February 2013 babies

Good luck to those with upcoming scans or still in need of telling family.

I'm on vacation and thoroughly enjoying that my son is distracted with running around in the backyard and hanging out with the grandparents and not clinging to me most of the day. He finally started sleeping the night a week ago and it's sheer bliss to get a good night's sleep.
I got my results from the NT screening back and they were positive - not too happy about that.

However, my ratio due to my age is 1 in 84, but after adding in the blood work and the nuchal, it is 1 in 110. I can't help but feel this is good news - the blood work and nuchal must have been pretty good to gussy up the ratio. Due to a close call a few weeks ago (subchorionic hemorrhage), I don't think the amnio is a good idea, so we'll just have to be patient to see how this works out... I hate waiting!

I hope everyone's scans are going well! Don't you just LOVE seeing that little heart beat!?!
Hi Shan- sorry you have been put in a stressful position. Try and keep positive, the odds are stil very muchl in your favour. The amnio is such a difficult decision to make I really don't know if I could have risked it. Saying prayers for you, keep positive.
Shan... that's still 109/110 of a perfect babe ;) And your scan results must've been pretty awesome to drop you from 1:84 to 1:110 :hugs:
Went to see the doc who is the region's chief "gestational endocrinologist" today... and it's made me even more nervous for Saturday. Did some TSH bloodwork today, but he said for pregnancy they like to see TSH in the "lower half of the range", i.e. below 2.5.... and last check 2 months ago my TSH had risen to 3.4 from 3.1 the month before :( Now I get to go for monthly bloodwork for my stupid thyroid, and I'm even more scared that they'll tell me the heart stopped beating when I got for my scan day after tomorrow :(

C'mon kidlet... be a fighter!
Darklady - here's hoping your kiddo is a regular "Alexander the Great" kind of fighter! :happydance:

I know that was a happy-dance smiley, but pretend he's a boxer! I do hope all is well with your little one and look forward to hearing good news... :hugs:
Hi Shan, your odds have gone down to less than 1%, and I think that's a good way to look at it. So congrats!
My odds start at 1 in 110 and I'm waiting for my blood results. I was told that if the odds were high I would get a phone call early in the week or if not I would receive a letter in about 10 days. Well it's Thursday so I'm hoping we willl just get a letter Monday or Tues next week.

Darklady good luck for Sat, not long now... Am sending positive vibes your way!

I am looking forward to us all getting out of the first tri, then it will be countdown to the 20 week scan........
I got my results from the NT screening back and they were positive - not too happy about that.

However, my ratio due to my age is 1 in 84, but after adding in the blood work and the nuchal, it is 1 in 110. I can't help but feel this is good news - the blood work and nuchal must have been pretty good to gussy up the ratio. Due to a close call a few weeks ago (subchorionic hemorrhage), I don't think the amnio is a good idea, so we'll just have to be patient to see how this works out... I hate waiting!

I hope everyone's scans are going well! Don't you just LOVE seeing that little heart beat!?!

I would pass on the amnio too. Will you be getting a level 2 u/s at 20 weeks? They do them here for us older moms-to-be and check facial markers, feet and palms. Very in depth. That combined with the afp test between 15-16 weeks is also pretty accurate. I agree, a 99+% chance all is well is a good thing! Just because I am 41 my "odds" are 1 in 84 leaving me with a 99% chance all will be well. I did not have the test done so I won't know anything until after bloodwork in a few weeks.
I got my results from the NT screening back and they were positive - not too happy about that.

However, my ratio due to my age is 1 in 84, but after adding in the blood work and the nuchal, it is 1 in 110. I can't help but feel this is good news - the blood work and nuchal must have been pretty good to gussy up the ratio. Due to a close call a few weeks ago (subchorionic hemorrhage), I don't think the amnio is a good idea, so we'll just have to be patient to see how this works out... I hate waiting!

I hope everyone's scans are going well! Don't you just LOVE seeing that little heart beat!?!

I would pass on the amnio too. Will you be getting a level 2 u/s at 20 weeks? They do them here for us older moms-to-be and check facial markers, feet and palms. Very in depth. That combined with the afp test between 15-16 weeks is also pretty accurate. I agree, a 99+% chance all is well is a good thing! Just because I am 41 my "odds" are 1 in 84 leaving me with a 99% chance all will be well. I did not have the test done so I won't know anything until after bloodwork in a few weeks.

Yes - We have our 20-week u/s scheduled for late September and they mentioned checking for soft markers. I'll be 39 when LO is born - getting pregnant took a lot longer than I anticipated! I'm right with you on the "odds", and I hope your bloodwork turns out well :thumbup:
I Havr never heard of the special 20week scan. My book just says it is a more in depth scan but doesn't say looks at specific things because of age risks?? Seeing my midwife for 16 week check so will ask her then.

I still get tired and dont sleep well. Is this normal?
Around here they generally do an "anatomy" scan at 20 weeks... checks for proper formation of long-bones, proportionality (signs of dwarfism, for example)... right number of appendages... second head ;) (I'm kidding... they also look for potential heart defects, etc.)... sometimes if the mother has screened positive, but hasn't opted for more invasive testing (Amnio/CVS), they'll also check certain other 'soft markers' for downs (increased fluid levels somewhere, facial features, folds at the base of the neck, etc.), but that requires a higher resolution and only some labs have equipment that can manage it (like I could go anywhere for my 'dating/viability' scan, but for my IPS scan there are only a handful of labs I could book in with because only a handful have the resolution for the NT measurements).

Gawd I hope not sleeping well is normal. I slept ok from week 10 - 12, but since I hit 12 weeks I've been sleeping like crap (waking up 4 or 5 times a night)... and Hubby jokes about 8 pm being my 'bed time', but he's pretty much right, once we get past 8, I start getting really slow & drowsy (and I can't even blame it on getting up at 5 every morning, 'cuz I used to do that anyway and manage 'til 10 or 11 no problem).
Thanks dark lady. Will look into the scan.

I feel exhausted. Did not sleep well and I've had such a stressful day in work, so glad it's Friday. The weekend is going to go much too fast!!! To top it all some lady was going on that she doesn't envy me come February, she just wanted to die when she was in labour. Just what I needed to hear when I worried enough about coping!!! I said I felt like the luckiest lady being pregnant because we have had such a difficult road to get here and I know many women who would chop their arm off to change places with me. I am honestly not normally that vocal and assertive .... normally I would have just smiled...... I'm blaming the hormones :) xx
Hi Ladies,

Disturbed sleep is definitely a pregnancy symptom. I am waking somewhere between 4-6 every morning and struggling to get back to sleep, am also ready for bed by 8pm. Luckily am not at work so can rest if need be. I have a very lively 4 yr old though and 2 other children to entertain during these summer holidays so I sympathise. It's a good sign your body has all these pregnancy hormones raging, well that's what I tell myself, lol. I've had the same with previous pregnancies and I'm sure it's natures way of getting you ready for what could be years of getting up in the night!

Are you finding your dreaming more vivid and strange dreams?
I'm having strange dreams because when I do sleep it is such a deep deep sleep
Oh heck yes I'm having strange dreams LOL Crazy stuff... way crazier than usual ;)

Lindylou... heh... I've been a lot more... let's say forthright... lately. I just told off our local paper for having no clue where a transit station is located (in spite of the information being on the transit commission's website... it's BASIC fact-checking, people!). I mean, I generally have a fairly low tolerance for stupidity, but I usually just rant about it quietly to my husband... lately I've been taking it up with the source LOL
Thanks dark lady. Will look into the scan.

I feel exhausted. Did not sleep well and I've had such a stressful day in work, so glad it's Friday. The weekend is going to go much too fast!!! To top it all some lady was going on that she doesn't envy me come February, she just wanted to die when she was in labour. Just what I needed to hear when I worried enough about coping!!! I said I felt like the luckiest lady being pregnant because we have had such a difficult road to get here and I know many women who would chop their arm off to change places with me. I am honestly not normally that vocal and assertive .... normally I would have just smiled...... I'm blaming the hormones :) xx

You'll cope. We woman are amazing creatures. Yes, it is difficult, and if you're like me you might beg your labor coach to just let you diiiiieeeee!!! But somehow you get through it and the baby comes out and you are so amazed, and relieved, and tears fill your eyes, and this wet, squirmy, slimey, crying little person is placed on your chest and NOTHING else in the world matters. Hell I've done it 5 times already and it still scares me, yet I do it again. You could be like my niece who didn't feel labor at all until it was time to push, or her sister in law (my nephew's wife) who also never feels contractions. (why can't I be like THAT??!)
Wow! Thanks perpetual. How did they manage that lucky ladies!? I think it all feels so daunting. No doubt closer to the time I will be picking your brain for hints and tips... survival tips :) It was difficult enough to get pregnant this time but because of my age I'm hoping to have 2 close together so don't want to be put off!
Tiredness is definitely normal, or should I say disturbed sleep! I was like this when pregnant with my son and for about 6 weeks now I've been waking up regularly between 3-6am but then come 7am when my alarm goes off I have to drag myself out of bed. I seem to cope not too bad during the start of the week but come Thursday pm/ Friday I'm shattered and end up having an afternoon nap while letting Euan watch a dvd - hardly the best parenting but at the moment its the only way I can cope.

Lindy its amazing how we cope with birth. I can't say I enjoyed my son's as it was long & I was exhausted by the time he arrived but it hasn't put me off. It's such as short time compared to 9 months of being pregnant & then the overwhelming feeling of meeting your baby for the first time :)

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