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February 2013 babies

It's so hard when you have an unhappy baby. I hope things improve now. I know just how hard it can be from when Gabriel was little.
Glad to here he's thriving otherwise Lindy :) my eldest was a forceps delivery, she came out with the hump and she cried non stop for the first few weeks. I used to have to walk out of the room and count to ten. I couldn't put her down and had to carry her around in a sling if I wanted to do anything else. You definitely need to make sure you get a break, even just to enjoy a bath for half an hour! Just try to remember it doesn't last forever. My breakthrough came when I bought a chair that rocked her. I hope things get better for you soon :hugs: but if you need to vent you know we are here!! Xx
Thanks bumpity. Just been out driving around to get him to sleep. It worked!!! Till I got back in house. Xx
Oh Lindy my mum used to drive me to get me to sleep and I used to wake up as soon as she turned the car off. Has anyone suggested craniopathy? It's supposed to be excellent for babies who have reflux etc and also for babies who have had difficult births like forceps. My friend suggested it to me as I had a difficult ventouse delivery this time and we have a practitioner in our local town.
Ha ha the old tricks work the best. Will look into craniopathy, thanks for that. Xxxx
Charlie James Coulson 9lb12 22nd February 2013.

He is doing well with his sleeping, apart from 3 all nighters so far but 2 if those were when my milk was coming in. He sleeps so much in the day - much more than Rosie ever did and seems to get over stimulated really easily. At first we thought it was wind as he was arching his back and screaming so we would take turns trying to rock/wind him but I worked out it always happened after he was bathed and changed each evening or after time spent on the activity mat. I now hold him still and close and he stops crying within around 5 mins and falls asleep!

My main issue is that I can't put him down for a minute when Rosie's around. She's already hit him three times and tried to stand on his head :( we're making sure she gets plenty if attention but she is too young to understand properly so it's a bit of a nightmare! I've bought a sling so he can snooze in that while I do things with her.

Glad to hear everyone is doing well and enjoying their little ones. I'm loving it (although v tired!) I know how quickly it passed last time so when I'm up at 2, 3,4,5 in the morning I'm remembering its such a short time and enjoying the extra cuddles!

Jjay, Charlie sounds fab! Megan does something similar, first off she hates the bath! But any amount of over stimulation and she doesn't settle at all. Her favourite thing seems to be lying on Mummy and getting cuddles. Settles her down within a minute tops - every time.

The cuddles are fantastic but it definitely restricts what I can do around the house at times. Really must look into getting a sling, although I must admit I'm totally bambozzled by the options in slings!?! Which one have you gone for?
Thomas hates having a bath in his bath support thing but put him in with me or dh and he turns into a water baby. Think he loves the skin to skin thing. Xx
Charlie is the opposite, he loves the bath! Even if he's crying full belt it instantly calms him down. I had a terrible night last night as he's a little unwell (cold I think) and was projectile vomiting :( poor little man. No sick now for 10 hours so hopefully he's getting better.

Lulu, I asked one of my friends who runs a sling library and she recommended the connecta integra. I wanted one that was easy to use and get Charlie in and out of. I bought a moby last time around and could not get the hang of it. The connecta seems really good so far and Charlie just drops off to sleep in it. They are quite pricy at £62 but if you check ebay they hold their value well and used ones sell for close to full price.
I didn't bother with a baby bath. I just float Samuel in the tub next to his brother. He seems to enjoy the water. He doesn't cry at least.

JJay my eldest daughter wasn't impressed when I bought DD2 home, she wanted nothing to do with me. It's natural for her behaviour to be off as she's been your whole world. Hopefully it will pass soon. I'm lucky this being number 4 my children are used to sharing me. I feel like I'm not spending enough time with my 4yr old so feel a bit guilty.
Hubby is away this week and trying to juggle the needs of 4 on my own is tiring! I don't usually get him down until at least midnight then I usually get 3 hours but after that I can be up every 1-1 1/2 hours. Having to get up at 6.30-7 means I'm not really getting much sleep. Don't feel too bad considering! Starting to get into a feeding routine during the day, he'll go every 3-4 hours now, so I feed 6.30-7am, 10.30, 2, 5.30-6, then after that he wants to feed most of the evening until I get him down. Needed to get feeds to fit in around the school run so its working out :). He seems to like the bath, but it needs to be fairly warm. It seems to put him in a trance :). Can't post a picture as still using my phone. Have got some on my twitter page so if you have access I'm @leboxall.
Hello ladies!
Sorry been awol but been really busy! Can't believe how fast time.has gone! Kitty is 6 weeks old today and waiting at Dr surgery for her 6 week check. Ds3 was diagnosed with congenital heart disease at his so feeling a little nervous! Sure all ok but can't help stressing!
Been taking kitty to the cranial osteopath as we had such a quick labour and I can highly recommend it. I have a great
Jjay, thanks for the recommendation of the sling. I'm such a doof, never even occurred to me to look at ebay! Sometimes I really can't see the wood for the trees :wacko:

Megan is very much like her brother at his age - baths = screaming blue murder. However, I haven't tried taking in her with me, she loves skin to skin so maybe I should give that a try.

Bumpity I know what you mean about not spending enough time with your 4 yr old. I feel the same about Euan. He goes to nursery in the afternoon and in the mornings I feel as if I'm either too exhausted to spend any quality time with him or when he's home from nursery I'm too busy trying to get housework done or make dinner.

We have a similar feeding pattern to you, too. Roughly 6am/10am/2pm/6pm, etc Not always this exact but fairly close which I'm happy with. It fits in round getting Euan to and from nursery so that makes life a bit easier. Still haven't managed to stay away after the 6am feed and normally end up falling back asleep til between 7.30-8am when Euan wakes and comes through beside us and I then end up snoozing while he bounces on the bed or tries to get the cat to play with him. In fact at the weekend he even managed to get himself dressed, go down to the kitchen and pour his cereal into a bowl all by himself. Which isn't easy as the cereal and bowls are kept in the top cupboards! I'm still not 100% sure how he did it :wacko:
I've been awol too. moving house and renovating is exhaustig. Anneliese spends every other day snoozing for me so 'I can work and the next day crying every time i put her down. it gets frustrating because i have so much to accomplish and time is dwindling to get it all done :shrug: she still sleeps at night though so at least i can be thankful for that!

hope you all are well :)
seity...samual looks so long! really cute too:cloud9:

Anneliese had her first baby tub bath and it went beautifully. She seems to like baths of any sort, unlike her older brother who used to freak out every time
Hello ladies!
Sorry, had to stop writing as we were called in to see the Dr. Kitty's 6 week check went really well and I feel.so relieved after ds! She has a slight umbilical hernia but it should disappear by the time she is 1. She did a wee all over the bed which was funny and I forgot a spare nappy but we managed to dry the outside off and inside was dry.
We are up once in the night so that's not too bad. Kitty has a sore throat and is a bit hoarse.
We had ambulance drama with dh again on Saturday but better now!
How are all you and yours?
Great news loompy!

Hard to believe Samuel is 6 weeks today. He'll go to sleep sometime around 8 pm and only wakes 3-4 times a night. I love having a good sleeper!!
He's so much bigger than his brother at this age and almost ready to move up to 0-3 clothes. I may dig them out of the basement today if I'm feeling ambitious.
My in-laws were here last week and it was so nice to see them and let my MIL get lots and lots of Samuel time. Hopefully, we can drive down to visit them this summer. My youngest brother is flying out with one of his boys next week. I think he's bringing the 15 year old. I haven't seen any of my family, other than my sister who lives in Ohio, since we all flew out to California when Gabriel was 9 months old.
So good to hear that for the most part all is well. We seem to all be in sleep deprived bliss. I know that I get about 3 hours of sleep then 1.5 to 2.5 after that. I am usually breastfeeding in the bed at the time and only nurse on one side at a time. Baby Seth usually falls asleep after 10 minutes . I have had those days when I can't get anything done. I am so so grateful that I have this time off. I really want to enjoy this time with him.

He's a sweet baby but gets really demanding when he wants to feed. My husband just loves him to pieces and calls him his little buddy. I guess he is finally old enough to have a son.

It's been good and my older daughter is home for spring break and to bond. She loves holding the baby and I can get alot of things done with those extra hands.

I can hardly believe that 6 weeks have almost gone by. Is there a way for us to slow it down..

I will practice being in the present so I don't miss anything.....

Good luck to us all this week.
3sisters my nights are exactly the same as yours. But Arlo/Jude ( yes really! We still haven't agreed) isn't ready for bed until 11-12 at night then I'm up by 7.30. He's just a hungry boy like his brother. Will have to introduce a bottle of extra hungry baby milk in the evening if it carries on as I seem to spend all evening feeding him and he still wakes all the time for food! I know there's nothing wrong with my milk supply because he's a right little fatty, he's just greedy:). He won't settle in the evening unless he's settled next to me in bed and he lets me know he's ready for sleep by getting very cross. He looks so like his brother it's unbelievable, the only difference are their noses. He's 6 weeks on Thurs and we have to have him registered by then. :dohh:
Hi all, hope everyone is doing well. We finally registered our little man and have called him Jude Arlo :) He is doing really well and turned 6 weeks yesterday. We decide to weigh him yesterday to see how he compares to his brother as he is like a little clone! He weighed 12lb 9oz, exactly the same as his brother did at 6 weeks, it's amazing! He's smiling away at everyone and the girls love it. He's finally become a little person in their eyes and now they can't leave him alone. My days are slightly manic and I'm tired a lot but I look at my family and I'm so proud :). How is everyone doing?

Jude Arlo born 7th Feb, 8lbs
Seity : It will be nice to see your family. Especially when they are little. Those photos are always the most amazing to see years later.

Seth is a fussy little guy and is going through a growth spurt. He is getting really big. I can see little leg rolls on his thighs. Just when I thought I knew his sleep cycle it changed. He kind of has a pattern but now he can sleep of a longer stretch maybe 4.5 hours and then up every two. My challenge is to have things be settled so that when this happens I can go to bed with him. My youngest daughter doesn't always let me...

My eldest daughter was visiting from college and she fell in love with the baby. She kept saying how good he smelled. It was so sweet to see them bond. She couldn't keep her hands off him. IT was so helpful too. But she left this morning...

I hvae a little cold so now I am so tired. Today I will just stay home and try to get in a nap. If possible.

Can't believe he is 6 weeks. My friend is pregnant and I went to visit her and missed being pregnant. Now it seems like a blurr..

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