We tried the rain cd last night - a great success, he went of to sleep after a feed no problems at 9.30 and woke again at 2.15am for another feed!!!
Not so much success today though, after a feed this morning and lots of play he started to get tired, so gave him a cuddle, put him down in his cot, put on th cd... had my fingers crossed.... and he has just cried on and off for an hour and will not sleep

very bizarre as it only works on Evie at night too, babies are strange
For her naps, she either just dozes off in her chair or I take her out in the buggy....her daily naps have gone awry, she woke at 7am, fell asleep for 15 mins at 10.15am, then took her out in the buggy at 11am and she's been sleeping for an hour...but no crying, so its not like she was overtired.... but that was 4 hours on 15 mins sleep....is she weird or are other peoples babies getting less sleepy at 7 weeks ?????
Tahlia is deff sleeping less, and really fighting it when she is tired. Shes also wanting to suck to sleep on the boob just now which is frustrating. If I want her to sleep but know she isnt hungry I have to walk round with her on my shoulder & she sometimes eventually drops of after fighting it, but god help it if I dare to sit down, she throws a tantrum. Even if shes asleep, shell wake up when you sit down & cry, god knows why

.Sorry, Feeling very stressed with it all this week as DH is away & lack of sleep is getting on top of me

. She is currently in her bouncy chair with the vibrate on, hoping that'll send her off, but I wont dare move her or turn the vibrate off if she does

. I feel bad for leaving her whinging sometimes but I know it is just tiredness & she'll go off eventually.
On the plus side, after being up from 4 yest afternoon & fighting sleep she dropped off in my arms at about 9pm & never woke up till 230am for a feed. I did have a moment when I took her upstairs to bed & she started whining when I put her in her moses but she went to sleep again

. She was up every 1.5hrs after that mind lol, but I got a few hours sleep the first stretch.