~*~Feb Lovebugs Baby Club :)~*~

I take it its a tropical tank?

Either way - you should only do a 10 - 15% water change once a fortnight. Changing the water any more than that will make the fish ill and stressed. Last time hubby changed the water he did a 30% change as it had been a long time and it killed 95% of the fish we had. We've now got a massive tank with 2 tiny tetras in it :cry:

The water will be cloudy for a day or two after you change it as all the residue will be floating around until it settles down. You want this residue at the bottom of the tank as it stabilises the water. Think about fish in the ocean/rivers - they don't have tap water with all the chemicals, its a long term stablised environment built from rock, sand, plants, pee, poop etc all degraded at the bottom of the ocean/river floor. Fish are very sensitive to water conditions (ph, ammonia, nitrates, nitrites etc etc) so you have to be careful when changing water be it with water changes or additives. :hugs:

I'd not touch the tank now except for putting in swim bladder treatment. Cover it with a blanket so its dark inside and only lift off the blanket for a few hours a day. That will help the algae etc build up again and will calm "ish" so he isn't so stressed. In a few days he hopefully will be okay. I'd just tell Kaden that "ish" is a bit poorly and wants to swim in the dark for a few days and he's got to be extra calm to help "ish" get better. :hugs:

In my experience if the tanks been changed that much with a sick fish, its not likely to survive. I really hope "ish" does though for Kaden! :hugs:
Hey everyone!!!!

Feel like im constantly busy the last few days and not had much time to post.

We are on our 4th night of sleeping through now......... and it is BLISS!!!! Xander is settlling at around 10.30 and going through til 6am on average. He slept until 6.40am this morning though and so my day started off in a mad rush as I have been relying on him as an alarm clock instead of setting an alarm so Belle was late for school today :(

Starting to get a routine with feeding an im much happier, still dislike breastfeeding but we are doing alternate breast/bottle feeds now so im at least getting a break, I dont mind his morning breastfeed at all, then he has a bottle around 10am, breast again about 1pm. bottle at 4pm. Breast from around 6- bedtime with a bottle thrown in somewhere in between there.

How many feeds are your lo's on??

I got some new treatment from the doctor for my psoriasis, put it on last night (its on my scalp) and she said not to worry it wouldnt make my hair greasy......... well - OH YES IT BLOODY WELL DOES!

Dried my hair this morning after my shower and I might as well not have bothered washing it! It is greasy and disgusting and so im going to have to scrub the life out of it later - seems to have helped my psoriasis though!

SO that was my first major stress out - minging hair! THEN - I've been meaning to pay a cheque into my account since monday - went to the bank this morning to do it and the one fricken day of the week they open at 10 was this morning.... so trapse back to the car with Xander in the car seat weighing a ton..... mildly pissed off by this point.

Then my petrol light came on and so headed to morrisons petrol station BIGGEST QUE IN THE WORLD, so I sat and waited patiently, then........... This is the best bit - The cheeky C*** behind me decided she wasnt going to wait for me to move forward when a car moved and she came round me and shoved her way into the petrol pump 2 down just as I had started to move! SO I blasted my horn at her - didnt take the blindest bit of notice got out her car and didnt so much as look in my direction to say sorry.

So I did something I shouldn't have, I got out and and started filling at the pump behind her now that it was free and I finished before her, I waited for her to finish fuelling and as she went back to walk round back into her car I sped up behind her and slammed my breaks on, scaring her half to death and then turned on my wipers and soaked her :( I know how bad that is but I saw red and short of actually running her over thats the best I could do. Im going to hell! She didnt get that wet - but just enough to make my point and I know I should have risen above it but the snooty cow shouldnt have pissed me off.

By the time I got home I was completely raging.

But I feel ok again now. Im worried about my road rage, it has been largely increased recently!

Also, My back seems to have had something happen to it, It felt funny after having Xander and the last couple of days I have a real pulling pain at the bottom of my spine, its causing quite a lot of discomfort and bending down is very sore... think im off back to the docs!

So thats my day so far anyway :) lol

How are all of you?
Hey everyone!!!!

Feel like im constantly busy the last few days and not had much time to post.

We are on our 4th night of sleeping through now......... and it is BLISS!!!! Xander is settlling at around 10.30 and going through til 6am on average. He slept until 6.40am this morning though and so my day started off in a mad rush as I have been relying on him as an alarm clock instead of setting an alarm so Belle was late for school today :(

Starting to get a routine with feeding an im much happier, still dislike breastfeeding but we are doing alternate breast/bottle feeds now so im at least getting a break, I dont mind his morning breastfeed at all, then he has a bottle around 10am, breast again about 1pm. bottle at 4pm. Breast from around 6- bedtime with a bottle thrown in somewhere in between there.

How many feeds are your lo's on??

feck knows! hahaha! I think she feeds around every 3 hours ish but I don't really have any clue!

I got some new treatment from the doctor for my psoriasis, put it on last night (its on my scalp) and she said not to worry it wouldnt make my hair greasy......... well - OH YES IT BLOODY WELL DOES!

Dried my hair this morning after my shower and I might as well not have bothered washing it! It is greasy and disgusting and so im going to have to scrub the life out of it later - seems to have helped my psoriasis though!


SO that was my first major stress out - minging hair! THEN - I've been meaning to pay a cheque into my account since monday - went to the bank this morning to do it and the one fricken day of the week they open at 10 was this morning.... so trapse back to the car with Xander in the car seat weighing a ton..... mildly pissed off by this point.

Then my petrol light came on and so headed to morrisons petrol station BIGGEST QUE IN THE WORLD, so I sat and waited patiently, then........... This is the best bit - The cheeky C*** behind me decided she wasnt going to wait for me to move forward when a car moved and she came round me and shoved her way into the petrol pump 2 down just as I had started to move! SO I blasted my horn at her - didnt take the blindest bit of notice got out her car and didnt so much as look in my direction to say sorry.

So I did something I shouldn't have, I got out and and started filling at the pump behind her now that it was free and I finished before her, I waited for her to finish fuelling and as she went back to walk round back into her car I sped up behind her and slammed my breaks on, scaring her half to death and then turned on my wipers and soaked her :( I know how bad that is but I saw red and short of actually running her over thats the best I could do. Im going to hell! She didnt get that wet - but just enough to make my point and I know I should have risen above it but the snooty cow shouldnt have pissed me off.

I'd do the same! lol. I shouted at someone in the doctors car park the other day as they stole my space someone was reversing out of for me. Made him feel like a right twat as i struggled up with my car seat :haha:/COLOR]

By the time I got home I was completely raging.

But I feel ok again now. Im worried about my road rage, it has been largely increased recently!

Also, My back seems to have had something happen to it, It felt funny after having Xander and the last couple of days I have a real pulling pain at the bottom of my spine, its causing quite a lot of discomfort and bending down is very sore... think im off back to the docs!

awwwww. hope it gets better soon!

So thats my day so far anyway :) lol

How are all of you?

I'm fine ta! :haha:
Lol Gill, I have no idea how many feeds James is on either glad I'm not the only one! I would say he feeds 2-3 hourly and sometimes more in the evening so maybe 10-12 times a day?

Um forgotten what the other questions were now sorry! Has anyone elses quick reply box dissapeared? Mine has it's really annoying!

Oh yes road rage! Mine is awful since having a child, one I'm sooo tired so things wind me up easily and two my life seems difficult enough without teats making it harder! Lana- if they had done that to me i would have gone mental that was just downright rude! I don't understand how somepeople have the front to do that!

We just took James swimming for the first time it was brilliant he loved it!
LOL 2bananas re car and petrol i'd have been hopping mad. Sounds like your little un is settling luck you.
Well today 2.30 am, 5,30 am 9.30 am, 12.30, 4.30! Sleep- yesterday 5.30 - 2 am with sleep feed at 9.40 and 12.30, awaking 2.30 am to 4.45 for OH!!
BF all the time except for 2.30 am and if I have to leave him with someone I leave formula and express afterwards..
Today half hour at 11.00, 3.30 and now asleep since 6pm! Got the baby whisperer book so will see if it helps.
Pixie if it makes you feel better I'd love my LO to feed like that lol. I'm lucky if it's 3 hrs normally 2 xx
So is anyone else still having to cluster feed in the evenings?

I was thinking maybe he isn't having enough in the day but thats just not possible....... he has been feeding on me for an hour now and have just got him off for a break but he is sat here chewing away and making lip smacking noises looking for more. Im just finding it a bit much given that i am now 8 weeks into constant feeding in the evenings.

Pixie, you seem to have quite a good feeding pattern going on with Thomas!

Claire i want to take Xander swimming, too scared to get in a costume yet though lol. Glad James enjoyed it!

Lana- James is so unpredictable he does feed a lot more at night, put it this way I've fed 4 times since 5.30pm already.

I was a bit scared, I wore my maternity costume :blush: it wasn't as bad as I thought I just made sure I went when it's only other mums as that didn't seem so bad!
Thanks for everyones advice on 'ish'. Gill, its a normal tank. Have rang the local pet shop and she asked me to put 2 dessert spoons of salt in the water & go in tomorrow for some swim bladder medicine. Hope he makes it through the night, fingers crossed. She did tell me that I should have the pump on all the time instead of just a few hrs a day so I hope thats not the reason he's poorly.:nope:

I am going to take one of the mums into town with me that I have met a few times at the toddler gp I go to. She is really sweet, brought me clothes in for Tahlia that dont fit her lil lady, & just dropped a door bouncer round for me to have as she had 2. Was originally going to lend hers, but when she remembered she had 2 she gave me one of them, bless. Anyway, she doesnt drive, & as Kaden is at nursery I can fit her & her lil one in the car with me to get her out.

Lana, I get road rage too, the tiredness atm escalates it & I sometimes get it as a passenger lol.If that had been me at the petrol stn, I would have got out & given her an earful!!! Seriously, I have told a guy off for parking in a parent & child space before now, the car park had loads of normal spaces & he parked in that one cos i was closer to the lift. I asked him if he realised that he was in that space first & when he said yes, why? I said it was inconsiderate gits like him that mean that parents like me struggle to get parked, with enough room to use buggys & get our LO out of the car without being a size 6 & scratching the car next to use. I subsequently got told off by my DH who pleaded with me never to do that again & certainly not on my own, but I felt so smug when I saw the guy get back in his car & move :rofl:

Feeding timings? Have no idea, feed her whenever hungry. She spent the last 2 nights cluster feeding mind but seems to be a bit better tonight. She is currently asleep on my shoulder, I darent put her down just yet as she'll start crying & I need at least half an hour peace as DH is away atm, he went Sun & will be back fri pm. I am knackered. Even though he normally works in the day anyway, he helps when he gets back so its just been down to me this week & I am feeling it :haha: I have just done a lil test tho, and it seems she is just sucking to sleep sometimes the lil tinker. She woke a bit crying & rooting so I stuck my lil finger in her mouth & lo and behold, her eyes shut & she went to sleep!! So, I have a feeling thats what she is wanting sometimes in the night, not food. She still wont have a dummy tho, so I'll just have to stick it out. I love feeding anyway tho, so dont mind too much, though it can be quite tiring sometimes in the night.

Claire, glad James enjoyed swimming. Kaden went from being a baby, and is a complete water baby. It's his & daddys thing to do every other weekend. I cant wait to take Tahlia too, but going to wait till after her injections. Plus I NEED a swimming costume that covers me a bit more now :haha:

Pixie, I wish Tahlia would feed more like that, well done you :thumbup:
Im still having him on and off the boob - im so bored! just gave him a bottle but he wants back on me again........ little numpty that he is!
Ugh .. wont be on-line much . My uncle passed away the day before yesterday . and I'm totally scattered ...
:happydance: Tahlia just filled her nappy!!, Thats 2 days in a row. For us that is so unusual, she normally goes 2-3 days inbetween poops & then gets bad tummy ache, screams a lot & is generally uncomfortable as we all would be. Hopefully this might be the start of things geting better & getting back to normal like when she was first born, fingers crossed. (sorry about the poop convo :haha:)

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