chair following me round the house - it is the first time in weeks I've managed a clean like this & usually dont have the time for it even when Kaden isn't here. Oh, & I would also spend a lot of time in my PJ's but have to go out most mornings so have to get dressed lol. I just make sure all our clothes are out & ready the night before & we dont come downstairs till we are washed & dressed. PM me if you want to chat xx:flower:
Aww lucia! Don't worry, I'm the same, She's waking every 2/3 hours at night to feed. I just think I must enjoy having her need me so much before she grows up to big! They grow soooo quickly she won't want me that much for long!

Just had our weaning class at the health centre and it was totally useless for me. Apparently I should be giving her baby rice at 4 months as it will expand in my babies tummy and make her feel full then start moving on to super puree veg, then mash then overcooked mushy solid veg by 7 months. And I MUST get a couple of baby jar food for the cupboard for just in case. pah!

I asked her about baby led weaning as that is what I'm planning on doing and not until 7 months and all she said was if I want to and I should do it sooner though as they start developing mouth muscles at 6 months and if she doesn't use them then they won't develop. She offered no advice on how to start or anything to do with BLW at all. I'm quite pee'd off. I get the impression she doesn't think I should be bfing after 4 months and she should be on formula and baby rice and puree's. That's fine if that is your choice but I want to carry on bfing till she's weaned onto food full time. Grr I'm quite annoyed actually. Needless to say I haven't picked up a handy leaflet full of mushy food ideas. RANT RANT RANT!! :grr:

Of course - if it is your plan to use puree's then go for it - I'm not passing judgement, this is just my choice of weaning.
Well Thomas is not in a routine at all, OMG one day he will sleep willinglyand others not, no two days or nights are the same. He didnt nap this morning and at 11.30 was really tired and OH rocked him asleep, he sleptonly for an hour, a friend called with her little boy and he woke himup!!!
Ah well... amsure once on solids it will be better.
Lol I meant bath earlier not sure where I meant! Had a lovely day out!

Caz you sound like supermum Hun! Hope Tahlia is ok.

I think James has a tummy bug, he's been quite upset and had the most green poo I have ever seen! He normally goes once a day at the most he's been 6 times today and seems upset by it when he does :-( but it's back to orange now so I'm hoping he's getting over it!

Lol I could only write that to other mums, great poo convo lol xx
Had two people recommend the Baby Whisperer and to Dream feed, (I did this without realising with Sophie) so I lifted him at 9.40 and fed him for 20 mins and he went back down ok (no nappychange), he'd been feed 8 oz between 4 - 5 pm and asleep since 6pm so will dream feed again at 1.30 either bottle or boob and see what happens!!
He's laughing and gurgling and smiling alot during the day which is lovely.
Lol I meant bath earlier not sure where I meant! Had a lovely day out!

Caz you sound like supermum Hun! Hope Tahlia is ok.

I think James has a tummy bug, he's been quite upset and had the most green poo I have ever seen! He normally goes once a day at the most he's been 6 times today and seems upset by it when he does :-( but it's back to orange now so I'm hoping he's getting over it!

Lol I could only write that to other mums, great poo convo lol xx

Glad you had a nice time out, I didnt notice the typo - thought it was somewhere I'd never heard of :blush: :rofl:

I hope James is ok, I've not had this with Tahlia yet, but I wish she would go once a day, it's usually every 2-3 days & I start getting worried & then she does go and well, lets say it overfills the nappy - lovely. I usually end up having to put her in a whole new outfit :haha:. Its strange to me as Kaden was soooo regular and went twice a day with out fail when he was little. I agree with the poo convo, only with other mums!!

oh, and 'supermum' - no way, had a lucky day - Yes!! You should have seen me in tears that afternoon with Kaden overtired & clingy throwing tantrums & an equally clingy Tahlia wanting to cluster feed & refusing to be put down. I also had a boob issue yesterday with a hard patch at the side (no red marks of temperature so not mastitis) that took forever to go away & I now have a white lump at the end of my nipple that looks like a lump of clogged milk. Going to ring the docs today and ask to speak to a doctor and find out what it is. And the fish is no better either, reckon it'll be dead by the end of the day :(.
Caz - I had a fish that did this, and I got something from the pet store that you put in the water that brought it back to life....no idea what it was called but it worked when I thought the fish was on the way out too xx
Lol I meant bath earlier not sure where I meant! Had a lovely day out!

Caz you sound like supermum Hun! Hope Tahlia is ok.

I think James has a tummy bug, he's been quite upset and had the most green poo I have ever seen! He normally goes once a day at the most he's been 6 times today and seems upset by it when he does :-( but it's back to orange now so I'm hoping he's getting over it!

Lol I could only write that to other mums, great poo convo lol xx

Glad you had a nice time out, I didnt notice the typo - thought it was somewhere I'd never heard of :blush: :rofl:

I hope James is ok, I've not had this with Tahlia yet, but I wish she would go once a day, it's usually every 2-3 days & I start getting worried & then she does go and well, lets say it overfills the nappy - lovely. I usually end up having to put her in a whole new outfit :haha:. Its strange to me as Kaden was soooo regular and went twice a day with out fail when he was little. I agree with the poo convo, only with other mums!!

oh, and 'supermum' - no way, had a lucky day - Yes!! You should have seen me in tears that afternoon with Kaden overtired & clingy throwing tantrums & an equally clingy Tahlia wanting to cluster feed & refusing to be put down. I also had a boob issue yesterday with a hard patch at the side (no red marks of temperature so not mastitis) that took forever to go away & I now have a white lump at the end of my nipple that looks like a lump of clogged milk. Going to ring the docs today and ask to speak to a doctor and find out what it is. And the fish is no better either, reckon it'll be dead by the end of the day :(.

Oh poor fish! Can you get some vitamin drops or something to help? Maybe pop by a pet shop they can usually give you something?

The lump sounds like a blocked duct to me. Today always feed off that one first and do it in different positions that should clear it hopefully?

James has just got upset and done another green nappy. Hmmm I'm starting to get worried now, but he seems fine in himself except when he is pooing? I'm seeing a health visitor later so will ask her about it x
Caz - I had a fish that did this, and I got something from the pet store that you put in the water that brought it back to life....no idea what it was called but it worked when I thought the fish was on the way out too xx

Lol great minds think alike!
If your fish looks like is has a balance problem and is drunk which is what it sounds like he's got swim bladder and you can get medicine from the pet store.
He should recover if you treat him quickly and keep treating the tank for a little while after he's better just to make sure the infection has gone. You need to maintain the tank more frequently as its caused by a build up of ammonia (pee pee) I'm forever telling hubby off as his tropical fish get swim bladder at least once a year.
I've come to know quite a lot about keeping fish now so if you have any other issues let me know and I might have gone through it already lol
If your fish looks like is has a balance problem and is drunk which is what it sounds like he's got swim bladder and you can get medicine from the pet store.
He should recover if you treat him quickly and keep treating the tank for a little while after he's better just to make sure the infection has gone. You need to maintain the tank more frequently as its caused by a build up of ammonia (pee pee) I'm forever telling hubby off as his tropical fish get swim bladder at least once a year.
I've come to know quite a lot about keeping fish now so if you have any other issues let me know and I might have gone through it already lol

Thanks, I am going to go to the pet shop in the morning, hopefully 'ish' will still be around then. I did a 50% water change about 2 weeks ago & put the tap water treatment in and some other stuff thats supposed to help prolong fish life :shrug:. did another 75% water change yesterday & re treated the water but it was all cloudy this morning, not sure why?? Anyway, done about a 10% change again today which has cleared it a bit. I know its only a fish, but its Kadens......................don't want it to die:blush:
If your fish looks like is has a balance problem and is drunk which is what it sounds like he's got swim bladder and you can get medicine from the pet store.
He should recover if you treat him quickly and keep treating the tank for a little while after he's better just to make sure the infection has gone. You need to maintain the tank more frequently as its caused by a build up of ammonia (pee pee) I'm forever telling hubby off as his tropical fish get swim bladder at least once a year.
I've come to know quite a lot about keeping fish now so if you have any other issues let me know and I might have gone through it already lol

Thanks, I am going to go to the pet shop in the morning, hopefully 'ish' will still be around then. I did a 50% water change about 2 weeks ago & put the tap water treatment in and some other stuff thats supposed to help prolong fish life :shrug:. did another 75% water change yesterday & re treated the water but it was all cloudy this morning, not sure why?? Anyway, done about a 10% change again today which has cleared it a bit. I know its only a fish, but its Kadens......................don't want it to die:blush:


Cloudy water is usually a sign of over feeding - although not always. How often do you feed ish....(funny name!!) lol

Goldfish only need feeding every 3 days or so, if they have a lot of food in the tank it will cause cloudiness - it tends to settle in the stones at the bottom of the tank, but I don't know if you have stones? Also, if there is not enough oxygen in the water it can also be cloudy from this

Hope he is ok poor little thing :) xx
Lol I meant bath earlier not sure where I meant! Had a lovely day out!

Caz you sound like supermum Hun! Hope Tahlia is ok.

I think James has a tummy bug, he's been quite upset and had the most green poo I have ever seen! He normally goes once a day at the most he's been 6 times today and seems upset by it when he does :-( but it's back to orange now so I'm hoping he's getting over it!

Lol I could only write that to other mums, great poo convo lol xx

Hope James is feeling better soon. xx

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