February 2012 Testers (164)... 39 BFPs! 6 Angels.. Find a TTC/Bump Buddy Here...

Newly Its around 5 days so gold luck you're def in with a chance xxx

Congrats on all the new bfp's xxx wishing youna h&h 9 months x

MrsMM I don't want you to add me to a date for as far as hubby is concerned we are not ttc anymore after 4 losses in 7 months x but I'd like to hang around just in case anything changes x
This morning I decided not to test afterall since I just did 2 days ago but since my famiy is throwing me a party tonight I think it would be a perfect oportunity to tell the family if I am. Fingers crossed but i have to wait a little bit before I test though.
Oh my, I don't know how you're stilll sane. I'm going loopy and I'm only on no 3 :( :hugs: good luck sweetie :dust: Are you getting treatment xx

We are seeing a FS, my FSH is good and OH's SA is fine, so I have been put on Clomid for 4 cycles, just finished the first cycle and I had a scan and had an 18mm follicle and a couple of smaller ones, so at least the Clomid is working. But after Clomid, we will be considering IVF, which I am terrified about.

We're about the same then Heavenly :) Hopefully 2012 is the year for us both.

That would be lovely, wouldn't it. :hugs:

I just got my :bfp: We are SOOo excited!! :D

Fantastic news! :happydance:

ok ladies im 12dpo and my temp dropped from 98.32 to 97.71. I'm guessing AF is on her way :cry: I feel so defeated

You're not out til AF appears. x

AFM - not sure what is happening today. I tested mid morning with my 2nd urine and it was neg at 5 mins so I binned it. 2h later I went to put something in the bin and there was the test with 2 lines!! So now I am not sure if it was an evap or a BFP. The line was as thick as the control with colour all the way through - about 1/3 of the darkness of the control. I have had loads of water today so my urine is really dilute. Not going to be able to retest until the morning now. Fingers crossed that this is it!!

Keep us posted! :happydance:

Well i couldnt stop myself so I tested this morning...BFN for me this morning
AF is due friday or Sat..but i have feeling this not my month.. i have very mild af like pain i think they re on their way..:(
but congrats to ladies who got BFP..

I hope AF doesn't show. :hugs:

MrsMM I don't want you to add me to a date for as far as hubby is concerned we are not ttc anymore after 4 losses in 7 months x but I'd like to hang around just in case anything changes x

So sorry for your losses, I hope things start looking up for the two of you. :hugs:

This morning I decided not to test afterall since I just did 2 days ago but since my famiy is throwing me a party tonight I think it would be a perfect oportunity to tell the family if I am. Fingers crossed but i have to wait a little bit before I test though.

Don't keep us in suspenders, let us know! :happydance:

AFM, starting cycle 2 of Clomid tomorrow, and bought Conceive Plus today, flippin eck, this TTC malarky isn't cheap!! :wacko:

Love and :dust: to all. xx
I will but I need to wait atleast 2 more hours, going to wait as long as I can of course
lizlovelust - Sure isn't everything a symptom? Certainly feels that way at the moment! How are you feeling today?

Annie77 - I had to laugh at "Fertile February"! I hope that is the case! How's your back?

happybeany - I'm glad to hear you're getting the help you need :thumbup: I'm on cycle 4. We started TTC in August 2011 but took two months "off" (NTNP) after the loss of my Nan. I have kind of long cycles too.

Hopin4amunche - Sorry to hear AF got you :hugs: But I'm glad you still have a shot at a February BFP! Hopefully the leap year will be lucky for you! The OPKs will certainly help you pinpoint ov & hopefully will lead to your BFP! :happydance:

haj624 - Aw I love those dogs!! Such cuties! That's a pain that you can't sleep through the night & temp accurately. Do you use OPKs? Maybe you could rely on those a bit more than temping? Could your temp drop at 12dpo be an implantation dip?

manny82 - I haven't had it myself but I've heard that weird tastes can be a symptom! :thumbup:

MrsMM24 - Good luck this evening!!! :happydance: Also, we've decided to test on the 12th instead of the 14th. DH would prefer to be home on the day of testing rather than at work (& I'd prefer him to be here to celebrate/console me!). AF is due on the 12th so hopefully we'll be ok to test then.

Shey - Sorry to hear AF got you. Hopefully your BFP isn't too far away :hugs:

Bay - Never to late as I'm sure MrsMM will tell you! Welcome! :wave:

ShellSunshine - We're testing on the same day! Good luck! :thumbup:

tigerlillie - What a perfect day to ov!! :haha: Good luck & good idea with the OPKs - as you said, they'll do no harm.

Sholi - How did you get on with the doctor?

skweek35 - I had my fingers crossed for you :shrug: Sorry to hear AF got you. Hopefully your BFP isn't too much further away.

Mrs_Dutch15 - What a way to celebrate your anniversary! Congratulations! Hope you have a happy & healthy nine months! :baby:

Ilikecake - I can't believe you're still sick! Have you been to the doctors? Hope you feel better soon :flower:

heavenly - Sorry to hear you're out. Hope you get that BFP in March :hugs:

2Peas4wings - Congratulations! Hope you have a happy & healthy nine months! :baby:

LalaR - OMG!! I can't wait to hear how you get on in the morning!! Hope this is it for you!! :happydance:

SJDsMommy - Best of luck with the retest hun! :thumbup:

AFM - I've been unbelievably tired lately! It's only 6.20pm here & I think I need a nap :shrug: (DH is playing his PS3 so probably won't even notice! :haha:). I've been having cramps down below (not normal AF ones) & last night during Zumba I nipped to the loo & (TMI alert) I had some pink CM which I figured was a good sign (& proceeded to start talking to my stomach/womb like a crazy person :blush:) but by the time I got home it had turned bright red (brighter than normal AF). Then today it has turned to (TMI alert) a brown gunk (gross, I know, but it's the only way I can think to describe it). It has now stopped. Also I had a temp dip this morning to just above the coverline - the lowest it's been since the day after ov. Any thoughts? IB or not? Sorry for the rant :flower:
I'm testing again tomorrow. I got either an evap or faint bfp Tuesday. I could only get the dreaded blue dye test though. Not too pleased about that but I know what a bfp will look like if I get one. Wish me luck ladies. I'm not hopeful though.
I hope so to. This would be a perfect opportunity. I'm going to be screaming (happily of course) If I am :) if not well then thats going to suck lol. I dont really feel pregnant but then again I dont feel like I'm going to be starting my period anytime soon either. who knows.

With my 1st it took 5 months, by that cycle I was afraid to test because I didnt want another negative. My cycles were super regular so I knew that when my period was late I was indeed pregnant even though I felt like I was about to start bleeding any second but I was half way in denial saying if I took a test it was going to be negative. I tested 5 days after my missed period and sure enough I was pregnant. Not sure what to expect this time.
lizlovelust - Sure isn't everything a symptom? Certainly feels that way at the moment! How are you feeling today?

Annie77 - I had to laugh at "Fertile February"! I hope that is the case! How's your back?

happybeany - I'm glad to hear you're getting the help you need :thumbup: I'm on cycle 4. We started TTC in August 2011 but took two months "off" (NTNP) after the loss of my Nan. I have kind of long cycles too.

Hopin4amunche - Sorry to hear AF got you :hugs: But I'm glad you still have a shot at a February BFP! Hopefully the leap year will be lucky for you! The OPKs will certainly help you pinpoint ov & hopefully will lead to your BFP! :happydance:
haj624 - Aw I love those dogs!! Such cuties! That's a pain that you can't sleep through the night & temp accurately. Do you use OPKs? Maybe you could rely on those a bit more than temping? Could your temp drop at 12dpo be an implantation dip?

manny82 - I haven't had it myself but I've heard that weird tastes can be a symptom! :thumbup:

MrsMM24 - Good luck this evening!!! :happydance: Also, we've decided to test on the 12th instead of the 14th. DH would prefer to be home on the day of testing rather than at work (& I'd prefer him to be here to celebrate/console me!). AF is due on the 12th so hopefully we'll be ok to test then.

Shey - Sorry to hear AF got you. Hopefully your BFP isn't too far away :hugs:

Bay - Never to late as I'm sure MrsMM will tell you! Welcome! :wave:

ShellSunshine - We're testing on the same day! Good luck! :thumbup:

tigerlillie - What a perfect day to ov!! :haha: Good luck & good idea with the OPKs - as you said, they'll do no harm.

Sholi - How did you get on with the doctor?

skweek35 - I had my fingers crossed for you :shrug: Sorry to hear AF got you. Hopefully your BFP isn't too much further away.

Mrs_Dutch15 - What a way to celebrate your anniversary! Congratulations! Hope you have a happy & healthy nine months! :baby:

Ilikecake - I can't believe you're still sick! Have you been to the doctors? Hope you feel better soon :flower:

heavenly - Sorry to hear you're out. Hope you get that BFP in March :hugs:

2Peas4wings - Congratulations! Hope you have a happy & healthy nine months! :baby:

LalaR - OMG!! I can't wait to hear how you get on in the morning!! Hope this is it for you!! :happydance:

SJDsMommy - Best of luck with the retest hun! :thumbup:

AFM - I've been unbelievably tired lately! It's only 6.20pm here & I think I need a nap :shrug: (DH is playing his PS3 so probably won't even notice! :haha:). I've been having cramps down below (not normal AF ones) & last night during Zumba I nipped to the loo & (TMI alert) I had some pink CM which I figured was a good sign (& proceeded to start talking to my stomach/womb like a crazy person :blush:) but by the time I got home it had turned bright red (brighter than normal AF). Then today it has turned to (TMI alert) a brown gunk (gross, I know, but it's the only way I can think to describe it). It has now stopped. Also I had a temp dip this morning to just above the coverline - the lowest it's been since the day after ov. Any thoughts? IB or not? Sorry for the rant :flower:

I feel like butt still! I think its gone into a sinus infection! Im still super bloated, my teeth feel tingly, im exhausted, my breats ache with stabbing pain here and there...
lizlovelust - Sure isn't everything a symptom? Certainly feels that way at the moment! How are you feeling today?

Annie77 - I had to laugh at "Fertile February"! I hope that is the case! How's your back?

happybeany - I'm glad to hear you're getting the help you need :thumbup: I'm on cycle 4. We started TTC in August 2011 but took two months "off" (NTNP) after the loss of my Nan. I have kind of long cycles too.

Hopin4amunche - Sorry to hear AF got you :hugs: But I'm glad you still have a shot at a February BFP! Hopefully the leap year will be lucky for you! The OPKs will certainly help you pinpoint ov & hopefully will lead to your BFP! :happydance:

haj624 - Aw I love those dogs!! Such cuties! That's a pain that you can't sleep through the night & temp accurately. Do you use OPKs? Maybe you could rely on those a bit more than temping? Could your temp drop at 12dpo be an implantation dip?

manny82 - I haven't had it myself but I've heard that weird tastes can be a symptom! :thumbup:

MrsMM24 - Good luck this evening!!! :happydance: Also, we've decided to test on the 12th instead of the 14th. DH would prefer to be home on the day of testing rather than at work (& I'd prefer him to be here to celebrate/console me!). AF is due on the 12th so hopefully we'll be ok to test then.

Shey - Sorry to hear AF got you. Hopefully your BFP isn't too far away :hugs:

Bay - Never to late as I'm sure MrsMM will tell you! Welcome! :wave:

ShellSunshine - We're testing on the same day! Good luck! :thumbup:

tigerlillie - What a perfect day to ov!! :haha: Good luck & good idea with the OPKs - as you said, they'll do no harm.

Sholi - How did you get on with the doctor?

skweek35 - I had my fingers crossed for you :shrug: Sorry to hear AF got you. Hopefully your BFP isn't too much further away.

Mrs_Dutch15 - What a way to celebrate your anniversary! Congratulations! Hope you have a happy & healthy nine months! :baby:

Ilikecake - I can't believe you're still sick! Have you been to the doctors? Hope you feel better soon :flower:

heavenly - Sorry to hear you're out. Hope you get that BFP in March :hugs:

2Peas4wings - Congratulations! Hope you have a happy & healthy nine months! :baby:

LalaR - OMG!! I can't wait to hear how you get on in the morning!! Hope this is it for you!! :happydance:

SJDsMommy - Best of luck with the retest hun! :thumbup:

AFM - I've been unbelievably tired lately! It's only 6.20pm here & I think I need a nap :shrug: (DH is playing his PS3 so probably won't even notice! :haha:). I've been having cramps down below (not normal AF ones) & last night during Zumba I nipped to the loo & (TMI alert) I had some pink CM which I figured was a good sign (& proceeded to start talking to my stomach/womb like a crazy person :blush:) but by the time I got home it had turned bright red (brighter than normal AF). Then today it has turned to (TMI alert) a brown gunk (gross, I know, but it's the only way I can think to describe it). It has now stopped. Also I had a temp dip this morning to just above the coverline - the lowest it's been since the day after ov. Any thoughts? IB or not? Sorry for the rant :flower:

OPK's dont work for me for some reason, but my doctor said it could be because of my PCOS. I would like to think its an implantation dip, but I feel like it's too late to be having one
Ok ladies I need help this AF is just all brown stuff! What the heck is it!

Sorry for TMI!
Wow..taking a shower when you really have to pee is a bad idea..lol but I made it, and have a half hour to go, longer if I can stand it.
Ok ladies I need help this AF is just all brown stuff! What the heck is it!

Sorry for TMI!

It sounds like old blood. I get that the first day or two of my AF...but if it doesn't turn to red blood soon, maybe you should think about testing again...
Wow a few of you ladies are having some really good signs, fx for some more bfp's to add to this month :)

AFM - not a lot going on here, don't know what dpo I am, not charting (don't want to freak out DH who thinks we are takin it easy! lol), we have been :sex: every couple of days so hoping that's enough, if not we'll see about th charting next month! I know af is due around the 15th though so we'll see what happens. It's our 'starting to go out' anniversary on valentines day so getting a bfp would be a great surprise :) here's hoping!
Broke down a few minutes early but it was negative :( so thetr goes that idea..got my stuff readt to attempt the sperm meets egg plan next month (going to use walmarts brand of robitussin aswell) but who knows maybe we will get a miricle. I wont be testing until af is mia though..
Broke down a few minutes early but it was negative :( so thetr goes that idea..got my stuff readt to attempt the sperm meets egg plan next month (going to use walmarts brand of robitussin aswell) but who knows maybe we will get a miricle. I wont be testing until af is mia though..
Sorry to hear, maybe it's too early and not fmu? Try again tomorrow am!! At least now you can enjoy a beverage at your party tonight :)
Ok ladies I need help this AF is just all brown stuff! What the heck is it!

Sorry for TMI!
It's not over until the red stuff comes!! My sister had brown spotting the first month or so and has a healthy baby girl!
hey ladies...well if we caught the eggy this month i am 6dpo and no symptoms...well not major ones anyway....very mild cramps yesterday and today, barely noticeable but not unusual also very mild nausea yesterday which i can blame on sinus or the weather and very mild lightheadedness yesterday and today which could also just be sinus issues :shrug: But no spotting yet which i usually start getting sometime the week before AF is due so i'll take it! haha It's funny the way we rationalize our symptoms or lack thereof!! ;)

SJD~ i'm crossing everything that it's just too early! :hugs:

baby-maybe~hope you get your bfp for your anniversary :) :)

haj~ i think it still couldve been implantation at 12dpo so let's hope for that!! baby dust to ya! :)

fingers crossed and baby dust for everyone waiting to test and congrats to the bfps!! :happydance:

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