~*~Feb Lovebugs Baby Club :)~*~

Hey well he fedboth boobs, 15 mins each went to sleep at 8.40 and still settled hopefully for the night.
Hi all
Well I spoke to a girl in my baby club and her son is six months and does some of the same stuff asThom. Last night was a mare and he was awake from 7.45 to 10.15 with alot of screaming going on, so i tried to feed him he drained the boob still cried, gave him teetha gel, no luck, gave calpol no luck, eventually at 9.30 I gave him a bottle of formula of which he took 5oz, he calmed down a bit and I put him in the cot, I shh'd for a while and left the room for a minute and he went off himself, was awake 3 times between 3-3.30 looking for soother and awake at 5,30, when he took boob and slept till nearly 8 then he had solids, at 9 he took boob and went to sleep, lunch time no interest in boob at all, took solids and then at 3pm took boob and then again at 5.30 and fell asleep, he didnt really have long naps as on every other thursday we go to baby and parent cinema for 10 am, and he slept 2.30 - 3! He had a small nap when we were out at 4.30 pm and then at 5.30. He started screaming when he woke up and he didnt calm down for ages and we bathed him and he was still unhappy, he has had the gel and calpol and is in the pram. I dont want a repeat of last night!!!! ;( What are others doing re teething and crying like that?

Future - do y ou express or is it now formula?

I have been using formula. I thought maybe my supply was getting lower due to the fact I had Merina ( IUD ) placed in about six weeks ago. My schedule is about the same as yours. Emily will take the boob first thing in the morning ( about 7am ) then I will offer her a bit of cereal. I will try and get her to take the boob around 10am, sometimes she will take it but sometimes not. I am a sorta on damand feeder so she will usually like to eat again at around 12:30pm..today she started on the boob but grew frustrated and screamed for about 15 min. so I gave her 4oz of formula. She took the boob again at about 3pm. Emily doesn't really sleep during the day..just kinda cat naps for maybe 30 mins at a time. Bath time is around 5pm. Tonight she was grumpy from bath time on and I tried to offer the boob then some cereal but she wouldn't take either one of them so I gave in and offered her another 4oz bottle of formula. That seemed to do the trick and now she is in bed...hopefully for the night..I am finding she wants the bottle more in the later day..maybe my milk supply gets lower as the day goes on ?
Hey future, I had the merina in too, and noticed a drop in supply so have been taking fenugreek and motillium which helps and drinking plenty of water.

He slept thill 5.30, had boob played a little finished boob and slept till 8.05 then had apple & pear puree and then at 9am had boob and is now asleep since 9.30 hopefully for 1.5 hours so I'll hop back into bed myself....

Every day is different with feeding and sometimes with naps but as I am due back in 5weeks time I'd better get it more structure.

I also just started taking fenugreek and motillium. I was told I should see a difference in about 3 days..here's hoping that's why Emily seems to be rejecting the boob lately..Pixie, you said that you are returning to work soon. How long is your Mat. leave over there ? Here in Canada ours is one year ! I can hardly beleive I have already been off for four months already!! Fells like I just left :wacko:
Hey Future you are soooo lucky, we get 26 weeks! 2 weeks before Due date you have to go! Its full pay though and can take extended unpaid for up to 6 months, which i cant afford to do! :(

Take the stuff 3 times a day and you will notice a funny smell from yourselve from the fenugreek but its not too bad, milk smells of it too and it doesnt bother baby!

Thom slept 9.30 - 11.15 and I got into bed sooner after him and slept!

Going to doctor later as I feel that I am getting PND :(
Wow, 26 weeks !! We get 52 here but only %55 of your pay and you can work right up till you deliver. I haven't noticed any smell yet and I wasn't ever told of a scent..good thing you told me or I would have been off to the DR about it..lol
Hey Future you are soooo lucky, we get 26 weeks! 2 weeks before Due date you have to go! Its full pay though and can take extended unpaid for up to 6 months, which i cant afford to do! :(

Take the stuff 3 times a day and you will notice a funny smell from yourselve from the fenugreek but its not too bad, milk smells of it too and it doesnt bother baby!

Thom slept 9.30 - 11.15 and I got into bed sooner after him and slept!

Going to doctor later as I feel that I am getting PND :(

Good idea to head off to the doctor if you are feeling a bit down. You always sound so organised and positive on Facebook and on here. Has it just hit you all of a suddden?

No lee lee I think I had it from about 9 weeks after birth but just tried to muddle om which is normal for me!

He says I do have PND so am to try and have time for me, make my teenager help more and get some sleep and to go back in 2 weeks, I dont want medication cos of breast feeding. Thom was acting up again tonight and didnt settle till 10pm!!

People do think I am organised etc but I bottle all the emotions up until I just cant take it!!! Anyway at least I have made the right move now and I told OH that doctor said I am to have time to myself. I do find it hard to leave Thom with anyone but will have to try, my sister says she will have him any time so will do that too.

No lee lee I think I had it from about 9 weeks after birth but just tried to muddle om which is normal for me!

He says I do have PND so am to try and have time for me, make my teenager help more and get some sleep and to go back in 2 weeks, I dont want medication cos of breast feeding. Thom was acting up again tonight and didnt settle till 10pm!!

People do think I am organised etc but I bottle all the emotions up until I just cant take it!!! Anyway at least I have made the right move now and I told OH that doctor said I am to have time to myself. I do find it hard to leave Thom with anyone but will have to try, my sister says she will have him any time so will do that too.


You poor thing. Your doctor sounds very good and has given you some practical advice though. I know it is hard to leave him but you should try to leave him with your sister and go off and do something nice for yourself, like shopping or a massage

I go to a baby club and have made two friends who are both feeling the same, we have arranged a night out, no baby talk allowed, dressing up and going for early bird meal and then see what happens!!!!

We agreed to do this once a month.
One of the girls has twins, we both had IVF so we have lots in common and she is turning out to be a great friend, we talk alot about all sorts, even if its just to vent annoyance over anything.

Am hoping to go back to work part time till march using annual leave and flexi time and then take parental leave the two mornings and flexi on one afternoon so that I can keep up with the club and cinema for mums and babies/toddlers and also have the wee break from Thom too.
I go to a baby club and have made two friends who are both feeling the same, we have arranged a night out, no baby talk allowed, dressing up and going for early bird meal and then see what happens!!!!

We agreed to do this once a month.
One of the girls has twins, we both had IVF so we have lots in common and she is turning out to be a great friend, we talk alot about all sorts, even if its just to vent annoyance over anything.

Am hoping to go back to work part time till march using annual leave and flexi time and then take parental leave the two mornings and flexi on one afternoon so that I can keep up with the club and cinema for mums and babies/toddlers and also have the wee break from Thom too.

That all sounds great and so good that you have met some others on the same wavelength as you :)
Right girls....how are your fannies?

(obv if you has a c-sec it wont count)

Mines still a bit weird. Totally TMI so I'll spoiler in case you are eating ...

My fanny to bum wall is really thin and has bugger all strength in it now. Pooping can be awfully difficult sometimes - its a bit like oh I push and push and push and it won't come out! (ooh deja vu of giving birth! lol) My inner labia still feels grazed sometimes when I pee and occasionally I still get the odd blood spotting - I know it isn't monthly blood as its bright fresh "ooh I've got a cut" blood so something must still be a bit delicate to get ripped a bit when pooping.

So how is everyone elses after our lovely ordeals!
Hey Gill
Dont know what to say!!! :) Mine is fine but as Ive had period thing since two days after coil insertion 3 weeks ago and insomnia and PND I dont really feel like DTD at all :(
Maybe see your nurse at your doctors and see what they say?
Hey Gill
Dont know what to say!!! :) Mine is fine but as Ive had period thing since two days after coil insertion 3 weeks ago and insomnia and PND I dont really feel like DTD at all :(
Maybe see your nurse at your doctors and see what they say?

Pixie, I also had the coil in about 5 weeks ago and have been suffering the same as you have..I have had a light bleed every since and was told it could last anywhere up to 3 months, my sleeping hasn't changed much but I feel tired most of the time, I have had some major mood swings and I have no disire in DTD at all. I thought most of this was brought on by the new LO ( I too have a teenage daughter ) and since I haven't had a baby in a long time I thought maybe I might have a touch of PND.
Gill all i can say is it still feels like a war zone... :haha:

How is everyone? Oliver had his 16 week injections on friday so they are all over and done with till his a year now!!

I want to try and wean him off his dummy because he just likes to have it when he is in his bouncer or on the mat now... he never did that before. Any ideas?? Because he can settle with out a dummy if he has to... yeah it takes longer but he can do it. He cant at bed time tho!!

Also on to weaning... Oliver is slapping his lips everytime we eat, he is grabbing my food and screaming at us when we eat. I dont want to wean him early... well i didnt want to but the HV wont give me any advice, she said to give him a spoon with some puree on it and if he takes it fine then he might be ready to be weaned. So I do it and he took it all off the spoon and then opened his mouth for more, he ended up having 3 or 4 spoonfulls!! I havent given him anything since but im worried that he needs it!! :help:

He was 2 weeks late so do you think that could be having something to do wiith it because he would be 18 weeks now... x
Hey Gill
Dont know what to say!!! :) Mine is fine but as Ive had period thing since two days after coil insertion 3 weeks ago and insomnia and PND I dont really feel like DTD at all :(
Maybe see your nurse at your doctors and see what they say?

Pixie, I also had the coil in about 5 weeks ago and have been suffering the same as you have..I have had a light bleed every since and was told it could last anywhere up to 3 months, my sleeping hasn't changed much but I feel tired most of the time, I have had some major mood swings and I have no disire in DTD at all. I thought most of this was brought on by the new LO ( I too have a teenage daughter ) and since I haven't had a baby in a long time I thought maybe I might have a touch of PND.

Sounds like we have lots in common. LO was really upset last couple of nights between 7-10 pmbut last night was worse and didnt really sleep much, we could only link it to it starting 48 hours after starting him on natural yogurt, went to doc and he reckons he could be lactose intolerant????
Pinkness - Evie is 1 day younger than Oliver and she's started taking some solids as she was going the same....she lets out the biggest mmmmmmm noise when you bring her through food, she only has a few spoonfuls for dinner, but she def wanted it. If he didn't want the food, he wouldn't take it, just go with the flow :)
Pinkness - Evie is 1 day younger than Oliver and she's started taking some solids as she was going the same....she lets out the biggest mmmmmmm noise when you bring her through food, she only has a few spoonfuls for dinner, but she def wanted it. If he didn't want the food, he wouldn't take it, just go with the flow :)

we are weaning him now :) he is the same when he sees his food. we are up to porriage in the morning and a puree at night. as just a night one wasnt enough and he was still moaning for food.... the hv told me not to increase his bottles from 7oz... his draining 4 out 5 bottles ... do you think i should increase?
Yes defo increase the bottle and maybe see if that is enough otherwise think about increasing solids?

Thom is now on 3 meals a day, he has the boob first and at other times like before naps etc.
Im going to see how he goes with his 7oz bottles over the next few days because he seems to be leaving a bit more, but i dont know if thats because he is hot or what. He has also started taking a few sips of water after food now which is good because i was worried he wasnt getting enough fluids inside him.

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