February 2012 Testers (164)... 39 BFPs! 6 Angels.. Find a TTC/Bump Buddy Here...

So I went to the doctor and I have a sinus infection! Boooooo! But he gave me meds that wont affect me if I were to be pregnant right now. :flower:

I sure hope I am, HPT says negative this morning, but I am only 9DPO..
So I went to the doctor and I have a sinus infection! Boooooo! But he gave me meds that wont affect me if I were to be pregnant right now. :flower:

I sure hope I am, HPT says negative this morning, but I am only 9DPO..

Sorry about your sinus infection hun :flower: least you got some preggy safe treatment though!

How long have you been trying now?? x
So I went to the doctor and I have a sinus infection! Boooooo! But he gave me meds that wont affect me if I were to be pregnant right now. :flower:

I sure hope I am, HPT says negative this morning, but I am only 9DPO..

Sorry about your sinus infection hun :flower: least you got some preggy safe treatment though!

How long have you been trying now?? x

This is my 5th cycle :dohh:
ladiiiiesssssss help!! so yesterday my temp dropped which made me assume af was on her way. this morning i took m temp and it went up a little. i though it was a little odd bc my period is due tomorrow. plus i felt af like cramps. so i went to the bathroom and when i wiped it was brown. not blood red like normal. is it possible i implanted yesterday and that ib???? im totally freaking out!!!
FERTILITY February!!!!​

Going to jump a few days as it is our Anniversary weekend and I won't get on BnB as much!

:test:TODAY!!BAY and RDY4NUMBER2:test:

Sending a warm welcome to all the new joiners Hi Ladies hoping this is OUR month! I am so sorry that some of you are here from December/January thread!! GL FXD!:dust:

:bfp:ALERT:bfp: Wishing you a H&H 9 mos DEEJAY and TWOKIDDOS:happydance::bfp:

:coffee::comp:Still waiting on some news, updates form you all, what's the verdict??ALIE, BUBBALOO2011, CHRISTIELEE83, HAYADDIE, LILYBUMP, MRGN626, CHARISSE28, DIPSYSP, FROLICKY2011, ROSE1990, and SJDSMOMMY:paper::test:

LALAR Thanks! I have my FXD so tightly for the 15th. Iwill update your BFP as soon as you are comfy Hun, no worries, totally understand:dust:

MANNY82 Testing in about 2-3 days would be best and try to use FMU! You're not out Hun, no :af: = good sign:dust:

LIZLOVELUST so glad the doc was able to give you some meds to relive your sinus infection. Feel better Hun!:dust:

NEWLYWEDLIFE I OV on CD15-18, so 20 is not late, I know ladies that OV muuuuch later than CD20.... Hang in there Hun. As for the sperm, in the best CM enviornment, they can survive about 5 days, otherwise it is 2-5 days:dust:

MRSKG Oh Hun, you KNOW you are welcome here, hang around, I want to see your BFP no matter when or how it comes!:flower::dust:

HEAVENLY nope, TTC isn't cheap. Much cheaper without trying.... but, we get it done!:dust:

KARRY1412 I'm changing that date as we speak....:dust:

28329 I'm on the edge of my seat for you.... fXD!:dust:

HOPIN4AMUNCHE doesn't sound like AF, not brown, although it could be the arrival for some ladies.... FXD!:dust:

BABY_MAYBE sounds like you have done enough!:dust:

SJDSMOMMY good luck Hun! SMEP works for soooo many ladies!:dust:

FAITHBABIES won't be long now, before you are seeing some dark pink BFP lines! :dust:

PJSTENSGAARD I sure hope you have caught that eggy, come on BFP!:dust:

MRS RESA OPKs should be helpful. As for the CM, you can OV or be at the start (remember 12-36hrs) so its safe to assume you are fertile and should be BDg!!!:sex: Good Luck!:dust:

ICKLE You and me both! I have had only highs, my CM is watery now though so I am assuming I'm geared up. I hope you PEAK soon, while DH is still there!:dust:

DEBZIE He Hun! Nice hearing from you. Hang in there, in the mean time, you are TBD on the front page and can lurk away!:dust:

NT123 Kinda hard to really pinpoint your DPO without digi OPK or temping, but if you had a +OPK, you are DPO once that OPK is no longer +. You can have more than 1 + in a row.... GL :dust:

ANNIE77 so glad your back is feeling better Hun! As for no symptoms, some of the darkest lines I've seen have come from the no symptom testers!:dust:

ILIKECAKE so happy that bug is finally leaving y ou!:dust:

C.30 you know this is a PMA Zone soo.... you are not out until AF is fully here:dust:

:hugs: so sorry that AF flew in for you or you recently found out that you are out this cycle, join us in March!! The link is posted on the first page of this thread, April coming soon… to those with AF!!:hugs:

Happy Anniversary Manny82!!:cake:

:test:28329, C.30, DANCING DIVA, and MANNY82

Happy Birthday JAI ME!!:cake:


Happy Anniversary MRSMM24!! :cake:


Ladies When you need the TTC perspective to carry you through the day, click back to page 61 to see where your egg is on its journey (The “Path”). There is a very helpful diagram that I am going to post on WEDNESDAYS. Stop by, check it out, see your eggy and get an idea of when you should test (+3 days!)

>>>On 8DPO end your post with a little SS (symptom spotting) to help everyone here as we all go through the TWW...

AFM... CD16: You can stalk my chart!! Donation completed last night! No PEAK yet, but still high. CM is very watery! Have another donation set for Monday so... Come on TWW! Trying to keep my focus. I hope that you all have an excellent weeekend full of BFPs and successful eggy chasing! *FXD BFP before our angel's due date of 2.15.12*:dust:

*First Page Updated*
lizlovelust - Sorry to hear you're still not well but at least you've been to the doctor & got some medication that won't interfere with things. Hope you'll be on the mend soon :flower:

haj624 - It's not too late hun! Implantation normally happens between 8 & 12 dpo so it's definitely possible! :thumbup: Sorry about the PCOS :hugs:

Hopin4amunche - How many dpo are you? Could it be IB?

baby_maybe - A BFP would be the most amazing anniversary & Valentines present! Hope it happens for you! :flower:

Deejay13 - Congratulations! Hope you have a happy & healthy nine months! :baby:

LalaR - Absolutely everything is crossed for you! :flower:

Annie77 - I'm glad to hear your back is feeling better! :happydance:

Ilikecake - I'm glad you're starting to feel better too! :flower:

happybeany - Oh I hope it's IB! What dpo are you?

c.30 - Any chance yours could be IB too?

twokiddos - YAY!! I'm so happy for you! Congratulations! Hope you have a happy & healthy nine months! :baby:

AFM - Urge to test RISING!! Only 10dpo though so want to hold out a little longer at least.
Hey ladies. I have a question. FF originally had me where today would be 11 DPO. Then 2 days ago it moved me back so today is only 9 DPO. Does anyone know why it did this. All of the temps were above the coverline. I went to take a 10 miu test this morning and my urine was almost clear. I made sure I didnt drink anything before bed and went twice before I hit the sheets. Do you think since it was so clear it would probably be too diluted? Today I woke up and my breasts are so sore that it even hurts to walk. I've never experienced this before. Sorry for the rant but any help or interpretation would be appreciated!!!!
ladiiiiesssssss help!! so yesterday my temp dropped which made me assume af was on her way. this morning i took m temp and it went up a little. i though it was a little odd bc my period is due tomorrow. plus i felt af like cramps. so i went to the bathroom and when i wiped it was brown. not blood red like normal. is it possible i implanted yesterday and that ib???? im totally freaking out!!!

same here...yesterday i felt that i am out and i had af like cramps..very bad back ache and feeling that it s coming went to washroom and it was brown dry discharge, had hard time to fall sleep last night..i did test in yesterday nite around 2sh in night and than around 6sh in evening both of them BFN... m confused and losing it...:sad2::sad2:
ladiiiiesssssss help!! so yesterday my temp dropped which made me assume af was on her way. this morning i took m temp and it went up a little. i though it was a little odd bc my period is due tomorrow. plus i felt af like cramps. so i went to the bathroom and when i wiped it was brown. not blood red like normal. is it possible i implanted yesterday and that ib???? im totally freaking out!!!

same here...yesterday i felt that i am out and i had af like cramps..very bad back ache and feeling that it s coming went to washroom and it was brown dry discharge, had hard time to fall sleep last night..i did test in yesterday nite around 2sh in night and than around 6sh in evening both of them BFN... m confused and losing it...:sad2::sad2:

Well mine wasn't dry, but it was brown. and if it was ib you wont get a bfp for a few days now!! so dont give up hope yet!
ladiiiiesssssss help!! so yesterday my temp dropped which made me assume af was on her way. this morning i took m temp and it went up a little. i though it was a little odd bc my period is due tomorrow. plus i felt af like cramps. so i went to the bathroom and when i wiped it was brown. not blood red like normal. is it possible i implanted yesterday and that ib???? im totally freaking out!!!

same here...yesterday i felt that i am out and i had af like cramps..very bad back ache and feeling that it s coming went to washroom and it was brown dry discharge, had hard time to fall sleep last night..i did test in yesterday nite around 2sh in night and than around 6sh in evening both of them BFN... m confused and losing it...:sad2::sad2:

Well mine wasn't dry, but it was brown. and if it was ib you wont get a bfp for a few days now!! so dont give up hope yet!

i dont know if it was IB....i wont test tomorrow than i will wait for few days what u think how many days should i wait for test..
FERTILITY February!!!!​

Going to jump a few days as it is our Anniversary weekend and I won't get on BnB as much!

:test:TODAY!!BAY and RDY4NUMBER2:test:

Sending a warm welcome to all the new joiners Hi Ladies hoping this is OUR month! I am so sorry that some of you are here from December/January thread!! GL FXD!:dust:

:bfp:ALERT:bfp: Wishing you a H&H 9 mos DEEJAY and TWOKIDDOS:happydance::bfp:

:coffee::comp:Still waiting on some news, updates form you all, what's the verdict??ALIE, BUBBALOO2011, CHRISTIELEE83, HAYADDIE, LILYBUMP, MRGN626, CHARISSE28, DIPSYSP, FROLICKY2011, ROSE1990, and SJDSMOMMY:paper::test:

LALAR Thanks! I have my FXD so tightly for the 15th. Iwill update your BFP as soon as you are comfy Hun, no worries, totally understand:dust:

MANNY82 Testing in about 2-3 days would be best and try to use FMU! You're not out Hun, no :af: = good sign:dust:

LIZLOVELUST so glad the doc was able to give you some meds to relive your sinus infection. Feel better Hun!:dust:

NEWLYWEDLIFE I OV on CD15-18, so 20 is not late, I know ladies that OV muuuuch later than CD20.... Hang in there Hun. As for the sperm, in the best CM enviornment, they can survive about 5 days, otherwise it is 2-5 days:dust:

MRSKG Oh Hun, you KNOW you are welcome here, hang around, I want to see your BFP no matter when or how it comes!:flower::dust:

HEAVENLY nope, TTC isn't cheap. Much cheaper without trying.... but, we get it done!:dust:

KARRY1412 I'm changing that date as we speak....:dust:

28329 I'm on the edge of my seat for you.... fXD!:dust:

HOPIN4AMUNCHE doesn't sound like AF, not brown, although it could be the arrival for some ladies.... FXD!:dust:

BABY_MAYBE sounds like you have done enough!:dust:

SJDSMOMMY good luck Hun! SMEP works for soooo many ladies!:dust:

FAITHBABIES won't be long now, before you are seeing some dark pink BFP lines! :dust:

PJSTENSGAARD I sure hope you have caught that eggy, come on BFP!:dust:

MRS RESA OPKs should be helpful. As for the CM, you can OV or be at the start (remember 12-36hrs) so its safe to assume you are fertile and should be BDg!!!:sex: Good Luck!:dust:

ICKLE You and me both! I have had only highs, my CM is watery now though so I am assuming I'm geared up. I hope you PEAK soon, while DH is still there!:dust:

DEBZIE He Hun! Nice hearing from you. Hang in there, in the mean time, you are TBD on the front page and can lurk away!:dust:

NT123 Kinda hard to really pinpoint your DPO without digi OPK or temping, but if you had a +OPK, you are DPO once that OPK is no longer +. You can have more than 1 + in a row.... GL :dust:

ANNIE77 so glad your back is feeling better Hun! As for no symptoms, some of the darkest lines I've seen have come from the no symptom testers!:dust:

ILIKECAKE so happy that bug is finally leaving y ou!:dust:

C.30 you know this is a PMA Zone soo.... you are not out until AF is fully here:dust:

:hugs: so sorry that AF flew in for you or you recently found out that you are out this cycle, join us in March!! The link is posted on the first page of this thread, April coming soon… to those with AF!!:hugs:

Happy Anniversary Manny82!!:cake:

:test:28329, C.30, DANCING DIVA, and MANNY82

Happy Birthday JAI ME!!:cake:


Happy Anniversary MRSMM24!! :cake:


Ladies When you need the TTC perspective to carry you through the day, click back to page 61 to see where your egg is on its journey (The “Path”). There is a very helpful diagram that I am going to post on WEDNESDAYS. Stop by, check it out, see your eggy and get an idea of when you should test (+3 days!)

>>>On 8DPO end your post with a little SS (symptom spotting) to help everyone here as we all go through the TWW...

AFM... CD16: You can stalk my chart!! Donation completed last night! No PEAK yet, but still high. CM is very watery! Have another donation set for Monday so... Come on TWW! Trying to keep my focus. I hope that you all have an excellent weeekend full of BFPs and successful eggy chasing! *FXD BFP before our angel's due date of 2.15.12*:dust:

*First Page Updated*

Thanks MrsMM24!!!
Well ladies i was wrong....AF just arrived a day early :cry: On to cycle 6....let me know if anyone starts a march thread
Sorry to the ladies who have gotten af :hugs:

Congratulations to the :bfp:'s :dust: and h&h 9 months to you :)

AFM - still hoping we catch the eggy this month, ages to go for me until testing so trying not to think about it too much or I'll drive myself insane with wondering! lol
:hugs: haj. I was rooting for you this cycle. Hopefully the next one will be it for you!

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