Im back now, sorry I have hardly been on at all!
Ok *reading* catching up!
Lol, I know Hayley! I SO want to know! I really think it’s a boy!
I even had a dream last night that I had him, and on the second day I was sitting there in the hospital bed and someone had given me a ‘first year’ photo frame and then I looked over at him and smiled, and he ahd a little blue hat on! Lol awww 
Hi mummysuzie!
Oooh cant wait for your scan! I so want to book a gender one… oh im going to ask OH and then I will book one… later on today
OMG Just read! Awww hello baby! I cant believe you felt baby- amazing
I know! Today I cant stop eating! Its only 9.30 and so far have had cereals, grapes, and now fancy some salt and vinegar hula hoops! Lol

ColeyB and welcome!
BW “The co-op must love me at the moment- im always in there”

this is how I feel about the Indian and pizza, you know its shameful when I just give my address to the Indian and they just say ‘Aw Callie!’ LOL

or when I got a letter through my door from the pizza place ‘to our valued loyal customer’
Phex- nice buy!
I have had 3 bouts of good luck & happiness last week!
First was- getting lots of lovely things and money for my birthday, second, seeing baby and all was great, then on Friday also, my bank is paying me back £245 in bank charges!

I bought some lovely things yesterday
For baby: in Babies are us- a winnie pooh changing water holder set, a bath thermometer and a room thermometer, a cheeky cute monkey that hangs by its arms (to put on the cot)
For me: 2 nice Maternity tops from new look, even though I am a fatty boom boom, the ruching stretchy sides make me look like I have a bump lol, a pair of crops, and 2 pairs of stretch ‘around the house’ loose trousers 
My ticker is 1 day ahead, but I really cant be bothered to change it

Ok, I just have changed it lol
Hayley- how is everything? Are you ok??

Are you having a scan?
If we haven’t heard from you by 5 today, I will text you xxxxxxxxx