February 2013 babies

lulu hope you and mil are both ok.

bumpity :hugs: hope they fix the problem...sounds awful (they had to manually extract my placenta with #4. Shocked me that the big fat nurse could fit her arm up there to get it...but #4 WAS 9 lbs 5 oz :haha:)

jjay, I hear ya! posterior baby and overdue is no picnic :(
PM in labour according to FB......so exciting!
Hope all ok ladies! How are all the new babies doing?
Bumpity.....did they sort out your bits and bobs?
JJay....hoping you are smiling today!
Little Miss Kitty asleep in her chair and mummy absolutely shattered! Took the kids to visit a friend in Cambridge which was a 90 mile round trip! Very tired today after a night of not too much sleep!
Any more baby photos? I need to post some but you can't from iPad.....so annoying. The one under my post is Kitty and my hands. My friend took it last week. So cute if I do say so myself!
Hurray! FB post that her baby is here. :happydance:
Hey that's great news about PM!!

And the reason for my absence since Monday is that at 6:53pm last night Megan finally made her appearance into the world! I had contractions most of Monday and we decided to drop Euan off at my dad's to stay the night as I thought something was going to happen during the night. Well we eventually went to triage about midnight Monday and got checked over - 2cm dilated and by the time we got to there the contractions were actually slowing down :dohh: So we were sent home. By about 3am they were only coming 1 every 10mins and weren't very intense so I was quite disheartened. By about 9am it felt as if they had almost stopped altogether! However by about 11:30 yesterday morning they started coming really quickly and the intensity was increasing with every one. So after dropping Euan off at nursery we headed straight to the hospital and I was 4-5cm dilated, with contractions so intense I needed to use a wheelchair to be taken to the Labour ward!

Managed to use the birth pool for a while, which was lovely! But had to come out of the water as my temp was too high- just like what happened when I was pregnant with Euan!
At about 5pm I was checked by a doctor who said I was 6cm dilated and I could have cried - so tired, so cold & just wanted my baby there at that minute!

Tbh the next 2 hrs went past in a blur - contractions got really intense, waters broke & then I really needed to push. I think I pushed Megan out in about 5/6 pushes but I was screaming so much I have no idea! (Never thought I'd make such a noise!) But after having a forceps delivery with Euan I'm really pleased that I delivered Megan myself and on only gas & air!! She's bigger than Euan too at 8lbs 4oz.

Still in hospital as I'm getting antibiotics for an infection, had hoped to go home tonight but it seems it will be tomorrow now! Will post a picture tomorrow, can't do it on my kindle!!
Ahh congratulations Lulu, that's wonderful news :) xx
Woohoo! Super congrats Lulu!!
lol at the screaming. They don't have gas and air here, so I was screaming loud and hard pushing Samuel out. If there was anyone else on the floor, I'm sure they heard me.
Congratulations lulu.

I apologised to the doc and midwife for screaming but it really freakin hurt when they put those forceps in!!
Yay! Congrats Lulu! Makes me feel so much better to hear I'm not the only screamer, lol!!
Looking forward to hearing news from PM :)
Loompy, am being treated with antibiotics for infection in uterus and retained products. Bleeding a lot better today so hoping they will sort it out completely and I won't have to have a D&C. Having another scan on the 27th to see if its all cleared up. Love the picture of Kitty, she's gorgeous :) Have had lots of visitors this week as its half term so its been abit overwhelming.
MW visited today supposedly to discharge us. Baby got discharged but not me :( have another HV visit on Fri, will be glad when they stop visiting!!
Trying to make the most of these early days with LO as he's changed already. Can't believe he's 2 weeks tomorrow. It goes too quickly :cry: xx
I am last man standing now! Will update you all ASAP xx
My mw said she is coming for 6 weeks. Had 3 visits since been home and here again on Friday. Got health visitor coming Tuesday- what do they do?

Bumpity- hope it settles and you don't need a d&c x
Huge congratulations On the birth of Megan! So exciting. Love the screaming. Apparently I shouted and swore when the gas and air ran out!

Bumpity....glad they are sorting you out!
JJay.....nearly there!
Hi Y'all,

It's been so busy with a newborn. I am in sleep deprived bliss !

Congrats to all the new mommies and PM should be joining us soon as well as JJAy.
Please visit me on FB : Kami Lizares. I do not know how to load up pix on here but my kids are helping me on fb.

here is my birth story:

In the end I was going for NST tests every other day. One day my tests was non reactive, meaning baby didn't react to a contraction and his heartbeat was really high the whole test. This unnerved me, being older and having GB, being concerned that he would be as big as my last one and would need an emergency C section. All these fears really got to me in the end.

I was one centimeter dilated and starting to soften at 39.2 weeks. My doctor was okay with inducing me which I was okay with because I was starting to get nervous. Anyway, The only time they had open was Tuesday night to start an induction. Had I had my brain working I would have asked for the next morning appointment but I was nervous and wanted the first available.

I went in on Tuesday night and stayed in a triage room for 2 hours while they got me an l/d room. This is what I really didn't know. My cervix wasn't ready. My little guy probably would have been in there another 10 days ( my guess). So this induction was much different than the 2 out of 3 I had. In those inductions I was already at 2-3 centimeters and soft. This time they started out with cervix softners.

So at 2 am they placed cervidil in my cervix to ripen it. It stayed there for 12 hours. Mind you, hardly any sleep and I went in at night. After the 12 hours and little change, they placed miso ( cytotec) in my cervix. This made a little more change. They opted to do another 4 hour miso pill. As soon as they put that in they had to give me a pain/ shot it hurt and with the pill you can't leave the bed for 2 hours. Mind you I had already been in the bed for 24-30 hours. It' was crazy time.

When I woke up from the shot after a short nap. I got up to use the bathroom and noticed my mucous plug had come out. I was having contractions but they had died down a little . Not long I felt water come out. We were sure my membrames had broken. They had just started me on the pitocin and I was having okay contractions not as painful as with the cytotec.

Anyway, I had the epidural as soon as my water broke because I knew what was coming and I had been uncomfortable in the bed for 36 hours. I had never had an epidural and didn't know what to expect. As the Dr. was putting in the epidural. I was contracting out lots and lots of fluid.

Dr. told me that I could push the button on epidural as needed but it would make my legs number each time. Well about 10 minutes later I had a very painful contraction. Then they told me to rest and a resident came in to check me. I was having painful regular contractions. The nurse kept asking me if I felt pain or just squeezing. But these contracitons were taking the wind out of me. Finally another nurse anethesist came in and encouraged me to push the button because someone realized that I was in pain and wasn't supposed to be due to the epidural. I pushed and my legs went a little number and the contractions hurt less. I just didn't know how it was supposed to feel.

A resident dr. came in to check me and I was at 10. They panicked to call my doctor. No one realized I was ready to push out baby. All this happened in 2 hours. From the water breaking. My ob did actually make it.

I was tired and was able to push out baby in 4 contractions even though i couldn't feel my legs. He was beautiful and had no vernix on him. He turned out to be perfect and 7.3 pounds. I was alarmed because no one was checking him to see if he was normal ( older mom fears) everyone was just happy and placed him on my chest.

He had perfect scores and is sweet/ calm. I stayed in the hospital for another 3 days. And it took me a while to get over the long induction. The birth was fine. The induction was harder but in the end it all worked out and he is beautiful.

Now I am working out the logistics of sleeping. And I have found that I need to co sleep with him next to me. The co-sleeper bassinet is not working. Baby sleeps better in the middle of my big bed without pillows etc. In the bassinet thing he was getting up every 45minutes.

Keep me posted on FB.. Are we going to keep this thread as new mommies ?

My baby is two weeks today.
Scared for tomorrow! Have to head to hospital for 7.45am. Will update when I can. Eeeeeek! Xx
Anneliese Marie was born at 9:33 am on 2-20-13 weighing 7 lbs 6 1/2 oz and 19 1/3 inches long. Birth story tomorrow! I had my doctor discharge me today since the birth was very quick and straightforward, and I have only slept 5 hours since Tuesday morning at 4 am. The labor ward was so loud and so busy and impossible to sleep with the nurses coming in to monitor me, then 2 hours later the baby, then baby waking to eat.
Congrats PM! Hope you get some rest x

Good luck JJay, will be thinking of you :)

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