~*~Feb Lovebugs Baby Club :)~*~

Had Olivers second set of jabs done today. He was really brave and didn't even cry as much as last time. And he seems happy at the moment, he keeps shouting at me!!

And hello Miissdior xx
Thomas had his BCG and was really good, he cried for a few seconds, had a feed afterwards and was full of giggles in my friends house a while later! ;)
I see that some of you have started to introduce cereal..how did you know bubs were ready ? I tried once to give Emily a bit of cereal but she still pushed it out her mouth..a normal thing for her age , I think..I have been giving Emily a bit of apple juice mixed with water ( 1oz juice to 3oz of water ) just because we are in the middle of a heat wave here and I worry she will dehydrate...and Pixie..I have found that my milk production has dropped a bit since having the Mirena..not sure if that is suppose to happen. I call DR yesterday but still waiting a reply.
Future - thanks for that, Let me know what they say, mine defo not the same and I think I will start up on motillium and fennugreek to rise it up.... Also AF a little heavier and some cramps!! Pooey :(

With solids, just that its constant feeding whereas it wasnt before.
I think Rice and Porridge are enough for the first week or two before I try Carrot again.
I havent even entertained the idea of weaning yet! Shelby has zero interest and she is no way ready for food. Her tummy's too imature to handle food yet.
All my antenatal girls have started on baby rice etc and moved onto puree's but I think they've just got confused with the 3 month growth spurt. Shelby's lasted nearly 2 weeks but now she's over it and back to normal feeding again. I think people tend to think milk isn't enough when it comes to the 3 month spurt time and think bubs needs weaning but they don't really! They just want more milk.
I'm not weaning till 7/8 months when she's wanting to start eating things. Plus I'm going to try BLW so I'm not faffing around with baby rice and puree's. I hate the theory of baby rice - giving your wee baby something designed to expand in their little tummys how would you like a mouthful of expanding foam!??
Sorry to rant - its been bugging my with my antenatal girls. They all seem to just do what the general public do and have not even researched anything themselves. They all stopped bfing at 6 weeks as its the done thing to stop then and all on baby rice at 3 months. All they babies are over the 99th centile for weight and none of them are able to hold their own weight up/hold their heads up during tummy time etc etc. I spent sooo much time researching every option for everything to do with babies that I get a bit pee'd off when they just do what everyone else does because they said so! Geex - would you jump off a bridge because so and so said its the right thing to do at this age!

:grr: :haha:
Woooaahh Gill!! lol. Bit of a rant there lol. Each to their own I suppose. I'll be holding off with T aswell. K was 6mths when I started weaning him, I did the purees & he loved them, only used the rice for 1 wk then used porridge instead. He mainly had veg tho, potatoes/carrots/broccoli/cauli/sweet potato/parsnip etc etc, infact I only pureed him the sweeter things like apple etc after a couple of months so he learned to like veg & not just sweeter foods. With BLW, you look for when they are ready(hence 'baby led'), ie; if Shelby started to grab at your food & pop it to her mouth & suck on etc its a sign shes ready for weaning & you may not be able to hold off till 7 mths. Just a thought.I personally won't be following BLW as I dont like the increased choking risks & will puree home cooked food only, no jars like I did with K, but thats my choice & my decision. :flower:
HeyCaz agree with you. I weaned Sophie at 4 months as she was ready, I thought that I would be holding off with Thomas until 6 months but he is hungry. I was giving himthe solids and then the boob but he wasnt taking a full boob, so this morning, I gave the boob (35 mins of nearly all feeding and not just sucking) and then he took most of the solids for OH, so that is the way I will go.
I used jars and rice/porridge with sophie but only savoury really as my sister gave her kids sweet stuff first and then they wouldnt take savoury! He didnt really like the carrot so I think I might mix in some milk and perhaps potato to it? But will still with the rice/porridge for another week to get him used to that first before introducing other stuff.

On another subject, AF is getting heavier and painful, :(
Awww my AF was heavy and painfull but it only lasted 4 days. I cant take anything with asprin in it so i ended up doubled over in pain :(

And as for the weaning... I think i will wean Oliver when he starts to show signs of needing it. At the moment he is copying us eating at the moment but i think that is just something new he has learnt. But my HV has said he is a very hungry baby and we will see how long we can keep him on just milk.
Pixie, I fianlly got a call back from my DR on Friday and he said that it can be very normal to notice a slight reduction in milk supply but nothing baby should notice. Also he told me it is normal to have bleeding for first three months..and then unpredictible but light bleeding that act as AF for the first year..geez..I didn't know all this when I choose this as a method of BC !!!

I was only wondering about the feeding, I agree that it should be each to their own. Only you know what your baby wants / needs. I plan on BF untill Emily is 9 months then switching to whole milk but I will let her decide when she wants solids..I will just watch for signs she is interested..I have read where babies have shown interest anywhere from 3 months all the way to 7 months. I have started to give her water with a very small bit of apple juice in it because we are in a heat wave here and I have worried about her hydration when we are out and about..but she gets no more than 4oz a day..because I don't want her to use that as her meal.
Well Emma, how are things with you...

Hey, things are good with me....Evie is a great baby (touch wood), long may it continue ....

however I have had the cold for over a week now......:wacko: think breastfeeding is giving Evie all my antibodies and I'm left to suffer..

On the subject of weaning, get the feeling Evie will be a 4 month weaning too....she is soo interested in food...... and is getting very big. Tia was 17 weeks old, so guess she's following suit.....
of course - if babies show signs of wanting to I would. My antenatal babies on the other hand are refusing the food their mums are trying to feed them. They just arnt interested in it. I feel sorry for them. Our hv's are useless and are constantly trying to get us to wean early whether babies want it or not. All my antenatal babies are way over a stone now at 16 weeks (which I know is normal too) but Shelby is only just 13lb and on the 40th-ish centile so she's not totally underweight either. They've all been on hungry milk as the hv said to give them that for some totally unrelated reason (can't remember now why - baby brain lol)

I'm not slagging anyone's choice to wean now of course :hugs: everyone's baby is different - I'm just soo pee'd off that none of my antenatal girls bother to research anything to ask opinions and just do what the rubbish hv said.

btw - this is the hv who totally dismissed blw and said I would be harming my child and she would have under developed mouth muscles if I didn't start her on baby rice by 16 weeks. pah! :grrr:

on a good note - I may have come over to the fluffy side! Just bought a wee bundle of cloth nappies to try (you may have seen my post in natural parenting) so fingers crossed they work out for me! I've been looking at the pretty ones and are mucho tempted!!
Gill, warning if you buy the pretties you'll never have any money, it's a huge downward spiral :rofl:
Future -am taking fenugreek and motillium to boost up the milk as I think its more than slight reduction. Thomas is loving his rice and porridge and will keep him on that for about 2 - 3 weeks before introducing other tastes. He is in 91st centile and is a chubster!
Cant believe that about AF, bluegh!!!!
I am really noticing that Emily is drooling alot and shoving her hand in her mouth...does anyone else have this happening ? I don't see anything but could it be teeth ? Isn't it too early for that ?
I am really noticing that Emily is drooling alot and shoving her hand in her mouth...does anyone else have this happening ? I don't see anything but could it be teeth ? Isn't it too early for that ?

Oliver has been teething since he was about 5/6 weeks old!! We can just see a little bit of a tooth now!

Apparently they can teeth for months and months before teeth come down!!

And Oliver is putting his hand in his mouth and all sorts. He grabbed my finger and bit down on it the other day!! x
I've notived my LO drooling a lot and trying to put his fists in his mouth!

I'm finding it scary there is a new february thread starting for next year :rofl: xx
I've notived my LO drooling a lot and trying to put his fists in his mouth!

I'm finding it scary there is a new february thread starting for next year :rofl: xx

OMG i was the same! I commented saying it didnt seem that long ago i was joining our feb thread!! x

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